blob: ef17799ab4d3fc38e1c4fe4123887925b146460f [file] [log] [blame]
package joshua.decoder.hypergraph;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import joshua.corpus.Vocabulary;
import joshua.decoder.BLEU;
import joshua.decoder.JoshuaConfiguration;
import joshua.decoder.chart_parser.ComputeNodeResult;
import joshua.decoder.ff.FeatureFunction;
import joshua.decoder.ff.FeatureVector;
import joshua.decoder.ff.fragmentlm.Tree;
import joshua.decoder.ff.state_maintenance.DPState;
import joshua.decoder.segment_file.Sentence;
* This class implements lazy k-best extraction on a hyper-graph.
* K-best extraction over hypergraphs is a little hairy, but is best understood in the following
* manner. Imagine a hypergraph, which is composed of nodes connected by hyperedges. A hyperedge has
* exactly one parent node and 1 or more tail nodes, corresponding to the rank of the rule that gave
* rise to the hyperedge. Each node has 1 or more incoming hyperedges.
* K-best extraction works in the following manner. A derivation is a set of nodes and hyperedges
* that leads from the root node down and exactly covers the source-side sentence. To define a
* derivation, we start at the root node, choose one of its incoming hyperedges, and then recurse to
* the tail (or antecedent) nodes of that hyperedge, where we continually make the same decision.
* Each hypernode has its hyperedges sorted according to their model score. To get the best
* (Viterbi) derivation, we simply recursively follow the best hyperedge coming in to each
* hypernode.
* How do we get the second-best derivation? It is defined by changing exactly one of the decisions
* about which hyperedge to follow in the recursion. Somewhere, we take the second-best. Similarly,
* the third-best derivation makes a single change from the second-best: either making another
* (differnt) second-best choice somewhere along the 1-best derivation, or taking the third-best
* choice at the same spot where the second-best derivation took the second-best choice. And so on.
* This class uses two classes that encode the necessary meta-information. The first is the
* DerivationState class. It roughly corresponds to a hyperedge, and records, for each of that
* hyperedge's tail nodes, which-best to take. So for a hyperedge with three tail nodes, the 1-best
* derivation will be (1,1,1), the second-best will be one of (2,1,1), (1,2,1), or (1,1,2), the
* third best will be one of
* (3,1,1), (2,2,1), (1,1,3)
* and so on.
* The configuration parameter `output-format` controls what exactly is extracted from the forest.
* See documentation for that below. Note that Joshua does not store individual feature values while
* decoding, but only the cost of each edge (in the form of a float). Therefore, if you request
* the features values (`%f` in `output-format`), the feature functions must be replayed, which
* is expensive.
* The configuration parameter `top-n` controls how many items are returned. If this is set to 0,
* k-best extraction should be turned off entirely.
* @author Zhifei Li, <>
* @author Matt Post <>
public class KBestExtractor {
private final JoshuaConfiguration joshuaConfiguration;
private final HashMap<HGNode, VirtualNode> virtualNodesTable = new HashMap<HGNode, VirtualNode>();
// static final String rootSym = JoshuaConfiguration.goal_symbol;
static final String rootSym = "ROOT";
static final int rootID =;
private enum Side {
/* Whether to extract only unique strings */
private boolean extractUniqueNbest = true;
/* Whether to include the alignment information in the output */
private boolean includeAlign = false;
/* Which side to output (source or target) */
private Side defaultSide = Side.TARGET;
/* The input sentence */
private Sentence sentence;
/* The weights being used to score the forest */
private FeatureVector weights;
/* The feature functions */
private List<FeatureFunction> models;
/* BLEU statistics of the references */
BLEU.References references = null;
public KBestExtractor(Sentence sentence, List<FeatureFunction> models, FeatureVector weights,
boolean isMonolingual, JoshuaConfiguration joshuaConfiguration) {
this.models = models;
this.joshuaConfiguration = joshuaConfiguration;
this.extractUniqueNbest = joshuaConfiguration.use_unique_nbest;
this.includeAlign = joshuaConfiguration.include_align_index;
this.weights = weights;
this.defaultSide = (isMonolingual ? Side.SOURCE : Side.TARGET);
this.sentence = sentence;
if (joshuaConfiguration.rescoreForest) {
references = new BLEU.References(sentence.references());
* Returns the kth derivation.
