blob: a106cac2ef748cffb8c141768173879547f1460e [file] [log] [blame]
#include "lm/ngram_query.hh"
#include "lm/model.hh"
#include "lm/word_index.hh"
#include "lm/interpolate/enumerate_global_vocab.hh"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <iomanip>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <boost/version.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include "util/fixed_array.hh"
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
// typedef Eigen::MatrixXf FMatrix;
// typedef Eigen::VectorXf FVector;
typedef Eigen::MatrixXd DMatrix;
typedef Eigen::VectorXd DVector;
bool HAS_BIAS = true;
using namespace lm::ngram;
using namespace lm;
inline double logProb(Model *model, const std::vector<std::string> &ctx,
WordIndex word_idx) {
// Horribly inefficient
const Vocabulary &vocab = model->GetVocabulary();
State nextState; // throwaway
WordIndex context_idx[ctx.size()];
// reverse context
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ctx.size(); i++) {
context_idx[ctx.size() - 1 - i] = vocab.Index(ctx[i]);
FullScoreReturn score = model->FullScoreForgotState(
context_idx, &(context_idx[ctx.size() - 1]), word_idx, nextState);
double ret = score.prob;
// std::cerr << "w: " << word << " p: " << ret << std::endl;
return ret;
inline double logProb(Model *model, double unkprob,
const std::vector<std::string> &ctx,
const std::string &word) {
// Horribly inefficient
const Vocabulary &vocab = model->GetVocabulary();
WordIndex word_idx = vocab.Index(word);
if (word_idx == lm::kUNK) return unkprob;
return logProb(model, ctx, word_idx);
void set_features(const std::vector<std::string> &ctx, const std::string &word,
const std::vector<Model *> &models,
const std::vector<double> &unkprobs, DVector &v) {
if (HAS_BIAS) {
v(0) = 1;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < models.size(); ++i)
v(i + 1) = logProb(models[i], unkprobs[i], ctx, word);
} else {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < models.size(); ++i)
v(i) = logProb(models[i], unkprobs[i], ctx, word);
void train_params(const std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > &corpus,
const std::vector<std::string> &vocab,
const std::vector<Model *> &models) {
using namespace std;
// A safeguarded Newton's method to find optimum parameters.
// Reverts to steepest-descent linesearch if Newton step does not improve
// objective.
// Two Boolean variables below are used to "AllowExtrapolation" and
// "AllowNegativeParams".
bool AllowExtrapolation = true; // if true, params need not sum to one
bool AllowNegativeParams = true; // if true, params can be negative
const int ITERATIONS = 20;
double minstepsize = 1.0e-9; // convergence criterion
int context_size = 5; // (context_size+1)-grams considered in perplexity
double stepdecreasefactor = 0.1; // if step unsuccessful
double initstepsize = 1.0; // Initial step size
std::size_t linesinstartercorpus = 12; // The first few lines are tuned
// first, to find basin of attraction
// for Newton
// bias + #models
const std::size_t nlambdas = models.size() + (HAS_BIAS ? 1 : 0);
// initialize to sum to 1
DVector params = DVector::Constant(nlambdas, 1.0 / nlambdas);
DMatrix N = DMatrix::Constant(
nlambdas, nlambdas - 1,
-1.0 / sqrt((nlambdas - 1) * (nlambdas - 1) + nlambdas - 1.0));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < nlambdas - 1; ++i)
N(i, i) = N(i, i) * (1.0 - nlambdas);
// N is nullspace matrix, each column sums to zero
cerr << setprecision(16) << "++ Parameter training ++" << endl;
if (AllowExtrapolation)
cerr << " Allowing extrapolation (sharpening and flattening of individual "
"LM distributions)" << endl;
cerr << " Interpolating only (not sharpening or flattening individual LM "
"distributions)" << endl;
if (AllowNegativeParams)
cerr << " Allowing negative parameters\n"
<< " (more general but slow and rarely useful\n"
<< " -LM with negative weight has probability rankings reversed and "
"is weighted more highly than all LMs with positive weights)"
<< endl;
cerr << "Not allowing negative parameters (mild assumption, and faster)"
<< endl;
cerr << " Maximum number of iterations: " << ITERATIONS << endl;
cerr << " Minimum step size: " << minstepsize << endl;
cerr << " Perplexity computed with " << context_size + 1 << "-grams" << endl;
if ((!AllowExtrapolation) && (nlambdas == 1)) {
// Nothing to optimize. One parameter, and it sums to one.
