blob: e9cfd596769656fafe2a0e23ec4f2fc39f44b36c [file] [log] [blame]
package joshua.lattice;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import joshua.corpus.Vocabulary;
import joshua.decoder.segment_file.Token;
import joshua.util.ChartSpan;
* A lattice representation of a directed graph.
* @author Lane Schwartz
* @author Matt Post <>
* @since 2008-07-08
* @param Label Type of label associated with an arc.
public class Lattice<Value> implements Iterable<Node<Value>> {
* True if there is more than one path through the lattice.
private boolean latticeHasAmbiguity;
* Costs of the best path between each pair of nodes in the lattice.
private ChartSpan<Integer> distances = null;
* List of all nodes in the lattice. Nodes are assumed to be in topological order.
private List<Node<Value>> nodes;
/** Logger for this class. */
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Lattice.class.getName());
* Constructs a new lattice from an existing list of (connected) nodes.
* <p>
* The list of nodes must already be in topological order. If the list is not in topological
* order, the behavior of the lattice is not defined.
* @param nodes A list of nodes which must be in topological order.
public Lattice(List<Node<Value>> nodes) {
this.nodes = nodes;
// this.distances = calculateAllPairsShortestPath();
this.latticeHasAmbiguity = true;
public Lattice(List<Node<Value>> nodes, boolean isAmbiguous) {
// Node<Value> sink = new Node<Value>(nodes.size());
// nodes.add(sink);
this.nodes = nodes;
// this.distances = calculateAllPairsShortestPath();
this.latticeHasAmbiguity = isAmbiguous;
* Instantiates a lattice from a linear chain of values, i.e., a sentence.
* @param linearChain a sequence of Value objects
public Lattice(Value[] linearChain) {
this.latticeHasAmbiguity = false;
this.nodes = new ArrayList<Node<Value>>();
Node<Value> previous = new Node<Value>(0);
int i = 1;
for (Value value : linearChain) {
Node<Value> current = new Node<Value>(i);
float cost = 0.0f;
// if (i > 4) cost = (float)i/1.53432f;
previous.addArc(current, cost, value);
previous = current;
// this.distances = calculateAllPairsShortestPath();
public final boolean hasMoreThanOnePath() {
return latticeHasAmbiguity;
* Computes the shortest distance between two nodes, which is used (perhaps among other places) in
* computing which rules can apply over which spans of the input
* @param tail
* @param head
* @return the distance, a positive number, or -1 if there is no path between the nodes
public int distance(Arc<Value> arc) {
return this.getShortestPath(arc.getTail().getNumber(), arc.getHead().getNumber());
public int distance(int i, int j) {
return this.getShortestPath(i, j);
* Convenience method to get a lattice from a linear sequence of {@link Token} objects.
* @param linearChain
* @return Lattice representation of the linear chain.
public static Lattice<Token> createTokenLatticeFromString(String source) {
String[] tokens = source.split("\\s+");
Token[] integerSentence = new Token[tokens.length];
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
integerSentence[i] = new Token(tokens[i]);
return new Lattice<Token>(integerSentence);
public static Lattice<Token> createTokenLatticeFromPLF(String data) {
ArrayList<Node<Token>> nodes = new ArrayList<Node<Token>>();
// This matches a sequence of tuples, which describe arcs leaving this node
Pattern nodePattern = Pattern.compile("(.+?)\\(\\s*(\\(.+?\\),\\s*)\\s*\\)(.*)");
* This matches a comma-delimited, parenthesized tuple of a (a) single-quoted word (b) a number,
* optionally in scientific notation (c) an offset (how many states to jump ahead)
Pattern arcPattern = Pattern
Matcher nodeMatcher = nodePattern.matcher(data);
boolean latticeIsAmbiguous = false;
int nodeID = 0;
Node<Token> startNode = new Node<Token>(nodeID);
while (nodeMatcher.matches()) {
String nodeData =;
String remainingData =;
Node<Token> currentNode = null;
if (nodeID < nodes.size() && nodes.get(nodeID) != null) {
currentNode = nodes.get(nodeID);