* You may need to reset_state() before you call this function for the first time.
* @param node the node to start at
* @param k the kth best derivation (indexed from 1)
* @return the derivation object
public DerivationState getKthDerivation(HGNode node, int k) {
VirtualNode virtualNode = getVirtualNode(node);
return virtualNode.lazyKBestExtractOnNode(this, k);
* Compute the string that is output from the decoder, using the "output-format" config file
* parameter as a template.
* You may need to reset_state() before you call this function for the first time.
public String getKthHyp(HGNode node, int k) {
String outputString = null;
// Determine the k-best hypotheses at each HGNode
VirtualNode virtualNode = getVirtualNode(node);
DerivationState derivationState = virtualNode.lazyKBestExtractOnNode(this, k);
// DerivationState derivationState = getKthDerivation(node, k);
if (derivationState != null) {
// ==== read the kbest from each hgnode and convert to output format
FeatureVector features = new FeatureVector();
* To save space, the decoder only stores the model cost, no the individual feature values. If
* you want to output them, you have to replay them.
String hypothesis = null;
if (joshuaConfiguration.outputFormat.contains("%f")
|| joshuaConfiguration.outputFormat.contains("%d"))
features = derivationState.replayFeatures();
hypothesis = derivationState.getHypothesis()
.replaceAll("-lsb-", "[")
.replaceAll("-rsb-", "]")
.replaceAll("-pipe-", "|");
outputString = joshuaConfiguration.outputFormat
.replace("%k", Integer.toString(k))
.replace("%s", hypothesis)
.replace("%S", DeNormalize.processSingleLine(hypothesis))
.replace("%i", Integer.toString(
.replace("%f", joshuaConfiguration.moses ? features.mosesString() : features.toString())
.replace("%c", String.format("%.3f", derivationState.cost));
if (joshuaConfiguration.outputFormat.contains("%t")) {
outputString = outputString.replace("%t", derivationState.getTree());
if (joshuaConfiguration.outputFormat.contains("%e"))
outputString = outputString.replace("%e", derivationState.getHypothesis(Side.SOURCE));
/* %d causes a derivation with rules one per line to be output */
if (joshuaConfiguration.outputFormat.contains("%d")) {
outputString = outputString.replace("%d", derivationState.getDerivation());
return outputString;
// =========================== end kbestHypergraph
* Convenience function for k-best extraction that prints to STDOUT.
public void lazyKBestExtractOnHG(HyperGraph hg, int topN) throws IOException {
lazyKBestExtractOnHG(hg, topN, new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)));
* This is the entry point for extracting k-best hypotheses. It computes all of them, writing
* the results to the BufferedWriter passed in. If you want intermediate access to the k-best
* derivations, you'll want to call getKthHyp() or getKthDerivation() directly.
* The number of derivations that are looked for is controlled by the `top-n` parameter.
* Note that when `top-n` is set to 0, k-best extraction is disabled entirely, and only things
* like the viterbi string and the model score are available to the decoder. Since k-best
* extraction involves the recomputation of features to get the component values, turning off
* that extraction saves a lot of time when only the 1-best string is desired.
* @param hg the hypergraph to extract from
* @param topN how many to extract
* @param out object to write to
* @throws IOException
public void lazyKBestExtractOnHG(HyperGraph hg, int topN, BufferedWriter out) throws IOException {
if (null == hg.goalNode)
for (int k = 1; k <= topN; k++) {
String hypStr = getKthHyp(hg.goalNode, k);
if (null == hypStr)
* This clears the virtualNodesTable, which maintains a list of virtual nodes. This should be
* called in between forest rescorings.
public void resetState() {
* Returns the VirtualNode corresponding to an HGNode. If no such VirtualNode exists, it is
* created.
* @param hgnode
* @return the corresponding VirtualNode
private VirtualNode getVirtualNode(HGNode hgnode) {
VirtualNode virtualNode = virtualNodesTable.get(hgnode);
if (null == virtualNode) {
virtualNode = new VirtualNode(hgnode);
virtualNodesTable.put(hgnode, virtualNode);
return virtualNode;
* This class is essentially a wrapper around an HGNode, annotating it with information needed to
* record which hypotheses have been explored from this point. There is one virtual node for
* each HGNode in the underlying hypergraph. This VirtualNode maintains information about the
* k-best derivations from that point on, retaining the derivations computed so far and a priority
* queue of candidates.
private class VirtualNode {
// The node being annotated.
