blob: 40884da96d7994c4371337f1c8d855146abb2a8b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2003 Dave Abrahams
# Copyright 2003 Vladimir Prus
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
import modules ;
import numbers ;
# The pattern that indirect rules must match: module%rule
.pattern = ^([^%]*)%([^%]+)$ ;
# Type checking rules.
local rule indirect-rule ( x )
if ! [ MATCH $(.pattern) : $(x) ]
return "expected a string of the form module%rule, but got \""$(x)"\" for argument" ;
# Make an indirect rule which calls the given rule. If context is supplied it is
# expected to be the module in which to invoke the rule by the 'call' rule
# below. Otherwise, the rule will be invoked in the module of this rule's
# caller.
rule make ( rulename bound-args * : context ? )
context ?= [ CALLER_MODULE ] ;
context ?= "" ;
return $(context)%$(rulename) $(bound-args) ;
# Make an indirect rule which calls the given rule. 'rulename' may be a
# qualified rule; if so it is returned unchanged. Otherwise, if frames is not
# supplied, the result will be invoked (by 'call', below) in the module of the
# caller. Otherwise, frames > 1 specifies additional call frames to back up in
# order to find the module context.
rule make-qualified ( rulename bound-args * : frames ? )
if [ MATCH $(.pattern) : $(rulename) ]
return $(rulename) $(bound-args) ;
frames ?= 1 ;
# If the rule name includes a Jamfile module, grab it.
local module-context = [ MATCH ^(Jamfile<[^>]*>)\\..* : $(rulename) ] ;
if ! $(module-context)
# Take the first dot-separated element as module name. This disallows
# module names with dots, but allows rule names with dots.
module-context = [ MATCH ^([^.]*)\\..* : $(rulename) ] ;
module-context ?= [ CALLER_MODULE $(frames) ] ;
return [ make $(rulename) $(bound-args) : $(module-context) ] ;
# Returns the module name in which the given indirect rule will be invoked.
rule get-module ( [indirect-rule] x )
local m = [ MATCH $(.pattern) : $(x) ] ;
if ! $(m[1])
m = ;
return $(m[1]) ;
# Returns the rulename that will be called when x is invoked.
rule get-rule ( [indirect-rule] x )
local m = [ MATCH $(.pattern) : $(x) ] ;
return $(m[2]) ;
# Invoke the given indirect-rule.
rule call ( [indirect-rule] r args * : * )
return [ [ get-module $(r) ] : [ get-rule $(r) ] $(args) :
$(2) : $(3) : $(4) : $(5) : $(6) : $(7) : $(8) : $(9) : $(10) : $(11) :
$(12) : $(13) : $(14) : $(15) : $(16) : $(17) : $(18) : $(19) ] ;
rule __test__
import assert ;
rule foo-barr! ( x )
assert.equal $(x) : x ;
assert.equal [ get-rule [ make foo-barr! ] ] : foo-barr! ;
assert.equal [ get-module [ make foo-barr! ] ] : [ CALLER_MODULE ] ;
call [ make foo-barr! ] x ;
call [ make foo-barr! x ] ;
call [ make foo-barr! : [ CALLER_MODULE ] ] x ;