blob: 07365e24890350f3fa9300bf9e2d3360a6fcff93 [file] [log] [blame]
package joshua.mira;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import joshua.corpus.Vocabulary;
import joshua.metrics.EvaluationMetric;
// this class implements the MIRA algorithm
public class Optimizer {
public Optimizer(Vector<String> _output, boolean[] _isOptimizable, double[] _initialLambda,
HashMap<String, String>[] _feat_hash, HashMap<String, String>[] _stats_hash) {
output = _output; // (not used for now)
isOptimizable = _isOptimizable;
initialLambda = _initialLambda; // initial weights array
paramDim = initialLambda.length - 1;
initialLambda = _initialLambda;
feat_hash = _feat_hash; // feature hash table
stats_hash = _stats_hash; // suff. stats hash table
finalLambda = new double[initialLambda.length];
for (int i = 0; i < finalLambda.length; i++)
finalLambda[i] = initialLambda[i];
// run MIRA for one epoch
public double[] runOptimizer() {
List<Integer> sents = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < sentNum; ++i)
double[] avgLambda = new double[initialLambda.length]; // only needed if averaging is required
for (int i = 0; i < initialLambda.length; i++)
avgLambda[i] = 0.0;
double[] bestLambda = new double[initialLambda.length]; // only needed if averaging is required
for (int i = 0; i < initialLambda.length; i++)
bestLambda[i] = 0.0;
double bestMetricScore = evalMetric.getToBeMinimized() ? PosInf : NegInf;
int bestIter = 0;
for (int iter = 0; iter < miraIter; ++iter) {
System.arraycopy(finalLambda, 1, initialLambda, 1, paramDim);
if (needShuffle)
double oraMetric, oraScore, predMetric, predScore;
double[] oraPredScore = new double[4];
double eta = 1.0; // learning rate, will not be changed if run percep
double avgEta = 0; // average eta, just for analysis
double loss = 0;
double diff = 0;
double featNorm = 0;
double sumMetricScore = 0;
double sumModelScore = 0;
String oraFeat = "";
String predFeat = "";
String[] oraPredFeat = new String[2];
String[] vecOraFeat;
String[] vecPredFeat;
String[] featInfo;
int thisBatchSize = 0;
int numBatch = 0;
int numUpdate = 0;
Iterator it;
Integer diffFeatId;
// update weights
Integer s;
int sentCount = 0;
while( sentCount < sentNum ) {
loss = 0;
thisBatchSize = batchSize;
HashMap<Integer, Double> featDiff = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
for(int b = 0; b < batchSize; ++b ) {
//find out oracle and prediction
s = sents.get(sentCount);
// find out oracle and prediction
findOraPred(s, oraPredScore, oraPredFeat, finalLambda, featScale);
// the model scores here are already scaled in findOraPred
oraMetric = oraPredScore[0];
oraScore = oraPredScore[1];
predMetric = oraPredScore[2];
predScore = oraPredScore[3];
oraFeat = oraPredFeat[0];
predFeat = oraPredFeat[1];
// update the scale
if (needScale) { // otherwise featscale remains 1.0
sumMetricScore += java.lang.Math.abs(oraMetric + predMetric);
// restore the original model score
sumModelScore += java.lang.Math.abs(oraScore + predScore) / featScale;
if (sumModelScore / sumMetricScore > scoreRatio)
featScale = sumMetricScore / sumModelScore;
vecOraFeat = oraFeat.split("\\s+");
vecPredFeat = predFeat.split("\\s+");
//accumulate difference feature vector
if ( b == 0 ) {
for (int i = 0; i < vecOraFeat.length; i++) {
featInfo = vecOraFeat[i].split("=");
diffFeatId = Integer.parseInt(featInfo[0]);
featDiff.put(diffFeatId, Double.parseDouble(featInfo[1]));
for (int i = 0; i < vecPredFeat.length; i++) {
featInfo = vecPredFeat[i].split("=");
diffFeatId = Integer.parseInt(featInfo[0]);
if (featDiff.containsKey(diffFeatId)) { //overlapping features
diff = featDiff.get(diffFeatId)-Double.parseDouble(featInfo[1]);