HGNode node = null;
// sorted ArrayList of DerivationState, in the paper is: D(^) [v]
public List<DerivationState> nbests = new ArrayList<DerivationState>();
// remember frontier states, best-first; in the paper, it is called cand[v]
private PriorityQueue<DerivationState> candHeap = null;
// Remember which DerivationState has been explored (positions in the hypercube). This allows
// us to avoid duplicated states that are reached from different places of expansion, e.g.,
// position (2,2) can be reached be extending (1,2) and (2,1).
private HashSet<DerivationState> derivationTable = null;
// This records unique *strings* at each item, used for unique-nbest-string extraction.
private HashSet<String> uniqueStringsTable = null;
public VirtualNode(HGNode it) {
this.node = it;
* This returns a DerivationState corresponding to the kth-best derivation rooted at this node.
* @param kbestExtractor
* @param k (indexed from one)
* @return the k-th best (1-indexed) hypothesis, or null if there are no more.
// return: the k-th hyp or null; k is started from one
private DerivationState lazyKBestExtractOnNode(KBestExtractor kbestExtractor, int k) {
if (nbests.size() >= k) { // no need to continue
return nbests.get(k - 1);
// ### we need to fill in the l_nest in order to get k-th hyp
DerivationState derivationState = null;
* The first time this is called, the heap of candidates (the frontier of the cube) is
* uninitialized. This recursive call will seed the candidates at each node.
if (null == candHeap) {
* Now build the kbest list by repeatedly popping the best candidate and then placing all
* extensions of that hypothesis back on the candidates list.
int tAdded = 0; // sanity check
while (nbests.size() < k) {
if (candHeap.size() > 0) {
derivationState = candHeap.poll();
// derivation_tbl.remove(res.get_signature());//TODO: should remove? note that two state
// may be tied because the cost is the same
if (extractUniqueNbest) {
// We pass false for extract_nbest_tree because we want; to check that the hypothesis
// *strings* are unique, not the trees.
String res_str = derivationState.getHypothesis();
if (!uniqueStringsTable.contains(res_str)) {
} else {
// Add all extensions of this hypothesis to the candidates list.
lazyNext(kbestExtractor, derivationState);
// debug: sanity check
// this is possible only when extracting unique nbest
if (!extractUniqueNbest && tAdded > 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("In lazyKBestExtractOnNode, add more than one time, k is "
+ k);
} else {
if (nbests.size() < k) {
derivationState = null;// in case we do not get to the depth of k
// debug: sanity check
// if (l_nbest.size() >= k && l_nbest.get(k-1) != res) {
// throw new RuntimeException("In lazy_k_best_extract, ranking is not correct ");
// }
return derivationState;
* This function extends the current hypothesis, adding each extended item to the list of
* candidates (assuming they have not been added before). It does this by, in turn, extending
* each of the tail node items.
* @param kbestExtractor
* @param previousState
private void lazyNext(KBestExtractor kbestExtractor, DerivationState previousState) {
/* If there are no tail nodes, there is nothing to do. */
if (null == previousState.edge.getTailNodes())
/* For each tail node, create a new state candidate by "sliding" that item one position. */
for (int i = 0; i < previousState.edge.getTailNodes().size(); i++) {
/* Create a new virtual node that is a copy of the current node */
HGNode tailNode = (HGNode) previousState.edge.getTailNodes().get(i);
VirtualNode virtualTailNode = kbestExtractor.getVirtualNode(tailNode);
// Copy over the ranks.
int[] newRanks = new int[previousState.ranks.length];
for (int c = 0; c < newRanks.length; c++) {
newRanks[c] = previousState.ranks[c];
// Now increment/slide the current tail node by one
newRanks[i] = previousState.ranks[i] + 1;
// Create a new state so we can see if it's new. The cost will be set below if it is.
