blob: 769b741ee2cc997447eb34eabbcd616897471115 [file] [log] [blame]
package joshua.decoder.chart_parser;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import joshua.corpus.Vocabulary;
import joshua.decoder.Decoder;
import joshua.decoder.JoshuaConfiguration;
import joshua.decoder.chart_parser.CubePruneState;
import joshua.decoder.chart_parser.DotChart.DotNode;
import joshua.decoder.ff.FeatureFunction;
import joshua.decoder.ff.SourceDependentFF;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HGNode;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HyperGraph;
import joshua.decoder.segment_file.Sentence;
import joshua.decoder.segment_file.Token;
import joshua.lattice.Arc;
import joshua.lattice.Lattice;
import joshua.lattice.Node;
import joshua.util.ChartSpan;
* Chart class this class implements chart-parsing: (1) seeding the chart (2)
* cky main loop over bins, (3) identify applicable rules in each bin
* Note: the combination operation will be done in Cell
* Signatures of class: Cell: i, j SuperNode (used for CKY check): i,j, lhs
* HGNode ("or" node): i,j, lhs, edge ngrams HyperEdge ("and" node)
* index of sentences: start from zero index of cell: cell (i,j) represent span
* of words indexed [i,j-1] where i is in [0,n-1] and j is in [1,n]
* @author Zhifei Li, <>
* @author Matt Post <>
public class Chart {
private final JoshuaConfiguration config;
// ===========================================================
// Statistics
// ===========================================================
* how many items have been pruned away because its cost is greater than the
* cutoff in calling chart.add_deduction_in_chart()
int nMerged = 0;
int nAdded = 0;
int nDotitemAdded = 0; // note: there is no pruning in dot-item
public Sentence getSentence() {
return this.sentence;
// ===============================================================
// Private instance fields (maybe could be protected instead)
// ===============================================================
private ChartSpan<Cell> cells; // note that in some cell, it might be null
private int sourceLength;
private List<FeatureFunction> featureFunctions;
private Grammar[] grammars;
private DotChart[] dotcharts; // each grammar should have a dotchart
// associated with it
private Cell goalBin;
private int goalSymbolID = -1;
private Lattice<Token> inputLattice;
private Sentence sentence = null;
// private SyntaxTree parseTree;
// private ManualConstraintsHandler manualConstraintsHandler;
private StateConstraint stateConstraint;
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Chart.class.getName());
// ===============================================================
// Constructors
// ===============================================================
* TODO: Once the Segment interface is adjusted to provide a Lattice<String>
* for the sentence() method, we should just accept a Segment instead of the
* sentence, segmentID, and constraintSpans parameters. We have the symbol
* table already, so we can do the integerization here instead of in
* DecoderThread. GrammarFactory.getGrammarForSentence will want the
* integerized sentence as well, but then we'll need to adjust that interface
* to deal with (non-trivial) lattices too. Of course, we get passed the
* grammars too so we could move all of that into here.
public Chart(Sentence sentence, List<FeatureFunction> featureFunctions, Grammar[] grammars,
String goalSymbol, JoshuaConfiguration config2) {
this.config = config2;
this.inputLattice = sentence.getLattice();
this.sourceLength = inputLattice.size() - 1;
this.featureFunctions = featureFunctions;
this.sentence = sentence;
// TODO: OOV handling no longer handles parse tree input (removed after
// commit 748eb69714b26dd67cba8e7c25a294347603bede)
// this.parseTree = null;
// if (sentence instanceof ParsedSentence)
// this.parseTree = ((ParsedSentence) sentence).syntaxTree();
this.cells = new ChartSpan<Cell>(sourceLength, null);
this.goalSymbolID =;
this.goalBin = new Cell(this, this.goalSymbolID);
/* Create the grammars, leaving space for the OOV grammar. */
this.grammars = new Grammar[grammars.length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < grammars.length; i++)
this.grammars[i + 1] = grammars[i];
MemoryBasedBatchGrammar oovGrammar = new MemoryBasedBatchGrammar("oov", config2);
AbstractGrammar.addOOVRules(oovGrammar, sentence.getLattice(), featureFunctions,
this.grammars[0] = oovGrammar;
// each grammar will have a dot chart
this.dotcharts = new DotChart[this.grammars.length];
for (int i = 0; i < this.grammars.length; i++)
this.dotcharts[i] = new DotChart(this.inputLattice, this.grammars[i], this,
// Begin to do initialization work
// manualConstraintsHandler = new ManualConstraintsHandler(this, grammars[grammars.length - 1],
// sentence.constraints());
stateConstraint = null;
if ( != null)
// stateConstraint = new StateConstraint(;
stateConstraint = new StateConstraint(Vocabulary.START_SYM + " " + + " "
+ Vocabulary.STOP_SYM);
/* Find the SourceDependent feature and give it access to the sentence. */
for (FeatureFunction ff : this.featureFunctions)
if (ff instanceof SourceDependentFF)
((SourceDependentFF) ff).setSource(sentence);
Decoder.LOG(2, "Finished seeding chart.");
* Manually set the goal symbol ID. The constructor expects a String
* representing the goal symbol, but there may be time (say, for example, in
* the second pass of a synchronous parse) where we want to set the goal
* symbol to a particular ID (regardless of String representation).