cerr << "Training complete. Best weights:" << endl;
cerr << setprecision(16) << 1.0 << endl;
// Smart initialization of full tuning by tuning on smaller set first
vector<std::size_t> linestotune;
if (linesinstartercorpus < corpus.size())
for (std::size_t setiter = 0; setiter < linestotune.size(); ++setiter) {
cerr << " Now tuning the first " << linestotune[setiter] << " lines"
<< endl;
vector<DVector> paramhistory;
double bestppl = 0.0; // best recorded ppl
DVector bestgrad = DVector::Zero(nlambdas); // corresp. gradient,
// feasible direction
DVector bestparams = DVector::Zero(nlambdas); // corresp. weights
double maxbestgradstep = 0.0; // max feasible step in grad. direction
double stepsize = initstepsize; // Initial step size
for (int iter = 0; iter < ITERATIONS; ++iter) { // iterations
cerr << "ITERATION " << iter + 1 << " (of max " << ITERATIONS
<< "), step size " << stepsize << " (of min " << minstepsize
<< "), weights: " << endl;
cerr << params << endl;
// Hard-coded to be 6-gram perplexity
vector<string> context(context_size, "<s>");
double ppl = 0.0;
DVector grad = DVector::Zero(nlambdas);
DMatrix H = DMatrix::Zero(nlambdas, nlambdas);
cerr << "o";
std::vector<double> unkprobs(models.size());
// for each sentence in tuning corpus
for (std::size_t ci = 0; ci < linestotune[setiter]; ++ci) {
const vector<string> &sentence = corpus[ci];
// pad our beginning context
std::fill(context.begin(), context.end(), "<s>");
// for each word in sentence
for (std::size_t t = 0; t < sentence.size(); ++t) {
// fill in unk probabilities for this context, to avoid having to
// look them up redundantly later
for (std::size_t mi = 0; mi < models.size(); ++mi) {
unkprobs[mi] = logProb(models[mi], context, lm::kUNK);
DVector feats = DVector::Zero(nlambdas);
// probs for actual n-gram
set_features(context, sentence[t], models, unkprobs, feats);
double z = 0.0;
double maxlogprob = 0.0; // Allows us to avoid overflow with
// negative params
DVector expectfeats = DVector::Zero(nlambdas);
DMatrix expectfeatmatrix = DMatrix::Zero(nlambdas, nlambdas);
// Logically, this should be in the loop's scope
DVector iterfeats = DVector::Zero(nlambdas);
// probs over possible n-grams, for normalization
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < vocab.size(); ++i) {
set_features(context, vocab[i], models, unkprobs, iterfeats);
double logprob =;
if (i == 0) {
// maxlogprob=logprob;// more precise, less underflow
maxlogprob = 0.0; // reduces number of updates
} else if (logprob > maxlogprob) {
// Adjust all old values to new scaling
double adjust = exp(maxlogprob - logprob);
z *= adjust;
expectfeats *= adjust;
expectfeatmatrix *= adjust;
maxlogprob = logprob;
double us = exp( - maxlogprob); // measure
z += us;
expectfeats += us * iterfeats;
expectfeatmatrix += us * (iterfeats * iterfeats.transpose());
expectfeats /= z; // Expectation
expectfeatmatrix /= z; // Expectation
// Add sentence[t] to the end of the context
context[0] = sentence[t];
std::rotate(context.begin(), context.begin() + 1, context.end());
// Perplexity (actually log(perplexity))
ppl += - log(z);
// Gradient
grad += feats - expectfeats;
// Hessian
H += -expectfeatmatrix + expectfeats * expectfeats.transpose();
cerr << ".";
ppl *= -1.0 / corpus.size();
// The gradient and Hessian coefficients cancel out, so don't really need
// to do this, but it's fast.