if ( Math.abs(diff) > 1e-20 )
featDiff.put(diffFeatId, diff);
else //features only firing in the 2nd feature vector
featDiff.put(diffFeatId, -1.0*Double.parseDouble(featInfo[1]));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < vecOraFeat.length; i++) {
featInfo = vecOraFeat[i].split("=");
diffFeatId = Integer.parseInt(featInfo[0]);
if (featDiff.containsKey(diffFeatId)) { //overlapping features
diff = featDiff.get(diffFeatId)+Double.parseDouble(featInfo[1]);
if ( Math.abs(diff) > 1e-20 )
featDiff.put(diffFeatId, diff);
else //features only firing in the new oracle feature vector
featDiff.put(diffFeatId, Double.parseDouble(featInfo[1]));
for (int i = 0; i < vecPredFeat.length; i++) {
featInfo = vecPredFeat[i].split("=");
diffFeatId = Integer.parseInt(featInfo[0]);
if (featDiff.containsKey(diffFeatId)) { //overlapping features
diff = featDiff.get(diffFeatId)-Double.parseDouble(featInfo[1]);
if ( Math.abs(diff) > 1e-20 )
featDiff.put(diffFeatId, diff);
else //features only firing in the new prediction feature vector
featDiff.put(diffFeatId, -1.0*Double.parseDouble(featInfo[1]));
if (!runPercep) { // otherwise eta=1.0
// remember the model scores here are already scaled
double singleLoss = evalMetric.getToBeMinimized() ?
(predMetric - oraMetric) - (oraScore - predScore) / featScale
: (oraMetric - predMetric) - (oraScore - predScore) / featScale;
loss += singleLoss;
if( sentCount >= sentNum ) {
thisBatchSize = b + 1;
} //for(int b = 0; b < batchSize; ++b)
if (!runPercep) { // otherwise eta=1.0
featNorm = 0;
Collection<Double> allDiff = featDiff.values();
for (it = allDiff.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
diff = (Double);
featNorm += diff * diff / ( thisBatchSize * thisBatchSize );
if( loss <= 0 )
eta = 0;
else {
loss /= thisBatchSize;
// feat vector not scaled before
eta = C < loss / featNorm ? C : loss / featNorm;
avgEta += eta;
Set<Integer> diffFeatSet = featDiff.keySet();
it = diffFeatSet.iterator();
if ( java.lang.Math.abs(eta) > 1e-20 ) {
while (it.hasNext()) {
diffFeatId = (Integer);
finalLambda[diffFeatId] =
finalLambda[diffFeatId] + eta * featDiff.get(diffFeatId) / thisBatchSize;
if (needAvg) {
for (int i = 0; i < avgLambda.length; ++i)
avgLambda[i] += finalLambda[i];
} //while( sentCount < sentNum )
avgEta /= numBatch;
* for( int i=0; i<finalLambda.length; i++ ) System.out.print(finalLambda[i]+" ");
* System.out.println(); System.exit(0);
double initMetricScore;
if(iter == 0 ) {
initMetricScore = computeCorpusMetricScore(initialLambda);
finalMetricScore = computeCorpusMetricScore(avgLambda);
finalMetricScore = computeCorpusMetricScore(finalLambda);
} else {
initMetricScore = finalMetricScore;
finalMetricScore = computeCorpusMetricScore(avgLambda);
finalMetricScore = computeCorpusMetricScore(finalLambda);
if(evalMetric.getToBeMinimized()) {
if( finalMetricScore < bestMetricScore ) {
bestMetricScore = finalMetricScore;
bestIter = iter;
for( int i = 0; i < finalLambda.length; ++i )
bestLambda[i] = needAvg ? avgLambda[i] : finalLambda[i];
} else {
if( finalMetricScore > bestMetricScore ) {
bestMetricScore = finalMetricScore;
bestIter = iter;
for( int i = 0; i < finalLambda.length; ++i )
bestLambda[i] = needAvg ? avgLambda[i] : finalLambda[i];
if ( iter == miraIter - 1 ) {
for (int i = 0; i < finalLambda.length; ++i)
finalLambda[i] =
needAvg ? bestLambda[i] / ( numBatch * ( bestIter + 1 ) ) : bestLambda[i];
// prepare the printing info
String result = "Iter " + iter + ": Avg learning rate=" + String.format("%.4f", avgEta);
result += " Initial " + evalMetric.get_metricName() + "="
+ String.format("%.4f", initMetricScore) + " Final " + evalMetric.get_metricName() + "="
