blob: c3bfb5414dcf667ee656bdead5159aa255d88649 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the Joshua Machine Translation System.
* Joshua is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library;
* if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307 USA
package joshua.decoder.ff.lm.buildin_lm;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import joshua.corpus.Vocabulary;
import joshua.decoder.JoshuaConfiguration;
import joshua.decoder.Support;
import joshua.decoder.ff.lm.AbstractLM;
import joshua.decoder.ff.lm.LanguageModelFF;
import joshua.util.Regex;
* this class implement (1) read the LM file into a Trie data structure (2) get LM probablity for a
* given n-grm (3) get equivilent state
* @author Zhifei Li, <>
* @version $LastChangedDate:2008-07-28 18:44:45 -0400 (Mon, 28 Jul 2008) $
public class LMGrammarJAVA extends AbstractLM {
// BUG: Why are the IDs not static? Why are the strings not final?
static String BACKOFF_WGHT_SYM = "<bow>";
int BACKOFF_WGHT_SYM_ID; // used by LMModel
// to indicate that lm trie node has children
static String LM_HAVE_PREFIX_SYM = "<havelzfprefix>";
static String UNK_SYM = "<unk>"; // unknown lm word
/** Used for logging the time cost for things */
private long start_loading_time;
* A backoff node is a hashtable, it may include: (1) probabilities for next words (2) pointers to
* a next-layer backoff node (hashtable); the key lookup the value is: sym_id + highestID (3)
* backoff weight for this node (4) suffix/prefix flag to indicate that there is ngrams start from
* this suffix
private LMHash root = null;
private int g_n_bow_nodes = 0;
private int g_n_suffix_nodes = 0;
// ngram prob must be smaller than this number
static private float MIN_LOG_P = -9999.0f;
// ngram prob must be smaller than this number
static private double SUFFIX_ONLY = MIN_LOG_P * 3;
private double NON_EXIST_WEIGHT = 0; // the history has not appeared at all
private int num_rule_read = 0;
boolean g_is_add_prefix_infor = false;
boolean g_is_add_suffix_infor = false;
// cmd with result
HashMap<String, int[]> request_cache_prob = new HashMap<String, int[]>();
HashMap<String, int[]> request_cache_backoff = new HashMap<String, int[]>();
HashMap<String, int[]> request_cache_left_equiv = new HashMap<String, int[]>();
HashMap<String, int[]> request_cache_right_equiv = new HashMap<String, int[]>();
int cache_size_limit = 250000;
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LMGrammarJAVA.class.getName());
public LMGrammarJAVA(int order, String lm_file, boolean is_add_suffix_infor,
boolean is_add_prefix_infor) throws IOException {
super(order);"use java lm");
this.UNK_SYM_ID =;
g_is_add_prefix_infor = is_add_prefix_infor;
g_is_add_suffix_infor = is_add_suffix_infor;
read_lm_grammar_from_file(lm_file);// TODO: what about sentence-specific?
// signature of this item: i, j, lhs, states (in fact, we do not need i, j)
private String get_signature(int[] words) {
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(words.length);
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
s.append(' ').append(words[i]);
return s.toString();
* Note: the mismatch between srilm and our java implemtation is in: when unk words used as
* context, in java it will be replaced with "<unk>", but srilm will not, therefore thelm cost by
* srilm may be smaller than by java, this happens only when the LM file have "<unk>" in backoff
* state
protected double ngramLogProbability_helper(int[] ngram, int order) {
Double res;
int[] ngram_wrds = replace_with_unk(ngram); // TODO
// TODO: wrong implementation in hiero
if (ngram_wrds[ngram_wrds.length - 1] == UNK_SYM_ID) {
res = -JoshuaConfiguration.lm_ceiling_cost;
} else {
// TODO: untranslated words
if (null == root) {
throw new RuntimeException("root is null");
int last_word_id = ngram_wrds[ngram_wrds.length - 1];
LMHash pos = root;
Double prob = get_valid_prob(pos, last_word_id);
double bow_sum = 0;
// reverse search, start from the second-last word
for (int i = ngram_wrds.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
LMHash next_layer = (LMHash) pos.get(ngram_wrds[i] + Vocabulary.size());
if (null != next_layer) { // have context/bow node
pos = next_layer;
Double prob2 = get_valid_prob(pos, last_word_id);
if (null != prob2) { // reset, if backoff, will at least back off to
// here
prob = prob2;
bow_sum = 0;
} else {
Double bow = (Double) pos.get(BACKOFF_WGHT_SYM_ID);
if (null != bow) {
bow_sum += bow;
} else { // do not have context/bow node
res = prob + bow_sum;
return res;
private Double get_valid_prob(LMHash pos, int wrd) {
Double res = (Double) pos.get(wrd);
if (!g_is_add_suffix_infor) {
return res;
if (null != res) {
if (res == SUFFIX_ONLY) {
return null;
} else if (res > MIN_LOG_P) { // logP without suffix flag
return res;
} else { // logP with suffix flag
return res - MIN_LOG_P;
return null;
// ##################### begin right equivalent state #############
// idea: from right to left, if a span does not have a backoff weight, which
// means all ngram having this span will backoff, and we can safely remove
// this state
// the absence of backoff weight for low-order ngram implies the absence of
// higher-order ngram
// the absence of backoff weight for low-order ngram implies the absence of
// backoff weight for high order ngram ????????????????
