blob: 544a8803a30e42550cbd73a386103cf322fcb525 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Vector;
import joshua.corpus.Vocabulary;
import joshua.metrics.EvaluationMetric;
// this class implements the PRO tuning method
public class Optimizer {
public Optimizer(long _seed, boolean[] _isOptimizable, Vector<String> _output, double[] _initialLambda,
HashMap<String, String>[] _feat_hash, HashMap<String, String>[] _stats_hash,
EvaluationMetric _evalMetric, int _Tau, int _Xi, double _metricDiff,
double[] _normalizationOptions, String _classifierAlg, String[] _classifierParam) {
sentNum = _feat_hash.length; // total number of training sentences
output = _output; // (not used for now)
initialLambda = _initialLambda;
isOptimizable = _isOptimizable;
paramDim = initialLambda.length - 1;
feat_hash = _feat_hash; // feature hash table
stats_hash = _stats_hash; // suff. stats hash table
evalMetric = _evalMetric; // evaluation metric
Tau = _Tau; // param Tau in PRO
Xi = _Xi; // param Xi in PRO
metricDiff = _metricDiff; // threshold for sampling acceptance
normalizationOptions = _normalizationOptions; // weight normalization option
randgen = new Random(_seed); // random number generator
classifierAlg = _classifierAlg; // classification algorithm
classifierParam = _classifierParam; // params for the specified classifier
public double[] run_Optimizer() {
// sampling from all candidates
Vector<String> allSamples = process_Params();
try {
// create classifier object from the given class name string
ClassifierInterface myClassifier =
(ClassifierInterface) Class.forName(classifierAlg).newInstance();
System.out.println("Total training samples(class +1 & class -1): " + allSamples.size());
// set classifier parameters
//run classifier
finalLambda = myClassifier.runClassifier(allSamples, initialLambda, paramDim);
//parameters that are not optimizable are assigned with initial values
for ( int i = 1; i < isOptimizable.length; ++i ) {
if ( !isOptimizable[i] )
finalLambda[i] = initialLambda[i];
double initMetricScore = computeCorpusMetricScore(initialLambda); // compute the initial
// corpus-level metric score
finalMetricScore = computeCorpusMetricScore(finalLambda); // compute the final
// corpus-level metric score
// for( int i=0; i<finalLambda.length; i++ ) System.out.print(finalLambda[i]+" ");
// System.out.println(); System.exit(0);
// prepare the printing info
// int numParamToPrint = 0;
// String result = "";
// numParamToPrint = paramDim > 10 ? 10 : paramDim; // how many parameters to print
// result = paramDim > 10 ? "Final lambda (first 10): {" : "Final lambda: {";
// for (int i = 1; i <= numParamToPrint; i++)
// result += String.format("%.4f", finalLambda[i]) + " ";
output.add("Initial "
+ evalMetric.get_metricName() + ": " + String.format("%.4f", initMetricScore) + "\nFinal "
+ evalMetric.get_metricName() + ": " + String.format("%.4f", finalMetricScore));
// System.out.println(output);
return finalLambda;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
return null;
public double computeCorpusMetricScore(double[] finalLambda) {
int suffStatsCount = evalMetric.get_suffStatsCount();
double modelScore;
double maxModelScore;
Set<String> candSet;
String candStr;
String[] feat_str;
String[] tmpStatsVal = new String[suffStatsCount];
int[] corpusStatsVal = new int[suffStatsCount];
for (int i = 0; i < suffStatsCount; i++)
corpusStatsVal[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sentNum; i++) {
candSet = feat_hash[i].keySet();
// find out the 1-best candidate for each sentence
maxModelScore = NegInf;
for (Iterator<String> it = candSet.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
modelScore = 0.0;
candStr =;
feat_str = feat_hash[i].get(candStr).split("\\s+");
for (int f = 0; f < feat_str.length; f++) {
String[] feat_info = feat_str[f].split("[=:]");
modelScore +=
Double.parseDouble(feat_info[1]) * finalLambda[[0])];
if (maxModelScore < modelScore) {
maxModelScore = modelScore;
tmpStatsVal = stats_hash[i].get(candStr).split("\\s+"); // save the suff stats
for (int j = 0; j < suffStatsCount; j++)
corpusStatsVal[j] += Integer.parseInt(tmpStatsVal[j]); // accumulate corpus-leve suff stats
} // for( int i=0; i<sentNum; i++ )
return evalMetric.score(corpusStatsVal);
public Vector<String> process_Params() {
Vector<String> allSamples = new Vector<String>(); // to save all sampled pairs
// sampling
Vector<String> sampleVec = new Vector<String>(); // use String to make sparse representation
// easy
for (int i = 0; i < sentNum; i++) {
sampleVec = Sampler(i);
return allSamples;
private Vector<String> Sampler(int sentId) {
int candCount = stats_hash[sentId].size();
Vector<String> sampleVec = new Vector<String>();
HashMap<String, Double> candScore = new HashMap<String, Double>(); // metric(e.g BLEU) score of
// all candidates
// extract all candidates to a string array to save time in computing BLEU score
String[] cands = new String[candCount];
Set<String> candSet = stats_hash[sentId].keySet();
HashMap<Integer, String> candMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
int candId = 0;
for (Iterator<String> it = candSet.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
cands[candId] =;
candMap.put(candId, cands[candId]); // map an integer to each candidate
candScore = compute_Score(sentId, cands); // compute BLEU for each candidate
// start sampling
double scoreDiff;
double probAccept;
boolean accept;
HashMap<String, Double> acceptedPair = new HashMap<String, Double>();
if (Tau < candCount * (candCount - 1)) // otherwise no need to sample
int j1, j2;
for (int i = 0; i < Tau; i++) {
// here the case in which the same pair is sampled more than once is allowed
// otherwise if Tau is almost the same as candCount^2, it might take a lot of time to find
// Tau distinct pairs
j1 = randgen.nextInt(candCount);
j2 = randgen.nextInt(candCount);
while (j1 == j2)
j2 = randgen.nextInt(candCount);
// accept or not?