+ String.format("%.4f", finalMetricScore);
} // for ( int iter = 0; iter < miraIter; ++iter )
String result = "Best " + evalMetric.get_metricName() + "="
+ String.format("%.4f", bestMetricScore)
+ " (iter = " + bestIter + ")\n";
finalMetricScore = bestMetricScore;
// non-optimizable weights should remain unchanged
ArrayList<Double> cpFixWt = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (int i = 1; i < isOptimizable.length; ++i) {
if (!isOptimizable[i])
int countNonOpt = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < isOptimizable.length; ++i) {
if (!isOptimizable[i]) {
finalLambda[i] = cpFixWt.get(countNonOpt);
return finalLambda;
public double computeCorpusMetricScore(double[] finalLambda) {
int suffStatsCount = evalMetric.get_suffStatsCount();
double modelScore;
double maxModelScore;
Set<String> candSet;
String candStr;
String[] feat_str;
String[] tmpStatsVal = new String[suffStatsCount];
int[] corpusStatsVal = new int[suffStatsCount];
for (int i = 0; i < suffStatsCount; i++)
corpusStatsVal[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sentNum; i++) {
candSet = feat_hash[i].keySet();
// find out the 1-best candidate for each sentence
// this depends on the training mode
maxModelScore = NegInf;
for (Iterator it = candSet.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
modelScore = 0.0;
candStr =;
feat_str = feat_hash[i].get(candStr).split("\\s+");
String[] feat_info;
for (int f = 0; f < feat_str.length; f++) {
feat_info = feat_str[f].split("=");
modelScore += Double.parseDouble(feat_info[1]) * finalLambda[[0])];
if (maxModelScore < modelScore) {
maxModelScore = modelScore;
tmpStatsVal = stats_hash[i].get(candStr).split("\\s+"); // save the
// suff stats
for (int j = 0; j < suffStatsCount; j++)
corpusStatsVal[j] += Integer.parseInt(tmpStatsVal[j]); // accumulate
// corpus-leve
// suff stats
} // for( int i=0; i<sentNum; i++ )
return evalMetric.score(corpusStatsVal);
private void findOraPred(int sentId, double[] oraPredScore, String[] oraPredFeat,
double[] lambda, double featScale) {
double oraMetric = 0, oraScore = 0, predMetric = 0, predScore = 0;
String oraFeat = "", predFeat = "";
double candMetric = 0, candScore = 0; // metric and model scores for each cand
Set<String> candSet = stats_hash[sentId].keySet();
String cand = "";
String feats = "";
String oraCand = ""; // only used when BLEU/TER-BLEU is used as metric
String[] featStr;
String[] featInfo;
int actualFeatId;
double bestOraScore;
double worstPredScore;
if (oraSelectMode == 1)
bestOraScore = NegInf; // larger score will be selected
else {
if (evalMetric.getToBeMinimized())
bestOraScore = PosInf; // smaller score will be selected
bestOraScore = NegInf;
if (predSelectMode == 1 || predSelectMode == 2)
worstPredScore = NegInf; // larger score will be selected
else {
if (evalMetric.getToBeMinimized())
worstPredScore = NegInf; // larger score will be selected
worstPredScore = PosInf;
for (Iterator it = candSet.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
cand =;
candMetric = computeSentMetric(sentId, cand); // compute metric score
// start to compute model score
candScore = 0;
featStr = feat_hash[sentId].get(cand).split("\\s+");
feats = "";
for (int i = 0; i < featStr.length; i++) {
featInfo = featStr[i].split("=");
actualFeatId =[0]);
candScore += Double.parseDouble(featInfo[1]) * lambda[actualFeatId];
if ((actualFeatId < isOptimizable.length && isOptimizable[actualFeatId])
|| actualFeatId >= isOptimizable.length)
feats += actualFeatId + "=" + Double.parseDouble(featInfo[1]) + " ";
candScore *= featScale; // scale the model score
// is this cand oracle?