* e.g., if we do not have bow node for A, then we can say there is no bow nodes for (1)*A:
* implied by the trie structure (2)A*: if we have a BOW node for A* (with bow weight), due to the
* representantion of ARPA format, then we must have a probability for A*, which implies we have a
* BOW node for A (3)*A*
// the returned array length must be the same the len of original_state
// the only change to the original_state is: replace with more non-null state
// words to null state
// O(n^2)
public int[] rightEquivalentState(int[] original_state_in, int order) {
if (!JoshuaConfiguration.use_right_equivalent_state
|| original_state_in.length != ngramOrder - 1) {
return original_state_in;
int[] res;
// cache
String sig = get_signature(original_state_in);
res = (int[]) request_cache_right_equiv.get(sig);
if (null != res) {
// System.out.println("right cache hit");
return res;
// we do not put this statement at the beging to match the SRILM condition
// (who does not have replace_with_unk)
int[] original_state = replace_with_unk(original_state_in);
res = new int[original_state.length];
for (int i = 1; i <= original_state.length; i++) { // forward search
int[] cur_wrds = Support.sub_int_array(original_state, i - 1, original_state.length);
if (!have_prefix(cur_wrds)) {
res[i - 1] = LanguageModelFF.NULL_RIGHT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID;
} else {
for (int j = i; j <= original_state.length; j++) {
res[j - 1] = original_state[j - 1];
// cache
if (request_cache_right_equiv.size() > cache_size_limit) {
request_cache_right_equiv.put(sig, res);
// System.out.println("right org state: " +
// Symbol.get_string(original_state) +"; equiv state: " +
// Symbol.get_string(res));
return res;
// O(n)
private boolean have_prefix(int[] words) {
LMHash pos = root;
int i = words.length - 1;
for (; i >= 0; i--) { // reverse search
LMHash next_layer = (LMHash) pos.get(words[i] + Vocabulary.size());
if (null != next_layer) {
pos = next_layer;
} else {
return (i == -1 && pos.containsKey(LM_HAVE_PREFIX_SYM_ID));
// ##################### end right equivalent state #############
// ############################ begin left equivalent state
// ##############################
* several observation: In general: (1) In general, there might be more than one <bo> or <null>,
* and they can be in any position (2) in general, whenever there is a <bo> or <null> in a given
* ngram, then it will definitely backoff since it has same/more context
// return: (1) the equivlant state vector; (2) the finalized cost; (3) the
// estimated cost
// O(n^2)
public int[] leftEquivalentState(int[] original_state_wrds_in, int order, double[] cost) {
if (!JoshuaConfiguration.use_left_equivalent_state) {
return original_state_wrds_in;
// we do not put this statement at the beging to match the SRILM condition
// (who does not have replace_with_unk)
int[] original_state_wrds = replace_with_unk(original_state_wrds_in);
// ## deal with case overlap state
if (original_state_wrds.length < ngramOrder - 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < original_state_wrds.length; i++) {
int[] currentWords = Support.sub_int_array(original_state_wrds, 0, i + 1);
// add estimated cost
cost[1] += -ngramLogProbability(currentWords, currentWords.length);
return original_state_wrds;
// ## non-overlaping state
int[] res_equi_state = new int[original_state_wrds.length];
double res_final_cost = 0.0; // finalized cost
double res_est_cost = 0.0; // estimated cost
BACKWORD_SEARCH: for (int i = original_state_wrds.length; i > 0; i--) {
int[] cur_wrds = Support.sub_int_array(original_state_wrds, 0, i);
if (!have_suffix(cur_wrds)) {
int last_wrd = cur_wrds[i - 1];
if (last_wrd == UNK_SYM_ID) {
res_equi_state[i - 1] = last_wrd;
// add estimated cost
res_est_cost += -ngramLogProbability(cur_wrds, cur_wrds.length);
} else {
if (last_wrd != LanguageModelFF.BACKOFF_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID) {
res_final_cost += -ngramLogProbability(cur_wrds, cur_wrds.length);
res_equi_state[i - 1] = LanguageModelFF.BACKOFF_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID;
* //TODO: for simplicity, we may just need BACKOFF_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID?? int[]
* backoff_history = Support.sub_int_array(cur_wrds, 0, cur_wrds.length-1);//ignore last
