blob: 75eedef01098c40d2107d10cdb7f3a4901d11b15 [file] [log] [blame]
package joshua.decoder.ff.lm;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import joshua.corpus.Vocabulary;
import joshua.decoder.JoshuaConfiguration;
import joshua.decoder.Support;
import joshua.decoder.chart_parser.SourcePath;
import joshua.decoder.ff.FeatureVector;
import joshua.decoder.ff.StatefulFF;
import joshua.decoder.ff.lm.berkeley_lm.LMGrammarBerkeley;
import joshua.decoder.ff.lm.KenLM;
import joshua.decoder.ff.state_maintenance.DPState;
import joshua.decoder.ff.state_maintenance.NgramDPState;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HGNode;
import joshua.decoder.segment_file.Sentence;
* This class performs the following:
* <ol>
* <li>Gets the additional LM score due to combinations of small items into larger ones by using
* rules
* <li>Gets the LM state
* <li>Gets the left-side LM state estimation score
* </ol>
* @author Matt Post <>
* @author Juri Ganitkevitch <>
* @author Zhifei Li, <>
public class LanguageModelFF extends StatefulFF {
private static int LM_INDEX = 0;
public static int START_SYM_ID;
public static int STOP_SYM_ID;
* N-gram language model. We assume the language model is in ARPA format for equivalent state:
* <ol>
* <li>We assume it is a backoff lm, and high-order ngram implies low-order ngram; absense of
* low-order ngram implies high-order ngram</li>
* <li>For a ngram, existence of backoffweight => existence a probability Two ways of dealing with
* low counts:
* <ul>
* <li>SRILM: don't multiply zeros in for unknown words</li>
* <li>Pharaoh: cap at a minimum score exp(-10), including unknown words</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
protected NGramLanguageModel languageModel;
* We always use this order of ngram, though the LMGrammar may provide higher order probability.
protected final int ngramOrder;
* We cache the weight of the feature since there is only one.
protected float weight;
protected String type;
protected String path;
/* Whether this is a class-based LM */
private boolean isClassLM;
private ClassMap classMap;
protected class ClassMap {
private final int OOV_id = 10;
private HashMap<Integer, Integer> classMap;
public ClassMap(String file_name) throws IOException {
this.classMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
public int getClassID(int wordID) {
if (this.classMap.containsKey(wordID)) {
return this.classMap.get(wordID);
} else {
return OOV_id;
* Reads a class map from file.
* @param file_name
* @throws IOException
private void read(String file_name) throws IOException {
int lineno = 0;
for (String line: new, false)) {
String[] lineComp = line.trim().split("\\s+");
try {
this.classMap.put([0]), Integer.parseInt(lineComp[1]));
} catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.err.println(String.format("* WARNING: bad vocab line #%d '%s'", lineno, line));
public LanguageModelFF(FeatureVector weights, String[] args, JoshuaConfiguration config) {
super(weights, String.format("lm_%d", LanguageModelFF.LM_INDEX++), args, config);
this.type = parsedArgs.get("lm_type");
this.ngramOrder = Integer.parseInt(parsedArgs.get("lm_order"));
this.path = parsedArgs.get("lm_file");
if (parsedArgs.containsKey("class_map"))
try {
this.isClassLM = true;
this.classMap = new ClassMap(parsedArgs.get("class_map"));
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// The dense feature initialization hasn't happened yet, so we have to retrieve this as sparse
this.weight = weights.getSparse(name);
public ArrayList<String> reportDenseFeatures(int index) {
denseFeatureIndex = index;
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
return names;
* Initializes the underlying language model.
* @param config
* @param type
* @param path
public void initializeLM() {
if (type.equals("kenlm")) {
this.languageModel = new KenLM(ngramOrder, path);
} else if (type.equals("berkeleylm")) {
this.languageModel = new LMGrammarBerkeley(ngramOrder, path);
} else {
System.err.println(String.format("* FATAL: Invalid backend lm_type '%s' for LanguageModel", type));
System.err.println(String.format("* Permissible values for 'lm_type' are 'kenlm' and 'berkeleylm'"));
LanguageModelFF.START_SYM_ID =;
LanguageModelFF.STOP_SYM_ID =;
public NGramLanguageModel getLM() {
return this.languageModel;
public String logString() {
if (languageModel != null)
return String.format("%s, order %d (weight %.3f)", name, languageModel.getOrder(), weight);
return "WHOA";
* Computes the features incurred along this edge. Note that these features are unweighted costs
* of the feature; they are the feature cost, not the model cost, or the inner product of them.
