blob: dc9dbd8496159e873ac84fd836d8a24ed0a3ba2a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Dave Abrahams
# Copyright 2006 Rene Rivera
# Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Vladimir Prus
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
import feature ;
import indirect ;
import path ;
import regex ;
import string ;
import sequence ;
import set ;
import utility ;
# Refines 'properties' by overriding any non-free and non-conditional properties
# for which a different value is specified in 'requirements'. Returns the
# resulting list of properties.
rule refine ( properties * : requirements * )
local result ;
local unset ;
# Collect all non-free features in requirements
for local r in $(requirements)
# Do not consider conditional requirements.
if ! [ MATCH (:) : $(r:G=) ] && ! free in [ feature.attributes $(r:G) ]
unset += $(r:G) ;
# Remove properties that are overridden by requirements
for local p in $(properties)
if [ MATCH (:) : $(p:G=) ] || ! $(p:G) in $(unset)
result += $(p) ;
return [ sequence.unique $(result) $(requirements) ] ;
# Removes all conditional properties whose conditions are not met. For those
# with met conditions, removes the condition. Properties in conditions are
# looked up in 'context'.
rule evaluate-conditionals-in-context ( properties * : context * )
local base ;
local conditionals ;
for local p in $(properties)
if [ MATCH (:<) : $(p) ]
conditionals += $(p) ;
base += $(p) ;
local result = $(base) ;
for local p in $(conditionals)
# Separate condition and property.
local s = [ MATCH ^(.*):(<.*) : $(p) ] ;
# Split condition into individual properties.
local condition = [ regex.split $(s[1]) "," ] ;
# Evaluate condition.
if ! [ MATCH ^(!).* : $(condition:G=) ]
# Only positive checks
if $(condition) in $(context)
result += $(s[2]) ;
# Have negative checks
local fail ;
while $(condition)
local c = $(condition[1]) ;
local m = [ MATCH ^!(.*) : $(c) ] ;
if $(m)
local p = $(m:G=$(c:G)) ;
if $(p) in $(context)
fail = true ;
c = ;
if ! $(c) in $(context)
fail = true ;
c = ;
condition = $(condition[2-]) ;
if ! $(fail)
result += $(s[2]) ;
return $(result) ;
rule expand-subfeatures-in-conditions ( properties * )
local result ;
for local p in $(properties)
local s = [ MATCH ^(.*):(<.*) : $(p) ] ;
if ! $(s)
result += $(p) ;
local condition = $(s[1]) ;
local value = $(s[2]) ;
# Condition might include several elements.
condition = [ regex.split $(condition) "," ] ;
local e ;
for local c in $(condition)
# It is common for a condition to include a toolset or
# subfeatures that have not been defined. In that case we want
# the condition to simply 'never be satisfied' and validation
# would only produce a spurious error so we prevent it by
# passing 'true' as the second parameter.
e += [ feature.expand-subfeatures $(c) : true ] ;
if $(e) = $(condition)
# (todo)
# This is just an optimization and possibly a premature one at
# that.
# (todo) (12.07.2008.) (Jurko)
result += $(p) ;
result += $(e:J=,):$(value) ;
return $(result) ;
# Helper for as-path, below. Orders properties with the implicit ones first, and
# within the two sections in alphabetical order of feature name.
local rule path-order ( x y )
if $(y:G) && ! $(x:G)
return true ;
else if $(x:G) && ! $(y:G)
return ;
if ! $(x:G)
x = [ feature.expand-subfeatures $(x) ] ;
y = [ feature.expand-subfeatures $(y) ] ;
if $(x[1]) < $(y[1])
return true ;
local rule abbreviate-dashed ( string )
local r ;
for local part in [ regex.split $(string) - ]
r += [ string.abbreviate $(part) ] ;
return $(r:J=-) ;
local rule identity ( string )
return $(string) ;
if --abbreviate-paths in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
.abbrev = abbreviate-dashed ;
.abbrev = identity ;
