blob: 2bb44f0cb9469067e95bfcb18578d97a6585e7b7 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Takes a config file on STDIN, and replaces each of the file arguments with those found on the
# command line. Parameters not found in the config file (and thus not replaceable) are appended to
# the end.
# cat joshua.config | -param1 value -param2 "multi-word value" ...
# Some parameters can take options. For example, there are multiple permitted "tm" lines. If you
# want to specify which one to replace, you can add "/N" after the name, where N is the 0-indexed
# index of the grammar. For example,
# cat joshua.config | -tm0/path /path/to/grammar -tm0/owner pt
# This will ensure that only the first tm line gets updated.
# Most keys are replacement keys: specifying a value will replace what's found in the config
# file. The only exception is -feature-function, instances of which are appended to the output.
# Feature functions can't be deleted from the config file.
# Weights
use strict;
use warnings;
# Step 1. process command-line arguments for key/value pairs. The keys are matched next to the
# config file and the configfile values replaced with those found on the command-line.
my (%params,%weights,%features);
while (my $key = shift @ARGV) {
# make sure the parameter has a leading dash
if ($key !~ /^-/) {
print STDERR "* FATAL: invalid command-line argument '$key'\n";
exit 1;
# remove leading dash
$key =~ s/^-+//g;
$key = normalize_key($key);
# get the value and store the pair
my $value = shift(@ARGV);
# -feature-function lines are gathered, other keys can be present only once
if ($key eq "featurefunction") {
$features{$value} = $value;
} elsif ($key eq "weights") {
my @tokens = split(' ', $value);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @tokens; $i += 2) {
$weights{$tokens[$i]} = $tokens[$i+1];
} else {
$params{$key} = $value;
# Step 2. Now read through the config file.
my @weights_order;
my $tm_index = -1;
while (my $line = <>) {
if ($line =~ /^\s*$/ or $line =~ /^#/) {
# Comments, empty lines
print $line;
} elsif ($line =~ /=/) {
# Regular configuration variables.
# split on equals
my ($key,$value) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $line, 2);
# remove leading and trailing spaces
$key =~ s/^\s+//g;
$value =~ s/\s+$//g;
my $norm_key = normalize_key($key);
# TMs get special treatment. We parse the line (supporting old format and new keyword format),
# and then compare to command-line args to see what gets updated
if ($norm_key =~ /^tm/) {
# get the hash of tm values from the config file
my $tm_hash = parse_tm_line($value);
# Delete TM lines if they've been requested to be deleted
if (exists $params{"tm${tm_index}"} and $params{"tm${tm_index}"} eq "DELETE") {
delete $params{"tm${tm_index}"};
# check if each one was passed as a command-line argument, and if so, retrieve its new value
foreach my $tmkey (keys %$tm_hash) {
my $concat = "tm${tm_index}/${tmkey}";
if (exists $params{$concat}) {
$tm_hash->{$tmkey} = $params{$concat};
delete $params{$concat};
# write out the new line (using new keyword format always)
$params{$norm_key} = $tm_hash->{type};
foreach my $tmkey (keys %$tm_hash) {
next if $tmkey eq "type";
$params{$norm_key} .= " -$tmkey $tm_hash->{$tmkey}";
# If an exact feature function line is in the config file, delete
# it from the command-line arguments so it doesn't get printed
# later. All features not found in the config file are appended.
if ($norm_key eq "featurefunction" and exists $features{$value}) {
delete $features{$value};
# if the parameter was found on the command line, print out its replaced value
if (exists $params{$norm_key}) {
print "$key = " . $params{$norm_key} . "\n";
# Deleting the parameter means it will only match the first time. Useful for duplicated keys
# (like multiple "tm = ..." lines)
delete $params{$norm_key};
} else {
# otherwise, print out the original line
print $line;
} else {
# Weights. Save these to print at the end, just to keep things neat.
my ($name, $value) = split(' ', $line);
$weights{$name} = $value unless exists $weights{$name};
push(@weights_order, $name);
# print out the remaining keys for appending to the end of the file
if (scalar(keys(%params))) {
print $/;
foreach my $key (keys %params) {
next if $key =~ /^tm/; # skip unused tm flags
print STDERR "* WARNING: no key '$key' found in config file (appending to end)\n";
print "$key = $params{$key}\n";
# print out the feature functions
map { print "feature-function = $_\n" } (keys %features);
print $/;
# Print out the weights
foreach my $weight (@weights_order) {
print "$weight $weights{$weight}\n";
delete $weights{$weight};
foreach my $weight (keys %weights) {
print "$weight $weights{$weight}\n";
# Remove hyphens and underscores, lowercase
sub normalize_key {
my ($key) = @_;
$key =~ s/[-_]//g;
$key = lc $key;
# print STDERR "** KEY($_[0]) -> $key\n";
return $key;
# Produces a {key => value} hash from the TM line, supporting both the old format:
# tm = thrax pt 0 /path/to/grammar.gz
# and the new one
# tm = thrax -owner pt -maxspan 0 -path /path/to/grammar.gz
sub parse_tm_line {
my ($line) = @_;
# line might still have keyword on it
$line =~ s/^tm = // if ($line =~ /^tm = /);
my %hash;
my @tokens = split(' ', $line);
$hash{type} = shift(@tokens);
if ($tokens[0] =~ /^-/) {
while (@tokens) {
my $key = shift(@tokens);
my $value = shift(@tokens);
$key =~ s/^-//;
$hash{$key} = $value;
} else {
$hash{owner} = shift(@tokens);
$hash{maxspan} = shift(@tokens);
$hash{path} = shift(@tokens);
return \%hash;