scoreDiff = Math.abs(candScore.get(candMap.get(j1)) - candScore.get(candMap.get(j2)));
probAccept = Alpha(scoreDiff);
// System.err.println("Diff: " + scoreDiff + " = " + candScore.get(candMap.get(j1)) + " - "
// + candScore.get(candMap.get(j2)));
accept = randgen.nextDouble() <= probAccept ? true : false;
if (accept) acceptedPair.put(j1 + " " + j2, scoreDiff);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < candCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < candCount; j++) {
if (j != i) {
// accept or not?
scoreDiff = Math.abs(candScore.get(candMap.get(i)) - candScore.get(candMap.get(j)));
probAccept = Alpha(scoreDiff);
accept = randgen.nextDouble() <= probAccept ? true : false;
if (accept) acceptedPair.put(i + " " + j, scoreDiff);
//System.out.println("Tau="+Tau+"\nAll possible pair number: "+candCount*(candCount-1));
//System.out.println("Number of accepted pairs after random selection: "+acceptedPair.size());
// sort sampled pairs according to "scoreDiff"
ValueComparator comp = new ValueComparator(acceptedPair);
TreeMap<String, Double> acceptedPairSort = new TreeMap<String, Double>(comp);
int topCount = 0;
int label;
String[] pair_str;
String[] feat_str_j1, feat_str_j2;
String j1Cand, j2Cand;
String featDiff, neg_featDiff;
HashSet<String> added = new HashSet<String>(); // to avoid symmetric duplicate
for (String key : acceptedPairSort.keySet()) {
if (topCount == Xi) break;
pair_str = key.split("\\s+");
// System.out.println(pair_str[0]+" "+pair_str[1]+" "+acceptedPair.get(key));
if (!added.contains(key)) {
j1Cand = candMap.get(Integer.parseInt(pair_str[0]));
j2Cand = candMap.get(Integer.parseInt(pair_str[1]));
if (evalMetric.getToBeMinimized()) // if smaller metric score is better(like TER)
label = (candScore.get(j1Cand) - candScore.get(j2Cand)) < 0 ? 1 : -1;
// like BLEU
label = (candScore.get(j1Cand) - candScore.get(j2Cand)) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
feat_str_j1 = feat_hash[sentId].get(j1Cand).split("\\s+");
feat_str_j2 = feat_hash[sentId].get(j2Cand).split("\\s+");
featDiff = "";
neg_featDiff = "";
HashMap<Integer, String> feat_diff = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
String[] feat_info;
int feat_id;
for (int i = 0; i < feat_str_j1.length; i++) {
feat_info = feat_str_j1[i].split("[:=]");
feat_id =[0]);
if ( (feat_id < isOptimizable.length &&
isOptimizable[feat_id]) ||
feat_id >= isOptimizable.length )
feat_diff.put( feat_id, feat_info[1] );
for (int i = 0; i < feat_str_j2.length; i++) {
feat_info = feat_str_j2[i].split("[:=]");
feat_id =[0]);
if ( (feat_id < isOptimizable.length &&
isOptimizable[feat_id]) ||
feat_id >= isOptimizable.length ) {
if (feat_diff.containsKey(feat_id))
feat_diff.put( feat_id,
Double.toString(Double.parseDouble(feat_diff.get(feat_id))-Double.parseDouble(feat_info[1])) );
else //only fired in the cand 2
feat_diff.put( feat_id, Double.toString(-1.0*Double.parseDouble(feat_info[1])));
for (Integer id: feat_diff.keySet()) {
featDiff += id + ":" + feat_diff.get(id) + " ";
neg_featDiff += id + ":" + -1.0*Double.parseDouble(feat_diff.get(id)) + " ";
featDiff += label;
neg_featDiff += -label;
// System.out.println(sentId+": "+key);
// System.out.println(featDiff + " | " + candScore.get(j1Cand) + " " +
// candScore.get(j2Cand));
// System.out.println(neg_featDiff);
// System.out.println("-------");
// both (j1,j2) and (j2,j1) have been added to training set
added.add(pair_str[1] + " " + pair_str[0]);
// System.out.println("Selected top "+topCount+ "pairs for training");
return sampleVec;
private double Alpha(double x) {
return x < metricDiff ? 0 : 1; // default implementation of the paper's method
// other functions possible