} else {
currentNode = new Node<Token>(nodeID);
while (nodeID > nodes.size())
nodes.add(new Node<Token>(nodes.size()));
Matcher arcMatcher = arcPattern.matcher(nodeData);
int numArcs = 0;
if (!arcMatcher.matches()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Parse error!");
while (arcMatcher.matches()) {
String arcLabel =;
float arcWeight = Float.valueOf(;
int destinationNodeID = nodeID + Integer.valueOf(;
Node<Token> destinationNode;
if (destinationNodeID < nodes.size() && nodes.get(destinationNodeID) != null) {
destinationNode = nodes.get(destinationNodeID);
} else {
destinationNode = new Node<Token>(destinationNodeID);
while (destinationNodeID > nodes.size())
nodes.add(new Node<Token>(nodes.size()));
String remainingArcs =;
Token arcToken = new Token(arcLabel);
currentNode.addArc(destinationNode, arcWeight, arcToken);
arcMatcher = arcPattern.matcher(remainingArcs);
if (numArcs > 1)
latticeIsAmbiguous = true;
nodeMatcher = nodePattern.matcher(remainingData);
/* Add <s> to the start of the lattice. */
if (nodes.size() > 1 && nodes.get(1) != null) {
Node<Token> firstNode = nodes.get(1);
startNode.addArc(firstNode, 0.0f, new Token(Vocabulary.START_SYM));
/* Add </s> as a final state, connect it to the previous end-state */
nodeID = nodes.get(nodes.size()-1).getNumber() + 1;
Node<Token> endNode = new Node<Token>(nodeID);
nodes.get(nodes.size()-1).addArc(endNode, 0.0f, new Token(Vocabulary.STOP_SYM));
return new Lattice<Token>(nodes, latticeIsAmbiguous);
* Constructs a lattice from a given string representation.
* @param data String representation of a lattice.
* @return A lattice that corresponds to the given string.
public static Lattice<String> createStringLatticeFromString(String data) {
Map<Integer, Node<String>> nodes = new HashMap<Integer, Node<String>>();
Pattern nodePattern = Pattern.compile("(.+?)\\((\\(.+?\\),)\\)(.*)");
Pattern arcPattern = Pattern.compile("\\('(.+?)',(\\d+.\\d+),(\\d+)\\),(.*)");
Matcher nodeMatcher = nodePattern.matcher(data);
int nodeID = -1;
while (nodeMatcher.matches()) {
String nodeData =;
String remainingData =;
Node<String> currentNode;
if (nodes.containsKey(nodeID)) {
currentNode = nodes.get(nodeID);
} else {
currentNode = new Node<String>(nodeID);
nodes.put(nodeID, currentNode);
logger.fine("Node " + nodeID + ":");
Matcher arcMatcher = arcPattern.matcher(nodeData);
while (arcMatcher.matches()) {
String arcLabel =;
float arcWeight = Float.valueOf(;
int destinationNodeID = nodeID + Integer.valueOf(;
Node<String> destinationNode;
if (nodes.containsKey(destinationNodeID)) {
destinationNode = nodes.get(destinationNodeID);
} else {
destinationNode = new Node<String>(destinationNodeID);
nodes.put(destinationNodeID, destinationNode);
String remainingArcs =;
logger.fine("\t" + arcLabel + " " + arcWeight + " " + destinationNodeID);
currentNode.addArc(destinationNode, arcWeight, arcLabel);
arcMatcher = arcPattern.matcher(remainingArcs);
nodeMatcher = nodePattern.matcher(remainingData);
List<Node<String>> nodeList = new ArrayList<Node<String>>(nodes.values());
Collections.sort(nodeList, new NodeIdentifierComparator());
return new Lattice<String>(nodeList);
* Gets the cost of the shortest path between two nodes.
* @param from ID of the starting node.
* @param to ID of the ending node.
* @return The cost of the shortest path between the two nodes.
public int getShortestPath(int from, int to) {
// System.err.println(String.format("DISTANCE(%d,%d) = %f", from, to, costs[from][to]));
if (distances == null)
this.distances = calculateAllPairsShortestPath();
return distances.get(from, to);
* Gets the shortest distance through the lattice.
public int getShortestDistance() {
if (distances == null)
distances = calculateAllPairsShortestPath();
return distances.get(0, nodes.size()-1);
* Gets the node with a specified integer identifier. If the identifier is negative, we count
* backwards from the end of the array, Perl-style (-1 is the last element, -2 the penultimate,
* etc).