DerivationState nextState = new DerivationState(previousState.parentNode,
previousState.edge, newRanks, 0.0f, previousState.edgePos);
// Don't add the state to the list of candidates if it's already been added.
if (!derivationTable.contains(nextState)) {
// Make sure that next candidate exists
virtualTailNode.lazyKBestExtractOnNode(kbestExtractor, newRanks[i]);
// System.err.println(String.format(" newRanks[%d] = %d and tail size %d", i,
// newRanks[i], virtualTailNode.nbests.size()));
if (newRanks[i] <= virtualTailNode.nbests.size()) {
// System.err.println("NODE: " + this.node);
// System.err.println(" tail is " + virtualTailNode.node);
float cost = previousState.getModelCost()
- virtualTailNode.nbests.get(previousState.ranks[i] - 1).getModelCost()
+ virtualTailNode.nbests.get(newRanks[i] - 1).getModelCost();
if (joshuaConfiguration.rescoreForest)
nextState.bleu = nextState.computeBLEU();
// System.err.println(String.format(" LAZYNEXT(%s", nextState));
* this is the seeding function, for example, it will get down to the leaf, and sort the
* terminals get a 1best from each hyperedge, and add them into the heap_cands
* @param kbestExtractor
private void getCandidates(KBestExtractor kbestExtractor) {
/* The list of candidates extending from this (virtual) node. */
candHeap = new PriorityQueue<DerivationState>();
* When exploring the cube frontier, there are multiple paths to each candidate. For example,
* going down 1 from grid position (2,1) is the same as going right 1 from grid position
* (1,2). To avoid adding states more than once, we keep a list of derivation states we have
* already added to the candidates heap.
* TODO: these should really be keyed on the states themselves instead of a string
* representation of them.
derivationTable = new HashSet<DerivationState>();
* A Joshua configuration option allows the decoder to output only unique strings. In that
* case, we keep an list of the frontiers of derivation states extending from this node.
if (extractUniqueNbest) {
uniqueStringsTable = new HashSet<String>();
* Get the single-best derivation along each of the incoming hyperedges, and add the lot of
* them to the priority queue of candidates in the form of DerivationState objects.
* Note that since the hyperedges are not sorted according to score, the first derivation
* computed here may not be the best. But since the loop over all hyperedges seeds the entire
* candidates list with the one-best along each of them, when the candidate heap is polled
* afterwards, we are guaranteed to have the best one.
int pos = 0;
for (HyperEdge edge : node.hyperedges) {
DerivationState bestState = getBestDerivation(kbestExtractor, node, edge, pos);
// why duplicate, e.g., 1 2 + 1 0 == 2 1 + 0 1 , but here we should not get duplicate
if (!derivationTable.contains(bestState)) {
} else { // sanity check
throw new RuntimeException(
"get duplicate derivation in get_candidates, this should not happen"
+ "\nsignature is " + bestState + "\nl_hyperedge size is "
+ node.hyperedges.size());
// TODO: if tem.size is too large, this may cause unnecessary computation, we comment the
// segment to accommodate the unique nbest extraction
* if(tem.size()>global_n){ heap_cands=new PriorityQueue<DerivationState>(); for(int i=1;
* i<=global_n; i++) heap_cands.add(tem.poll()); }else heap_cands=tem;
// get my best derivation, and recursively add 1best for all my children, used by get_candidates
// only
* This computes the best derivation along a particular hyperedge. It is only called by
* getCandidates() to initialize the candidates priority queue at each (virtual) node.
* @param kbestExtractor
* @param parentNode
* @param hyperEdge
* @param edgePos
* @return an object representing the best derivation from this node
private DerivationState getBestDerivation(KBestExtractor kbestExtractor, HGNode parentNode,
HyperEdge hyperEdge, int edgePos) {
int[] ranks;
float cost = 0.0f;
* There are two cases: (1) leaf nodes and (2) internal nodes. A leaf node is represented by a
* hyperedge with no tail nodes.
if (hyperEdge.getTailNodes() == null) {
ranks = null;
} else {
// "ranks" records which derivation to take at each of the tail nodes. Ranks are 1-indexed.