// compute *sentence-level* metric score
private HashMap<String, Double> compute_Score(int sentId, String[] cands) {
HashMap<String, Double> candScore = new HashMap<String, Double>();
String statString;
String[] statVal_str;
int[] statVal = new int[evalMetric.get_suffStatsCount()];
// for all candidates
for (int i = 0; i < cands.length; i++) {
statString = stats_hash[sentId].get(cands[i]);
statVal_str = statString.split("\\s+");
for (int j = 0; j < evalMetric.get_suffStatsCount(); j++)
statVal[j] = Integer.parseInt(statVal_str[j]);
// System.err.println("Score: " + evalMetric.score(statVal));
candScore.put(cands[i], evalMetric.score(statVal));
return candScore;
// from ZMERT
private void normalizeLambda(double[] origLambda) {
// private String[] normalizationOptions;
// How should a lambda[] vector be normalized (before decoding)?
// nO[0] = 0: no normalization
// nO[0] = 1: scale so that parameter nO[2] has absolute value nO[1]
// nO[0] = 2: scale so that the maximum absolute value is nO[1]
// nO[0] = 3: scale so that the minimum absolute value is nO[1]
// nO[0] = 4: scale so that the L-nO[1] norm equals nO[2]
int normalizationMethod = (int) normalizationOptions[0];
double scalingFactor = 1.0;
if (normalizationMethod == 0) {
scalingFactor = 1.0;
} else if (normalizationMethod == 1) {
int c = (int) normalizationOptions[2];
scalingFactor = normalizationOptions[1] / Math.abs(origLambda[c]);
} else if (normalizationMethod == 2) {
double maxAbsVal = -1;
int maxAbsVal_c = 0;
for (int c = 1; c <= paramDim; ++c) {
if (Math.abs(origLambda[c]) > maxAbsVal) {
maxAbsVal = Math.abs(origLambda[c]);
maxAbsVal_c = c;
scalingFactor = normalizationOptions[1] / Math.abs(origLambda[maxAbsVal_c]);
} else if (normalizationMethod == 3) {
double minAbsVal = PosInf;
int minAbsVal_c = 0;
for (int c = 1; c <= paramDim; ++c) {
if (Math.abs(origLambda[c]) < minAbsVal) {
minAbsVal = Math.abs(origLambda[c]);
minAbsVal_c = c;
scalingFactor = normalizationOptions[1] / Math.abs(origLambda[minAbsVal_c]);
} else if (normalizationMethod == 4) {
double pow = normalizationOptions[1];
double norm = L_norm(origLambda, pow);
scalingFactor = normalizationOptions[2] / norm;
for (int c = 1; c <= paramDim; ++c) {
origLambda[c] *= scalingFactor;
// from ZMERT
private double L_norm(double[] A, double pow) {
// calculates the L-pow norm of A[]
// NOTE: this calculation ignores A[0]
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i < A.length; ++i)
sum += Math.pow(Math.abs(A[i]), pow);
return Math.pow(sum, 1 / pow);
public double getMetricScore() {
return finalMetricScore;
private EvaluationMetric evalMetric;
private Vector<String> output;
private boolean[] isOptimizable;
private double[] initialLambda;
private double[] finalLambda;
private double[] normalizationOptions;
private double finalMetricScore;
private HashMap<String, String>[] feat_hash;
private HashMap<String, String>[] stats_hash;
private Random randgen;
private int paramDim;
private int sentNum;
private int Tau; // size of sampled candidate set(say 5000)
private int Xi; // choose top Xi candidates from sampled set(say 50)
private double metricDiff; // metric difference threshold(to select the qualified candidates)
private String classifierAlg; // optimization algorithm
private String[] classifierParam;
private final static double NegInf = (-1.0 / 0.0);
private final static double PosInf = (+1.0 / 0.0);
class ValueComparator implements Comparator<Object> {
Map<String,Double> base;
public ValueComparator(Map<String,Double> base) {
this.base = base;
public int compare(Object a, Object b) {
if ((Double) base.get(a) <= (Double) base.get(b))
return 1;
else if ((Double) base.get(a) == (Double) base.get(b))
return 0;
return -1;