* wrd double[] bow = new double[1]; boolean finalized_backoff =
* check_backoff_weight(backoff_history, bow, 0);//backoff weight is already added outside
* this function? if(finalized_backoff==true){
* res_equi_state[i-1]=Symbol.NULL_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID;//no state, no bow, no est_cost
* }else{ res_equi_state[i-1]=Symbol.BACKOFF_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID; }
} else { // we do have a suffix
for (int j = i; j > 0; j--) {
res_equi_state[j - 1] = original_state_wrds[j - 1];
cur_wrds = Support.sub_int_array(original_state_wrds, 0, j);
// Estimated cost
res_est_cost += -ngramLogProbability(cur_wrds, cur_wrds.length);
cost[0] = res_final_cost;
cost[1] = res_est_cost;
return res_equi_state;
private boolean have_suffix(int[] words) {
LMHash pos = root;
// reverse search, start from the second-last word
for (int i = words.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
LMHash next_layer = (LMHash) pos.get(words[i] + Vocabulary.size());
if (null != next_layer) {
pos = next_layer;
} else {
return false;
Double prob = (Double) pos.get(words[words.length - 1]);
return (null != prob && prob <= MIN_LOG_P);
protected double logProbabilityOfBackoffState_helper(int[] ngram_wrds, int order,
int n_additional_bow) {
int[] backoff_wrds = Support.sub_int_array(ngram_wrds, 0, ngram_wrds.length - 1);
double[] sum_bow = new double[1];
check_backoff_weight(backoff_wrds, sum_bow, n_additional_bow);
return sum_bow[0];
// if exist backoff weight for backoff_words, then return the accumated
// backoff weight
// if there is no backoff weight for backoff_words, then, we can return the
// finalized backoff weight
private boolean check_backoff_weight(int[] backoff_words, double[] sum_bow, int num_backoff) {
if (backoff_words.length <= 0) return false;
double sum = 0;
LMHash pos = root;
// the start index that backoff should be applied
int start_use_i = num_backoff - 1;
Double bow = null;
int i = backoff_words.length - 1;
for (; i >= 0; i--) {
LMHash next_layer = (LMHash) pos.get(backoff_words[i] + Vocabulary.size());
if (null != next_layer) {
bow = (Double) next_layer.get(BACKOFF_WGHT_SYM_ID);
if (null != bow && i <= start_use_i) {
sum += bow;
pos = next_layer;
} else {
sum_bow[0] = sum;
// the higest order have backoff weight, so we cannot finalize
return (i != -1 || null == bow);
// ######################################## end left equiv state
// ###########################################
// ######################################## general helper function
// ###########################################
protected final int[] replace_with_unk(int[] in) {
int[] res = new int[in.length];
for (int i = 0; i < in.length; i++) {
res[i] = replace_with_unk(in[i]);
return res;
protected int replace_with_unk(int in) {
if (root.containsKey(in) || in == LanguageModelFF.NULL_RIGHT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID
|| in == LanguageModelFF.BACKOFF_LEFT_LM_STATE_SYM_ID) {
return in;
} else {
return UNK_SYM_ID;
// ######################################## read LM grammar by the Java
// implementation ###########################################
* a backoff node is a hashtable, it may include: (1) probability for next words: key id is
* positive (2) pointer to a next-layer backoff node (hashtable): key id is negative!!! (3)
* backoff weight for this node (4) suffix flag to indicate that there is ngrams start from this
* suffix
// read grammar locally by the Java implementation
private void read_lm_grammar_from_file(String grammar_file) throws IOException {
start_loading_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
root = new LMHash();
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO))"Reading grammar from file " + grammar_file);
boolean start = false;
int order = 0;
Regex blankLine = new Regex("^\\s*$");
Regex ngramsLine = new Regex("^\\\\\\d-grams:\\s*$");
LineReader grammarReader = new LineReader(grammar_file);
try {
for (String line : grammarReader) {
line = line.trim();
if (blankLine.matches(line)) {
if (ngramsLine.matches(line)) { // \1-grams:
start = true;
order = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(1, 2));
if (order > ngramOrder) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO))"begin to read ngrams with order " + order);