grad *= -1.0 / corpus.size();
H *= -1.0 / corpus.size();
cerr << " log(PPL)=" << ppl << " PPL=" << exp(ppl) << endl;
// Use results to determine next params to evaluate
if ((ppl < bestppl) || (iter == 0)) {
// Found a new best
bestppl = ppl;
bestparams = params;
double beststepsize = stepsize;
if (iter > 0)
cerr << " New best point found, step size " << beststepsize << endl;
cerr << " New best point found" << endl;
bestgrad = grad;
DVector deltaparams = DVector::Zero(nlambdas);
bool reverttograd = false;
double gradnorm = 0.0;
double solvenorm = 0.0;
double errnorm = 0.0;
// Find Newton step
if (AllowExtrapolation) {
deltaparams = -H.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(grad);
Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<DMatrix> eigensolver(H);
cerr << "Eigenvalues (negative values should be negligible):\n"
<< eigensolver.eigenvalues() << endl;
gradnorm = grad.norm();
solvenorm = (H * deltaparams).norm();
errnorm = (grad + H * deltaparams).norm();
} else {
// Project gradient to interpolation space
bestgrad = N * N.transpose() * bestgrad;
// need to work in nullspace to maintain unit sum
DMatrix Hnull = DMatrix::Zero(nlambdas - 1, nlambdas - 1);
// Looks like we don't need the three lines below -- we can do it
// in-line (if we don't want eigenvalues)
Hnull = N.transpose() * H * N;
Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<DMatrix> eigensolver(Hnull);
cerr << "Eigenvalues (best if all positive):\n"
<< eigensolver.eigenvalues() << endl;
deltaparams =
-N * Hnull.fullPivHouseholderQr().solve(N.transpose() * grad);
gradnorm = (N.transpose() * grad).norm();
solvenorm = (Hnull * deltaparams).norm();
errnorm = (N.transpose() * grad + Hnull * deltaparams).norm();
// eventually, params = bestparams + deltaparams;
cerr << " Error norm " << errnorm << ", gradient norm " << gradnorm
<< ", solution norm " << solvenorm << endl;
// Check for numerical errors. Don't trust Newton step if they are too
// big.
if (errnorm < 1e-12 * std::max(1.0, std::min(gradnorm, solvenorm))) {
stepsize = 0.0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nlambdas; i++)
stepsize += deltaparams(i) * deltaparams(i);
stepsize = sqrt(stepsize); // holds length of Newton step
cerr << "Newton step, length " << stepsize << ": " << endl;
cerr << deltaparams << endl;
// Don't let the Newton step get much bigger than last successful
// step (likely would have to shrink later, anyway)
if (stepsize > 2.0 * beststepsize) {
stepsize = 1.5 * beststepsize;
reverttograd = true;
cerr << "Reverting to gradient, because Newton step is too large."
<< endl;
} else {
stepsize = 1.5 * beststepsize;
reverttograd = true;
cerr << "Reverting to gradient, because Newton step computation "
"unsuccessful." << endl;
// Make the gradient unit norm, in feasible search direction.
if (!AllowNegativeParams) {
// Project gradient to be a feasible search direction
vector<bool> active(nlambdas, false);
std::size_t numactive = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nlambdas; i++) {
// Project gradient to inactive constraints
if ((bestparams(i) == 0) && (bestgrad(i) > 0)) {
active[i] = true;
bestgrad(i) = 0.0; // Do this now, in case extrapolation
// allowed.
if (numactive > 0) {
if (!AllowExtrapolation) {
// Project gradient, for activity concerns
DMatrix tmpN = DMatrix::Constant(
nlambdas, nlambdas - 1,
-1.0 / sqrt((nlambdas - numactive - 1) *
(nlambdas - numactive - 1) +
nlambdas - numactive - 1.0));
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nlambdas - 1; ++i)
tmpN(i, i) = tmpN(i, i) * (1.0 - (nlambdas - numactive));
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nlambdas; ++i) {
if (active[i]) {
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < nlambdas - 1; ++i) {
tmpN(i, j) = 0;
// projected gradient onto unit sum and active set constraints
bestgrad = -tmpN * tmpN.transpose() * bestgrad;
double norm = 0.0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nlambdas; i++)
norm += bestgrad(i) * bestgrad(i);
if (norm != 0) {
bestgrad /= sqrt(norm);
} else {
cerr << " Gradient is zero. Exiting.";
cerr << "Gradient, unit length: " << endl;
cerr << bestgrad << endl;
// Find max step in gradient direction that remains feasible.
if (!AllowNegativeParams) {
double limitfraction = 0.5; // Not 1: If Newton step is bad, probably
// will need to reduce later anyway
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nlambdas; i++) {
if (bestparams(i) - maxbestgradstep * bestgrad(i) < 0) {
double tmplimitfraction =
bestparams(i) / (bestgrad(i) * maxbestgradstep);
if (tmplimitfraction < limitfraction)
limitfraction = tmplimitfraction;
maxbestgradstep = stepsize * limitfraction;
cerr << " Max grad step: " << maxbestgradstep << endl;
} else {
maxbestgradstep = stepsize;
if (!reverttograd) {
if (!AllowNegativeParams) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nlambdas; i++) {
if (bestparams(i) + deltaparams(i) < 0) {
// Can't do Newton step. Revert to descent.
reverttograd = true;
if (reverttograd) {
cerr << "Reverting to gradient, since Newton step infeasible:"
<< endl;
if (reverttograd) {
stepsize = maxbestgradstep;
deltaparams = -bestgrad * stepsize;
params = bestparams + deltaparams;
cerr << "Change in weights from best, step size " << stepsize << ": "
<< endl;
cerr << deltaparams << endl;
} else {
// Last attempt failed at being better, so move in gradient direction
// with reduced step.
