blob: 25179afc4332a06a96f6e18bb48e085af362dca8 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Converts BBN FSMs (text format) to Lane Schwartz's PLF format.
# Usage: cat BBN-FILE | > PLF-FILE
# - optional comments (#) and blank lines
# N=[num states] L=[num edges]
# I=0 t=[double]
# ...
# I=N-1 ...
# J=0 s=X E=X W=[word] v=? a=? l=? s=[double]
# ...
# J=L-1 ...
# where the Is list states and the Js enumerate edges
use strict;
my @lines;
my @states;
my $head;
# read in one utterance at a time
local $/ = 'UTTERANCE';
while (<>) {
my $utterance = $_;
# skip comments and blank lines
$utterance =~ s/#.*//gm;
$utterance =~ s/^\s*$//gm;
# print "LINE($_)\n";
# print STDERR "utterance: '$utterance'\n";
unless($utterance =~ /^=/){next}
@lines = split /\n/, $utterance;
# this function prepends backslashes in front of single-quotes
sub escape {
my $arg = shift;
$arg =~ s/'/\\'/g;
return $arg;
sub convert_utterance {
my @lines = @_;
my @arcs;
# loop until we've read everything
while(@lines > 0){
# the first line better be an utterance marker (sanity check)
# which, in this case, means it starts with '=' (we stripped
# off the 'UTTERANCE' while reading in)
my $numlines = @lines;
my $line = shift(@lines);
#clean up any lingering comments or blank lines
while($line =~ /^\s*$/ or $line =~ /^#/){$line = shift(@lines)}
#clean up any remaining 'UTTERANCE's
chomp $line;
die "Failed sanity check: first line ('$line') is not an utterance\n" unless $line =~ /^=/;
my (undef, $id) = split('=', $line);
# read in the number of states and edges
$line = shift(@lines);
my ($label,$N,undef,$L) = split(/[ =]/, $line);
die "Problem reading states and edges: '$label' is not 'N' in '$line'\n" unless ($label eq "N");
# pass over the nodes, reading what are (I think) priors or state costs
for (my $n = 0; $n < $N; $n++) {
$line = shift(@lines);
while($line =~ /^\s*$/ or $line =~ /^#/) {$line = shift(@lines)}
my ($label,$stateno,undef,$prior) = split(/[ =]/, $line);
die "Problem reading node '$line': '$label' != 'I'\n" unless $label eq "I";
die "Problem reading node '$line': '$stateno' != '$n'\n" unless $stateno == $n;
$states[$n] = $prior;
# pass over the edges. arcs is a two-level table marking (from,to) pairs
for (my $l = 0; $l < $L; $l++) {
$line = shift(@lines);
while($line =~ /^\s*$/ or $line =~ /^#/) {$line = shift(@lines)}
my ($label,$edgeno,undef,$from,undef,$to,undef,$word,@crap) = split(/[ =]/, $line);
die "Problem reading edge '$line': '$label' != 'J' or '$edgeno' != '$l'\n" unless $label eq "J" and $edgeno == $l;
my $score = pop(@crap);
my @pair = ($word, $score);
if( $arcs[$from][$to]){
push @{$arcs[$from][$to]}, \@pair;
my @pairslist = (\@pair);
$arcs[$from][$to] = \@pairslist;
#turn the 'to's into offsets
my @newarcs;
for(my $i=0; $i<@arcs; $i++){
for(my $j=$i; $j<@{$arcs[$i]}; $j++){
if (defined $arcs[$i][$j]){
foreach my $pair (@{$arcs[$i][$j]}){
my $newj = $j-$i;
push @{$newarcs[$i][$newj]}, $pair;
@arcs = @newarcs;
# now print out the lattices
print "(\n";
foreach my $i (0..@arcs) {
if (defined $arcs[$i]){
print " (\n";
foreach my $j (0..@{$arcs[$i]}) {
if (defined $arcs[$i][$j]) {
foreach my $arc (@{$arcs[$i][$j]}) {
my ($label,$score) = @$arc;
$head = $j;
print " ('".escape($label)."', $head, $score),";
print "\n ),\n";
print ")\n";