blob: c3e7d281a8e9494079cd743199dfe6389707c4e0 [file] [log] [blame]
EGYPT Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation
Written by Yaser Al-Onaizan, Jan Curin, Michael Jahr, Kevin Knight, John Lafferty, Dan Melamed, David Purdy, Franz Och, Noah Smith, and David Yarowsky.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
#ifndef _model3_h
#define _model3_h 1
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "Vector.h"
#include <utility>
#if __GNUC__>2
#include <ext/hash_map>
using __gnu_cxx::hash_map;
#include <hash_map>
#include <time.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
#include "MoveSwapMatrix.h"
#include "TTables.h"
#include "ATables.h"
#include "NTables.h"
#include "getSentence.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "model2.h"
#include "Perplexity.h"
#include "transpair_model3.h"
#include "transpair_modelhmm.h"
#include "alignment.h"
#include "vocab.h"
#include "D4Tables.h"
#include "D5Tables.h"
#include "AlignTables.h"
#include "syncObj.h"
class model3 : public model2 {
Mutex plock;
amodel<PROB>& dTable;
amodel<COUNT> dCountTable;
PROB p0, p1;
SyncDouble p0_count, p1_count;
nmodel<PROB>& nTable;
nmodel<COUNT> nCountTable;
int part;
int iter;
WordClasses* ewordclasses;
WordClasses* fwordclasses;
model3(model2& m2);
void setHMM(hmm*_h) {
ewordclasses = &(_h->ewordclasses);
fwordclasses = &(_h->fwordclasses);
model3(model2& m2, amodel<PROB>& d, nmodel<PROB>& n);
model3(model3& m3, amodel<PROB>& d, nmodel<PROB>& n, amodel<COUNT>&);
// methods
void transfer(sentenceHandler&, bool, Perplexity&, Perplexity&,
bool updateT=1);
void transferSimple(sentenceHandler&, bool, Perplexity&, Perplexity&,
bool updateT=1);
void load_tables(const char *nfile, const char *dfile, const char *p0file);
void em(int, sentenceHandler&);
int viterbi(int, int, int, int,const char* prev_d4 = NULL,const char* prev_d4_2=NULL,bool dumpCount = false,
const char* dumpCountName = NULL, bool useString = false);
int viterbi_hto3();
d4model* viterbi_3to4();
int viterbi_3to3();
int viterbi_4to4(d4model& d4m);
void viterbi_thread(int it, string alignfile, bool dump_files,d4model& d4m,d5model& d5m,bool final,char fromModel,char toModel,string& modelName);
LogProb prob_of_special(Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&,
tmodel<COUNT, PROB>&, Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&);
LogProb prob_of_target_and_alignment_given_source(Vector<WordIndex>&,
Vector<WordIndex>&, tmodel<COUNT, PROB>&, Vector<WordIndex>&,
LogProb prob_of_target_given_source(tmodel<COUNT, PROB>&,
Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&);
LogProb scoreOfMove(Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&,
Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&, tmodel<COUNT, PROB>&,
WordIndex, WordIndex);
LogProb scoreOfSwap(Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&,
Vector<WordIndex>&, tmodel<COUNT, PROB>&, int, int);
void hillClimb(Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&,
Vector<WordIndex>&, LogProb&, tmodel<COUNT, PROB>&, int, int);
void findBestAlignment(Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&,
Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&, LogProb&, int, int);
void findAlignmentsNeighborhood(Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&,
LogProb&align_total_count, alignmodel&neighborhood, int, int);
void collectCountsOverAlignement(const Vector<WordIndex>& es,
const Vector<WordIndex>& fs, const Vector<WordIndex>&, LogProb,
float count);
LogProb viterbi_model2(const transpair_model3&ef, alignment&output,
int pair_no, int i_peg = -1, int j_peg = -1) const;
LogProb _viterbi_model2(const transpair_model2&ef, alignment&output,
int i_peg = -1, int j_peg = -1) const;
LogProb viterbi_model2(const transpair_modelhmm&ef, alignment&output,
int pair_no, int i_peg = -1, int j_peg = -1) const;
void estimate_t_a_d(sentenceHandler& sHandler1, Perplexity& perp, Perplexity& perp1,
bool simple, bool dump_files, bool updateT);
void viterbi_loop(Perplexity&, Perplexity&, sentenceHandler&, bool,
const char*, bool, string model);
template<class MODEL_TYPE, class A, class B> void viterbi_loop_with_tricks(
Perplexity&, Perplexity&, sentenceHandler&, bool, const char*,
bool, string model, bool final, A*d4m, B*d5m);
void multi_thread_m34_em(model3& m3, int ncpu, int Model3_Iterations,
int Model4_Iterations);