# Returns a path representing the given expanded property set.
rule as-path ( properties * )
local entry = .result.$(properties:J=-) ;
if ! $($(entry))
# Trim redundancy.
properties = [ feature.minimize $(properties) ] ;
# Sort according to path-order.
properties = [ sequence.insertion-sort $(properties) : path-order ] ;
local components ;
for local p in $(properties)
if $(p:G)
local f = [ utility.ungrist $(p:G) ] ;
p = $(f)-$(p:G=) ;
components += [ $(.abbrev) $(p) ] ;
$(entry) = $(components:J=/) ;
return $($(entry)) ;
# Exit with error if property is not valid.
local rule validate1 ( property )
local msg ;
if $(property:G)
local feature = $(property:G) ;
local value = $(property:G=) ;
if ! [ feature.valid $(feature) ]
# Ungrist for better error messages.
feature = [ utility.ungrist $(property:G) ] ;
msg = "unknown feature '$(feature)'" ;
else if $(value) && ! free in [ feature.attributes $(feature) ]
feature.validate-value-string $(feature) $(value) ;
else if ! ( $(value) || ( optional in [ feature.attributes $(feature) ] ) )
# Ungrist for better error messages.
feature = [ utility.ungrist $(property:G) ] ;
msg = "No value specified for feature '$(feature)'" ;
local feature = [ feature.implied-feature $(property) ] ;
feature.validate-value-string $(feature) $(property) ;
if $(msg)
import errors ;
errors.error "Invalid property "'$(property:J=" ")'": "$(msg:J=" "). ;
rule validate ( properties * )
for local p in $(properties)
validate1 $(p) ;
rule validate-property-sets ( property-sets * )
for local s in $(property-sets)
validate [ feature.split $(s) ] ;
# Expands any implicit property values in the given property 'specification' so
# they explicitly state their feature.
rule make ( specification * )
local result ;
for local e in $(specification)
if $(e:G)
result += $(e) ;
else if [ $(e) ]
local feature = [ feature.implied-feature $(e) ] ;
result += $(feature)$(e) ;
import errors ;
errors.error "'$(e)' is not a valid property specification" ;
return $(result) ;
# Returns a property set containing all the elements in 'properties' that do not
# have their attributes listed in 'attributes'.
rule remove ( attributes + : properties * )
local result ;
for local e in $(properties)
if ! [ set.intersection $(attributes) : [ feature.attributes $(e:G) ] ]
result += $(e) ;
return $(result) ;
# Returns a property set containing all the elements in 'properties' that have
# their attributes listed in 'attributes'.
rule take ( attributes + : properties * )
local result ;
for local e in $(properties)
if [ set.intersection $(attributes) : [ feature.attributes $(e:G) ] ]
result += $(e) ;
return $(result) ;
# Selects properties corresponding to any of the given features.
rule select ( features * : properties * )
local result ;
# Add any missing angle brackets.
local empty = "" ;
features = $(empty:G=$(features)) ;
for local p in $(properties)
if $(p:G) in $(features)
result += $(p) ;
return $(result) ;
# Returns a modified version of properties with all values of the given feature
# replaced by the given value. If 'value' is empty the feature will be removed.
rule change ( properties * : feature value ? )
local result ;
for local p in $(properties)
if $(p:G) = $(feature)
result += $(value:G=$(feature)) ;
result += $(p) ;
return $(result) ;
