blob: 5d528ab9cccfeb2768fa8adaa414eee172161f15 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#$ -S /usr/bin/perl
# Author: Damianos Karakos <>
# This script parallelizes filtering of a grammar to a test set. The
# usage can be seen below. If you do not specify --lines, a pass over
# the grammar is made to count the number of lines, which is used to
# split the file into chunks for filtering. If you have already
# counted the lines, you can pass it as this argument.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd;
# use POSIX qw[ceil];
# use List::Util qw[max min sum];
# use File::Temp qw/ :mktemp /;
my $script = "$JOSHUA/scripts/support/";
if(@ARGV == 0)
die "Usage: $0 --corpus=<corpus> --grammar=<grammar file> --n=<number of pieces> --output_grammar=<output grammar file> --lines=<number of lines of grammar> --fast --ngrams=<maximum n n-gram to compare to> --tmpdir=<tmpdir>\n";
my ($corpus, $grammar_file, $num_pieces, $output_grammar, $num_lines, $fast, $ngrams, $tmp_dir) = ("","",0,"",0,0,12,"");
my $retval = GetOptions(
"grammar=s" => \$grammar_file,
"n=s" => \$num_pieces,
"output_grammar=s" => \$output_grammar,
"corpus=s" => \$corpus,
"lines=s" => \$num_lines,
"fast!" => \$fast,
"ngrams=i" => \$ngrams,
"tmpdir=s" => \$tmp_dir,
if (! $retval) {
print "Invalid usage, quitting\n";
exit 1;
if (! defined $tmp_dir) {
my $proc_id = $$;
my $hostname = `hostname`;
$tmp_dir = "tmpdir.$hostname.$proc_id";
print STDERR "Grammar file: $grammar_file\n";
print STDERR "Number of pieces: $num_pieces\n";
print STDERR "Output grammar: $output_grammar\n";
print STDERR "Corpus: $corpus\n";
print STDERR "Number of lines in grammar: $num_lines\n" if($num_lines > 0);
print STDERR "Temporary work directory: $tmp_dir\n";
if($num_lines == 0)
open F, "gzip -cdf $grammar_file |" or die "ERROR: Cannot open $grammar_file\n";
close F;
print STDERR "Found $num_lines in $grammar_file\n";
my $num_lines_per_piece = $num_lines/$num_pieces;
if($num_lines_per_piece != int($num_lines_per_piece))
$num_lines_per_piece = int($num_lines_per_piece+1);
mkdir $tmp_dir unless -d $tmp_dir;
my $grammar_basename = basename($grammar_file);
open F, "gzip -cdf $grammar_file |" or die "ERROR: Cannot open $grammar_file\n";
my $lines_remaining = $num_lines;
my $actual_num_pieces = 0; # This is needed because we are using the ceiling of num_lines/num_pieces, so the true number of pieces may be less
foreach my $i (1..$num_pieces)
my $grammar_piece = "$tmp_dir/$grammar_basename.$i";
my $filtered_grammar_piece = "$grammar_piece.filtered.gz";
open G, "| gzip -c > $grammar_piece.gz" or die "ERROR: Cannot write to $grammar_piece.gz\n";
my $grammar_line = <F>;
print G $grammar_line;
last if($lines_remaining == 0);
close G;
my $logfile = "$tmp_dir/log.filtering.$i";
&submit_job($script, $logfile, "$grammar_piece.gz", $corpus, $filtered_grammar_piece);
last if ($lines_remaining == 0);
$num_pieces = $actual_num_pieces;
#### Monitor the jobs and merge the resulting files if all jobs are done
my $num_finished = 0;
print STDERR "Waiting for grid jobs to finish\n";
while($num_finished < $num_pieces)
# print STDERR "Number of finished jobs: $num_finished\n";
$num_finished = 0;
foreach my $i (1..$num_pieces)
open F, "$tmp_dir/log.filtering.$i" or next;
# print STDERR "Checking $tmp_dir/log.filtering.$i\n";
my @log_lines = <F>;
# print STDERR $log_lines[-1];
if((@log_lines > 0) && ($log_lines[-1] =~ m/skipped/i))
print STDERR "Grid jobs are done -- merging the filtered files\n";
#### We will merge the resulting filtered files and save them in the designated location
open G, "| gzip -c > $output_grammar" or die "ERROR: Cannot write to $output_grammar\n";
foreach my $i (1..$num_pieces)
my $grammar_piece = "$tmp_dir/$grammar_basename.$i";
my $filtered_grammar_piece = "$grammar_piece.filtered";
open F, "gzip -cdf $filtered_grammar_piece |" or die "ERROR: Cannot open $filtered_grammar_piece\n";
print G $_;
close F;
# remove the temporary directory
system("rm -rf $tmp_dir");
sub submit_job
my ($script, $logfile, $grammar_piece, $corpus, $filtered_grammar_piece) = @_;
my $cmdfile = $logfile;
$cmdfile =~ s/log/cmd/;
my $cmd = "qsub -cwd -j y -o $logfile -v JOSHUA=$JOSHUA $script $grammar_piece $corpus $filtered_grammar_piece $fast $ngrams";
system("echo $cmd >> $cmdfile");