ranks = new int[hyperEdge.getTailNodes().size()];
/* Initialize the one-best at each tail node. */
for (int i = 0; i < hyperEdge.getTailNodes().size(); i++) { // children is ready
ranks[i] = 1;
VirtualNode childVirtualNode = kbestExtractor.getVirtualNode(hyperEdge.getTailNodes()
// recurse
childVirtualNode.lazyKBestExtractOnNode(kbestExtractor, ranks[i]);
cost = (float) hyperEdge.getBestDerivationScore();
DerivationState state = new DerivationState(parentNode, hyperEdge, ranks, cost, edgePos);
if (joshuaConfiguration.rescoreForest)
state.bleu = state.computeBLEU();
return state;
* A DerivationState describes which path to follow through the hypergraph. For example, it
* might say to use the 1-best from the first tail node, the 9th-best from the second tail node,
* and so on. This information is represented recursively through a chain of DerivationState
* objects. This function follows that chain, extracting the information according to a number
* of parameters, and returning results to a string, and also (optionally) accumulating the
* feature values into the passed-in FeatureVector.
// each DerivationState roughly corresponds to a hypothesis
public class DerivationState implements Comparable<DerivationState> {
/* The edge ("e" in the paper) */
public HyperEdge edge;
/* The edge's parent node */
public HGNode parentNode;
* This state's position in its parent node's list of incoming hyperedges (used in signature
* calculation)
public int edgePos;
* The rank item to select from each of the incoming tail nodes ("j" in the paper, an ArrayList
* of size |e|)
public int[] ranks;
* The cost of the hypothesis, including a weighted BLEU score, if any.
private float cost;
private float bleu = 0.0f;
* The BLEU sufficient statistics associated with the edge's derivation. Note that this is a
* function of the complete derivation headed by the edge, i.e., all the particular
* subderivations of edges beneath it. That is why it must be contained in DerivationState
* instead of in the HyperEdge itself.
BLEU.Stats stats = null;
public DerivationState(HGNode pa, HyperEdge e, int[] r, float c, int pos) {
parentNode = pa;
edge = e;
ranks = r;
cost = c;
edgePos = pos;
bleu = 0.0f;
* Computes a scaled approximate BLEU from the accumulated statistics. We know the number of
* words; to compute the effective reference length, we take the real reference length statistic
* and scale it by the percentage of the input sentence that is consumed, based on the
* assumption that the total number of words in the hypothesis scales linearly with the input
* sentence span.
* @return
public float computeBLEU() {
if (stats == null) {
float percentage = 1.0f * (parentNode.j - parentNode.i) / (sentence.length());
// System.err.println(String.format("computeBLEU: (%d - %d) / %d = %f", parentNode.j,
// parentNode.i, sentence.length(), percentage));
stats = BLEU.compute(edge, percentage, references);
if (edge.getTailNodes() != null) {
for (int id = 0; id < edge.getTailNodes().size(); id++) {
stats.add(getChildDerivationState(edge, id).stats);
return BLEU.score(stats);
public void setCost(float cost2) {
this.cost = cost2;
* Returns the model cost. This is obtained by subtracting off the incorporated BLEU score (if
* used).
* @return
public float getModelCost() {
return this.cost;
* Returns the model cost plus the BLEU score.
* @return
public float getCost() {
return cost - weights.getSparse("BLEU") * bleu;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.format("DS[[ %s (%d,%d)/%d ||| ",
Vocabulary.word(parentNode.lhs), parentNode.i, parentNode.j, edgePos));
sb.append("ranks=[ ");
if (ranks != null)
for (int i = 0; i < ranks.length; i++)
sb.append(ranks[i] + " ");
sb.append("] ||| " + String.format("%.5f ]]", cost));
return sb.toString();
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other instanceof DerivationState) {
DerivationState that = (DerivationState) other;
if (edgePos == that.edgePos) {
if (ranks != null && that.ranks != null) {
if (ranks.length == that.ranks.length) {
for (int i = 0; i < ranks.length; i++)
if (ranks[i] != that.ranks[i])
return false;
return true;
return false;
* DerivationState objects are unique to each VirtualNode, so the unique identifying information
* only need contain the edge position and the ranks.
public int hashCode() {
int hash = edgePos;
if (ranks != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < ranks.length; i++)
hash = hash * 53 + i;
return hash;
* Visits every state in the derivation in a depth-first order.
