blob: 7273049c8846bd35adcdf699d801dc9e943e3010 [file] [log] [blame]
EGYPT Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation
Written by Yaser Al-Onaizan, Jan Curin, Michael Jahr, Kevin Knight, John Lafferty, Dan Melamed, David Purdy, Franz Och, Noah Smith, and David Yarowsky.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
#ifndef _model1_h
#define _model1_h 1
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include "Vector.h"
#include "vocab.h"
#include "TTables.h"
#include "getSentence.h"
#include "Perplexity.h"
#include "vocab.h"
#include "Dictionary.h"
extern int NumberOfVALIalignments;
class report_info{
Perplexity& perp;
sentenceHandler& sHandler1;
Perplexity* testPerp;
sentenceHandler* testHandler;
Perplexity& trainViterbiPerp;
Perplexity* testViterbiPerp;
report_info(Perplexity& _perp,
sentenceHandler& _sHandler1,
Perplexity* _testPerp,
sentenceHandler* _testHandler,
Perplexity& _trainViterbiPerp,
Perplexity* _testViterbiPerp)
: perp(_perp),sHandler1(_sHandler1),testPerp(_testPerp),testHandler(_testHandler),trainViterbiPerp(_trainViterbiPerp),testViterbiPerp(_testViterbiPerp)
class model1 : public report_info{
string efFilename;
vcbList& Elist ;
vcbList& Flist ;
double eTotalWCount ; // size of source copus in number of words
double fTotalWCount ; // size of target corpus in number of words
int noEnglishWords;
int noFrenchWords;
tmodel<COUNT, PROB>&tTable;
Vector<WordEntry>& evlist ;
Vector<WordEntry>& fvlist ;
int ALmissing,ALtoomuch,ALeventsMissing,ALeventsToomuch;
int ALmissingVALI,ALtoomuchVALI,ALeventsMissingVALI,ALeventsToomuchVALI;
int ALmissingTEST,ALtoomuchTEST,ALeventsMissingTEST,ALeventsToomuchTEST;
model1 (const char* efname, vcbList& evcblist, vcbList& fvcblist,tmodel<COUNT, PROB>&_tTable,Perplexity& _perp,
sentenceHandler& _sHandler1,
Perplexity* _testPerp,
sentenceHandler* _testHandler,
Perplexity& _trainViterbiPerp,
Perplexity* _testViterbiPerp);
void initialize_table_uniformly(sentenceHandler& sHandler1);
int em_with_tricks(int noIterations,
bool seedModel1, Dictionary& dictionary, bool useDict);
void load_table(const char* tname);
void readVocabFile(const char* fname, Vector<WordEntry>& vlist, int& vsize,
int& total);
inline Vector<WordEntry>& getEnglishVocabList(void)const {return Elist.getVocabList();};
inline Vector<WordEntry>& getFrenchVocabList(void)const {return Flist.getVocabList();};
inline double getETotalWCount(void) const {return eTotalWCount;};
inline double getFTotalWCount(void) const {return fTotalWCount;};
inline int getNoEnglishWords(void) const {return noEnglishWords;};
inline int getNoFrenchWords(void) const {return noFrenchWords;};
inline tmodel<COUNT, PROB>& getTTable(void) {return tTable;};
inline string& getEFFilename(void) {return efFilename;};
void em_loop(int it,Perplexity& perp, sentenceHandler& sHandler1, bool seedModel1, bool , const char*, Dictionary& dictionary, bool useDict,
Perplexity& viterbiperp, bool=false);
friend class model2;
friend class hmm;
void addAL(const Vector<WordIndex>& viterbi_alignment,int pair_no,int l)
if( pair_no<=int(ReferenceAlignment.size()) )
//cerr << "AL: " << viterbi_alignment << " " << pair_no << endl;
if( pair_no<=NumberOfVALIalignments )
if( pair_no>NumberOfVALIalignments )
void initAL()
double errorsAL()const
if( ALeventsMissingVALI+ALeventsToomuchVALI )
return (ALmissingVALI+ALtoomuchVALI)/double(ALeventsMissingVALI+ALeventsToomuchVALI);
return 0.0;
void errorReportAL(ostream&out,string m)const
if( ALeventsMissing+ALeventsToomuch )
out << "alignmentErrors (" << m << "): "
<< 100.0*(ALmissing+ALtoomuch)/double(ALeventsMissing+ALeventsToomuch)
<< " recall: " << 100.0*(1.0-ALmissing/double(ALeventsMissing))
<< " precision: " << 100.0*(1.0-ALtoomuch/double(ALeventsToomuch))
<< " (missing:" << ALmissing << "/" << ALeventsMissing << " " << ALtoomuch
<< " " << ALeventsToomuch << ")\n";
if( ALeventsMissingVALI+ALeventsToomuchVALI )
out << "alignmentErrors VALI (" << m << "): "
<< 100.0*(ALmissingVALI+ALtoomuchVALI)/double(ALeventsMissingVALI+ALeventsToomuchVALI)
<< " recall: " << 100.0*(1.0-ALmissingVALI/double(ALeventsMissingVALI))
<< " precision: " << 100.0*(1.0-ALtoomuchVALI/double(ALeventsToomuchVALI))
<< " (missing:" << ALmissingVALI << "/" << ALeventsMissingVALI << " " << ALtoomuchVALI
<< " " << ALeventsToomuchVALI << ")\n";
if( ALeventsMissingTEST+ALeventsToomuchTEST )
out << "alignmentErrors TEST(" << m << "): "
<< 100.0*(ALmissingTEST+ALtoomuchTEST)/double(ALeventsMissingTEST+ALeventsToomuchTEST)
<< " recall: " << 100.0*(1.0-ALmissingTEST/double(ALeventsMissingTEST))
<< " precision: " << 100.0*(1.0-ALtoomuchTEST/double(ALeventsToomuchTEST))
<< " (missing:" << ALmissingTEST << "/" << ALeventsMissingTEST << " " << ALtoomuchTEST
<< " " << ALeventsToomuchTEST << ")\n";