# If 'property' is a conditional property, returns the condition and the
# property. E.g. <variant>debug,<toolset>gcc:<inlining>full will become
# <variant>debug,<toolset>gcc <inlining>full. Otherwise, returns an empty
# string.
rule split-conditional ( property )
return [ MATCH "^(.+):(<.+)" : $(property) ] ;
rule translate-path-value ( value : path )
local t ;
for local v in [ regex.split $(value) "&&" ]
t += [ path.root [ path.make $(v) ] $(path) ] ;
return $(t:TJ="&&") ;
rule translate-dependency-value ( value : project-id : project-location )
local split-target = [ regex.match ^(.*)//(.*) : $(value) ] ;
if $(split-target)
local rooted = [ path.root [ path.make $(split-target[1]) ]
[ path.root $(project-location) [ path.pwd ] ] ] ;
return $(rooted)//$(split-target[2]) ;
else if [ $(value) ]
return $(value) ;
return $(project-id)//$(value) ;
rule translate-indirect-value ( rulename : context-module )
if [ MATCH "^([^%]*)%([^%]+)$" : $(rulename) ]
# Rule is already in the 'indirect-rule' format.
return @$(rulename) ;
local v ;
if ! [ MATCH "([.])" : $(rulename) ]
# This is an unqualified rule name. The user might want to
# set flags on this rule name and toolset.flag
# auto-qualifies it. Need to do the same here so flag
# setting works. We can arrange for toolset.flag to *not*
# auto-qualify the argument but then two rules defined in
# two Jamfiles would conflict.
rulename = $(context-module).$(rulename) ;
v = [ indirect.make $(rulename) : $(context-module) ] ;
return @$(v) ;
# Equivalent to a calling all of:
# translate-path
# translate-indirect
# translate-dependency
# expand-subfeatures-in-conditions
# make
rule translate ( properties * : project-id : project-location : context-module )
local result ;
for local p in $(properties)
local split = [ split-conditional $(p) ] ;
local condition property ;
if $(split)
condition = $(split[1]) ;
property = $(split[2]) ;
local e ;
for local c in [ regex.split $(condition) "," ]
e += [ feature.expand-subfeatures $(c) : true ] ;
condition = $(e:J=,): ;
property = $(p) ;
local feature = $(property:G) ;
if ! $(feature)
if [ $(property) ]
feature = [ feature.implied-feature $(property) ] ;
result += $(condition:E=)$(feature)$(property) ;
import errors ;
errors.error "'$(e)' is not a valid property specification" ;
} else {
local attributes = [ feature.attributes $(feature) ] ;
local value ;
# Only free features should be translated
if free in $(attributes)
if path in $(attributes)
value = [ translate-path-value $(property:G=) : $(project-location) ] ;
result += $(condition:E=)$(feature)$(value) ;
else if dependency in $(attributes)
value = [ translate-dependency-value $(property:G=) : $(project-id) : $(project-location) ] ;
result += $(condition:E=)$(feature)$(value) ;
local m = [ MATCH ^@(.+) : $(property:G=) ] ;
if $(m)
value = [ translate-indirect-value $(m) : $(context-module) ] ;
result += $(condition:E=)$(feature)$(value) ;
result += $(condition:E=)$(property) ;
result += $(condition:E=)$(property) ;
return $(result) ;
# Interpret all path properties in 'properties' as relative to 'path'. The
# property values are assumed to be in system-specific form, and will be
# translated into normalized form.
rule translate-paths ( properties * : path )
local result ;
for local p in $(properties)
local split = [ split-conditional $(p) ] ;
local condition = "" ;
if $(split)
condition = $(split[1]): ;
p = $(split[2]) ;
if path in [ feature.attributes $(p:G) ]
local values = [ regex.split $(p:TG=) "&&" ] ;
local t ;
for local v in $(values)
t += [ path.root [ path.make $(v) ] $(path) ] ;
t = $(t:J="&&") ;
result += $(condition)$(t:TG=$(p:G)) ;
result += $(condition)$(p) ;
return $(result) ;
