blob: 0bc9e79ef32a21fe0427ddb5db9a674249fb4847 [file] [log] [blame]
* This package implements Joshua's packed grammar structure, which enables the efficient loading
* and accessing of grammars. It is described in the paper:
* @article{ganitkevitch2012joshua,
* Author = {Ganitkevitch, J. and Cao, Y. and Weese, J. and Post, M. and Callison-Burch, C.},
* Journal = {Proceedings of WMT12},
* Title = {Joshua 4.0: Packing, PRO, and paraphrases},
* Year = {2012}}
* The packed grammar works by compiling out the grammar tries into a compact format that is loaded
* and parsed directly from Java arrays. A fundamental problem is that Java arrays are indexed
* by ints and not longs, meaning the maximum size of the packed grammar is about 2 GB. This forces
* the use of packed grammar slices, which together constitute the grammar. The figure in the
* paper above shows what each slice looks like.
* The division across slices is done in a depth-first manner. Consider the entire grammar organized
* into a single source-side trie. The splits across tries are done by grouping the root-level
* outgoing trie arcs --- and the entire trie beneath them --- across slices.
* This presents a problem: if the subtree rooted beneath a single top-level arc is too big for a
* slice, the grammar can't be packed. This happens with very large Hiero grammars, for example,
* where there are a *lot* of rules that start with [X].
* A solution being worked on is to split that symbol and pack them into separate grammars with a
* shared vocabulary, and then rely on Joshua's ability to query multiple grammars for rules to
* solve this problem. This is not currently implemented but could be done directly in the
* Grammar Packer.
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import joshua.corpus.Vocabulary;
import joshua.decoder.Decoder;
import joshua.decoder.JoshuaConfiguration;
import joshua.decoder.ff.FeatureFunction;
import joshua.decoder.ff.FeatureVector;
import joshua.util.encoding.EncoderConfiguration;
import joshua.util.encoding.FloatEncoder;
public class PackedGrammar extends AbstractGrammar {
private EncoderConfiguration encoding;
private PackedRoot root;
private ArrayList<PackedSlice> slices;
// The grammar specification keyword (e.g., "thrax" or "moses")
private String type;
public PackedGrammar(String grammar_dir, int span_limit, String owner, String type,
JoshuaConfiguration joshuaConfiguration) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
this.spanLimit = span_limit;
this.type = type;
// Read the vocabulary.
String vocabFile = grammar_dir + File.separator + "vocabulary";
Decoder.LOG(1, String.format("Reading vocabulary: %s", vocabFile));;
// Read the config
String configFile = grammar_dir + File.separator + "config";
if (new File(configFile).exists()) {
Decoder.LOG(1, String.format("Reading packed config: %s", configFile));
// Read the quantizer setup.
Decoder.LOG(1, String.format("Reading encoder configuration: %s%sencoding", grammar_dir, File.separator));
encoding = new EncoderConfiguration();
encoding.load(grammar_dir + File.separator + "encoding");
// Set phrase owner.
