blob: 19ad86e2fe73cf91f1bbea433baa520ad3f2ea50 [file] [log] [blame]
2009 October JSPWiki Incubator status report
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007.
JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program.
Development on the trunk has picked up again after the summer, with focus on three
areas: improving the quality of the JCR back-end, completing the
migration of the MVC presentation layer, and stabilizing the trunk now that
the JCR back-end is in place. Progress on all fronts continues. Over the last
quarter, for example, unit test compliance has risen from the low 80s to nearly 99.5%.
Of the 27 items on the graduation checklist, 18 are complete. Two of the remaining
items are documentation related: writing the charter and IP process documents.
The most significant remaining task is to release a 3.0.0-incubating-alpha1 release.
With the increasing stability of the trunk, an alpha release in the near term looks
increasingly likely. All other remaining checklist items are purely ASF process and
infrastructure related.
The developer list currently has 86 members, a minor increase from 83; and the
user list has 187 members, an increase of nine people.