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import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
import java.util.Properties;
* Defines an editor manager. An editor can be added by adding a suitable JSP file under templates/default/editors
* If you want your editor to include any scripts or something, you can simply request it by adding the following in your
* {@code ini/jspwiki_module.xml}:
* <pre>
* &lt;modules>
* &lt;editor name="myeditor">
* &lt;author>Janne Jalkanen&lt;/author>
* &lt;script>foo.js&lt;/script>
* &lt;stylesheet>foo.css&lt;/stylesheet>
* &lt;path>editors/myeditor.jsp&lt;/path>
* &lt;/editor>
* &lt;/modules>
* </pre>
* @since 2.4
public interface EditorManager extends ModuleManager {
/** The property name for setting the editor. Current value is "jspwiki.editor" - not used anymore: replaced by defaultpref.template.editor */
String PROP_EDITORTYPE = "jspwiki.editor";
/** Parameter for changing editors at run-time */
String PARA_EDITOR = "editor";
/** Known name for the plain wikimarkup editor. */
String EDITOR_PLAIN = "plain";
/** Known name for the preview editor component. */
String EDITOR_PREVIEW = "preview";
/** Known attribute name for storing the user edited text inside a HTTP parameter. */
String REQ_EDITEDTEXT = "_editedtext";
/** Known attribute name for storing the user edited text inside a session or a page context */
* Initializes the EditorManager. It also registers any editors it can find.
* @param props Properties for setup.
void initialize( Properties props );
* Returns an editor for the current context. The editor names are matched in a case insensitive manner. At the moment, the only
* place that this method looks in is the property file, but in the future this will also look at user preferences.
* <p>
* Determines the editor to use by the following order of conditions:
* 1. Editor set in User Preferences
* 2. Default Editor set in
* <p>
* For the PREVIEW context, this method returns the "preview" editor.
* @param context The context that is chosen.
* @return The name of the chosen editor. If no match could be found, will revert to the default "plain" editor.
String getEditorName( Context context );
* Returns a list of editors as Strings of editor names.
* @return the list of available editors
String[] getEditorList();
* Convenience method for getting the path to the editor JSP file.
* @param context WikiContext from where the editor name is retrieved.
* @return e.g. "editors/plain.jsp"
String getEditorPath( Context context );
* Convenience function which examines the current context and attempts to figure out whether the edited text is in the HTTP
* request parameters or somewhere in the session.
* @param ctx the JSP page context
* @return the edited text, if present in the session page context or as a parameter
static String getEditedText( final PageContext ctx ) {
String usertext = ctx.getRequest().getParameter( REQ_EDITEDTEXT );
if( usertext == null ) {
usertext = ( String )ctx.findAttribute( ATTR_EDITEDTEXT );
return usertext;