blob: 6917a73498ab44fe7215fbbe71048fa331b20985 [file] [log] [blame]
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<%@ page import="*" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wiki" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fn" %>
<fmt:setLocale value="${prefs.Language}" />
<fmt:setBundle basename="templates.default"/>
<c:when test="${ == 'attach'}">
<wiki:Include page="AttachmentTab.jsp"/>
<%-- If the page is an older version, then offer a note and a possibility to restore this version as the latest one. --%>
<wiki:CheckVersion mode="notlatest">
WikiContext c = WikiContext.findContext( pageContext );
<c:set var="thisVersion" value="<%= c.getPage().getVersion() %>" />
<c:set var="latestVersion" value="<%= c.getEngine().getManager( PageManager.class ).getPage( c.getPage().getName(), WikiProvider.LATEST_VERSION ).getVersion() %>" />
<form action="<wiki:Link format='url' jsp='Wiki.jsp'/>"
method="get" accept-charset='UTF-8'>
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="${}" />
<div class="error center">
<fmt:message key="view.oldversion">
<select id="version" name="version" onchange="this.form.submit();" >
<c:forEach begin="1" end="${latestVersion == -1 ? thisVersion : latestVersion }" var="version">
<option value="${version}" ${(thisVersion==version) ? 'selected="selected"':''} >${version}</option>
<wiki:Link cssClass="btn btn-primary">
<fmt:message key="view.backtocurrent"/>
<wiki:Link cssClass="btn btn-danger" context="edit" version="${thisVersion}">
<fmt:message key="view.restore"/>
ISWEBLOG= <%= WikiContext.findContext( pageContext ).getPage().getAttribute( /*ATTR_ISWEBLOG*/ "weblogplugin.isweblog" ) %>
<%-- IF BLOCOMMENT PAGE: insert back buttons to mainblog and blogentry permalink --%>
<c:set var="mainblogpage" value="${fn:substringBefore(,'_comments_')}" />
<c:if test="${not empty mainblogpage}">
<wiki:PageExists page="${mainblogpage}">
<c:set var="blogentrypage" value="${fn:replace(,'_comments_','_blogentry_')}" />
<div class="pull-right">
<wiki:Link cssClass="btn btn-xs btn-default" page="${mainblogpage}" >
<fmt:message key="blog.backtomain"><fmt:param>${mainblogpage}</fmt:param></fmt:message>
<wiki:Link cssClass="btn btn-xs btn-primary" page="${blogentrypage}" >
<fmt:message key="blog.permalink" />
<div class="weblogcommentstitle">
<fmt:message key="blog.commenttitle"/>
<%-- Inserts no text if there is no page. --%>
<wiki:InsertPage />
<%-- IF BLOGENTRY PAGE: insert blogcomment if appropriate. --%>
<c:set var="mainblogpage" value="${fn:substringBefore(,'_blogentry_')}" />
<c:if test="${not empty mainblogpage}">
<wiki:PageExists page="${mainblogpage}">
<c:set var="blogcommentpage" value="${fn:replace(,'_blogentry_','_comments_')}" />
<div class="pull-right">
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<fmt:message key="blog.backtomain"><fmt:param>${mainblogpage}</fmt:param></fmt:message>
<wiki:Link cssClass="btn btn-xs btn-default" context="comment" page="${blogcommentpage}" >
<span class="icon-plus"></span> <fmt:message key="blog.addcomments"/>
<c:if test="${not empty blogcommentpage}">
<wiki:PageExists page="${blogcommentpage}">
<div class="weblogcommentstitle">
<fmt:message key="blog.commenttitle"/>
<div class="weblogcomments"><wiki:InsertPage page="${blogcommentpage}" /></div>
<%-- FIXME: Should also note when a wrong version has been fetched. --%>
<div class="error" >
<fmt:message key="common.nopage">
<fmt:param><wiki:Link cssClass="createpage" context="edit"><fmt:message key="common.createit"/></wiki:Link></fmt:param>