this.owner =;
String[] listing = new File(grammar_dir).list();
slices = new ArrayList<PackedSlice>();
for (int i = 0; i < listing.length; i++) {
if (listing[i].startsWith("slice_") && listing[i].endsWith(".source"))
slices.add(new PackedSlice(grammar_dir + File.separator + listing[i].substring(0, 11)));
long count = 0;
for (PackedSlice s : slices)
count += s.estimated.length;
root = new PackedRoot(this);
Decoder.LOG(1, String.format("Loaded %d rules", count));
public Trie getTrieRoot() {
return root;
public boolean hasRuleForSpan(int startIndex, int endIndex, int pathLength) {
return (spanLimit == -1 || pathLength <= spanLimit);
public int getNumRules() {
int num_rules = 0;
for (PackedSlice ps : slices)
num_rules += ps.featureSize;
return num_rules;
public Rule constructManualRule(int lhs, int[] src, int[] tgt, float[] scores, int arity) {
return null;
public final class PackedRoot implements Trie {
private HashMap<Integer, PackedSlice> lookup;
public PackedRoot(PackedGrammar grammar) {
lookup = new HashMap<Integer, PackedSlice>();
for (PackedSlice ps : grammar.slices) {
int num_children = ps.source[0];
for (int i = 0; i < num_children; i++)
lookup.put(ps.source[2 * i + 1], ps);
public Trie match(int word_id) {
PackedSlice ps = lookup.get(word_id);
if (ps != null)
return ps.root().match(word_id);
return null;
public boolean hasExtensions() {
return !lookup.isEmpty();
public HashMap<Integer, ? extends Trie> getChildren() {
HashMap<Integer, Trie> children = new HashMap<Integer, Trie>();
for (int key : lookup.keySet())
children.put(key, match(key));
return children;
public ArrayList<? extends Trie> getExtensions() {
ArrayList<Trie> tries = new ArrayList<Trie>();
for (int key : lookup.keySet()) {
return tries;
public boolean hasRules() {
return false;
public RuleCollection getRuleCollection() {
return new BasicRuleCollection(0, new int[0]);
public Iterator<Integer> getTerminalExtensionIterator() {
return new ExtensionIterator(lookup, true);
public Iterator<Integer> getNonterminalExtensionIterator() {
return new ExtensionIterator(lookup, false);
public final class PackedSlice {
private final String name;
private final int[] source;
private final int[] target;
private final int[] targetLookup;
private MappedByteBuffer features;
private int featureSize;
private int[] featureLookup;
private RandomAccessFile featureFile;
private float[] estimated;
private float[] precomputable;
private RandomAccessFile alignmentFile;
private MappedByteBuffer alignments;
private int[] alignmentLookup;
private HashMap<Integer, PackedTrie> tries;
public PackedSlice(String prefix) throws IOException {
name = prefix;
File source_file = new File(prefix + ".source");
File target_file = new File(prefix + ".target");
File target_lookup_file = new File(prefix + ".target.lookup");
File feature_file = new File(prefix + ".features");
File alignment_file = new File(prefix + ".alignments");
// Get the channels etc.
FileInputStream source_fis = new FileInputStream(source_file);
FileChannel source_channel = source_fis.getChannel();
int source_size = (int) source_channel.size();
FileInputStream target_fis = new FileInputStream(target_file);
FileChannel target_channel = target_fis.getChannel();
int target_size = (int) target_channel.size();
featureFile = new RandomAccessFile(feature_file, "r");
FileChannel feature_channel = featureFile.getChannel();
int feature_size = (int) feature_channel.size();
IntBuffer source_buffer =, 0, source_size).asIntBuffer();
source = new int[source_size / 4];
IntBuffer target_buffer =, 0, target_size).asIntBuffer();
target = new int[target_size / 4];
features =, 0, feature_size);
if (alignment_file.exists()) {
alignmentFile = new RandomAccessFile(alignment_file, "r");
FileChannel alignment_channel = alignmentFile.getChannel();
int alignment_size = (int) alignment_channel.size();
alignments =, 0, alignment_size);
int num_blocks = alignments.getInt(0);
alignmentLookup = new int[num_blocks];
int header_pos = 8;
for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
alignmentLookup[i] = alignments.getInt(header_pos);
header_pos += 4;
} else {
alignments = null;
int num_blocks = features.getInt(0);
featureLookup = new int[num_blocks];
estimated = new float[num_blocks];
precomputable = new float[num_blocks];
featureSize = features.getInt(4);
int header_pos = 8;
for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
featureLookup[i] = features.getInt(header_pos);
estimated[i] = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
precomputable[i] = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
header_pos += 4;
DataInputStream target_lookup_stream = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream(target_lookup_file)));
targetLookup = new int[target_lookup_stream.readInt()];
for (int i = 0; i < targetLookup.length; i++)
targetLookup[i] = target_lookup_stream.readInt();
tries = new HashMap<Integer, PackedTrie>();
private final Object guardian = new Object() {
// Finalizer object to ensure feature file handle get closed upon slice's dismissal.