# Assumes that all feature values that start with '@' are names of rules, used
# in 'context-module'. Such rules can be either local to the module or global.
# Converts such values into 'indirect-rule' format (see indirect.jam), so they
# can be called from other modules. Does nothing for such values that are
# already in the 'indirect-rule' format.
rule translate-indirect ( specification * : context-module )
local result ;
for local p in $(specification)
local m = [ MATCH ^@(.+) : $(p:G=) ] ;
if $(m)
local v ;
if [ MATCH "^([^%]*)%([^%]+)$" : $(m) ]
# Rule is already in the 'indirect-rule' format.
v = $(m) ;
if ! [ MATCH "([.])" : $(m) ]
# This is an unqualified rule name. The user might want to
# set flags on this rule name and toolset.flag
# auto-qualifies it. Need to do the same here so flag
# setting works. We can arrange for toolset.flag to *not*
# auto-qualify the argument but then two rules defined in
# two Jamfiles would conflict.
m = $(context-module).$(m) ;
v = [ indirect.make $(m) : $(context-module) ] ;
v = @$(v) ;
result += $(v:G=$(p:G)) ;
result += $(p) ;
return $(result) ;
# Binds all dependency properties in a list relative to the given project.
# Targets with absolute paths will be left unchanged and targets which have a
# project specified will have the path to the project interpreted relative to
# the specified location.
rule translate-dependencies ( specification * : project-id : location )
local result ;
for local p in $(specification)
local split = [ split-conditional $(p) ] ;
local condition = "" ;
if $(split)
condition = $(split[1]): ;
p = $(split[2]) ;
if dependency in [ feature.attributes $(p:G) ]
local split-target = [ regex.match ^(.*)//(.*) : $(p:G=) ] ;
if $(split-target)
local rooted = [ path.root [ path.make $(split-target[1]) ]
[ path.root $(location) [ path.pwd ] ] ] ;
result += $(condition)$(p:G)$(rooted)//$(split-target[2]) ;
else if [ $(p:G=) ]
result += $(condition)$(p) ;
result += $(condition)$(p:G)$(project-id)//$(p:G=) ;
result += $(condition)$(p) ;
return $(result) ;
# Class maintaining a property set -> string mapping.
class property-map
import numbers ;
import sequence ;
rule __init__ ( )
{ = 1 ;
# Associate 'value' with 'properties'.
rule insert ( properties * : value )
self.all-flags += self.$( ;
self.$( = $(value) $(properties) ; = [ numbers.increment $( ] ;
# Returns the value associated with 'properties' or any subset of it. If
# more than one subset has a value assigned to it, returns the value for the
# longest subset, if it is unique.
rule find ( property-set )
# First find all matches.
local matches ;
local match-ranks ;
for local i in $(self.all-flags)
local list = $($(i)) ;
if [ $(property-set).contains-raw $(list[2-]) ]
matches += $(list[1]) ;
match-ranks += [ sequence.length $(list) ] ;
local best = [ $(matches)
: $(match-ranks) ] ;
if $(best[2])
import errors : error : errors.error ;
errors.error "Ambiguous key $(properties:J= :E=)" ;
return $(best) ;
# Returns the value associated with 'properties'. If 'value' parameter is
# given, replaces the found value.
rule find-replace ( properties * : value ? )
# First find all matches.
local matches ;
local match-ranks ;
for local i in $(self.all-flags)
if $($(i)[2-]) in $(properties)
matches += $(i) ;
match-ranks += [ sequence.length $($(i)) ] ;
local best = [ $(matches)
: $(match-ranks) ] ;
if $(best[2])
import errors : error : errors.error ;
errors.error "Ambiguous key $(properties:J= :E=)" ;
local original = $($(best)[1]) ;
if $(value)
$(best) = $(value) $($(best)[2-]) ;
return $(original) ;
rule __test__ ( )
import assert ;
import "class" : new ;
import errors : try catch ;
import feature ;
