blob: 6570c23d6adef7eff86c564f8d6c52cc4a952810 [file] [log] [blame]
#Remember that some distributions split packages into development and binary
#versions. You need the development versions.
#zlib and Boost >= 1.36.0 are required. Don't have Boost? You can compile the
#queries part with ./ .
#--with-boost=/path/to/boost uses a Boost install from a custom path.
#The following optional packages are autodetected:
#libtcmalloc_minimal from google-perftools
#lzma aka xz
#--prefix=/path/to/prefix sets the install prefix [default is source root].
#--bindir=/path/to/prefix/bin sets the bin directory [PREFIX/bin]
#--libdir=/path/to/prefix/lib sets the lib directory [PREFIX/lib]
#--includedir=/path/to/prefix/include installs headers.
# Does not install if missing. No argument defaults to PREFIX/include .
#--install-scripts=/path/to/scripts copies scripts into a directory.
# Does not install if missing. No argument defaults to PREFIX/scripts .
#--git appends the git revision to the prefix directory.
# By default, the build is multi-threaded, optimized, and statically linked.
# Pass these to change the build:
# threading=single|multi controls threading (default multi)
# variant=release|debug|profile builds optimized (default), for debug, or for
# profiling
# link=static|shared controls preferred linking (default static)
# --static forces static linking (the default will fall
# back to shared)
# debug-symbols=on|off include or exclude (default) debugging
# information also known as -g
# --without-libsegfault does not link with libSegFault
# --max-kenlm-order maximum ngram order that kenlm can process (default 6)
#-a to build from scratch
#-j$NCPUS to compile in parallel
#--clean to clean
path-constant TOP : . ;
include $(TOP)/jam-files/sanity.jam ;
boost 103600 ;
project : requirements $(requirements) <include>. ;
project : default-build <threading>multi <warnings>on <variant>release <link>static ;
external-lib z ;
build-project lm ;
build-project util ;
lib kenlm : lm//kenlm ;
install-bin-libs lm//programs util//programs kenlm ;
install-headers prefix-include : [ glob-tree *.hh : dist include prefix-include ] : . ;
alias install : prefix-bin prefix-lib prefix-include ;
explicit headers ;
explicit install ;