blob: a752f2908784b4edbc95e90211318463883d797d [file] [log] [blame]
package joshua.decoder.phrase;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import joshua.corpus.Span;
import joshua.decoder.JoshuaConfiguration;
import joshua.decoder.chart_parser.ComputeNodeResult;
import joshua.decoder.ff.FeatureFunction;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HGNode;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HyperEdge;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HyperGraph;
import joshua.decoder.segment_file.Sentence;
public class Stacks {
// The list of stacks, grouped according to number of source words covered
private List<Stack> stacks;
// The end state
private Hypothesis end;
List<FeatureFunction> featureFunctions;
private Sentence sentence;
private PhraseChart chart;
private JoshuaConfiguration config;
* @param context
* @param chart
* @param featureFunctions
// public Stacks(Context context, Chart chart, List<FeatureFunction> featureFunctions) {
public Stacks(Sentence sentence, List<FeatureFunction> featureFunctions, Grammar[] grammars,
JoshuaConfiguration config) {
this.sentence = sentence;
this.featureFunctions = featureFunctions;
this.config = config;
int num_phrase_tables = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < grammars.length; i++)
if (grammars[i] instanceof PhraseTable)
PhraseTable[] phraseTables = new PhraseTable[num_phrase_tables + 2];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < grammars.length; i++)
if (grammars[i] instanceof PhraseTable)
phraseTables[j++] = (PhraseTable) grammars[i];
phraseTables[phraseTables.length - 2] = new PhraseTable("null", config);
phraseTables[phraseTables.length - 2].addRule(Hypothesis.END_RULE);
phraseTables[phraseTables.length - 1] = new PhraseTable("oov", config);
AbstractGrammar.addOOVRules(phraseTables[phraseTables.length - 1], sentence.intLattice(), featureFunctions, config.true_oovs_only);
this.chart = new PhraseChart(phraseTables, featureFunctions, sentence, config.num_translation_options);
* The main algorithm. Returns a hypergraph representing the search space.
* @return
public HyperGraph search() {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Future future = new Future(chart);
stacks = new ArrayList<Stack>();
// Reservation is critical because pointers to Hypothesis objects are retained as history.
//stacks.reserve(chart.SentenceLength() + 2 /* begin/end of sentence */);
for (int i = 1; i <= sentence.length(); i++)
stacks.add(new Stack());
// Initialize root hypothesis with <s> context and future cost for everything.
ComputeNodeResult result = new ComputeNodeResult(this.featureFunctions, Hypothesis.BEGIN_RULE,
null, -1, 1, null, this.sentence);
stacks.get(1).add(new Hypothesis(result.getDPStates(), future.Full()));
// Decode with increasing numbers of source words.
for (int source_words = 2; source_words <= sentence.length(); ++source_words) {
// A vertex represents the root of a trie, e.g., bundled translations of the same source phrase
HashMap<Span, Vertex> vertices = new HashMap<Span, Vertex>();
// Iterate over stacks to continue from.
for (int from_stack = source_words - Math.min(source_words - 1, chart.MaxSourcePhraseLength());
from_stack < source_words;
++from_stack) {
int phrase_length = source_words - from_stack;
// System.err.println(String.format("\n WORDS %d (STACK %d phrase_length %d)", source_words, from_stack, phrase_length));
// Iterate over antecedents in this stack.
for (Hypothesis ant : stacks.get(from_stack)) {
// System.err.println(String.format(" WORDS %d ANT %s", source_words, ant));
Coverage coverage = ant.GetCoverage();
int begin = coverage.firstZero();
int last_end = Math.min(coverage.firstZero() + config.reordering_limit, chart.SentenceLength());
int last_begin = (last_end > phrase_length) ? (last_end - phrase_length) : 0;
// We can always go from first_zero because it doesn't create a reordering gap.
do {
// Don't append </s> until the end
if (begin == sentence.length() - 1 && source_words != sentence.length())
TargetPhrases phrases = chart.getRange(begin, begin + phrase_length);
if (phrases == null || !coverage.compatible(begin, begin + phrase_length))
// System.err.println(String.format(" Applying %d target phrases over [%d,%d]", phrases.size(), begin, begin + phrase_length));
// TODO: could also compute some number of features here (e.g., non-LM ones)
// float score_delta = context.GetScorer().transition(ant, phrases, begin, begin + phrase_length);
// Future costs: remove span to be filled.
float score_delta = future.Change(coverage, begin, begin + phrase_length);
Span span = new Span(begin, begin + phrase_length);
if (! vertices.containsKey(span))
vertices.put(span, new Vertex());
/* This associates with each span a set of hypotheses that can be extended by
* phrases from that span. The hypotheses are wrapped in HypoState objects, which
* augment the hypothesis score with a future cost.
vertices.get(span).add(new HypoState(ant, score_delta));
// Enforce the reordering limit on later iterations.
} while (++begin <= last_begin);
/* At this point, every vertex contains a list of all existing hypotheses that the target
* phrases in that vertex could extend. Now we need to create the search object, which
* implements cube pruning. There are up to O(n^2) cubes, n the size of the current stack,
* one cube each over each span of the input. Each "cube" has two dimensions: one representing
* the target phrases over the span, and one representing all of these incoming hypotheses.
* We seed the chart with the best item in each cube, and then repeatedly pop and extend.
EdgeGenerator gen = new EdgeGenerator(sentence, featureFunctions, config);
// System.err.println(String.format("\nBuilding cube-pruning chart for %d words", source_words));
for (Span pair : vertices.keySet()) {
Vertex hypos = vertices.get(pair);
if (hypos.isEmpty())
// Sorts the hypotheses, since we now know that we're done adding them
TargetPhrases phrases = chart.getRange(pair.start, pair.end);
// System.err.println(String.format(" Span %s hypotheses %s phrases %s", pair, hypos.size(), phrases.size()));
Candidate cand = new Candidate(hypos, phrases, pair);
Stack stack = stacks.get(source_words);
EdgeOutput output = new EdgeOutput(stack);
System.err.println(String.format("[%d] Search took %.3f seconds",,
(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0f));
// System.err.println("Stack(): END: " + end);
return createGoalNode();
private HyperGraph createGoalNode() {
Stack lastStack = stacks.get(sentence.length());
for (Hypothesis hyp: lastStack) {
float score = hyp.getScore();
List<HGNode> tailNodes = new ArrayList<HGNode>();
float finalTransitionScore = ComputeNodeResult.computeFinalCost(featureFunctions, tailNodes, 0, sentence.length(), null,;
if (null == this.end)
this.end = new Hypothesis(null, score + finalTransitionScore, hyp, sentence.length(), null);
HyperEdge edge = new HyperEdge(null, score + finalTransitionScore, finalTransitionScore, tailNodes, null);
this.end = lastStack.isEmpty() ? null : lastStack.get(0);
return new HyperGraph(end, -1, -1, this.sentence);
* Creates a new hypothesis and adds it to the stack.
* Duplication-checking is done elsewhere. For regular decoding, an {@link EdgeOutput} keeps
* track of added edges and combines the last item, after this call completes.
* @param complete the candidate used to build the hypothesis
* @param out the stack to place it on
public static void AppendToStack(Candidate complete, Stack out) {
Hypothesis h = new Hypothesis(complete);
out.add(new Hypothesis(0, // complete.CompletedState().right,
complete.GetScore(), // TODO: call scorer to adjust for last of lexro?
// out.add(h);