* <p>
* This method should be called before expanding the chart, as chart expansion
* depends on the goal symbol ID.
* @param i the id of the goal symbol to use
public void setGoalSymbolID(int i) {
this.goalSymbolID = i;
this.goalBin = new Cell(this, i);
// ===============================================================
// The primary method for filling in the chart
// ===============================================================
* Construct the hypergraph with the help from DotChart using cube pruning.
* Cube pruning occurs at the span level, with all completed rules from the
* dot chart competing against each other; that is, rules with different
* source sides *and* rules sharing a source side but with different target
* sides are all in competition with each other.
* Terminal rules are added to the chart directly.
* Rules with nonterminals are added to the list of candidates. The candidates
* list is seeded with the list of all rules and, for each nonterminal in the
* rule, the 1-best tail node for that nonterminal and subspan. If the maximum
* arity of a rule is R, then the dimension of the hypercube is R + 1, since
* the first dimension is used to record the rule.
private void completeSpan(int i, int j) {
/* STEP 1: create the heap, and seed it with all of the candidate states */
PriorityQueue<CubePruneState> candidates = new PriorityQueue<CubePruneState>();
* Look at all the grammars, seeding the chart with completed rules from the
* DotChart
for (int g = 0; g < grammars.length; g++) {
if (!grammars[g].hasRuleForSpan(i, j, inputLattice.distance(i, j))
|| null == dotcharts[g].getDotCell(i, j))
// for each rule with applicable rules
for (DotNode dotNode : dotcharts[g].getDotCell(i, j).getDotNodes()) {
RuleCollection ruleCollection = dotNode.getRuleCollection();
if (ruleCollection == null)
List<Rule> rules = ruleCollection.getSortedRules(this.featureFunctions);
SourcePath sourcePath = dotNode.getSourcePath();
if (null == rules || rules.size() == 0)
if (ruleCollection.getArity() == 0) {
* The total number of arity-0 items (pre-terminal rules) that we add
* is controlled by num_translation_options in the configuration.
* We limit the translation options per DotNode; that is, per LHS.
int numTranslationsAdded = 0;
/* Terminal productions are added directly to the chart */
for (Rule rule : rules) {
if (config.num_translation_options > 0
&& numTranslationsAdded >= config.num_translation_options) {
ComputeNodeResult result = new ComputeNodeResult(this.featureFunctions, rule, null, i,
j, sourcePath, this.sentence);
if (stateConstraint == null || stateConstraint.isLegal(result.getDPStates())) {
getCell(i, j).addHyperEdgeInCell(result, rule, i, j, null, sourcePath, true);
} else {
/* Productions with rank > 0 are subject to cube pruning */
Rule bestRule = rules.get(0);
List<HGNode> currentTailNodes = new ArrayList<HGNode>();
List<SuperNode> superNodes = dotNode.getAntSuperNodes();
for (SuperNode si : superNodes) {
* `ranks` records the current position in the cube. the 0th index is
* the rule, and the remaining indices 1..N correspond to the tail
* nodes (= nonterminals in the rule). These tail nodes are
* represented by SuperNodes, which group together items with the same
* nonterminal but different DP state (e.g., language model state)
int[] ranks = new int[1 + superNodes.size()];
Arrays.fill(ranks, 1);
ComputeNodeResult result = new ComputeNodeResult(featureFunctions, bestRule,
currentTailNodes, i, j, sourcePath, sentence);
CubePruneState bestState = new CubePruneState(result, ranks, rules, currentTailNodes,
applyCubePruning(i, j, candidates);
* Applies cube pruning over a span.
* @param i
* @param j
* @param stateConstraint
* @param candidates
private void applyCubePruning(int i, int j, PriorityQueue<CubePruneState> candidates) {
// System.err.println(String.format("CUBEPRUNE: %d-%d with %d candidates",
// i, j, candidates.size()));
// for (CubePruneState cand: candidates) {
// System.err.println(String.format(" CAND " + cand));
// }
* There are multiple ways to reach each point in the cube, so short-circuit
* that.
