blob: 26f63c81b587601a54c734c46e5aa548417f21e1 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "lm/interpolate/enumerate_global_vocab.hh"
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
namespace lm {
EnumerateGlobalVocab::EnumerateGlobalVocab(std::map<std::string, int*> * vm, int nm) {
vmap = vm;
num_models = nm;
cur_model = 0; //blah
cnt = 0;
std::cerr << "Vocab Builder with models: " << nm << std::endl;
void EnumerateGlobalVocab::Add(WordIndex index, const StringPiece &str) {
std::string st = str.as_string();
//check for existence of key
std::map<std::string, int*>::iterator itr = vmap->find(st);
//put stuff
if(itr != vmap->end()) {
std::cerr << "Vocab exist: " << str << " M: " << cur_model << " I:" << index << std::endl;
itr->second[cur_model] = index;
//new key
else {
//create model index map for this vocab word
//init to 0, 0 is UNK
int * indices = new int[num_models];
memset(indices, 0, (sizeof(int)*num_models)); //this still legit?
indices[cur_model] = index;
(*vmap)[st] = indices;
std::cerr << cnt << ":Vocab add: " << str << " M: " << cur_model << " I:" << index << std::endl;