blob: 669a4599ae0b0a8d2ac674b6f3e347cb815eb896 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
repo = ''
buildRepo = ''
creds = '9b041bd0-aea9-4498-a576-9eeb771411dd'
asfsite = 'asf-site'
build = 'build'
jbake = 'jbake'
errMsg = ''
try {
def pom
def docsVersion
node( 'ubuntu' ) {
def JAVA_JDK_11=tool name: 'jdk_11_latest', type: 'hudson.model.JDK'
def MAVEN_3_LATEST=tool name: 'maven_3_latest', type: 'hudson.tasks.Maven$MavenInstallation'
def version = params?.version ?: 'master'
stage( 'clean workspace' ) {
stage( 'generate apidocs & translations' ) {
echo "Will use Java $JAVA_JDK_11"
echo "Will use Maven $MAVEN_3_LATEST"
def gitVersion = version != 'master' ? "refs/tags/$version" : '*/master'
dir( build ) {
checkout( [
scm: [
$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: [[ name: gitVersion ]],
extensions: [[$class: 'CloneOption', shallow: false, depth: 0, reference: '' ]],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: buildRepo ]]
] )
pom = readMavenPom file: 'pom.xml'
docsVersion = version != 'master' ? version : pom.version
writeFile file: 'target/classes/apidocs.txt', text: 'file created in order to allow aggregated javadoc generation, target/classes is needed for all modules'
writeFile file: 'jspwiki-it-tests/target/classes/apidocs.txt', text: 'file created in order to allow aggregated javadoc generation, target/classes is needed for all modules'
withEnv( [ "Path+JDK=$JAVA_JDK_11/bin", "Path+MAVEN=$MAVEN_3_LATEST/bin", "JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_JDK_11" ] ) {
sh 'mvn package javadoc:aggregate-no-fork -DskipTests -pl !jspwiki-portable -Djdk.javadoc.doclet.version=2.0.15 -T 1C'
sh 'java -cp jspwiki-main/target/classes site'
stage( 'build website' ) {
echo "Will use Java $JAVA_JDK_11"
echo "Will use Maven $MAVEN_3_LATEST"
withEnv( [ "Path+JDK=$JAVA_JDK_11/bin", "Path+MAVEN=$MAVEN_3_LATEST/bin", "JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_JDK_11" ] ) {
dir( jbake ) {
git branch: jbake, url: repo, credentialsId: creds, poll: true
sh "cp ../$build/ ./src/main/config/"
sh "cp ../$build/i18n-table.txt ./src/main/config/"
sh "cat ./src/main/config/changelog-header.txt ./src/main/config/ > ./src/main/jbake/content/development/"
sh "cat ./src/main/config/i18n-header.txt ./src/main/config/ > ./src/main/jbake/content/development/"
sh "mvn clean process-resources -Dplugin.japicmp.jspwiki-new=$docsVersion"
stash name: 'build'
node( 'git-websites' ) {
stage( 'publish website' ) {
unstash 'build'
dir( asfsite ) {
git branch: asfsite, url: repo, credentialsId: creds
sh "cp -rf ../$jbake/target/content/* ./"
sh "rm -rf ./japicmp/$docsVersion && mkdir -p ./japicmp/$docsVersion && cp -rf ../$jbake/target/japicmp/* ./japicmp/$docsVersion"
sh "rm -rf ./apidocs/$docsVersion && mkdir -p ./apidocs/$docsVersion && cp -rf ../$build/target/site/apidocs/* ./apidocs/$docsVersion"
timeout( 15 ) { // 15 minutes
sh 'git add .'
sh 'git commit -m "Automatic Site Publish by Buildbot"'
echo "pushing to $repo"
sh "git push origin asf-site"
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
} catch( Exception err ) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
echo err.message
errMsg = '- ' + err.message
} finally {
node( 'ubuntu' ) {
if( currentBuild.result == null ) {
currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED'
emailext body: "See ${env.BUILD_URL} $errMsg",
replyTo: '',
to: '',
subject: "[${env.JOB_NAME}] build ${env.BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME} - ${currentBuild.result}"