public DPState compute(Rule rule, List<HGNode> tailNodes, int i, int j, SourcePath sourcePath,
Sentence sentence, Accumulator acc) {
NgramDPState newState = null;
if (rule != null) {
if (config.source_annotations) {
// Get source side annotations and project them to the target side
newState = computeTransition(getTags(rule, i, j, sentence), tailNodes, acc);
else {
if (this.isClassLM) {
// Use a class language model
// Return target side classes
newState = computeTransition(getClasses(rule), tailNodes, acc);
else {
// Default LM
newState = computeTransition(rule.getEnglish(), tailNodes, acc);
return newState;
* Input sentences can be tagged with information specific to the language model. This looks for
* such annotations by following a word's alignments back to the source words, checking for
* annotations, and replacing the surface word if such annotations are found.
protected int[] getTags(Rule rule, int begin, int end, Sentence sentence) {
/* Very important to make a copy here, so the original rule is not modified */
int[] tokens = Arrays.copyOf(rule.getEnglish(), rule.getEnglish().length);
byte[] alignments = rule.getAlignment();
// System.err.println(String.format("getTags() %s", rule.getRuleString()));
/* For each target-side token, project it to each of its source-language alignments. If any of those
* are annotated, take the first annotation and quit.
if (alignments != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
if (tokens[i] > 0) { // skip nonterminals
for (int j = 0; j < alignments.length; j += 2) {
if (alignments[j] == i) {
int annotation = sentence.getAnnotation((int)alignments[i] + begin);
if (annotation != -1) {
// System.err.println(String.format(" word %d source %d abs %d annotation %d/%s",
// i, alignments[i], alignments[i] + begin, annotation, Vocabulary.word(annotation)));
tokens[i] = annotation;
return tokens;
* Sets the class map if this is a class LM
* @param classMap
* @throws IOException
public void setClassMap(String fileName) throws IOException {
this.classMap = new ClassMap(fileName);
* Replace each word in a rule with the target side classes.
protected int[] getClasses(Rule rule) {
if (this.classMap == null) {
System.err.println("The class map is not set. Cannot use the class LM ");
/* Very important to make a copy here, so the original rule is not modified */
int[] tokens = Arrays.copyOf(rule.getEnglish(), rule.getEnglish().length);
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
if (tokens[i] > 0 ) {
tokens[i] = this.classMap.getClassID(tokens[i]);
return tokens;
public DPState computeFinal(HGNode tailNode, int i, int j, SourcePath sourcePath, Sentence sentence,
Accumulator acc) {
return computeFinalTransition((NgramDPState) tailNode.getDPState(stateIndex), acc);
* This function computes all the complete n-grams found in the rule, as well as the incomplete
* n-grams on the left-hand side.
public float estimateCost(Rule rule, Sentence sentence) {
float estimate = 0.0f;
boolean considerIncompleteNgrams = true;
int[] enWords = rule.getEnglish();
List<Integer> words = new ArrayList<Integer>();
boolean skipStart = (enWords[0] == START_SYM_ID);
* Move through the words, accumulating language model costs each time we have an n-gram (n >=
* 2), and resetting the series of words when we hit a nonterminal.
for (int c = 0; c < enWords.length; c++) {
int currentWord = enWords[c];
if (Vocabulary.nt(currentWord)) {
estimate += scoreChunkLogP(words, considerIncompleteNgrams, skipStart);
skipStart = false;
} else {
estimate += scoreChunkLogP(words, considerIncompleteNgrams, skipStart);
return weight * estimate;
* Estimates the future cost of a rule. For the language model feature, this is the sum of the
* costs of the leftmost k-grams, k = [1..n-1].
public float estimateFutureCost(Rule rule, DPState currentState, Sentence sentence) {
NgramDPState state = (NgramDPState) currentState;
float estimate = 0.0f;
int[] leftContext = state.getLeftLMStateWords();
if (null != leftContext) {
List<Integer> words = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int w : leftContext)
boolean considerIncompleteNgrams = true;
boolean skipStart = true;
if (words.get(0) != START_SYM_ID) {
skipStart = false;
estimate += scoreChunkLogP(words, considerIncompleteNgrams, skipStart);
return weight * estimate;
* Compute the cost of a rule application. The cost of applying a rule is computed by determining
* the n-gram costs for all n-grams created by this rule application, and summing them. N-grams
* are created when (a) terminal words in the rule string are followed by a nonterminal (b)
* terminal words in the rule string are preceded by a nonterminal (c) we encounter adjacent
* nonterminals. In all of these situations, the corresponding boundary words of the node in the
* hypergraph represented by the nonterminal must be retrieved.