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
private final int[] getTarget(int pointer) {
// Figure out level.
int tgt_length = 1;
while (tgt_length < (targetLookup.length + 1) && targetLookup[tgt_length] <= pointer)
int[] tgt = new int[tgt_length];
int index = 0;
int parent;
do {
parent = target[pointer];
if (parent != -1)
tgt[index++] = target[pointer + 1];
pointer = parent;
} while (pointer != -1);
return tgt;
private synchronized PackedTrie getTrie(final int node_address) {
PackedTrie t = tries.get(node_address);
if (t == null) {
t = new PackedTrie(node_address);
tries.put(node_address, t);
return t;
private synchronized PackedTrie getTrie(int node_address, int[] parent_src, int parent_arity,
int symbol) {
PackedTrie t = tries.get(node_address);
if (t == null) {
t = new PackedTrie(node_address, parent_src, parent_arity, symbol);
tries.put(node_address, t);
return t;
* Returns a string version of the features associated with a rule (represented as a block ID).
* These features are in the form "feature1=value feature2=value...". By default, unlabeled
* features are named using the pattern
* where OWNER is the grammar's owner (Vocabulary.word(this.owner)) and INDEX is a 0-based index
* of the feature found in the grammar.
* @param block_id
* @return
private final String getFeatures(int block_id) {
int feature_position = featureLookup[block_id];
// The number of non-zero features stored with the rule.
int num_features = encoding.readId(features, feature_position);
feature_position += EncoderConfiguration.ID_SIZE;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < num_features; i++) {
int feature_id = encoding.readId(features, feature_position);
FloatEncoder encoder = encoding.encoder(feature_id);
String feature_name = Vocabulary.word(encoding.outerId(feature_id));
try {
int index = Integer.parseInt(feature_name);
sb.append(String.format(" tm_%s_%d=%.5f", Vocabulary.word(owner), index,, feature_position)));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
sb.append(String.format(" %s=%.5f", feature_name,, feature_position)));
feature_position += EncoderConfiguration.ID_SIZE + encoder.size();
return sb.toString().trim();
private final byte[] getAlignmentArray(int block_id) {
if (alignments == null)
throw new RuntimeException("No alignments available.");
int alignment_position = alignmentLookup[block_id];
int num_points = (int) alignments.get(alignment_position);
byte[] alignment = new byte[num_points * 2];
alignments.position(alignment_position + 1);
alignments.get(alignment, 0, num_points * 2);
return alignment;
private final PackedTrie root() {
return getTrie(0);
public String toString() {
return name;
* A trie node within the grammar slice. Identified by its position within the source array,
* and, as a supplement, the source string leading from the trie root to the node.