// stepsize reduction factor is empirical
stepsize = std::min(stepdecreasefactor * stepsize, maxbestgradstep);
cerr << "Taking smaller step: " << stepsize << endl;
params = bestparams - bestgrad * stepsize;
// Clean the parameters up.
double sumparams = 0.0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nlambdas; i++) {
if (!AllowNegativeParams) {
if (params(i) < 1e-12) {
// snap to zero, for active set and duplicate weights
params(i) = 0;
sumparams += params(i);
if (!AllowExtrapolation) params /= sumparams;
bool duplicateentry = false;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < paramhistory.size(); ++i) {
if (params == paramhistory[i]) duplicateentry = true;
while ((duplicateentry) && (stepsize >= minstepsize)) {
cerr << "Duplicate weight found: " << endl;
cerr << params << endl;
stepsize *= 0.5; // Step in this direction is duplicate, so try again
// with smaller step
params = bestparams - stepsize * bestgrad;
sumparams = 0.0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nlambdas; i++) {
if (!AllowNegativeParams) {
if (params(i) < 1e-12) params(i) = 0;
sumparams += params(i);
if (!AllowExtrapolation) params /= sumparams;
duplicateentry = false;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < paramhistory.size(); ++i) {
if (params == paramhistory[i]) duplicateentry = true;
if (stepsize < minstepsize) break; // No need to make another step
params = bestparams; // So that next setiter is correct
cerr << "Training complete. Best weights:" << endl;
cerr << params << endl;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
std::string tuning_data;
std::vector<std::string> lms;
try {
namespace po = boost::program_options;
po::options_description options("train-params");
options.add_options()("help,h", po::bool_switch(),
"Show this help message")(
"no_bias_term,B", po::bool_switch(), "Do not include a 'bias' feature")(
"tuning_data,t", po::value<std::string>(&tuning_data),
"File to tune perplexity on")(
"model,m", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(&lms),
"Language models in KenLM format to interpolate");
po::variables_map vm;
po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, options), vm);
// Display help
if (argc == 1 || vm["help"].as<bool>()) {
std::cerr << options << std::endl;
return 1;
if (vm["no_bias_term"].as<bool>()) HAS_BIAS = false;
lms = vm["model"].as<std::vector<std::string> >();
tuning_data = vm["tuning_data"].as<std::string>();
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
if (lms.size() < 2) {
<< "Please specify at least two language model files with -m LM.KLM\n";
return 1;
if (tuning_data.empty()) {
std::cerr << "Please specify tuning set with -t FILE.TXT\n";
return 1;
// Growable vocab here
// GrowableVocab gvoc(100000); //dummy default
// no comment
std::map<std::string, int *> vmap;
// stuff it into the
EnumerateGlobalVocab *globalVocabBuilder =
new EnumerateGlobalVocab(&vmap, lms.size());
Config cfg;
cfg.enumerate_vocab = (EnumerateVocab *)globalVocabBuilder;
// load models
std::vector<Model *> models;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lms.size(); i++) {
std::cerr << "Loading LM file: " << lms[i] << std::endl;
// haaaack
globalVocabBuilder->SetCurModel(i); // yes this is dumb
Model *this_model = new Model(lms[i].c_str(), cfg);
// assemble vocabulary vector
std::vector<std::string> vocab;
std::cerr << "Global Vocab Map has size: " << vmap.size() << std::endl;
for (std::map<std::string, int *>::iterator iter = vmap.begin();
iter != vmap.end(); ++iter) {
std::cerr << "Vocab vector has size: " << vocab.size() << std::endl;
// load context sorted ngrams into vector of vectors
std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > corpus;
std::cerr << "Loading context-sorted ngrams: " << tuning_data << std::endl;
std::ifstream infile(tuning_data.c_str());
for (std::string line; std::getline(infile, line);) {
std::vector<std::string> words;
std::stringstream stream(line);
std::string word;
while (stream >> word)
train_params(corpus, vocab, models);
return 0;