HashSet<CubePruneState> visitedStates = new HashSet<CubePruneState>();
int popLimit = config.pop_limit;
int popCount = 0;
while (candidates.size() > 0 && ((++popCount <= popLimit) || popLimit == 0)) {
CubePruneState state = candidates.poll();
DotNode dotNode = state.getDotNode();
List<Rule> rules = state.rules;
SourcePath sourcePath = dotNode.getSourcePath();
List<SuperNode> superNodes = dotNode.getAntSuperNodes();
* Add the hypothesis to the chart. This can only happen if (a) we're not
* doing constrained decoding or (b) we are and the state is legal.
if (stateConstraint == null || stateConstraint.isLegal(state.getDPStates())) {
getCell(i, j).addHyperEdgeInCell(state.computeNodeResult, state.getRule(), i, j,
state.antNodes, sourcePath, true);
* Expand the hypothesis by walking down a step along each dimension of
* the cube, in turn. k = 0 means we extend the rule being used; k > 0
* expands the corresponding tail node.
for (int k = 0; k < state.ranks.length; k++) {
/* Copy the current ranks, then extend the one we're looking at. */
int[] nextRanks = new int[state.ranks.length];
System.arraycopy(state.ranks, 0, nextRanks, 0, state.ranks.length);
* We might have reached the end of something (list of rules or tail
* nodes)
if (k == 0
&& (nextRanks[k] > rules.size() || (config.num_translation_options > 0 && nextRanks[k] > config.num_translation_options)))
else if ((k != 0 && nextRanks[k] > superNodes.get(k - 1).nodes.size()))
/* Use the updated ranks to assign the next rule and tail node. */
Rule nextRule = rules.get(nextRanks[0] - 1);
// HGNode[] nextAntNodes = new HGNode[state.antNodes.size()];
List<HGNode> nextAntNodes = new ArrayList<HGNode>();
for (int x = 0; x < state.ranks.length - 1; x++)
nextAntNodes.add(superNodes.get(x).nodes.get(nextRanks[x + 1] - 1));
/* Create the next state. */
CubePruneState nextState = new CubePruneState(new ComputeNodeResult(featureFunctions,
nextRule, nextAntNodes, i, j, sourcePath, this.sentence), nextRanks, rules,
nextAntNodes, dotNode);
/* Skip states that have been explored before. */
if (visitedStates.contains(nextState))
/* Create a priority queue of candidates for each span under consideration */
private PriorityQueue<CubePruneState>[] allCandidates;
private ArrayList<SuperNode> nodeStack;
* Translates the sentence using the CKY+ variation proposed in
* "A CYK+ Variant for SCFG Decoding Without A Dot Chart" (Sennrich, SSST
* 2014).
private int i = -1;
public HyperGraph expandSansDotChart() {
for (i = sourceLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
allCandidates = new PriorityQueue[sourceLength - i + 2];
for (int id = 0; id < allCandidates.length; id++)
allCandidates[id] = new PriorityQueue<CubePruneState>();
nodeStack = new ArrayList<SuperNode>();
for (int j = i + 1; j <= sourceLength; j++) {
if (!sentence.hasPath(i, j))
for (int g = 0; g < this.grammars.length; g++) {
// System.err.println(String.format("\n*** I=%d J=%d GRAMMAR=%d", i, j, g));
if (j == i + 1) {
/* Handle terminals */
Node<Token> node = sentence.getNode(i);
for (Arc<Token> arc : node.getOutgoingArcs()) {
int word = arc.getLabel().getWord();
// disallow lattice decoding for now
assert arc.getHead().id() == j;
Trie trie = this.grammars[g].getTrieRoot().match(word);
if (trie != null && trie.hasRules())
addToChart(trie, j, false);
} else {
/* Recurse for non-terminal case */
consume(this.grammars[g].getTrieRoot(), i, j - 1);
// Now that we've accumulated all the candidates, apply cube pruning
applyCubePruning(i, j, allCandidates[j - i]);
// Add unary nodes
addUnaryNodes(this.grammars, i, j);
// transition_final: setup a goal item, which may have many deductions
if (null == this.cells.get(0, sourceLength)
|| !this.goalBin.transitToGoal(this.cells.get(0, sourceLength), this.featureFunctions,
this.sourceLength)) {
Decoder.LOG(1, String.format("Input %d: Parse failure (either no derivations exist or pruning is too aggressive",;
return null;
return new HyperGraph(this.goalBin.getSortedNodes().get(0), -1, -1, this.sentence);
* Recursively consumes the trie, following input nodes, finding applicable
* rules and adding them to bins for each span for later cube pruning.
