blob: 7326f09880be99034b79599621c33efcd2debf8a [file] [log] [blame]
[0.9 final]
* org.jsecurity.spring.SpringWebConfiguration renamed to org.jsecurity.spring.SpringIniWebConfiguration
* org.jsecurity.util.ThreadContext fixed to correctly work in child/spawned threads from a parent thread (sometimes surfaced in Tomcat environments)
[0.9 RC2]
* DelegatingSubject is now still usable after it is logged out (no invalid exceptions thrown).
The Subject is now just considered 'anonymous' again at that point.
* ReflectionBuilder (used in JSecurity .ini and web.xml based text configuration) now handles setting
primitive attributes correctly, performing proper string-to-primitive conversion (BeanUtils does this automatically).
* ReflectionBuilder (used for JSecurity .ini and web.xml configuration) now supports setting other previously configured
objects by '$' reference. For example:
bar = some.package.class.Bar
foo = some.package.class.Foo = $bar