if (oraSelectMode == 1) {// "hope", b=1, r=1
if (evalMetric.getToBeMinimized()) {// if the smaller the metric score, the better
if (bestOraScore <= (candScore - candMetric)) {
bestOraScore = candScore - candMetric;
oraMetric = candMetric;
oraScore = candScore;
oraFeat = feats;
oraCand = cand;
} else {
if (bestOraScore <= (candScore + candMetric)) {
bestOraScore = candScore + candMetric;
oraMetric = candMetric;
oraScore = candScore;
oraFeat = feats;
oraCand = cand;
} else {// best metric score(ex: max BLEU), b=1, r=0
if (evalMetric.getToBeMinimized()) {// if the smaller the metric score, the better
if (bestOraScore >= candMetric) {
bestOraScore = candMetric;
oraMetric = candMetric;
oraScore = candScore;
oraFeat = feats;
oraCand = cand;
} else {
if (bestOraScore <= candMetric) {
bestOraScore = candMetric;
oraMetric = candMetric;
oraScore = candScore;
oraFeat = feats;
oraCand = cand;
// is this cand prediction?
if (predSelectMode == 1) {// "fear"
if (evalMetric.getToBeMinimized()) {// if the smaller the metric score, the better
if (worstPredScore <= (candScore + candMetric)) {
worstPredScore = candScore + candMetric;
predMetric = candMetric;
predScore = candScore;
predFeat = feats;
} else {
if (worstPredScore <= (candScore - candMetric)) {
worstPredScore = candScore - candMetric;
predMetric = candMetric;
predScore = candScore;
predFeat = feats;
} else if (predSelectMode == 2) {// model prediction(max model score)
if (worstPredScore <= candScore) {
worstPredScore = candScore;
predMetric = candMetric;
predScore = candScore;
predFeat = feats;
} else {// worst metric score(ex: min BLEU)
if (evalMetric.getToBeMinimized()) {// if the smaller the metric score, the better
if (worstPredScore <= candMetric) {
worstPredScore = candMetric;
predMetric = candMetric;
predScore = candScore;
predFeat = feats;
} else {
if (worstPredScore >= candMetric) {
worstPredScore = candMetric;
predMetric = candMetric;
predScore = candScore;
predFeat = feats;
oraPredScore[0] = oraMetric;
oraPredScore[1] = oraScore;
oraPredScore[2] = predMetric;
oraPredScore[3] = predScore;
oraPredFeat[0] = oraFeat;
oraPredFeat[1] = predFeat;
// update the BLEU metric statistics if pseudo corpus is used to compute BLEU/TER-BLEU
if (evalMetric.get_metricName().equals("BLEU") && usePseudoBleu) {
String statString;
String[] statVal_str;
statString = stats_hash[sentId].get(oraCand);
statVal_str = statString.split("\\s+");
for (int j = 0; j < evalMetric.get_suffStatsCount(); j++)
bleuHistory[sentId][j] = R * bleuHistory[sentId][j] + Integer.parseInt(statVal_str[j]);
if (evalMetric.get_metricName().equals("TER-BLEU") && usePseudoBleu) {
String statString;
String[] statVal_str;
statString = stats_hash[sentId].get(oraCand);
statVal_str = statString.split("\\s+");
for (int j = 0; j < evalMetric.get_suffStatsCount() - 2; j++)
bleuHistory[sentId][j] = R * bleuHistory[sentId][j] + Integer.parseInt(statVal_str[j + 2]); // the
// first
// 2
// stats
// are
// TER
// stats
// compute *sentence-level* metric score for cand
private double computeSentMetric(int sentId, String cand) {
String statString;
String[] statVal_str;
int[] statVal = new int[evalMetric.get_suffStatsCount()];
statString = stats_hash[sentId].get(cand);
statVal_str = statString.split("\\s+");
if (evalMetric.get_metricName().equals("BLEU") && usePseudoBleu) {
for (int j = 0; j < evalMetric.get_suffStatsCount(); j++)
statVal[j] = (int) (Integer.parseInt(statVal_str[j]) + bleuHistory[sentId][j]);
} else if (evalMetric.get_metricName().equals("TER-BLEU") && usePseudoBleu) {
for (int j = 0; j < evalMetric.get_suffStatsCount() - 2; j++)
statVal[j + 2] = (int) (Integer.parseInt(statVal_str[j + 2]) + bleuHistory[sentId][j]); // only
// modify
// the
// stats
// part(TER
// has
// 2
// stats)
} else { // in all other situations, use normal stats
for (int j = 0; j < evalMetric.get_suffStatsCount(); j++)
statVal[j] = Integer.parseInt(statVal_str[j]);
return evalMetric.score(statVal);
// from ZMERT
private void normalizeLambda(double[] origLambda) {
// private String[] normalizationOptions;
// How should a lambda[] vector be normalized (before decoding)?
