blob: 79d55e2ca1251d86dbf34f96c913438e0289b363 [file] [log] [blame]
package joshua.metrics;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class BLEU extends EvaluationMetric {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BLEU.class.getName());
// The maximum n-gram we care about
protected int maxGramLength;
protected EffectiveLengthMethod effLengthMethod;
// 1: closest, 2: shortest, 3: average
// protected HashMap[][] maxNgramCounts;
protected HashMap<String, Integer>[] maxNgramCounts;
protected int[][] refWordCount;
protected double[] weights;
public BLEU() {
this(4, "closest");
public BLEU(String[] BLEU_options) {
this(Integer.parseInt(BLEU_options[0]), BLEU_options[1]);
public BLEU(int mxGrmLn, String methodStr) {
if (mxGrmLn >= 1) {
maxGramLength = mxGrmLn;
} else {
logger.severe("Maximum gram length must be positive");
if (methodStr.equals("closest")) {
effLengthMethod = EffectiveLengthMethod.CLOSEST;
} else if (methodStr.equals("shortest")) {
effLengthMethod = EffectiveLengthMethod.SHORTEST;
// } else if (methodStr.equals("average")) {
// effLengthMethod = EffectiveLengthMethod.AVERAGE;
} else {
logger.severe("Unknown effective length method string " + methodStr + ".");
// System.out.println("Should be one of closest, shortest, or average.");
logger.severe("Should be one of closest or shortest.");
protected void initialize() {
metricName = "BLEU";
toBeMinimized = false;
suffStatsCount = 2 * maxGramLength + 2;
// 2 per gram length for its precision, and 2 for length info
public double bestPossibleScore() {
return 1.0;
public double worstPossibleScore() {
return 0.0;
* Sets the BLEU weights for each n-gram level to uniform.
protected void set_weightsArray() {
weights = new double[1 + maxGramLength];
for (int n = 1; n <= maxGramLength; ++n) {
weights[n] = 1.0 / maxGramLength;
* Computes the maximum ngram counts for each sentence (storing them in
* <code>maxNgramCounts</code>), which are used for clipping n-gram counts.
protected void set_maxNgramCounts() {
HashMap<String, Integer>[] temp_HMA = new HashMap[numSentences];
maxNgramCounts = temp_HMA;
String gram = "";
int oldCount = 0, nextCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numSentences; ++i) {
maxNgramCounts[i] = getNgramCountsAll(refSentences[i][0]);
// initialize to ngramCounts[n] of the first reference translation...
// ...and update as necessary from the other reference translations
for (int r = 1; r < refsPerSen; ++r) {
HashMap<String, Integer> nextNgramCounts = getNgramCountsAll(refSentences[i][r]);
Iterator<String> it = (nextNgramCounts.keySet()).iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
gram =;
nextCount = nextNgramCounts.get(gram);
if (maxNgramCounts[i].containsKey(gram)) { // update if necessary
oldCount = maxNgramCounts[i].get(gram);
if (nextCount > oldCount) {
maxNgramCounts[i].put(gram, nextCount);
} else { // add it
maxNgramCounts[i].put(gram, nextCount);
} // for (r)
} // for (i)
// For efficiency, calculate the reference lenghts, which will be used in effLength...
refWordCount = new int[numSentences][refsPerSen];
for (int i = 0; i < numSentences; ++i) {
for (int r = 0; r < refsPerSen; ++r) {
refWordCount[i][r] = wordCount(refSentences[i][r]);
* Computes the BLEU sufficient statistics on a hypothesis.
public int[] suffStats(String cand_str, int i) {
int[] stats = new int[suffStatsCount];
// int wordCount = words.length;
// for (int j = 0; j < wordCount; ++j) { words[j] = words[j].intern(); }
if (!cand_str.equals("")) {
String[] words = cand_str.split("\\s+");
set_prec_suffStats(stats, words, i);
stats[suffStatsCount - 2] = words.length;
stats[suffStatsCount - 1] = effLength(words.length, i);
} else {
String[] words = new String[0];
set_prec_suffStats(stats, words, i);
stats[suffStatsCount - 2] = 0;
stats[suffStatsCount - 1] = effLength(0, i);
return stats;
* Computes the precision sufficient statistics, clipping counts.
