blob: db5d5d1b5345379eca70b15871e02ff1fdeb894c [file] [log] [blame]
# Reads a stream from STDIN, splits them on tabs, and writes the fields to each of a series of
# filenames, respectively, passed as arguments to the script. If a filename ends in .gz, output
# will be compressed using gzip.
use strict;
use warnings;
use FileHandle;
$| = 1; # don't buffer output
if (@ARGV <= 0) {
print "Usage: cat tabbed-file | file1 [file2 [file3 ...]]\n";
my @fh = map { get_filehandle($_) } @ARGV;
@ARGV = ();
while (my $line = <>) {
my (@fields) = split(/\t/,$line,scalar @fh);
map { print {$fh[$_]} "$fields[$_]\n" } (0..$#fields);
sub get_filehandle {
my $file = shift;
if ($file eq "-") {
return *STDOUT;
} elsif ($file =~ /.gz$/) {
local *FH;
open FH, "| gzip -9n > $file" or die "can't open compressed file '$file' for writing";
return *FH;
} else {
local *FH;
open FH, ">$file" or die "can't open file '$file' for writing";
return *FH;