blob: ab10a2324d0442b8d886c420532ef8b2d3d2517b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Matt Post <>
# Converts a Moses grammars and phrase tables to a Joshua grammar.
# Usage: cat grammar.moses | > grammar.joshua
# The notable differences between the formats are as follows:
# (1) The rule syntax. Moses' rules look like this:
# der [X][NN] [X] ||| of the [X][NN] [PP] ||| 0-0 0-1 1-2 ||| .301 .6989 ||| |||
# Whereas the corresponding Joshua rule looks like this:
# [PP] ||| der [NN,1] ||| of the [NN,1] ||| 0.5 0.2
# (This doesn't apply to phrase tables, of course).
# (2) Phrase table values. Moses takes the log of each feature, whereas Joshua takes just
# negates the values when it reads them in. To make the conversion correct, this script
# computes the negative log of each of the feature values.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Std;
my %opts;
sub usage {
print "Usage: cat moses.grammar | [-p] [-m TREE_MAP_FILE] > grammar\n";
print "where TREE_MAP_FILE maps rule target-sides to internal trees\n";
print "where -p means to add a phrase penalty feature\n";
# Rules look like the following, with many of the fields optional
# <s> [X] ||| <s> [S] ||| [weights] ||| [alignments] ||| [counts] ||| [tree]
# [X][S] </s> [X] ||| [X][S] </s> [S] ||| 1 ||| 0-0 ||| 0
# [X][S] [X][X] [X] ||| [X][S] [X][X] [S] ||| 2.718 ||| 0-0 1-1 ||| 0
if ($opts{m}) {
open MAP, ">$opts{m}" or die "can't write map to file '$opts{m}'";
while (my $rule = <>) {
my $orig_rule = $rule;
# ! es [X][VP] , [X] ||| , we [X][VP] , [PRN] ||| 0.0102041 0.00950695 1 0.000537615 2.718 ||| 2-2 ||| 98 1
# ! es [X][VP] [X][,] [X] ||| , we [X][VP] [X][,] [PRN] ||| 0.0120482 0.0206611 1 0.000867691 2.718 ||| 2-2 3-3 ||| 83 1
# Get rid of the source-side nonterminal.
$rule =~ s/( ?)\[\S+?\](\[\S+?\])/$1$2/g;
my ($l1, $l2, $probs, $alignment, $counts, undef, $tree) = split(/\s*\|\|\|\s*/, $rule);
# The source-side nonterminals (of each pair) have been removed. Here we push all the for the
# source and target sides into arrays. We grab the LHS from the target side list.
my (@l1tokens) = split(' ', $l1);
my (@l2tokens) = split(' ', $l2);
# Support regular phrase tables, too (with no LHS).
my $lhs = undef;
if ($l2tokens[-1] =~ /^\[.*\]$/) {
$lhs = pop(@l2tokens);
# Now build a list of just the nonterminals. Then for the target side (L2), we map positions in
# the string to its index in the list of nonterminals, used to discover the permutation later on.
my (@l1nts);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @l1tokens; $i++) {
my $token = $l1tokens[$i];
if ($token =~ /\[(\S+?)\]/g) {
push(@l1nts, $1);
my (@l2nts,@l2orders);
my $num_lhs_seen = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @l2tokens; $i++) {
my $token = $l2tokens[$i];
if ($token =~ /\[(\S+?)\]/g) {
push(@l2nts, $1);
$l2orders[$i] = ++$num_lhs_seen;
if (scalar @l1nts != scalar @l2nts) {
print STDERR "* WARNING: nonterminal count mismatch on RHS\n";
print STDERR "* " . (scalar @l1nts) . $/;
print STDERR "* " . (scalar @l2nts) . $/;
# Build the permutation by first sorting L1 and then using the order index.
my @permutation;
my @alignments = sort by_first split(' ', $alignment);
foreach my $pair (@alignments) {
my ($l1,$l2) = split(/-/, $pair);
push(@permutation, $l2orders[$l2]) if defined $l2orders[$l2];
if (scalar(@permutation) != scalar(@l2nts)) {
my $a = scalar(@l2nts);
my $b = scalar(@permutation);
print STDERR "* [line $.] WARNING: permutation length is too short (l2nts $a, perm $b)\n";
# Now go on and print the rule.
my $new_rule;
if ($lhs) {
$new_rule = "$lhs ||| ";
} else {
$new_rule = "";
$num_lhs_seen = 0;
foreach my $token (@l1tokens) {
if ($token =~ /\[(\S+?)\]/g) {
$new_rule .= "[$1," . (++$num_lhs_seen) . "] ";
} else {
$new_rule .= "$token ";
$new_rule .= "||| ";
$num_lhs_seen = 0;
my $target = "";
foreach my $token (@l2tokens) {
if ($token =~ /\[(\S+?)\]/g) {
$target .= "[$1," . $permutation[$num_lhs_seen++] . "] ";
} else {
$target .= "$token ";
$target =~ s/^\s+//;
$new_rule .= $target;
my @probs = map { transform($_) } (split(' ',$probs));
# Moses no longer uses exp(1) as its phrase penalty feature, so we can't
# rely on the uniform transform above...
push(@probs, -1) if ($opts{p});
my $scores = join(" ", map { sprintf("%.5f", $_) } @probs);
# $new_rule .= " ||| $scores ||| $alignment ||| $counts";
$new_rule .= "||| $scores ||| $alignment";
# print STDERR " NEW_RULE: $rule => $new_rule$/" if $new_rule =~ /^\|/;
print "$new_rule\n";
if ($opts{m} and defined $tree) {
$tree =~ s/.*{{Tree\s+(.*)}}.*/$1/;
# Remove brackets around substitution points
$tree =~ s/\[([^\[\]\s]+)\]/$1/g;
# Add quotes around terminals
$tree =~ s/\[([^\[\]]+) ([^\[\]]+)\]/[$1 "$2"]/g;
$tree =~ s/\[/(/g;
$tree =~ s/\]/)/g;
print MAP "$tree ||| $target\n";
close(MAP) if ($opts{m});
sub transform {
my ($weight) = @_;
# Moses defines the log_e() of non-positive weights as -100
# Return -1 times this, since Joshua negates all feature weights from the grammar
return "100" if ($weight <= 0.0);
# if ($weight eq "2.718") {
# return $weight;
# } else {
# return -log($weight);
# }
return -log($weight);
# Reads the moses config file to look for the span limit for grammar i (0-indexed).
sub get_span_limit {
my ($config_file, $index) = @_;
open READ, $config_file or die "can't find config file '$config_file'";
while (my $line = <READ>) {
if ($line =~ /max-chart-span/) {
# Burn through a number of lines until we get to the one we need. This assumes there are no
# intervening comments or blank lines.
for (my $i = 0; $i < $index; $i++) {
my $t = <READ>;
chomp(my $max_span = <READ>);
return $max_span;
sub by_first {
my $a1 = $a;
$a1 =~ s/-.*//;
my $b1 = $b;
$b1 =~ s/-.*//;
return $a1 <=> $b1;