* IMPORTANT: only complete n-grams are scored. This means that hypotheses with fewer words
* than the complete n-gram state remain *unscored*. This fact adds a lot of complication to the
* code, including the use of the computeFinal* family of functions, which correct this fact for
* sentences that are too short on the final transition.
private NgramDPState computeTransition(int[] enWords, List<HGNode> tailNodes, Accumulator acc) {
int[] current = new int[this.ngramOrder];
int[] shadow = new int[this.ngramOrder];
int ccount = 0;
float transitionLogP = 0.0f;
int[] left_context = null;
for (int c = 0; c < enWords.length; c++) {
int curID = enWords[c];
if (Vocabulary.nt(curID)) {
int index = -(curID + 1);
NgramDPState state = (NgramDPState) tailNodes.get(index).getDPState(stateIndex);
int[] left = state.getLeftLMStateWords();
int[] right = state.getRightLMStateWords();
// Left context.
for (int i = 0; i < left.length; i++) {
current[ccount++] = left[i];
if (left_context == null && ccount == this.ngramOrder - 1)
left_context = Arrays.copyOf(current, ccount);
if (ccount == this.ngramOrder) {
// Compute the current word probability, and remove it.
float prob = this.languageModel.ngramLogProbability(current, this.ngramOrder);
// System.err.println(String.format("-> prob(%s) = %f", Vocabulary.getWords(current), prob));
transitionLogP += prob;
System.arraycopy(current, 1, shadow, 0, this.ngramOrder - 1);
int[] tmp = current;
current = shadow;
shadow = tmp;
System.arraycopy(right, 0, current, ccount - right.length, right.length);
} else { // terminal words
current[ccount++] = curID;
if (left_context == null && ccount == this.ngramOrder - 1)
left_context = Arrays.copyOf(current, ccount);
if (ccount == this.ngramOrder) {
// Compute the current word probability, and remove it.s
float prob = this.languageModel.ngramLogProbability(current, this.ngramOrder);
// System.err.println(String.format("-> prob(%s) = %f", Vocabulary.getWords(current), prob));
transitionLogP += prob;
System.arraycopy(current, 1, shadow, 0, this.ngramOrder - 1);
int[] tmp = current;
current = shadow;
shadow = tmp;
// acc.add(name, transitionLogP);
acc.add(denseFeatureIndex, transitionLogP);
if (left_context != null) {
return new NgramDPState(left_context, Arrays.copyOfRange(current, ccount - this.ngramOrder
+ 1, ccount));
} else {
int[] context = Arrays.copyOf(current, ccount);
return new NgramDPState(context, context);
* This function differs from regular transitions because we incorporate the cost of incomplete
* left-hand ngrams, as well as including the start- and end-of-sentence markers (if they were
* requested when the object was created).
* @param state the dynamic programming state
* @return the final transition probability (including incomplete n-grams)
private NgramDPState computeFinalTransition(NgramDPState state, Accumulator acc) {
// System.err.println(String.format("LanguageModel::computeFinalTransition()"));
float res = 0.0f;
LinkedList<Integer> currentNgram = new LinkedList<Integer>();
int[] leftContext = state.getLeftLMStateWords();
int[] rightContext = state.getRightLMStateWords();
for (int i = 0; i < leftContext.length; i++) {
int t = leftContext[i];
if (currentNgram.size() >= 2) { // start from bigram
float prob = this.languageModel.ngramLogProbability(Support.toArray(currentNgram),
res += prob;
if (currentNgram.size() == this.ngramOrder)
// Tell the accumulator
// acc.add(name, res);
acc.add(denseFeatureIndex, res);
// State is the same
return new NgramDPState(leftContext, rightContext);
* This function is basically a wrapper for NGramLanguageModel::sentenceLogProbability(). It
* computes the probability of a phrase ("chunk"), using lower-order n-grams for the first n-1
* words.
* @param words
* @param considerIncompleteNgrams
* @param skipStart
* @return the phrase log probability
private float scoreChunkLogP(List<Integer> words, boolean considerIncompleteNgrams,
boolean skipStart) {
float score = 0.0f;
if (words.size() > 0) {
int startIndex;
if (!considerIncompleteNgrams) {
startIndex = this.ngramOrder;
} else if (skipStart) {
startIndex = 2;
} else {
startIndex = 1;
score = this.languageModel.sentenceLogProbability(
Support.subIntArray(words, 0, words.size()), this.ngramOrder, startIndex);
return score;