blob: e73991b576a0901519613da7bf77cfe86977a147 [file] [log] [blame]
package joshua.decoder.ff;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import joshua.decoder.JoshuaConfiguration;
import joshua.decoder.ff.state_maintenance.DPState;
import joshua.decoder.chart_parser.SourcePath;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HGNode;
import joshua.decoder.phrase.Hypothesis;
import joshua.decoder.segment_file.Sentence;
* @author Zhifei Li <>
* @author Matt Post <>
public final class WordPenalty extends StatelessFF {
private float OMEGA = -(float) Math.log10(Math.E); // -0.435
public WordPenalty(final FeatureVector weights, String[] args, JoshuaConfiguration config) {
super(weights, "WordPenalty", args, config);
if (parsedArgs.containsKey("value"))
OMEGA = Float.parseFloat(parsedArgs.get("value"));
public DPState compute(Rule rule, List<HGNode> tailNodes, int i, int j, SourcePath sourcePath,
Sentence sentence, Accumulator acc) {
if (rule != null) {
// TODO: this is an inefficient way to do this. Find a better way to not apply this rule
// to start and stop glue rules when phrase-based decoding.
if (config.search_algorithm.equals("cky")
|| (rule != Hypothesis.BEGIN_RULE && rule != Hypothesis.END_RULE))
// acc.add(name, OMEGA * (rule.getEnglish().length - rule.getArity()));
acc.add(denseFeatureIndex, OMEGA * (rule.getEnglish().length - rule.getArity()));
return null;
public ArrayList<String> reportDenseFeatures(int index) {
denseFeatureIndex = index;
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
return names;
public float estimateCost(Rule rule, Sentence sentence) {
if (rule != null)
return weights.getDense(denseFeatureIndex) * OMEGA * (rule.getEnglish().length - rule.getArity());
return 0.0f;