private DerivationVisitor visit(DerivationVisitor visitor) {
return visit(visitor, 0);
private DerivationVisitor visit(DerivationVisitor visitor, int indent) {
visitor.before(this, indent);
Rule rule = edge.getRule();
if (null == rule) {
getChildDerivationState(edge, 0).visit(visitor, indent + 1);
} else {
if (edge.getTailNodes() != null) {
int[] english = rule.getEnglish();
for (int c = 0; c < english.length; c++) {
if (Vocabulary.nt(english[c])) {
int index = -(english[c] + 1);
getChildDerivationState(edge, index).visit(visitor, indent + 1);
visitor.after(this, indent);
return visitor;
private String getHypothesis() {
return getHypothesis(defaultSide);
private String getTree() {
return visit(new TreeExtractor()).toString();
private String getHypothesis(Side side) {
return visit(new HypothesisExtractor(side)).toString();
private FeatureVector replayFeatures() {
FeatureReplayer fp = new FeatureReplayer();
return fp.getFeatures();
private String getDerivation() {
return visit(new DerivationExtractor()).toString();
* Helper function for navigating the hierarchical list of DerivationState objects. This
* function looks up the VirtualNode corresponding to the HGNode pointed to by the edge's
* {tailNodeIndex}th tail node.
* @param edge
* @param tailNodeIndex
* @return
public DerivationState getChildDerivationState(HyperEdge edge, int tailNodeIndex) {
HGNode child = edge.getTailNodes().get(tailNodeIndex);
VirtualNode virtualChild = getVirtualNode(child);
return virtualChild.nbests.get(ranks[tailNodeIndex] - 1);
// natural order by cost
public int compareTo(DerivationState another) {
if (this.getCost() > another.getCost()) {
return -1;
} else if (this.getCost() == another.getCost()) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
} // end of Class DerivationState
* This interface provides a generic way to do things at each stage of a derivation. The
* DerivationState::visit() function visits every node in a derivation and calls the
* DerivationVisitor functions both before and after it visits each node. This provides a common
* way to do different things to the tree (e.g., extract its words, assemble a derivation, and so
* on) without having to rewrite the node-visiting code.
* @author Matt Post <>
public interface DerivationVisitor {
* Called before each node's children are visited.
* @param state the derivation state
* @param level the tree depth
void before(DerivationState state, int level);
* Called after a node's children have been visited.
* @param state the derivation state
* @param level the tree depth
void after(DerivationState state, int level);
* Extracts the hypothesis from the leaves of the tree using the generic (depth-first) visitor.
* Since we're using the visitor, we can't just print out the words as we see them. We have to
* print the words to the left of the nonterminal, then recursively print that nonterminal, then
* the words after it, and so on. To accomplish this, we add rules to a stack, merging the words
* from terminal productions into the most recent nonterminal in the stack.
public class HypothesisExtractor implements DerivationVisitor {
private Side side;
private Stack<String> outputs;
public HypothesisExtractor(Side side) {
this.side = side;
outputs = new Stack<String>();
String ntMatcher = ".*" + Rule.NT_REGEX + ".*";
void merge(String words) {
if (!words.matches(ntMatcher) && outputs.size() > 0 && outputs.peek().matches(ntMatcher)) {
String parentWords = outputs.pop();
String replaced = parentWords.replaceFirst(Rule.NT_REGEX, Matcher.quoteReplacement(words));
} else {
* Whenever we reach a rule in the depth-first derivaiton, we add it to the stack
* via a call to the merge() function.
public void before(DerivationState state, int level) {
Rule rule = state.edge.getRule();
if (rule != null)
if (side == Side.TARGET) {
// Output the alignment Moses-style, skipping <s> and </s>, and converting to indices
// in original sentence
String alignment = "";
if (joshuaConfiguration.include_align_index
&& state.parentNode.j != sentence.length() && state.parentNode.j != 1) {
int i = state.parentNode.j - 1 - state.edge.getRule().getFrench().length + state.edge.getRule().getArity();
alignment = String.format(" |%d-%d|", i, state.parentNode.j-2);
merge(String.format("%s%s", state.edge.getRule().getEnglishWords(), alignment));
} else
public void after(DerivationState state, int level) {
* After all rules in the grammar have been merged, there should be one item on the stack, which
* is the complete target (or source) string.
public String toString() {
return outputs.pop().replaceAll("<s> ", "").replace(" </s>", "");
* Assembles a Penn treebank format tree for a given derivation.
