blob: 111a5cdafefaff70a24a0c310dfb739b7dd65cc6 [file] [log] [blame]
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jdom2.Attribute;
* Parses JSPWiki-style "augmented" link markup into a Link object
* containing the link text, link reference, and any optional link
* attributes (as JDOM Attributes).
* <p>
* The parser recognizes three link forms:
* </p>
* <ol>
* <li><tt> [Text] </tt></li>
* <li><tt> [Text | Link] </tt></li>
* <li><tt> [Text | Link | attributes] </tt></li>
* </ol>
* <p>
* where the attributes are space-delimited, each in the form of
* </p>
* <pre>
* name1='value1' name2='value2' name3='value3' (etc.) </pre>
* <p>
* If the attribute parsing fails, the parser will still return the
* basic link, writing a warning to the log.
* </p>
* <h3>Permitted Attributes</h3>
* <p>
* Attributes that aren't declared on <tt>&lt;a&gt;</tt> or those that
* permit scripting in HTML (as this is a security risk) are ignored
* and have no effect on parsing, nor show up in the resulting attribute
* list). The 'href' and 'name' attributes are also ignored as spurious.
* The permitted list is: 'accesskey', 'charset', 'class', 'hreflang',
* 'id', 'lang', 'dir', 'rel', 'rev', 'style' , 'tabindex', 'target' ,
* 'title', and 'type'. The declared attributes that will be ignored
* are: 'href', 'name', 'shape', 'coords', 'onfocus', 'onblur', or any
* of the other 'on*' event attributes.
* </p>
* <p>
* The permitted attributes and target attribute values are static
* String arrays ({@link #PERMITTED_ATTRIBUTES} and
* {@link #PERMITTED_TARGET_VALUES} resp.) that could be compile-time
* modified (i.e., predeclared).
* </p>
* <h3>Permitted Values on Target Attribute</h3>
* <p>
* The following target names are reserved in HTML 4 and have special
* meanings. These are the only values permitted by the parser.
* <dl>
* <dt><b>_blank</b></dt>
* <dd> The user agent should load the designated document in a new,
* unnamed window. </dd>
* <dt><b>_self</b></dt>
* <dd> The user agent should load the document in the same frame as
* the element that refers to this target. </dd>
* <dt><b>_parent</b></dt>
* <dd> The user agent should load the document into the immediate
* FRAMESET parent of the current frame. This value is equivalent to
* _self if the current frame has no parent. </dd>
* <dt><b>_top</b></dt>
* <dd> The user agent should load the document into the full,
* original window (thus canceling all other frames). This value is
* equivalent to _self if the current frame has no parent. </dd>
* </dl>
* <h3>Returned Value</h3>
* <p>
* This returns a <b>Link</b> object, a public inner class with methods:
* <ul>
* <li> <tt>getText()</tt> returns the link text. </li>
* <li> <tt>getReference()</tt> returns the link reference value. </li>
* <li> <tt>attributeCount()</tt> returns the number of declared attributes. </li>
* <li> <tt>getAttributes()</tt> returns an iterator over any validated
* XHTML-compliant attributes, returned as JDOM Attributes.
* </li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* The <tt>attributeCount()</tt> method can be used to circumvent calling
* <tt>getAttributes()</tt>, which will create an empty Iterator rather
* than return a null.
* </p>
* <h3>Example: Link Form 1</h3>
* <p>
* From an incoming wikitext link of:
* <pre>
* [Acme] </pre>
* returns:
* <pre>
* getText(): "Acme"
* getReference(): "Acme"
* attributeCount(): 0
* getAttributes(): an empty Iterator </pre>
* <h3>Example: Link Form 2</h3>
* <p>
* From an incoming wikitext link of:
* <pre>
* [Acme |] </pre>
* returns:
* <pre>
* getText(): "Acme"
* getReference(): ""
* attributeCount(): 0
* getAttributes(): an empty Iterator </pre>
* <h3>Example: Link Form 3</h3>
* <p>
* From an incoming wikitext link of:
* </p>
* <pre>
* [Acme | | id='foo' rel='Next'] </pre>
* returns:
* <pre>
* getText(): "Acme"
* getReference(): ""
* attributeCount(): 2
* getAttributes(): an Iterator containing:
* JDOM Attribute: id="foo"
* JDOM Attribute: rel="Next" </pre>
* @since 2.5.10
public class LinkParser
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LinkParser.class);
/** Permitted attributes on links. Keep this sorted. */
private static final String[] PERMITTED_ATTRIBUTES = new String[] {
"accesskey", "charset", "class", "dir", "hreflang", "id", "lang",
"rel", "rev", "style", "tabindex", "target", "title", "type" };
/** Permitted values on the 'target' attribute. */
private static final String[] PERMITTED_TARGET_VALUES = new String[] {
"_blank", "_self", "_parent", "_top" };
/** Links with target="_blank" can expose your site to performance and security issues.