continue; // skip this line
if (start) {
add_rule(line, order, g_is_add_suffix_infor, g_is_add_prefix_infor);
} finally {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
logger.fine("# of bow nodes: " + g_n_bow_nodes + " ; # of suffix nodes: " + g_n_suffix_nodes);
logger.fine("add LMHash " + g_n_bow_nodes);
logger.fine("##### mem used (kb): " + Support.getMemoryUse());
logger.fine("##### time used (seconds): " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start_loading_time)
/ 1000);
// format: prob \t ngram \t backoff-weight
private void add_rule(String line, int order, boolean is_add_suffix_infor,
boolean is_add_prefix_infor) {
if (num_rule_read % 1000000 == 0) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) logger.fine("read rules " + num_rule_read);
// System.out.println("##### mem used (kb): " + Support.getMemoryUse());
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
logger.fine("##### time used (seconds): "
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start_loading_time) / 1000);
String[] wrds = Regex.spaces.split(line.trim());
if (wrds.length < order + 1 || wrds.length > order + 2) { // TODO: error
// logger.severe("wrong line: "+ line);
int last_word_id =[order]);
// ##### identify the BOW position, insert the backoff node if necessary,
// and add suffix information
LMHash pos = root;
// reverse search, start from the second-last word
for (int i = order - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (is_add_suffix_infor) {
Double t_prob = (Double) pos.get(last_word_id);
if (null != t_prob) {
if (t_prob > MIN_LOG_P) { // have prob, but not suffix flag
double tem = t_prob + MIN_LOG_P;
pos.put(last_word_id, tem); // overwrite
} else {
pos.put(last_word_id, SUFFIX_ONLY);
int cur_sym_id =[i]);
// System.out.println(Vocabulary.size());
LMHash next_layer = (LMHash) pos.get(cur_sym_id + Vocabulary.size());
if (null != next_layer) {
pos = next_layer;
} else {
LMHash new_tnode = new LMHash(); // create new bow node
pos.put(cur_sym_id + Vocabulary.size(), new_tnode);
pos = new_tnode;
if (g_n_bow_nodes % 1000000 == 0) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) logger.fine("add LMHash " + g_n_bow_nodes);
// System.out.println("##### mem used (kb): " +
// Support.getMemoryUse());
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
logger.fine("##### time used (seconds): "
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start_loading_time) / 1000);
if (!pos.containsKey(BACKOFF_WGHT_SYM_ID)) {
// indicate it is a backoof node, to distinguish from a pure prefix node
// ##### add probability
if (is_add_suffix_infor && pos.containsKey(last_word_id)) {
double tem = Double.parseDouble(wrds[0]) + MIN_LOG_P;
pos.put(last_word_id, tem); // add probability and suffix flag
} else {
// add probability
pos.put(last_word_id, Double.parseDouble(wrds[0]));
// ##### add prefix infor, a prefix node is just like a BOW node
if (is_add_prefix_infor) {
pos.put(LM_HAVE_PREFIX_SYM_ID, 1); // for preifx [1,order-1]
for (int i = 1; i < order - 1; i++) { // ignore the last prefix
pos = root; // reset pos
for (int j = i; j >= 1; j--) { // reverse search: [1,i]
int cur_sym_id =[j]);
LMHash next_layer = (LMHash) pos.get(cur_sym_id + Vocabulary.size());
if (null != next_layer) {
pos = next_layer;
} else {
LMHash new_tnode = new LMHash();// create new prefix node
pos.put(cur_sym_id + Vocabulary.size(), new_tnode);
pos = new_tnode;
if (g_n_bow_nodes % 1000000 == 0) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) logger.fine("add LMHash " + g_n_bow_nodes);
// System.out.println("##### mem used (kb): " +
// Support.getMemoryUse());
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
logger.fine("##### time used (seconds): "
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start_loading_time) / 1000);
pos.put(LM_HAVE_PREFIX_SYM_ID, 1);// only the last node should have this
// flag
// ##### add bow
if (wrds.length == order + 2) { // have bow weight to add
pos = root;
// reverse search, start from the last word
for (int i = order; i >= 1; i--) {
int cur_sym_id =[i]);
LMHash next_layer = (LMHash) pos.get(cur_sym_id + Vocabulary.size());
if (null != next_layer) {
pos = next_layer;
} else {
