blob: 75c0d12a935dc935aaf986fcb57f4e7b8a5a2719 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "lm/interpolate/tune_derivatives.hh"
#include "lm/interpolate/tune_instance.hh"
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE DerivativeTest
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
namespace lm { namespace interpolate { namespace {
// Three vocabulary words plus <s>, two models.
Matrix unigrams(4, 2);
unigrams <<
0.1, 0.6,
0.4, 0.3,
0.5, 0.1,
// <s>
1.0, 1.0;
unigrams = unigrams.array().log();
// One instance
util::FixedArray<Instance> instances(1);
Instance &instance = instances.back();
instance.ln_backoff << 0.2, 0.4;
instance.ln_backoff = instance.ln_backoff.array().log();
// Sparse cases: model 0 word 2 and model 1 word 1.
// Assuming that model 1 only matches word 1, this is p_1(1 | context)
Accum model_1_word_1 = 1.0 - .6 * .4 - .1 * .4;
// We'll suppose correct has WordIndex 1, which backs off in model 0, and matches in model 1
instance.ln_correct << (0.4 * 0.2), model_1_word_1;
instance.ln_correct = instance.ln_correct.array().log();
Accum model_0_word_2 = 1.0 - .1 * .2 - .4 * .2;
instance.ln_extensions.resize(2, 2);
instance.ln_extensions <<
(0.4 * 0.2), model_1_word_1,
model_0_word_2, 0.1 * 0.4;
instance.ln_extensions = instance.ln_extensions.array().log();
ComputeDerivative compute(instances, unigrams, 3);
Vector weights(2);
weights << 0.9, 1.2;
Vector gradient(2);
Matrix hessian(2,2);
compute.Iteration(weights, gradient, hessian);
// p_I(x | context)
Vector p_I(3);
p_I <<
pow(0.1 * 0.2, 0.9) * pow(0.6 * 0.4, 1.2),
pow(0.4 * 0.2, 0.9) * pow(model_1_word_1, 1.2),
pow(model_0_word_2, 0.9) * pow(0.1 * 0.4, 1.2);
p_I /= p_I.sum();
Vector expected_gradient = -instance.ln_correct;
expected_gradient(0) += p_I(0) * log(0.1 * 0.2);
expected_gradient(0) += p_I(1) * log(0.4 * 0.2);
expected_gradient(0) += p_I(2) * log(model_0_word_2);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(expected_gradient(0), gradient(0), 0.01);
expected_gradient(1) += p_I(0) * log(0.6 * 0.4);
expected_gradient(1) += p_I(1) * log(model_1_word_1);
expected_gradient(1) += p_I(2) * log(0.1 * 0.4);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(expected_gradient(1), gradient(1), 0.01);
Matrix expected_hessian(2, 2);
expected_hessian(1, 0) =
// First term
p_I(0) * log(0.1 * 0.2) * log(0.6 * 0.4) +
p_I(1) * log(0.4 * 0.2) * log(model_1_word_1) +
p_I(2) * log(model_0_word_2) * log(0.1 * 0.4);
expected_hessian(1, 0) -=
(p_I(0) * log(0.1 * 0.2) + p_I(1) * log(0.4 * 0.2) + p_I(2) * log(model_0_word_2)) *
(p_I(0) * log(0.6 * 0.4) + p_I(1) * log(model_1_word_1) + p_I(2) * log(0.1 * 0.4));
expected_hessian(0, 1) = expected_hessian(1, 0);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(expected_hessian(1, 0), hessian(1, 0), 0.01);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(expected_hessian(0, 1), hessian(0, 1), 0.01);
}}} // namespaces