blob: a110aa9ba3475b9aaa751c9dbc7aba3b08db1be8 [file] [log] [blame]
package joshua.decoder.ff.lm.kenlm.jni;
import joshua.decoder.ff.lm.NGramLanguageModel;
import joshua.decoder.ff.state_maintenance.KenLMState;
* JNI wrapper for KenLM. This version of KenLM supports two use cases, implemented by the separate
* feature functions KenLMFF and LanguageModelFF. KenLMFF uses the RuleScore() interface in
* lm/left.hh, returning a state pointer representing the KenLM state, while LangaugeModelFF handles
* state by itself and just passes in the ngrams for scoring.
* @author Kenneth Heafield
* @author Matt Post <>
public class KenLM implements NGramLanguageModel, Comparable<KenLM> {
static {
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
System.err.println("* FATAL: Can't find (libken.dylib on OS X) in $JOSHUA/lib");
System.err.println("* This probably means that the KenLM library didn't compile.");
System.err.println("* Make sure that BOOST_ROOT is set to the root of your boost");
System.err.println("* installation (it's not /opt/local/, the default), change to");
System.err.println("* $JOSHUA, and type 'ant kenlm'. If problems persist, see the");
System.err.println("* website (");
private final long pointer;
// this is read from the config file, used to set maximum order
private final int ngramOrder;
// inferred from model file (may be larger than ngramOrder)
private final int N;
// whether left-state minimization was requested
private boolean minimizing;
private final static native long construct(String file_name);
private final static native void destroy(long ptr);
private final static native int order(long ptr);
private final static native boolean registerWord(long ptr, String word, int id);
private final static native float prob(long ptr, int words[]);
private final static native StateProbPair probRule(long ptr, long pool, long words[]);
private final static native float estimateRule(long ptr, long words[]);
private final static native float probString(long ptr, int words[], int start);
public final static native long createPool();
public final static native void destroyPool(long pointer);
public KenLM(int order, String file_name) {
ngramOrder = order;
pointer = construct(file_name);
N = order(pointer);
public void destroy() {
public int getOrder() {
return ngramOrder;
public boolean registerWord(String word, int id) {
return registerWord(pointer, word, id);
public float prob(int words[]) {
return prob(pointer, words);
// Apparently Zhifei starts some array indices at 1. Change to 0-indexing.
public float probString(int words[], int start) {
return probString(pointer, words, start - 1);
* This function is the bridge to the interface in kenlm/lm/left.hh, which has KenLM score the
* whole rule. It takes a list of words and states retrieved from tail nodes (nonterminals in the
* rule). Nonterminals have a negative value so KenLM can distinguish them. The sentence number is
* needed so KenLM knows which memory pool to use. When finished, it returns the updated KenLM
* state and the LM probability incurred along this rule.
* @param words
* @param sentId
* @return
public StateProbPair probRule(long[] words, long poolPointer) {
StateProbPair pair = null;
try {
pair = probRule(pointer, poolPointer, words);
} catch (NoSuchMethodError e) {
return pair;
* Public facing function that estimates the cost of a rule, which value is used for sorting
* rules during cube pruning.
* @param words
* @return the estimated cost of the rule (the (partial) n-gram probabilities of all words in the rule)
public float estimateRule(long[] words) {
float estimate = 0.0f;
try {
estimate = estimateRule(pointer, words);
} catch (NoSuchMethodError e) {
return estimate;
* Inner class used to hold the results returned from KenLM with left-state minimization. Note
* that inner classes have to be static to be accessible from the JNI!
public static class StateProbPair {
public KenLMState state = null;
public float prob = 0.0f;
public StateProbPair(long state, float prob) {
this.state = new KenLMState(state);
this.prob = prob;
public int compareTo(KenLM other) {
if (this == other)
return 0;
return -1;
* These functions are used if KenLM is invoked under LanguageModelFF instead of KenLMFF.
public float sentenceLogProbability(int[] sentence, int order, int startIndex) {
return probString(sentence, startIndex);
public float ngramLogProbability(int[] ngram, int order) {
if (order != N && order != ngram.length)
throw new RuntimeException("Lower order not supported.");
return prob(ngram);
public float ngramLogProbability(int[] ngram) {
return prob(ngram);