LMHash new_tnode = new LMHash(); // create new bow node
pos.put(cur_sym_id + Vocabulary.size(), new_tnode);
pos = new_tnode;
if (g_n_bow_nodes % 1000000 == 0) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) logger.fine("add LMHash " + g_n_bow_nodes);
// System.out.println("##### mem used (kb): " +
// Support.getMemoryUse());
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
logger.fine("##### time used (seconds): "
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start_loading_time) / 1000);
// add bow weight here
if (i == 1) { // force to override the backoff weight
double backoff_weight = Double.parseDouble(wrds[order + 1]);
pos.put(BACKOFF_WGHT_SYM_ID, backoff_weight);
} else {
if (!pos.containsKey(BACKOFF_WGHT_SYM_ID)) {
// indicate it is a backoof node, to distinguish from a pure prefix
// node
* ###################### not used private boolean have_suffix_old(int[] words){ LMHash pos=root;
* int i=words.length-1; for(; i>=0; i--){//reverse search LMHash next_layer=(LMHash)
* pos.get(words[i]+p_symbol.getLMEndID()); if(next_layer!=null){ pos=next_layer; }else{ break; }
* } if(i==-1 && pos.containsKey(Symbol.LM_HAVE_SUFFIX_SYM_ID)) return true; else return false; }
// in theory: 64bytes (init size is 5)
// in practice: 86 bytes (init size is 5)
// in practice: 132 bytes (init size is 10)
// in practice: 211 bytes (init size is 20)
// important note: if we use tbl.put(key, new Integer(1)) instead of
// tbl.put(key, (new Integer(1)).intValue()), then for each element, we waste
// 16 bytes for the Integer object,
// and the GC will not collect this Double object, because the hashtable ref
// it
private static class LMHash // 4bytes
// ######note: key must be positive integer, and value must not be null
* if key can be both positive and negative, then lot of collision, or will take very long to
* call get() imagine, we put all numbers in [1,20000] in hashtable, but try to call get() by
* numbers [-20000,-1], it will take very long time
// TODO: should round the array size to a prime number?
static double load_factor = 0.6;
static int default_init_size = 5;
int size = 0; // 8 bytes?
int[] key_array; // pointer itself is 4 bytes?, when it is newed, then add
// 10 more bytes, and the int itself
Object[] val_array; // pointer itself is 4 bytes?, when it is newed, then
// add 10 more bytes, and the object itself
public LMHash(int init_size) {
key_array = new int[init_size];
val_array = new Object[init_size];
public LMHash() {
key_array = new int[default_init_size];
val_array = new Object[default_init_size];
// return the positive position for the key
private int hash_pos(int key, int length) {
// return Math.abs(key % length);
return key % length;
public Object get(int key) {
Object res = null;
int pos = hash_pos(key, key_array.length);
while (key_array[pos] != 0) { // search until empty cell,
if (key_array[pos] == key) {
return val_array[pos]; // found
pos++; // linear search
pos = hash_pos(pos, key_array.length);
return res;
public boolean containsKey(int key) {
return (null != get(key));
public int size() {
return size;
public void put(int key, Object value) {
if (null == value) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("LMHash, value is null");
int pos = hash_pos(key, key_array.length);
while (key_array[pos] != 0) { // search until empty cell,
if (key_array[pos] == key) {
val_array[pos] = value; // found, and overwrite
pos++; // linear search
pos = hash_pos(pos, key_array.length);
// we get to here, means we do not have this key, need to insert it
// data_array[pos] = new LMItem(key, value);
key_array[pos] = key;
val_array[pos] = value;
if (size >= key_array.length * load_factor) {
private void expand_tbl() {
int new_size = key_array.length * 2 + 1; // TODO
int[] new_key_array = new int[new_size];
Object[] new_val_array = new Object[new_size];
for (int i = 0; i < key_array.length; i++) {
if (key_array[i] != 0) { // add the element
int pos = hash_pos(key_array[i], new_key_array.length);
// find first empty postition, note that it is not possible that we
// need to overwrite
while (new_key_array[pos] != 0) {
pos++; // linear search
pos = hash_pos(pos, new_key_array.length);
new_key_array[pos] = key_array[i];
new_val_array[pos] = val_array[i];
key_array = new_key_array;
val_array = new_val_array;