* @param stats
* @param words
* @param i
public void set_prec_suffStats(int[] stats, String[] words, int i) {
HashMap<String, Integer>[] candCountsArray = getNgramCountsArray(words);
for (int n = 1; n <= maxGramLength; ++n) {
int correctGramCount = 0;
String gram = "";
int candGramCount = 0, maxRefGramCount = 0, clippedCount = 0;
Iterator<String> it = (candCountsArray[n].keySet()).iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
// for each n-gram type in the candidate
gram =;
candGramCount = candCountsArray[n].get(gram);
// if (maxNgramCounts[i][n].containsKey(gram)) {
// maxRefGramCount = maxNgramCounts[i][n].get(gram);
if (maxNgramCounts[i].containsKey(gram)) {
maxRefGramCount = maxNgramCounts[i].get(gram);
} else {
maxRefGramCount = 0;
clippedCount = Math.min(candGramCount, maxRefGramCount);
correctGramCount += clippedCount;
stats[2 * (n - 1)] = correctGramCount;
stats[2 * (n - 1) + 1] = Math.max(words.length - (n - 1), 0); // total gram count
} // for (n)
public int effLength(int candLength, int i) {
if (effLengthMethod == EffectiveLengthMethod.CLOSEST) { // closest
int closestRefLength = refWordCount[i][0];
int minDiff = Math.abs(candLength - closestRefLength);
for (int r = 1; r < refsPerSen; ++r) {
int nextRefLength = refWordCount[i][r];
int nextDiff = Math.abs(candLength - nextRefLength);
if (nextDiff < minDiff) {
closestRefLength = nextRefLength;
minDiff = nextDiff;
} else if (nextDiff == minDiff && nextRefLength < closestRefLength) {
closestRefLength = nextRefLength;
minDiff = nextDiff;
return closestRefLength;
} else if (effLengthMethod == EffectiveLengthMethod.SHORTEST) { // shortest
int shortestRefLength = refWordCount[i][0];
for (int r = 1; r < refsPerSen; ++r) {
int nextRefLength = refWordCount[i][r];
if (nextRefLength < shortestRefLength) {
shortestRefLength = nextRefLength;
return shortestRefLength;
* // commented out because it needs sufficient statistics to be doubles else { // average
* int totalRefLength = refWordCount[i][0];
* for (int r = 1; r < refsPerSen; ++r) { totalRefLength += refWordCount[i][r]; }
* return totalRefLength/(double)refsPerSen;
* }
return candLength; // should never get here anyway
public double score(int[] stats) {
if (stats.length != suffStatsCount) {
logger.severe("Mismatch between stats.length and suffStatsCount (" + stats.length + " vs. "
+ suffStatsCount + ") in BLEU.score(int[])");
double BLEUsum = 0.0;
double smooth_addition = 1.0; // following
double c_len = stats[suffStatsCount - 2];
double r_len = stats[suffStatsCount - 1];
double correctGramCount, totalGramCount;
for (int n = 1; n <= maxGramLength; ++n) {
correctGramCount = stats[2 * (n - 1)];
totalGramCount = stats[2 * (n - 1) + 1];
double prec_n;
if (totalGramCount > 0) {
prec_n = correctGramCount / totalGramCount;
} else {
prec_n = 1; // following ???????
if (prec_n == 0) {
smooth_addition *= 0.5;
prec_n = smooth_addition / (c_len - n + 1);
// isn't c_len-n+1 just totalGramCount ???????
BLEUsum += weights[n] * Math.log(prec_n);
double BP = 1.0;
if (c_len < r_len)
BP = Math.exp(1 - (r_len / c_len));
// if c_len > r_len, no penalty applies
return BP * Math.exp(BLEUsum);
public void printDetailedScore_fromStats(int[] stats, boolean oneLiner) {
double BLEUsum = 0.0;
double smooth_addition = 1.0; // following
double c_len = stats[suffStatsCount - 2];
double r_len = stats[suffStatsCount - 1];
double correctGramCount, totalGramCount;
if (oneLiner) {
System.out.print("Precisions: ");
for (int n = 1; n <= maxGramLength; ++n) {
correctGramCount = stats[2 * (n - 1)];
totalGramCount = stats[2 * (n - 1) + 1];
double prec_n;
if (totalGramCount > 0) {
prec_n = correctGramCount / totalGramCount;
} else {
prec_n = 1; // following ???????
if (prec_n > 0) {
if (totalGramCount > 0) {
if (oneLiner) {
System.out.print(n + "=" + f4.format(prec_n) + ", ");
} else {
System.out.println("BLEU_precision(" + n + ") = " + (int) correctGramCount + " / "
+ (int) totalGramCount + " = " + f4.format(prec_n));
} else {
if (oneLiner) {
System.out.print(n + "=N/A, ");
} else {
.println("BLEU_precision(" + n + ") = N/A (candidate has no " + n + "-grams)");
} else {
smooth_addition *= 0.5;
prec_n = smooth_addition / (c_len - n + 1);
// isn't c_len-n+1 just totalGramCount ???????
