blob: faaeadf5eb28ff9af5846508e5f34b6fbf2d2c80 [file] [log] [blame]
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import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* Sets or gets Cookie values. This implementation makes the following
* assumptions:
* <ul>
* <li>The cookie contains any number of name-value pairs
* <li>Name-value pairs are separated by "&" in the encoded cookie value string
* <li>An encoded name-value pair is compatible with JavaScript's
* encodeURIComponent(). Notably, spaces are encoded as "%20".
* <li>A decoded name-value pair separates the name and value with a "="
* </ul>
* <p>The value of a cookie carrying values n1="v1" and n2="v2 with space"
* would thus be
* <pre>
* n1%3Dv1&n2%3Dv2%20with%20space
* </pre>
* <p>Usage:
* <pre>
* &lt;wiki:cookie name="cookiename" var="contextvariable" scope="page" /&gt;
* </pre>
* - Returns the value of the named cookie, or an empty string if not set.
* If 'var' is specified, the value is set into a context variable of this name.
* The 'scope' parameter may be added to specify the context: "session",
* "page", "request". If var is omitted, the output is placed directly into
* the JSP page.
* <pre>
* &lt;wiki:cookie name="cookiename" value="encoded_value" /&gt;
* </pre>
* - Sets the named cookie to the given value. If the value string is empty,
* the cookie value is set to empty; otherwise the cookie encoding rules of
* this class must be followed for the value.
* <pre>
* &lt;wiki:cookie name="cookiename" item="parameter_name" /&gt;
* </pre>
* - Assumes that the cookie contains URLEncoded name-value pairs,
* with name and value separated by an equals sign, and returns the value
* of the specified item.
* &lt;wiki:cookie name="cookiename" item="parameter_name" value="value" /&gt;
* </pre>
* - Sets the value of 'parameter_name' in the named cookie to 'value'.
* <pre>
* &lt;wiki:cookie name="cookiename" clear="parameter_name" /&gt;
* </pre>
* - Removes the named parameter from the cookie.
* <pre>
* &lt;wiki:cookie clear="cookiename" /&gt;
* </pre>
* - Removes the named cookie. Clear may be used at the same time as a value
* is retrieved (or set, despite the dubious usefulness of that operation).
public class CookieTag
extends TagSupport
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger( CookieTag.class );
/** Name of the cookie value. Required. */
private String m_name;
/** Name of the cookie nvp item. Optional. */
private String m_item;
/** A value to echo or set. Optional. */
private String m_value;
/** Name of a context variable to set result in. Optional, defaults to out.*/
private String m_var;
/** Scope of m_var: request, session, page. */
private String m_scope;
/** Name of a cookie or a cookie nvp to clear. */
private String m_clear;
* Set the "name" parameter.
* @param s The name.
public void setName( String s )
m_name = s;
* Set the "item" parameter.
* @param s The item.
public void setItem( String s )
m_item = s;
* Set the "value" parameter.
* @param s The value.
public void setValue( String s )
m_value = s;
* Set the "var" parameter.
* @param s The parameter.
public void setVar( String s )
m_scope = s;
* Set the "clear" parameter.
* @param s The parameter.
public void setClear( String s )
m_clear = s;
* Set the "scope" parameter.
* @param s The scope.
public void setScope( String s )
m_scope = s;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void release()
m_name = m_item = m_var = m_value = m_clear = m_scope = null;
* Examines the parameter and returns the corresponding scope identifier:
* "request" maps to PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE, and so on.
* Possible values are "page", "session", "application", and "request",
* which is the default return value.
private int getScope( String s )
if( s == null )
return PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE;
if( "page".equals( m_scope ) )
return PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE;
if( "session".equals( m_scope ) )
return PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE;
if( "application".equals( m_scope ) )
return PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE;
return PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int doEndTag()
String out = null;
Cookie cookie = findCookie( m_name );
boolean changed = false;
if( m_value != null )
if( m_item != null )
setItemValue( cookie, m_item, m_value );
cookie.setValue( m_value );
changed = true;
if( m_item != null )
out = getItemValue( cookie, m_item );
out = cookie.getValue();
if( out != null )
if( m_var != null )
int scope = getScope( m_scope );
pageContext.setAttribute( m_var, out, scope );
pageContext.getOut().print( out );
catch( IOException ioe )
log.warn( "Failed to write to JSP page: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe );
Cookie cleared = null;
if( m_clear != null )
cleared = findCookie( m_clear );
if( m_item != null )
setItemValue( cookie, m_item, null );
cleared.setValue( null );
HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse)pageContext.getResponse();
if( changed )
res.addCookie( cookie );
if( cleared != null )
res.addCookie( cleared );
return EVAL_PAGE;
* Sets a single name-value pair in the given cookie.
private void setItemValue( Cookie c, String item, String value )
if( c == null )
String in = c.getValue();
Map<String, String> values = parseCookieValues( in );
values.put( item, value );
String cv = encodeValues( values );
c.setValue( cv );
* Returns the value of the given item in the cookie.
private String getItemValue( Cookie c, String item )
if( c == null || item == null ) {
return null;
String in = c.getValue();
Map< String, String > values = parseCookieValues( in );
return values.get( item );
* Parses a cookie value, of format name1%3Fvalue1&name2%3Fvalue2...,
* into a Map<String,String>.
private Map<String, String> parseCookieValues( String s )
Map< String, String > rval = new HashMap< String, String >();
if( s == null ) {
return rval;
String[] nvps = s.split( "&" );
if( nvps.length == 0 ) {
return rval;
for( int i = 0; i < nvps.length; i++ ) {
String nvp = decode( nvps[i] );
String[] nv = nvp.split( "=" );
if( nv[0] != null && nv[0].trim().length() > 0 )
rval.put( nv[0], nv[1] );
return rval;
* Encodes name-value pairs in the map into a single string, in a format
* understood by this class and JavaScript decodeURIComponent().
private String encodeValues( Map<String, String> values )
StringBuilder rval = new StringBuilder();
if( values == null || values.size() == 0 ) {
return rval.toString();
Iterator< Map.Entry< String, String > > it = values.entrySet().iterator();
while( it.hasNext() ) {
Map.Entry< String, String > e =;
String n = e.getKey();
String v = e.getValue();
if( v != null ) {
String nv = n + "=" + v;
rval.append( encode( nv ) );
return rval.toString();
* Converts a String to an encoding understood by JavaScript
* decodeURIComponent.
private String encode( String nvp )
String coded = "";
coded = URLEncoder.encode( nvp, "UTF-8" );
catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e )
/* never happens */ "Failed to encode UTF-8", e );
return coded.replaceAll( "\\+", "%20" );
* Converts a cookie value (set by this class, or by a JavaScript
* encodeURIComponent call) into a plain string.
private String decode( String envp )
String rval;
rval = URLDecoder.decode( envp , "UTF-8" );
return rval;
catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e )
log.error( "Failed to decode cookie", e );
return envp;
* Locates the named cookie in the request, or creates a new one if it
* doesn't exist.
private Cookie findCookie( String cname )
HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest)pageContext.getRequest();
if( req != null )
Cookie[] cookies = req.getCookies();
if( cookies != null )
for( int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++ )
if( cookies[i].getName().equals( cname ) )
return cookies[i];
return new Cookie( cname, null );