# Local rules must be explicitly re-imported.
import property : path-order abbreviate-dashed ;
feature.prepare-test property-test-temp ;
feature.feature toolset : gcc : implicit symmetric ;
feature.subfeature toolset gcc : version : 2.95.2 2.95.3 2.95.4 3.0 3.0.1
3.0.2 : optional ;
feature.feature define : : free ;
feature.feature runtime-link : dynamic static : symmetric link-incompatible ;
feature.feature optimization : on off ;
feature.feature variant : debug release : implicit composite symmetric ;
feature.feature rtti : on off : link-incompatible ;
feature.compose <variant>debug : <define>_DEBUG <optimization>off ;
feature.compose <variant>release : <define>NDEBUG <optimization>on ;
validate <toolset>gcc <toolset>gcc-3.0.1 : $(test-space) ;
assert.true path-order $(test-space) debug <define>foo ;
assert.false path-order $(test-space) <define>foo debug ;
assert.true path-order $(test-space) gcc debug ;
assert.false path-order $(test-space) debug gcc ;
assert.true path-order $(test-space) <optimization>on <rtti>on ;
assert.false path-order $(test-space) <rtti>on <optimization>on ;
assert.result-set-equal <toolset>gcc <rtti>off <define>FOO
: refine <toolset>gcc <rtti>off
: <define>FOO
: $(test-space) ;
assert.result-set-equal <toolset>gcc <optimization>on
: refine <toolset>gcc <optimization>off
: <optimization>on
: $(test-space) ;
assert.result-set-equal <toolset>gcc <rtti>off
: refine <toolset>gcc : <rtti>off : $(test-space) ;
assert.result-set-equal <toolset>gcc <rtti>off <rtti>off:<define>FOO
: refine <toolset>gcc : <rtti>off <rtti>off:<define>FOO
: $(test-space) ;
assert.result-set-equal <toolset>gcc:<define>foo <toolset>gcc:<define>bar
: refine <toolset>gcc:<define>foo : <toolset>gcc:<define>bar
: $(test-space) ;
assert.result <define>MY_RELEASE
: evaluate-conditionals-in-context
: <toolset>gcc <variant>release <rtti>off ;
assert.result debug
: as-path <optimization>off <variant>debug
: $(test-space) ;
assert.result gcc/debug/rtti-off
: as-path <toolset>gcc <optimization>off <rtti>off <variant>debug
: $(test-space) ;
assert.result optmz-off : abbreviate-dashed optimization-off ;
assert.result rntm-lnk-sttc : abbreviate-dashed runtime-link-static ;
try ;
validate <feature>value : $(test-space) ;
catch "Invalid property '<feature>value': unknown feature 'feature'." ;
try ;
validate <rtti>default : $(test-space) ;
catch \"default\" is not a known value of feature <rtti> ;
validate <define>WHATEVER : $(test-space) ;
try ;
validate <rtti> : $(test-space) ;
catch "Invalid property '<rtti>': No value specified for feature 'rtti'." ;
try ;
validate value : $(test-space) ;
catch \"value\" is not an implicit feature value ;
assert.result-set-equal <rtti>on
: remove free implicit : <toolset>gcc <define>foo <rtti>on : $(test-space) ;
assert.result-set-equal <include>a
: select include : <include>a <toolset>gcc ;
assert.result-set-equal <include>a
: select include bar : <include>a <toolset>gcc ;
assert.result-set-equal <include>a <toolset>gcc
: select include <bar> <toolset> : <include>a <toolset>gcc ;
assert.result-set-equal <toolset>kylix <include>a
: change <toolset>gcc <include>a : <toolset> kylix ;
pm = [ new property-map ] ;
$(pm).insert <toolset>gcc : o ;
$(pm).insert <toolset>gcc <os>NT : obj ;
$(pm).insert <toolset>gcc <os>CYGWIN : obj ;
assert.equal o : [ $(pm).find-replace <toolset>gcc ] ;
assert.equal obj : [ $(pm).find-replace <toolset>gcc <os>NT ] ;
try ;
$(pm).find-replace <toolset>gcc <os>NT <os>CYGWIN ;
catch "Ambiguous key <toolset>gcc <os>NT <os>CYGWIN" ;
# Test ordinary properties.
assert.result : split-conditional <toolset>gcc ;
# Test properties with ":".
assert.result : split-conditional <define>FOO=A::B ;
# Test conditional feature.
assert.result-set-equal <toolset>gcc,<toolset-gcc:version>3.0 <define>FOO
: split-conditional <toolset>gcc,<toolset-gcc:version>3.0:<define>FOO ;
feature.finish-test property-test-temp ;