To fix, add rel="noopener" or rel="noreferrer" to these links.
private static final String REL = "rel";
private static final String NOREFERRER = "noreferrer";
private static final String EQSQUO = "='";
private static final String SQUO = "'";
private static final String EQ = "=";
private static final String TARGET = "target";
private static final String DELIMS = " \t\n\r\f=";
private static final List< Attribute > m_EMPTY = new ArrayList< >();
// ............
* Processes incoming link text, separating out the link text, the link
* URI, and then any specified attributes.
* @param linktext the wiki link text to be parsed
* @return a Link object containing the link text, reference, and any valid Attributes
* @throws ParseException if the parameter is null
public Link parse( String linktext ) throws ParseException
if( linktext == null )
throw new ParseException("null value passed to link parser");
Link link = null;
// establish link text and link ref
int cut1 = linktext.indexOf('|');
if( cut1 == -1 )
// link form 1: [Acme]
return new Link( linktext );
int cut2 = cut1+1 < linktext.length()
? linktext.indexOf('|', cut1+1 )
: -1 ;
if ( cut2 == -1 )
// link form 2: [Acme |]
// text = Acme
String text = linktext.substring( 0, cut1 ).trim();
// ref =
String ref = linktext.substring( cut1+1 ).trim();
return new Link( text, ref );
// link form 3: [Acme | | id='foo' rel='Next']
String text = linktext.substring( 0, cut1 ).trim();
String ref = linktext.substring( cut1+1, cut2 ).trim();
// attribs = id='foo' rel='Next'
String attribs = linktext.substring( cut2+1 ).trim();
link = new Link( text, ref );
// parse attributes
// contains "='" that looks like attrib spec
if( attribs.indexOf(EQSQUO) != -1 )
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(attribs,DELIMS,true);
while ( tok.hasMoreTokens() )
// get attribute name token
String token = tok.nextToken(DELIMS).trim();
while ( isSpace(token) && tok.hasMoreTokens() )
// remove all whitespace
token = tok.nextToken(DELIMS).trim();
// eat '=', break after '='
require( tok, EQ );
// eat opening delim
require( tok, SQUO );
// using existing delim
String value = tok.nextToken(SQUO);
// eat closing delim
require( tok, SQUO );
if( token != null && value != null )
if( Arrays.binarySearch( PERMITTED_ATTRIBUTES, token ) >= 0 )
// _blank _self _parent _top
if( !token.equals(TARGET)
|| Arrays.binarySearch( PERMITTED_TARGET_VALUES, value ) >= 0 )
Attribute a = new Attribute(token,value);
if( token.equals(TARGET) )
Attribute rel = new Attribute(REL,NOREFERRER);
throw new ParseException("unknown target attribute value='"
+ value + "' on link");
throw new ParseException("unknown attribute name '"
+ token + "' on link");
throw new ParseException("unable to parse link attributes '"
+ attribs + "'");
catch( ParseException pe )
log.warn("syntax error parsing link attributes '"+attribs+"': " + pe.getMessage());
catch( NoSuchElementException nse )
log.warn("expected more tokens while parsing link attributes '" + attribs + "'");
catch( Exception e )
log.warn( e.getClass().getName() + " thrown by link parser: " + e.getMessage() );
return link;
private String require( StringTokenizer tok, String required )
throws ParseException, NoSuchElementException
String s = tok.nextToken(required);
if( !s.equals(required) )
throw new ParseException("expected '"+required+"' not '"+s+"'");
return s;
* Returns true if the String <tt>s</tt> is completely
* composed of whitespace.
* @param s The string to check
* @return True, if "s" is all XML whitespace.
public static final boolean isSpace( String s )
for( int i = 0 ; i < s.length() ; i++ )
if( !isSpace( s.charAt(i)) ) return false;
return true;
* Returns true if char <tt>c</tt> is a member of
* <tt>S</tt> (space) [XML 1.1 production 3].
