blob: 26a73ce0d221dc3061887351a328befc8ec1145e [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# 2011-07-14 Matt Post <>
# Converts a Moses configuration file to a Joshua configuration file
# (including phrase table conversion)
# Usage: moses.ini
# This command will produce (1) joshua.config and (2) a phrase table
# named as in the moses file.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Std;
sub usage {
print "Usage: cat moses.ini | > joshua.config\n";
# The number of features contained in each grammar found. This is used to compute feature names
# for Joshua
my (@num_features, @WEIGHTS);
my $grammar_no = 0;
my @span_limits;
while (my $line = <STDIN>) {
next if $line =~ /^#/;
# print STDERR "LINE($line)\n";
if (header($line) eq "input-factors") {
chomp(my $numfactors = <>);
error("Joshua can't handle factors") unless $numfactors == 0;
} elsif (header($line) eq "mapping") {
; # ignore
} elsif (header($line) eq "ttable-file") {
my $grammarno = 0;
while (my $line = <>) {
next if $line =~ /^#/;
last unless $line;
my (undef,undef,undef,$numweights,$file) = split(' ',$line);
push(@num_features, $numweights);
my $grammar = convert_grammar($file);
my $span_limit = $span_limits[$grammarno];
print "tm = thrax owner$grammarno $span_limit $grammar\n";
} elsif (header($line) eq "lmodel-file") {
my ($type,undef,$order,$file) = split(' ', <>);
if ($type == 0 or $type == 8 or $type == 9) {
print "lm = kenlm $order false false 100 $file\n";
} else {
error("Only language model types 0, 8, and 9 are supported");
} elsif (header($line) eq "ttable-limit") {
chomp(my $limit = <>);
warning("Joshua doesn't have a parameter corresponding to 'ttable-limit'");
} elsif (header($line) eq "weight-l") {
chomp(my $weight = <>);
push @WEIGHTS, "lm_0 $weight\n";
} elsif (header($line) eq "weight-t") {
# This takes a bit of thinking. Moses lists grammars one by one; each grammar lists the number
# of features it has. The weights are then listed as a block and mapped to the corresponding
# file and index based on these counts and the respective ordering of the files and weights.
# Joshua (in its sparse feature implementation) instead names each feature according to the
# pattern "tm_OWNER_INDEX". So here we map from these positions in the Moses file to Joshua
# names.
my $grammarno = 0;
my $index = 0;
chomp(my $weight = <>);
while ($weight) {
push @WEIGHTS, "tm_owner${grammarno}_${index} $weight\n";
# If we reach the number of features in the current grammar, increment the grammar and reset
# the index.
if ($index >= $num_features[$grammarno] - 1) {
$index = 0;
} else {
chomp($weight = <>);
print "\n";
} elsif (header($line) eq "weight-w") {
chomp(my $weight = <>);
print "feature-function = WordPenalty\n";
push @WEIGHTS, "WordPenalty $weight\n";
} elsif (header($line) eq "max-chart-span") {
while (my $line = <>) {
last if $line eq "";
push @span_limits, $line;
} elsif (header($line) eq "weight") {
while (my $line = <>) {
last if $line eq "";
my ($name, $value) = split(' ', $line, 2);
my $num = $name; $num =~ s/^.*(\d+)=$/$1/;
$name =~ s/(.*)\d+=$/$1/;
if ($name eq "LM") {
push @WEIGHTS, "lm_$num " . ($value * 2.3024448269); # natural log(10)
} elsif ($name =~ /^TranslationModel/) {
my @weights = split(' ', $value);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @weights; $i++) {
push @WEIGHTS, "tm_owner${num}_${i} $weights[$i]";
} elsif ($name eq "UnknownWordPenalty") {
push @WEIGHTS, "OOVPenalty " . ($value);
} elsif ($name eq "WordPenalty") {
push @WEIGHTS, "WordPenalty " . ($value / 0.4342944819032518);
} else {
push @WEIGHTS, "$name $value";
} elsif (header($line) eq "feature") {
while ($line = <>) {
last if $line eq "";
my ($key, @rest) = split(' ', $line);
if ($key eq "UnknownWordPenalty") {
print "feature-function = OOVPenalty\n";
} elsif ($key eq "WordPenalty") {
print "feature-function = WordPenalty\n";
} elsif ($key eq "PhrasePenalty") {
print "feature-function = PhrasePenalty -owner owner0\n";
} elsif ($key eq "Distortion") {
print "feature-function = Distortion\n";
} elsif ($key =~ /^PhraseDictionary/) {
my $grammar_file;
my $table_limit = 20;
foreach my $token (@rest) {
if ($token =~ /^path/) {
$token =~ s/^path=//;
$grammar_file = $token;
} elsif ($token =~ /^table-limit/) {
$token =~ s/^table-limit=//;
$table_limit = $token;
my $span_limit = $span_limits[$grammar_no] || 1000;
my $owner = "moses";
print "tm = $owner owner${grammar_no} $span_limit $grammar_file\n";
print "num_translation_options = $table_limit\n";
} elsif ($key eq "KENLM") {
my $str = join(" ", @rest);
my $order = $str; $order =~ s/.*order=(\d+).*/$1/;
my $path = $str; $path =~ s/.*path=(\S+).*/$1/;
print "lm = kenlm $order true false 100 $path\n";
} elsif (header($line) eq "cube-pruning-pop-limit") {
chomp(my $limit = <>);
# Joshua does not appear to have an equivalent setting for this
print "pop-limit = $limit\n";
} elsif (header($line) eq "non-terminals") {
# this is used for unknown words and for the source-side (if
# unspecified in a rule); Joshua only supports its use for unknown
# words
print "default-non-terminal = X\n";
print "goal-symbol = GOAL\n";
print "\n";
} elsif (header($line) eq "distortion" or header($line) eq "distortion-limit") {
chomp(my $limit = <>);
print "reordering-limit = $limit\n";
} elsif (header($line) eq "search-algorithm") {
} elsif (header($line) eq "inputtype") {
print "top-n = 1\n\n";
print "mark-oovs = false\n";
print "\n# WEIGHTS\n\n";
foreach my $weight (@WEIGHTS) {
print $weight . $/;
## SUBROUTINES #######################################################
sub warning {
my ($msg) = @_;
print STDERR "* WARNING * $msg\n";
sub error {
my ($msg) = @_;
print STDERR "** FATAL ** $msg\n";
sub header {
my ($line) = @_;
if ($line =~ (/^\[(\S+)\]/)) {
return $1;
return "";