* @author jg
public class PackedTrie implements Trie, RuleCollection {
private final int position;
private boolean sorted = false;
private int[] src;
private int arity;
private PackedTrie(int position) {
this.position = position;
src = new int[0];
arity = 0;
private PackedTrie(int position, int[] parent_src, int parent_arity, int symbol) {
this.position = position;
src = new int[parent_src.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(parent_src, 0, src, 0, parent_src.length);
src[src.length - 1] = symbol;
arity = parent_arity;
if (Vocabulary.nt(symbol))
public final Trie match(int token_id) {
int num_children = source[position];
if (num_children == 0)
return null;
if (num_children == 1 && token_id == source[position + 1])
return getTrie(source[position + 2], src, arity, token_id);
int top = 0;
int bottom = num_children - 1;
while (true) {
int candidate = (top + bottom) / 2;
int candidate_position = position + 1 + 2 * candidate;
int read_token = source[candidate_position];
if (read_token == token_id) {
return getTrie(source[candidate_position + 1], src, arity, token_id);
} else if (top == bottom) {
return null;
} else if (read_token > token_id) {
top = candidate + 1;
} else {
bottom = candidate - 1;
if (bottom < top)
return null;
public HashMap<Integer, ? extends Trie> getChildren() {
HashMap<Integer, Trie> children = new HashMap<Integer, Trie>();
int num_children = source[position];
for (int i = 0; i < num_children; i++) {
int symbol = source[position + 1 + 2 * i];
int address = source[position + 2 + 2 * i];
children.put(symbol, getTrie(address, src, arity, symbol));
return children;
public boolean hasExtensions() {
return (source[position] != 0);
public ArrayList<? extends Trie> getExtensions() {
int num_children = source[position];
ArrayList<PackedTrie> tries = new ArrayList<PackedTrie>(num_children);
for (int i = 0; i < num_children; i++) {
int symbol = source[position + 1 + 2 * i];
int address = source[position + 2 + 2 * i];
tries.add(getTrie(address, src, arity, symbol));
return tries;
public boolean hasRules() {
int num_children = source[position];
return (source[position + 1 + 2 * num_children] != 0);
public RuleCollection getRuleCollection() {
return this;
public List<Rule> getRules() {
int num_children = source[position];
int rule_position = position + 2 * (num_children + 1);
int num_rules = source[rule_position - 1];
ArrayList<Rule> rules = new ArrayList<Rule>(num_rules);
for (int i = 0; i < num_rules; i++) {
if (type.equals("moses"))
rules.add(new PackedPhrasePair(rule_position + 3 * i));
rules.add(new PackedRule(rule_position + 3 * i));
return rules;
* We determine if the Trie is sorted by checking if the estimated cost of the first rule in
* the trie has been set.
public boolean isSorted() {
return sorted;
private synchronized void sortRules(List<FeatureFunction> models) {
int num_children = source[position];
int rule_position = position + 2 * (num_children + 1);
int num_rules = source[rule_position - 1];
if (num_rules == 0) {
this.sorted = true;
Integer[] rules = new Integer[num_rules];
int target_address;
int block_id;
for (int i = 0; i < num_rules; ++i) {
target_address = source[rule_position + 1 + 3 * i];
rules[i] = rule_position + 2 + 3 * i;
block_id = source[rules[i]];
Rule rule = new Rule(source[rule_position + 3 * i], src,
getTarget(target_address), getFeatures(block_id), arity, owner);
estimated[block_id] = rule.estimateRuleCost(models);
precomputable[block_id] = rule.getPrecomputableCost();
Arrays.sort(rules, new Comparator<Integer>() {
public int compare(Integer a, Integer b) {
float a_cost = estimated[source[a]];
float b_cost = estimated[source[b]];
if (a_cost == b_cost)
return 0;
return (a_cost > b_cost ? -1 : 1);
int[] sorted = new int[3 * num_rules];
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
int address = rules[i];
sorted[j++] = source[address - 2];
sorted[j++] = source[address - 1];
sorted[j++] = source[address];
for (int i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++)
source[rule_position + i] = sorted[i];
this.sorted = true;
public List<Rule> getSortedRules(List<FeatureFunction> featureFunctions) {
if (!isSorted())
return getRules();
public int[] getSourceSide() {
return src;
public int getArity() {
return arity;
public Iterator<Integer> getTerminalExtensionIterator() {
return new PackedChildIterator(position, true);
public Iterator<Integer> getNonterminalExtensionIterator() {
return new PackedChildIterator(position, false);
public final class PackedChildIterator implements Iterator<Integer> {
private int current;
private boolean terminal;
private boolean done;
private int last;
PackedChildIterator(int position, boolean terminal) {
this.terminal = terminal;
int num_children = source[position];
done = (num_children == 0);
if (!done) {
current = (terminal ? position + 1 : position - 1 + 2 * num_children);
last = (terminal ? position - 1 + 2 * num_children : position + 1);
public boolean hasNext() {
if (done)
return false;
int next = (terminal ? current + 2 : current - 2);
if (next == last)
return false;
return (terminal ? source[next] > 0 : source[next] < 0);
public Integer next() {
if (done)
throw new RuntimeException("No more symbols!");
int symbol = source[current];
if (current == last)
done = true;
if (!done) {
current = (terminal ? current + 2 : current - 2);
done = (terminal ? source[current] < 0 : source[current] > 0);
return symbol;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* A packed phrase pair represents a rule of the form of a phrase pair, packed with the
* script, which simply adds a nonterminal [X] to the left-hand side of
* all phrase pairs (and converts the Moses features). The packer then packs these. We have
* to then put a nonterminal on the source and target sides to treat the phrase pairs like
* left-branching rules, which is how Joshua deals with phrase decoding.