* @param dotNode data structure containing information about what's been
* already matched
* @param l extension point we're looking at
private void consume(Trie trie, int j, int l) {
* 1. If the trie node has any rules, we can add them to the collection
* 2. Next, look at all the outgoing nonterminal arcs of the trie node. If
* any of them match an existing chart item, then we know we can extend
* (i,j) to (i,l). We then recurse for all m from l+1 to n (the end of the
* sentence)
* 3. We also try to match terminals if (j + 1 == l)
// System.err.println(String.format("CONSUME %s / %d %d %d", dotNode,
// dotNode.begin(), dotNode.end(), l));
// Try to match terminals
if (inputLattice.distance(j, l) == 1) {
// Get the current sentence node, and explore all outgoing arcs, since we
// might be decoding
// a lattice. For sentence decoding, this is trivial: there is only one
// outgoing arc.
Node<Token> inputNode = sentence.getNode(j);
for (Arc<Token> arc : inputNode.getOutgoingArcs()) {
int word = arc.getLabel().getWord();
Trie nextTrie;
if ((nextTrie = trie.match(word)) != null) {
// add to chart item over (i, l)
addToChart(nextTrie, arc.getHead().id(), i == j);
// Now try to match nonterminals
Cell cell = cells.get(j, l);
if (cell != null) {
for (int id : cell.getKeySet()) { // for each supernode (lhs), see if you
// can match a trie
Trie nextTrie = trie.match(id);
if (nextTrie != null) {
SuperNode superNode = cell.getSuperNode(id);
addToChart(nextTrie, superNode.end(), i == j);
nodeStack.remove(nodeStack.size() - 1);
* Adds all rules at a trie node to the chart, unless its a unary rule. A
* unary rule is the first outgoing arc of a grammar's root trie. For
* terminals, these are added during the seeding stage; for nonterminals,
* these confuse cube pruning and can result in infinite loops, and are
* handled separately (see addUnaryNodes());
* @param trie the grammar node
* @param isUnary whether the rules at this dotnode are unary
private void addToChart(Trie trie, int j, boolean isUnary) {
// System.err.println(String.format("ADD TO CHART %s unary=%s", dotNode,
// isUnary));
if (!isUnary && trie.hasRules()) {
DotNode dotNode = new DotNode(i, j, trie, new ArrayList<SuperNode>(nodeStack), null);
for (int l = j + 1; l <= sentence.length(); l++)
consume(trie, j, l);
* Record the completed rule with backpointers for later cube-pruning.
* @param width
* @param rules
* @param tailNodes
private void addToCandidates(DotNode dotNode) {
// System.err.println(String.format("ADD TO CANDIDATES %s AT INDEX %d",
// dotNode, dotNode.end() - dotNode.begin()));
// TODO: one entry per rule, or per rule instantiation (rule together with
// unique matching of input)?
List<Rule> rules = dotNode.getRuleCollection().getSortedRules(featureFunctions);
Rule bestRule = rules.get(0);
List<SuperNode> superNodes = dotNode.getAntSuperNodes();
List<HGNode> tailNodes = new ArrayList<HGNode>();
for (SuperNode superNode : superNodes)
int[] ranks = new int[1 + superNodes.size()];
Arrays.fill(ranks, 1);
ComputeNodeResult result = new ComputeNodeResult(featureFunctions, bestRule, tailNodes,
dotNode.begin(), dotNode.end(), dotNode.getSourcePath(), sentence);
CubePruneState seedState = new CubePruneState(result, ranks, rules, tailNodes, dotNode);
allCandidates[dotNode.end() - dotNode.begin()].add(seedState);
* This function performs the main work of decoding.
* @return the hypergraph containing the translated sentence.
public HyperGraph expand() {
for (int width = 1; width <= sourceLength; width++) {
for (int i = 0; i <= sourceLength - width; i++) {
int j = i + width;
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
logger.finest(String.format("Processing span (%d, %d)", i, j));
/* Skips spans for which no path exists (possible in lattices). */
if (inputLattice.distance(i, j) == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
* 1. Expand the dot through all rules. This is a matter of (a) look for
* rules over (i,j-1) that need the terminal at (j-1,j) and looking at
* all split points k to expand nonterminals.
logger.finest("Expanding cell");
for (int k = 0; k < this.grammars.length; k++) {
* Each dotChart can act individually (without consulting other
* dotCharts) because it either consumes the source input or the
* complete nonTerminals, which are both grammar-independent.