if (oneLiner) {
System.out.print(n + "~" + f4.format(prec_n) + ", ");
} else {
System.out.println("BLEU_precision(" + n + ") = " + (int) correctGramCount + " / "
+ (int) totalGramCount + " ==smoothed==> " + f4.format(prec_n));
BLEUsum += weights[n] * Math.log(prec_n);
if (oneLiner) {
System.out.print("(overall=" + f4.format(Math.exp(BLEUsum)) + "), ");
} else {
System.out.println("BLEU_precision = " + f4.format(Math.exp(BLEUsum)));
double BP = 1.0;
if (c_len < r_len)
BP = Math.exp(1 - (r_len / c_len));
// if c_len > r_len, no penalty applies
if (oneLiner) {
System.out.print("BP=" + f4.format(BP) + ", ");
} else {
System.out.println("Length of candidate corpus = " + (int) c_len);
System.out.println("Effective length of reference corpus = " + (int) r_len);
System.out.println("BLEU_BP = " + f4.format(BP));
System.out.println(" => BLEU = " + f4.format(BP * Math.exp(BLEUsum)));
protected int wordCount(String cand_str) {
if (!cand_str.equals("")) {
return cand_str.split("\\s+").length;
} else {
return 0;
public HashMap<String, Integer>[] getNgramCountsArray(String cand_str) {
if (!cand_str.equals("")) {
return getNgramCountsArray(cand_str.split("\\s+"));
} else {
return getNgramCountsArray(new String[0]);
public HashMap<String, Integer>[] getNgramCountsArray(String[] words) {
HashMap<String, Integer>[] ngramCountsArray = new HashMap[1 + maxGramLength];
ngramCountsArray[0] = null;
for (int n = 1; n <= maxGramLength; ++n) {
ngramCountsArray[n] = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
int len = words.length;
String gram;
int st = 0;
for (; st <= len - maxGramLength; ++st) {
gram = words[st];
if (ngramCountsArray[1].containsKey(gram)) {
int oldCount = ngramCountsArray[1].get(gram);
ngramCountsArray[1].put(gram, oldCount + 1);
} else {
ngramCountsArray[1].put(gram, 1);
for (int n = 2; n <= maxGramLength; ++n) {
gram = gram + " " + words[st + n - 1];
if (ngramCountsArray[n].containsKey(gram)) {
int oldCount = ngramCountsArray[n].get(gram);
ngramCountsArray[n].put(gram, oldCount + 1);
} else {
ngramCountsArray[n].put(gram, 1);
} // for (n)
} // for (st)
// now st is either len-maxGramLength+1 or zero (if above loop never entered, which
// happens with sentences that have fewer than maxGramLength words)
for (; st < len; ++st) {
gram = words[st];
if (ngramCountsArray[1].containsKey(gram)) {
int oldCount = ngramCountsArray[1].get(gram);
ngramCountsArray[1].put(gram, oldCount + 1);
} else {
ngramCountsArray[1].put(gram, 1);
int n = 2;
for (int fin = st + 1; fin < len; ++fin) {
gram = gram + " " + words[st + n - 1];
if (ngramCountsArray[n].containsKey(gram)) {
int oldCount = ngramCountsArray[n].get(gram);
ngramCountsArray[n].put(gram, oldCount + 1);
} else {
ngramCountsArray[n].put(gram, 1);
} // for (fin)
} // for (st)
return ngramCountsArray;
public HashMap<String, Integer> getNgramCountsAll(String cand_str) {
if (!cand_str.equals("")) {
return getNgramCountsAll(cand_str.split("\\s+"));
} else {
return getNgramCountsAll(new String[0]);
public HashMap<String, Integer> getNgramCountsAll(String[] words) {
HashMap<String, Integer> ngramCountsAll = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
int len = words.length;
String gram;
int st = 0;
for (; st <= len - maxGramLength; ++st) {
gram = words[st];
if (ngramCountsAll.containsKey(gram)) {
int oldCount = ngramCountsAll.get(gram);
ngramCountsAll.put(gram, oldCount + 1);
} else {
ngramCountsAll.put(gram, 1);
for (int n = 2; n <= maxGramLength; ++n) {
gram = gram + " " + words[st + n - 1];
if (ngramCountsAll.containsKey(gram)) {
int oldCount = ngramCountsAll.get(gram);
ngramCountsAll.put(gram, oldCount + 1);
} else {
ngramCountsAll.put(gram, 1);
} // for (n)
} // for (st)
// now st is either len-maxGramLength+1 or zero (if above loop never entered, which
// happens with sentences that have fewer than maxGramLength words)
for (; st < len; ++st) {
gram = words[st];
if (ngramCountsAll.containsKey(gram)) {
int oldCount = ngramCountsAll.get(gram);
ngramCountsAll.put(gram, oldCount + 1);
} else {
ngramCountsAll.put(gram, 1);
int n = 2;
for (int fin = st + 1; fin < len; ++fin) {
gram = gram + " " + words[st + n - 1];
if (ngramCountsAll.containsKey(gram)) {
int oldCount = ngramCountsAll.get(gram);
ngramCountsAll.put(gram, oldCount + 1);
} else {
ngramCountsAll.put(gram, 1);
} // for (fin)
} // for (st)
return ngramCountsAll;
enum EffectiveLengthMethod {