* @author Matt Post <>
public final class PackedPhrasePair extends PackedRule {
public PackedPhrasePair(int address) {
public int getArity() {
return PackedTrie.this.getArity() + 1;
* Take the English phrase of the underlying rule and prepend an [X].
* @return
public int[] getEnglish() {
if (tgt == null) {
int[] phrase = getTarget(source[address + 1]);
tgt = new int[phrase.length + 1];
tgt[0] = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < phrase.length; i++)
tgt[i+1] = phrase[i];
return tgt;
* Take the French phrase of the underlying rule and prepend an [X].
* @return
public int[] getFrench() {
int phrase[] = new int[src.length + 1];
int ntid =;
phrase[0] = ntid;
System.arraycopy(src, 0, phrase, 1, src.length);
return phrase;
* Similarly the alignment array needs to be shifted over by one.
* @return
public byte[] getAlignment() {
// alignments is the underlying raw alignment data
if (alignments != null) {
byte[] a = getAlignmentArray(source[address + 2]);
byte[] points = new byte[a.length + 2];
points[0] = points[1] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
points[i + 2] = (byte) (a[i] + 1);
return points;
return null;
public class PackedRule extends Rule {
protected final int address;
protected int[] tgt = null;
private FeatureVector features = null;
public PackedRule(int address) {
this.address = address;
public void setArity(int arity) {
public int getArity() {
return PackedTrie.this.getArity();
public void setOwner(int ow) {
public int getOwner() {
return owner;
public void setLHS(int lhs) {
public int getLHS() {
return source[address];
public void setEnglish(int[] eng) {
public int[] getEnglish() {
if (tgt == null) {
tgt = getTarget(source[address + 1]);
return tgt;
public void setFrench(int[] french) {
public int[] getFrench() {
return src;
public FeatureVector getFeatureVector() {
if (features == null) {
features = new FeatureVector(getFeatures(source[address + 2]), "");
return features;
public byte[] getAlignment() {
if (alignments != null)
return getAlignmentArray(source[address + 2]);
return null;
public float getEstimatedCost() {
return estimated[source[address + 2]];
// @Override
// public void setPrecomputableCost(float cost) {
// precomputable[source[address + 2]] = cost;
// }
public float getPrecomputableCost() {
return precomputable[source[address + 2]];
public float estimateRuleCost(List<FeatureFunction> models) {
return estimated[source[address + 2]];
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append(" ||| ");
sb.append(" ||| ");
sb.append(" |||");
sb.append(" " + getFeatureVector());
sb.append(String.format(" ||| %.3f", getEstimatedCost()));
return sb.toString();
public boolean isRegexpGrammar() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public void addOOVRules(int word, List<FeatureFunction> featureFunctions) {
throw new RuntimeException("PackedGrammar: I can't add OOV rules");
private void readConfig(String config) throws IOException {
for (String line: new LineReader(config)) {
String[] tokens = line.split(" = ");
if (tokens[0].equals("max-source-len"))
this.maxSourcePhraseLength = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]);