blob: b41fcbe6966c32de0b072734866c29e0eb10f928 [file] [log] [blame]
# Build a baseline SAMT model. This is just a matter of changing the type,
# and then increasing the amount of RAM a bit
. ~/.bashrc
set -u
# Moses is not needed for building Hiero models; the grammar extraction is done with Thrax.
$JOSHUA/bin/ \
--rundir 3 \
--readme "Baseline SAMT model" \
--type samt \
--source es \
--target en \
--corpus $JOSHUA/examples/data/corpus/asr/fisher_train \
--corpus $JOSHUA/examples/data/corpus/asr/callhome_train \
--tune $JOSHUA/examples/data/corpus/asr/fisher_dev \
--test $JOSHUA/examples/data/corpus/asr/fisher_dev2 \
--threads 4 \
--tuner mert \
--joshua-mem 20g \
--packer-mem 8g \
--optimizer-runs 5