* @param c Character to check.
* @return True, if the character is an XML space.
public static final boolean isSpace( char c )
// 0x20 = SPACE, 0x0A = LF, 0x0D = CR, 0x09 = TAB, 0x85 = NEL, 0x2028 = Line separator
0x20 == c
|| 0x0A == c
|| 0x0D == c
|| 0x09 == c
|| 0x85 == c
|| 0x2028 == c;
// .........................................................................
* Inner class serving as a struct containing the parsed
* components of a link.
public static class Link
private String m_text;
private String m_ref = null;
private int m_interwikiPoint = -1;
private List<Attribute> m_attribs = null;
* Create a new Link with text but no reference.
* @param text The link text.
* @throws ParseException If the link text is illegal.
protected Link( String text ) throws ParseException
* Create a new link with a given text and hyperlink (reference).
* @param text The link text.
* @param ref The hypertext reference.
* @throws ParseException If the link text or reference are illegal.
protected Link( String text, String ref ) throws ParseException
* Sets the link text.
* @param text The link text.
* @throws ParseException If the text is illegal (e.g. null).
protected void setText( String text ) throws ParseException
if( text == null )
throw new ParseException("null link text");
m_text = text;
* Returns the link text.
* @return Link text.
public String getText()
return m_text;
* Sets the hypertext reference. Typically, this is an URI or an interwiki link,
* or a wikilink.
* @param ref The reference.
* @throws ParseException If the reference is illegal.
protected void setReference( String ref ) throws ParseException
if( ref == null )
throw new ParseException("null link reference value");
m_ref = ref;
* Returns true, if there is a reference.
* @return True, if there's a reference; false otherwise.
public boolean hasReference()
return m_ref != null;
* Returns the link reference, or the link text if null.
* @return A link reference.
public String getReference()
return m_ref != null
? m_ref
: m_text ;
* Returns true, if this Link represents an InterWiki link (of the form wiki:page).
* @return True, if this Link represents an InterWiki link.
public boolean isInterwikiLink()
LinkParsingOperations lpo = new LinkParsingOperations( null );
if( !hasReference() ) m_ref = m_text;
m_interwikiPoint = lpo.interWikiLinkAt( m_ref );
return lpo.isInterWikiLink( m_ref );
* Returns the name of the wiki if this is an interwiki link.
* <pre>
* Link link = new Link("Foo","Wikipedia:Foobar");
* assert( link.getExternalWikiPage(), "Wikipedia" );
* </pre>
* @return Name of the wiki, or null, if this is not an interwiki link.
public String getExternalWiki()
if( isInterwikiLink() )
return m_ref.substring( 0, m_interwikiPoint );
return null;
* Returns the wikiname part of an interwiki link. Used only with interwiki links.
* <pre>
* Link link = new Link("Foo","Wikipedia:Foobar");
* assert( link.getExternalWikiPage(), "Foobar" );
* </pre>
* @return Wikiname part, or null, if this is not an interwiki link.
public String getExternalWikiPage()
if( isInterwikiLink() )
return m_ref.substring( m_interwikiPoint+1 );
return null;
* Returns the number of attributes on this link.
* @return The number of attributes.
public int attributeCount()
return m_attribs != null
? m_attribs.size()
: 0 ;
* Adds another attribute to the link.
* @param attr A JDOM Attribute.
public void addAttribute( Attribute attr )
if( m_attribs == null )
m_attribs = new ArrayList<>();
* Returns an Iterator over the list of JDOM Attributes.
* @return Iterator over the attributes.
public Iterator< Attribute > getAttributes()
return m_attribs != null
? m_attribs.iterator()
: m_EMPTY.iterator() ;
* Returns a wikitext string representation of this Link.
* @return WikiText.
public String toString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append( '[' );
sb.append( m_text );
if( m_ref != null )
sb.append( ' ' );
sb.append( '|' );
sb.append( ' ' );
sb.append( m_ref );
if( m_attribs != null )
sb.append( ' ' );
sb.append( '|' );
Iterator< Attribute > it = getAttributes();
while ( it.hasNext() )
Attribute a =;
sb.append( ' ' );
sb.append( a.getName() );
sb.append( '=' );
sb.append( '\'' );
sb.append( a.getValue() );
sb.append( '\'' );
sb.append( ']' );
return sb.toString();
// end inner class