blob: e42a7eefe4cb75a96d50a9561f83a4ce4783f9b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* A class for reading in rules from a Moses phrase table. Most of the conversion work is done
* in {@link}. This includes prepending every
* rule with a nonterminal, so that the phrase-based decoder can assume the same hypergraph
* format as the hierarchical decoder (by pretending to be a strictly left-branching grammar and
* dispensing with the notion of coverage spans). However, prepending the nonterminals means all
* the alignments are off by 1. We do not want to fix those when reading in due to the expense,
* so instead we use this rule which adjust the alignments on the fly.
* Also, we only convert the Moses dense features on the fly, via this class.
* TODO: this class should also be responsible for prepending the nonterminals.
* @author Matt Post
public class PhraseRule extends Rule {
private String mosesFeatureString = null;
public PhraseRule(int lhs, int[] french, int[] english, String sparse_features, int arity,
String alignment) {
super(lhs, french, english, null, arity, alignment);
mosesFeatureString = sparse_features;
* Moses features are probabilities; we need to convert them here by taking the negative log prob.
* We do this only when the rule is used to amortize.
public String getFeatureString() {
if (sparseFeatureString == null) {
StringBuffer values = new StringBuffer();
for (String value: mosesFeatureString.split(" ")) {
float f = Float.parseFloat(value);
values.append(String.format("%f ", f <= 0.0 ? -100 : -Math.log(f)));
sparseFeatureString = values.toString().trim();
return sparseFeatureString;
* This is the exact same as the parent implementation, but we need to add 1 to each alignment
* point to account for the nonterminal [X] that was prepended to each rule.
public byte[] getAlignment() {
if (alignment == null) {
String[] tokens = getAlignmentString().split("[-\\s]+");
alignment = new byte[tokens.length + 2];
alignment[0] = alignment[1] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++)
alignment[i + 2] = (byte) (Short.parseShort(tokens[i]) + 1);
return alignment;