public class TreeExtractor implements DerivationVisitor {
/* The tree being built. */
private Tree tree;
public TreeExtractor() {
tree = null;
* Before visiting the children, find the fragment representation for the current rule,
* and merge it into the tree we're building.
public void before(DerivationState state, int indent) {
HyperEdge edge = state.edge;
Rule rule = edge.getRule();
// Skip the special top-level rule
if (rule == null) {
String lhs = Vocabulary.word(rule.getLHS());
String unbracketedLHS = lhs.substring(1, lhs.length() - 1);
/* Find the fragment corresponding to this flattened rule in the fragment map; if it's not
* there, just pretend it's a depth-one rule.
Tree fragment = Tree.getFragmentFromYield(rule.getEnglishWords());
if (fragment == null) {
String subtree = String.format("(%s %s)", unbracketedLHS, quoteTerminals(rule.getEnglishWords()));
fragment = Tree.fromString(subtree);
* Quotes just the terminals in the yield of a tree, represented as a string. This is to force
* compliance with the Tree class, which interprets all non-quoted strings as nonterminals.
* @param words a string of words representing a rule's yield
* @return
private String quoteTerminals(String words) {
String quotedWords = "";
for (String word: words.split("\\s+"))
if (word.startsWith("[") && word.endsWith("]"))
quotedWords += String.format("%s ", word);
quotedWords += String.format("\"%s\" ", word);
return quotedWords.substring(0, quotedWords.length() - 1);
public void after(DerivationState state, int indent) {
// do nothing
public String toString() {
return tree.unquotedString();
* Either set the root of the tree or merge this tree by grafting it onto the first nonterminal
* in the yield of the parent tree.
* @param fragment
private void merge(Tree fragment) {
if (tree == null) {
tree = fragment;
} else {
Tree parent = tree.getNonterminalYield().get(0);
* Assembles an informative version of the derivation. Each rule is printed as it is encountered.
* Don't try to parse this output; make something that writes out JSON or something, instead.
* @author Matt Post <
public class DerivationExtractor implements DerivationVisitor {
StringBuffer sb;
public DerivationExtractor() {
sb = new StringBuffer();
public void before(DerivationState state, int indent) {
HyperEdge edge = state.edge;
Rule rule = edge.getRule();
if (rule != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < indent * 2; i++)
sb.append(" ");
FeatureReplayer replayer = new FeatureReplayer();
replayer.before(state, indent);
FeatureVector transitionFeatures = replayer.getFeatures();
// sb.append(rule).append(" ||| " + features + " ||| " +
// KBestExtractor.this.weights.innerProduct(features));
sb.append(String.format("%d-%d", state.parentNode.i, state.parentNode.j));
sb.append(" ||| " + Vocabulary.word(rule.getLHS()) + " -> "
+ Vocabulary.getWords(rule.getFrench()) + " /// " + rule.getEnglishWords());
sb.append(" |||");
for (DPState dpState : state.parentNode.getDPStates()) {
sb.append(" " + dpState);
sb.append(" ||| " + transitionFeatures);
sb.append(" ||| " + weights.innerProduct(transitionFeatures));
if (rule.getAlignment() != null)
sb.append(" ||| " + Arrays.toString(rule.getAlignment()));
public String toString() {
return sb.toString();
public void after(DerivationState state, int level) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* During decoding, individual features values are not stored, only the model score on each edge.
* This saves space. If you want to print the actual feature values, they have to be assembled
* from the edges of the derivation, which means replaying the feature functions. This visitor
* does just that, using the generic derivation visitor.
public class FeatureReplayer implements DerivationVisitor {
private FeatureVector features;
public FeatureReplayer() {
features = new FeatureVector();
public FeatureReplayer(FeatureVector useThese) {
features = useThese;
public FeatureVector getFeatures() {
return features;
* We could do this in either before() or after().
public void before(DerivationState state, int level) {
if (features != null) {
HGNode parentNode = state.parentNode;
HyperEdge edge = state.edge;
FeatureVector transitionCosts = ComputeNodeResult.computeTransitionFeatures(models, edge,
parentNode.i, parentNode.j, sentence);
public void after(DerivationState state, int level) {
// Nothing to do