blob: 7469f77268bced3ae329f441a418d21476e8c27a [file] [log] [blame]
# Build a GHKM system. Moses is used to extract the GHKM grammar, which is then
# converted to Joshua's (similar) format automatically. Moses is also used for
# MIRA tuning.
# qsub arguments (if used on a cluster)
#$ -cwd
#$ -l num_proc=4,h_vmem=20g,h_rt=168:00:00
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -j y -o ghkm.log
. ~/.bashrc
set -u
#export MOSES=/path/to/moses/version/2.1.1
$JOSHUA/scripts/training/ \
--rundir 1 \
--readme "Building a baseline GHKM model" \
--type ghkm \
--source es \
--target en \
--corpus $JOSHUA/examples/data/corpus/asr/fisher_train \
--corpus $JOSHUA/examples/data/corpus/asr/callhome_train \
--tune $JOSHUA/examples/data/corpus/asr/fisher_dev \
--test $JOSHUA/examples/data/corpus/asr/fisher_dev2 \
--threads 4 \
--joshua-mem 20g \
--packer-mem 8g \
--tuner mira \
--maxlen 80 \
--optimizer-runs 5