blob: 2202884065ef0613c051c332f93c8e38e61fd8cb [file] [log] [blame]
5.0 (July 31, 2013)
The main features of this release are described in
"Joshua 5.0: Sparser, Better, Faster, Server"
Matt Post, Juri Ganitkevitch, Luke Orland, Jonny Weese, Yuan Cao, and Chris Callison-Burch.
ACL Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. August, 2013.
This paper does not describe the incorporation of left-state minimization via KenLM, which
provides important gains.
- Added left-state minimization support in KenLM
- Refactored the feature function interface
- Various bugfixes in the pipeline and elsewhere
- Bugfixes:
- If the training data were split into 10 or more pieces, the alignments were combined
in the wrong order (due to a lexicographic instead of numeric sort on a file glob).
- Removed "thrax" dependency from "all" target
- Fixed bug in MERT and PRO that waited for all the decoder STDOUT before moving on
to STDERR. With large enough dev sets, this could hang indefinitely.
- Updated berkeleyLM to version 1.1 (r463) with built-in thread-safe caching.
4.0 (July 2, 2012)
The main features of this release are described in
"Joshua 4.0: Packing, PRO, and Paraphrasing."
Juri Ganitkevitch, Yuan Cao, Jonny Weese, Matt Post, and Chris Callison-Burch.
NAACL Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, June, 2012.
They include:
- Significantly improved and expanded documentation (both user and developer)
See or ./ (local mirror)
- Synchronous parsing
Joshua will compute the best synchronous derivation over a pair of
sentences. Pass the sentences in in the form
source sentence ||| target sentence
and set the parameter "parse = true" (either from the config file or
- PRO implementation
We include an implementation of Pairwise Ranking Optimization (PRO,
Hopkins & May, EMNLP 2011). It can be activated by passing "--tuner
pro" to the pipeline script.
- Grammar packing
We include an efficient grammar representation that can be used to
greatly reduce the memory footprint of large grammars.
- Numerous bugfixes
== 3.2 (February 17, 2012) ======================================
- Pop-limit pruning.
Pruning can now be specified with a single parameter "pop-limit"
parameter, which limits the number of pops from the cube pruning
candidate list at the span level. This replaces the beam and
threshold pruning that was governed by four parameters (fuzz1,
fuzz2, relative_threshold, and max_n_rules), whose performance and
interaction was somewhat difficult to characterize. The pop-limit
allows a simple relationship between decoding time and model score
to be defined.
Setting "pop-limit" in the configuration file or from the command
line turns off beam-and-threshold pruning, and its use is
recommended. The default setting is to use a pop-limit of 100.
- Multiple language model support
You can now specify an arbitrary number of language models. See the
documentation in
for information on how to do this. You can also specify multiple
--lmfile flags to the script.
- Multiple optimizer + test runs (--optimizer-runs N), averaging the
results at the end (Clark et al., ACL 2011)
- Added support for BerkeleyLM (Pauls and Klein, ACL 2011)
- Support for lattice decoding (thanks to Lane Schwartz and the
miniSCALE 2012 team)
- Pipeline script:
- Removed all external dependencies (e.g., Moses, SRILM)
- Reorganized the training data
- Permit multiple test runs with subsequent --test FILE --name NAME
calls to the pipeline
- GIZA++ runs are parallelized if more than one thread is permitted
(--threads N, N >=2 )
- Numerous bugfixes
- Hadoop cluster rollout is now a single instance (slower but
doesn't require error-prone server setup)
- Parameters
- Joshua now dies if it encounters unknown parameters on the command
line or config file
- Parameters are now normalized to remove hyphens (-) and
underscores (_) and to flatten case, permitting you to specify any
of, for example, {pop-limit, popLimit, pop_limit, ...}
- Lots of reorganization and purging of old code
- Fixed multithreading. Use -threads N from the command line or
configuration file to spawn N parallel decoding threads.
- Configuration file parameters can now be overridden from the command
line. The format is
-parameter value
Among these must be the configuration file itself, which can be
referred to with -config, or -c for short.
- Added the highly parameterizable Hadoop-based Thrax grammar
extractor, which extracts both Hiero and SAMT grammars.
- Incorporated a black-box pipeline script at
- Moved development to