// nO[0] = 0: no normalization
// nO[0] = 1: scale so that parameter nO[2] has absolute value nO[1]
// nO[0] = 2: scale so that the maximum absolute value is nO[1]
// nO[0] = 3: scale so that the minimum absolute value is nO[1]
// nO[0] = 4: scale so that the L-nO[1] norm equals nO[2]
int normalizationMethod = (int) normalizationOptions[0];
double scalingFactor = 1.0;
if (normalizationMethod == 0) {
scalingFactor = 1.0;
} else if (normalizationMethod == 1) {
int c = (int) normalizationOptions[2];
scalingFactor = normalizationOptions[1] / Math.abs(origLambda[c]);
} else if (normalizationMethod == 2) {
double maxAbsVal = -1;
int maxAbsVal_c = 0;
for (int c = 1; c <= paramDim; ++c) {
if (Math.abs(origLambda[c]) > maxAbsVal) {
maxAbsVal = Math.abs(origLambda[c]);
maxAbsVal_c = c;
scalingFactor = normalizationOptions[1] / Math.abs(origLambda[maxAbsVal_c]);
} else if (normalizationMethod == 3) {
double minAbsVal = PosInf;
int minAbsVal_c = 0;
for (int c = 1; c <= paramDim; ++c) {
if (Math.abs(origLambda[c]) < minAbsVal) {
minAbsVal = Math.abs(origLambda[c]);
minAbsVal_c = c;
scalingFactor = normalizationOptions[1] / Math.abs(origLambda[minAbsVal_c]);
} else if (normalizationMethod == 4) {
double pow = normalizationOptions[1];
double norm = L_norm(origLambda, pow);
scalingFactor = normalizationOptions[2] / norm;
for (int c = 1; c <= paramDim; ++c) {
origLambda[c] *= scalingFactor;
// from ZMERT
private double L_norm(double[] A, double pow) {
// calculates the L-pow norm of A[]
// NOTE: this calculation ignores A[0]
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i < A.length; ++i)
sum += Math.pow(Math.abs(A[i]), pow);
return Math.pow(sum, 1 / pow);
public static double getScale() {
return featScale;
public static void initBleuHistory(int sentNum, int statCount) {
bleuHistory = new double[sentNum][statCount];
for (int i = 0; i < sentNum; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < statCount; j++) {
bleuHistory[i][j] = 0.0;
public double getMetricScore() {
return finalMetricScore;
private Vector<String> output;
private double[] initialLambda;
private double[] finalLambda;
private double finalMetricScore;
private HashMap<String, String>[] feat_hash;
private HashMap<String, String>[] stats_hash;
private int paramDim;
private boolean[] isOptimizable;
public static int sentNum;
public static int miraIter; // MIRA internal iterations
public static int oraSelectMode;
public static int predSelectMode;
public static int batchSize;
public static boolean needShuffle;
public static boolean needScale;
public static double scoreRatio;
public static boolean runPercep;
public static boolean needAvg;
public static boolean usePseudoBleu;
public static double featScale = 1.0; // scale the features in order to make the model score
// comparable with metric score
// updates in each epoch if necessary
public static double C; // relaxation coefficient
public static double R; // corpus decay(used only when pseudo corpus is used to compute BLEU)
public static EvaluationMetric evalMetric;
public static double[] normalizationOptions;
public static double[][] bleuHistory;
private final static double NegInf = (-1.0 / 0.0);
private final static double PosInf = (+1.0 / 0.0);