bugfix in moses phrase table conversion

problem was with handling lines starting with '['
diff --git a/scripts/support/phrase2hiero.py b/scripts/support/phrase2hiero.py
index fd86f02..13ed094 100755
--- a/scripts/support/phrase2hiero.py
+++ b/scripts/support/phrase2hiero.py
@@ -41,19 +41,16 @@
     except ValueError:
         return value
-for line in sys.stdin:
-    moses = False
+for lineno,line in enumerate(sys.stdin):
     # Moses phrase tables do not have a left-hand side symbol, add that
-    if not line.startswith('['):
-        line = '[X] ||| ' + line
-        moses = True
+    line = '[X] ||| ' + line
     # Get all the fields
     tokens = line.split(r' ||| ')
     # take the -log() of each input token
-    if moses and len(tokens) >= 4:
+    if len(tokens) >= 4:
         tokens[3] = ' '.join(map(maybelog, tokens[3].split(' ')))
     print ' ||| '.join(tokens),