blob: 62783fd8ce07e6835ec7801b680fac5ab32b9119 [file] [log] [blame]
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import joshua.decoder.ff.FeatureFunction;
* SliceAggregatingTrie collapses multiple tries
* with the same source root (i.e. tries from multiple packed slices).
* Consider the example below.
* Without SliceAggregatingTries, the following grammar rules could have only
* partitioned by splitting rule lists when the first word of SOURCE changes. (">" markers).
* Using a SliceAggregatingTrie allows splitting at changes of second SOURCE words (">>" marker).
* [X] ||| - ||| -
* >
* [X] ||| [X] ||| [X]
* >>
* [X] ||| [X] a ||| [X] A
* [X] ||| [X] a ||| [X] A
* >>
* [X] ||| [X] b ||| [X] B
* >
* [X] ||| u ||| u
* A SliceAggregatingTrie node behaves just like a regular Trie node but subsumes a list of extensions/children.
* This class hides the complexity of having multiple tries with the same root
* from nodes one level up.
* Similar to PackedRoot, it maintains a lookup table of children's
* source-side words to know
* in which subtrie (i.e. packedSlice) it needs to traverse into when
* match() is called.
* A SliceAggregatingTrie never holds any rules associated with it, thus
* rules with the source-side represented by the SliceAggregatingTrie node
* must be found in exactly one of the subtries.
* (!) This assumption relies on the sort order of the packed grammar.
* If the grammar was incorrectly sorted and then packed, construction
* of SliceAggregatingTrie nodes fails.
* @author fhieber
public class SliceAggregatingTrie implements Trie, RuleCollection {
* A multitude of packedTries with the same source-side
* firstword. The order is induced by the
* sorting order of the text grammar that was input to the GrammarPacker.
* This implies that rules for the node represented by this SliceAggregatingTrie
* instance must be found in ONE of the sub tries.
* This is checked below in the constructor.
private final List<Trie> tries;
/** reference to the only subtrie that can contain rules. Set by buildLookupTable() */
private Trie trieWithRules = null;
/** Maintains an index of all children of all sub tries */
private final HashMap<Integer, Trie> lookup = new HashMap<>();
public SliceAggregatingTrie(final List<Trie> tries) {
if (tries == null || tries.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"SliceAggregatingTrie node requires at least one packedTrie");
this.tries = unmodifiableList(tries);
* Fills the lookup table for child nodes.
* Also performs various checks to ensure correctness of the
* PackedTrie aggregation.
private void buildLookupTable() {
final Set<Integer> seen_child_ids = new HashSet<>();
Trie previous_trie = null;
boolean first = true;
for (final Trie trie : this.tries) {
* perform some checks to make sure tries are correctly split.
if (!first) {
if (!haveSameSourceSide(previous_trie, trie) || !haveSameArity(previous_trie, trie)) {
throw new RuntimeException("SliceAggregatingTrie's subtries differ in sourceSide or arity. Was the text grammar sorted insufficiently?");
} else {
first = false;
previous_trie = trie;
if (trie.hasRules()) {
if (trieWithRules != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("SliceAggregatingTrie can only have one subtrie with rules. Was the text grammar sorted insufficiently?");
trieWithRules = trie;
final HashMap<Integer, ? extends Trie> children = trie.getChildren();
for (int id : children.keySet()) {
if (seen_child_ids.contains(id)) {
throw new RuntimeException("SliceAggregatingTrie's subtries contain non-disjoint child words. Was the text grammar sorted insufficiently?");
lookup.put(id, children.get(id));
private boolean haveSameSourceSide(final Trie t1, final Trie t2) {
return Arrays.equals(
private boolean haveSameArity(final Trie t1, final Trie t2) {
return t1.getRuleCollection().getArity() == t2.getRuleCollection().getArity();
public Trie match(int wordId) {
return lookup.get(wordId);
public boolean hasExtensions() {
return !lookup.isEmpty();
public Collection<? extends Trie> getExtensions() {
return new ArrayList<>(lookup.values());
public HashMap<Integer, ? extends Trie> getChildren() {
return lookup;
public Iterator<Integer> getTerminalExtensionIterator() {
return new ExtensionIterator(lookup, true);
public Iterator<Integer> getNonterminalExtensionIterator() {
return new ExtensionIterator(lookup, true);
public RuleCollection getRuleCollection() {
return this;
* The following method's return values depend on whether there is
* a single subtrie encoding rules (trieWithRules).
* All other subtries can only contain rules some levels deeper.
public boolean hasRules() {
return trieWithRules == null ? false : trieWithRules.hasRules();
public List<Rule> getRules() {
if (!hasRules()) {
return emptyList();
return trieWithRules.getRuleCollection().getRules();
public List<Rule> getSortedRules(List<FeatureFunction> models) {
if (!hasRules()) {
return emptyList();
return trieWithRules.getRuleCollection().getSortedRules(models);
public boolean isSorted() {
return !hasRules() ? false : trieWithRules.getRuleCollection().isSorted();
* The constructor checked that all sub tries have the same arity and sourceSide.
* We can thus simply return the value from the first in list.
public int[] getSourceSide() {
return tries.get(0).getRuleCollection().getSourceSide();
public int getArity() {
return tries.get(0).getRuleCollection().getArity();