this.dotcharts[k].expandDotCell(i, j);
* 2. The regular CKY part: add completed items onto the chart via cube
* pruning.
logger.finest("Adding complete items into chart");
completeSpan(i, j);
/* 3. Process unary rules. */
logger.finest("Adding unary items into chart");
addUnaryNodes(this.grammars, i, j);
// (4)=== in dot_cell(i,j), add dot-nodes that start from the /complete/
// superIterms in
// chart_cell(i,j)
logger.finest("Initializing new dot-items that start from complete items in this cell");
for (int k = 0; k < this.grammars.length; k++) {
if (this.grammars[k].hasRuleForSpan(i, j, inputLattice.distance(i, j))) {
this.dotcharts[k].startDotItems(i, j);
* 5. Sort the nodes in the cell.
* Sort the nodes in this span, to make them usable for future
* applications of cube pruning.
if (null != this.cells.get(i, j)) {
this.cells.get(i, j).getSortedNodes();
// transition_final: setup a goal item, which may have many deductions
if (null == this.cells.get(0, sourceLength)
|| !this.goalBin.transitToGoal(this.cells.get(0, sourceLength), this.featureFunctions,
this.sourceLength)) {
Decoder.LOG(1, String.format("Input %d: Parse failure (either no derivations exist or pruning is too aggressive",;
return null;
logger.fine("Finished expand");
return new HyperGraph(this.goalBin.getSortedNodes().get(0), -1, -1, this.sentence);
* Get the requested cell, creating the entry if it doesn't already exist.
* @param i span start
* @param j span end
* @return the cell item
public Cell getCell(int i, int j) {
assert i >= 0;
assert i <= sentence.length();
assert i <= j;
if (cells.get(i, j) == null)
cells.set(i, j, new Cell(this, goalSymbolID));
return cells.get(i, j);
// ===============================================================
// Private methods
// ===============================================================
private void logStatistics(Level level) {
Decoder.LOG(2, String.format("Input %d: Chart: added %d merged %d dot-items added: %d",, this.nAdded, this.nMerged, this.nDotitemAdded));
* Handles expansion of unary rules. Rules are expanded in an agenda-based
* manner to avoid constructing infinite unary chains. Assumes a triangle
* inequality of unary rule expansion (e.g., A -> B will always be cheaper
* than A -> C -> B), which is not a true assumption.
* @param grammars A list of the grammars for the sentence
* @param i
* @param j
* @return the number of nodes added
private int addUnaryNodes(Grammar[] grammars, int i, int j) {
Cell chartBin = this.cells.get(i, j);
if (null == chartBin) {
return 0;
int qtyAdditionsToQueue = 0;
ArrayList<HGNode> queue = new ArrayList<HGNode>(chartBin.getSortedNodes());
HashSet<Integer> seen_lhs = new HashSet<Integer>();
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
logger.finest("Adding unary to [" + i + ", " + j + "]");
while (queue.size() > 0) {
HGNode node = queue.remove(0);
for (Grammar gr : grammars) {
if (!gr.hasRuleForSpan(i, j, inputLattice.distance(i, j)))
* Match against the node's LHS, and then make sure the rule collection
* has unary rules
Trie childNode = gr.getTrieRoot().match(node.lhs);
if (childNode != null && childNode.getRuleCollection() != null
&& childNode.getRuleCollection().getArity() == 1) {
ArrayList<HGNode> antecedents = new ArrayList<HGNode>();
List<Rule> rules = childNode.getRuleCollection().getSortedRules(this.featureFunctions);
for (Rule rule : rules) { // for each unary rules
ComputeNodeResult states = new ComputeNodeResult(this.featureFunctions, rule,
antecedents, i, j, new SourcePath(), this.sentence);
HGNode resNode = chartBin.addHyperEdgeInCell(states, rule, i, j, antecedents,
new SourcePath(), true);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
if (null != resNode && !seen_lhs.contains(resNode.lhs)) {
return qtyAdditionsToQueue;
* Add a terminal production (X -> english phrase) to the hypergraph.
* @param i the start index
* @param j stop index
* @param rule the terminal rule applied
* @param srcPath the source path cost
public void addAxiom(int i, int j, Rule rule, SourcePath srcPath) {
if (null == this.cells.get(i, j)) {
this.cells.set(i, j, new Cell(this, this.goalSymbolID));
this.cells.get(i, j).addHyperEdgeInCell(
new ComputeNodeResult(this.featureFunctions, rule, null, i, j, srcPath, sentence), rule, i,
j, null, srcPath, false);