* @param index Integer identifier for a node.
* @return The node with the specified integer identifier
public Node<Value> getNode(int index) {
if (index >= 0)
return nodes.get(index);
return nodes.get(size() + index);
public List<Node<Value>> getNodes() {
return nodes;
* Returns an iterator over the nodes in this lattice.
* @return An iterator over the nodes in this lattice.
public Iterator<Node<Value>> iterator() {
return nodes.iterator();
* Returns the number of nodes in this lattice.
* @return The number of nodes in this lattice.
public int size() {
return nodes.size();
* Calculate the all-pairs shortest path for all pairs of nodes.
* <p>
* Note: This method assumes no backward arcs. If there are backward arcs, the returned shortest
* path costs for that node may not be accurate.
* @param nodes A list of nodes which must be in topological order.
* @return The all-pairs shortest path for all pairs of nodes.
private ChartSpan<Integer> calculateAllPairsShortestPath() {
ChartSpan<Integer> distance = new ChartSpan<Integer>(nodes.size() - 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
/* Mark reachability between immediate neighbors */
for (Node<Value> tail : nodes) {
for (Arc<Value> arc : tail.getOutgoingArcs()) {
Node<Value> head = arc.getHead();
distance.set(,, 1);
int size = nodes.size();
for (int width = 2; width <= size; width++) {
for (int i = 0; i < size - width; i++) {
int j = i + width;
for (int k = i + 1; k < j; k++) {
distance.set(i, j, Math.min(distance.get(i, j), distance.get(i, k) + distance.get(k, j)));
return distance;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
for (Node<Value> start : this) {
for (Arc<Value> arc : start.getOutgoingArcs()) {
return s.toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Node<String>> nodes = new ArrayList<Node<String>>();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
nodes.add(new Node<String>(i));
nodes.get(0).addArc(nodes.get(1), 1.0f, "x");
nodes.get(1).addArc(nodes.get(2), 1.0f, "y");
nodes.get(0).addArc(nodes.get(2), 1.5f, "a");
nodes.get(2).addArc(nodes.get(3), 3.0f, "b");
nodes.get(2).addArc(nodes.get(3), 5.0f, "c");
Lattice<String> graph = new Lattice<String>(nodes);
System.out.println("Shortest path from 0 to 3: " + graph.getShortestPath(0, 3));
* Replaced the arc from node i to j with the supplied lattice. This is used to do OOV
* segmentation of words in a lattice.
* @param i
* @param j
* @param lattice
public void insert(int i, int j, List<Node<Value>> newNodes) {
for (Node<Value> node: newNodes)
nodes.add(j, node);
this.latticeHasAmbiguity = false;
for (int x = 0; x < nodes.size(); x++) {
this.latticeHasAmbiguity |= (nodes.get(x).getOutgoingArcs().size() > 1);
this.distances = null;
* Topologically sorts the nodes and reassigns their numbers. Assumes that the first node is the
* source, but otherwise assumes nothing about the input.
* Probably correct, but untested.
private void topologicalSort() {
HashMap<Node<Value>, List<Arc<Value>>> outgraph = new HashMap<Node<Value>, List<Arc<Value>>>();
HashMap<Node<Value>, List<Arc<Value>>> ingraph = new HashMap<Node<Value>, List<Arc<Value>>>();
for (Node<Value> node: nodes) {
ArrayList<Arc<Value>> arcs = new ArrayList<Arc<Value>>();
for (Arc<Value> arc: node.getOutgoingArcs()) {
if (! ingraph.containsKey(arc.getHead()))
ingraph.put(arc.getHead(), new ArrayList<Arc<Value>>());
outgraph.put(node, arcs);
ArrayList<Node<Value>> sortedNodes = new ArrayList<Node<Value>>();
Stack<Node<Value>> stack = new Stack<Node<Value>>();
while (! stack.empty()) {
Node<Value> node = stack.pop();
for (Arc<Value> arc: outgraph.get(node)) {
if (ingraph.get(arc.getHead()).size() == 0)
int id = 0;
for (Node<Value> node : sortedNodes)
this.nodes = sortedNodes;