blob: 122869f719f172fe0bc134b3de6b254c675a7dd7 [file] [log] [blame]
EGYPT Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation
Written by Yaser Al-Onaizan, Jan Curin, Michael Jahr, Kevin Knight, John Lafferty, Dan Melamed, David Purdy, Franz Och, Noah Smith, and David Yarowsky.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
#include "model1.h"
#include "Globals.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "Parameter.h"
extern short NoEmptyWord;
extern int VerboseSentence;
extern short NCPUS;
GLOBAL_PARAMETER2(int,Model1_Dump_Freq,"MODEL 1 DUMP FREQUENCY","t1","dump frequency of Model 1",PARLEV_OUTPUT,0);
int NumberOfVALIalignments=100;
model1::model1(const char* efname, vcbList& evcblist, vcbList& fvcblist,tmodel<COUNT, PROB>&_tTable,Perplexity& _perp,
sentenceHandler& _sHandler1,
Perplexity* _testPerp,
sentenceHandler* _testHandler,
Perplexity& _trainViterbiPerp,
Perplexity* _testViterbiPerp):
efFilename(efname), Elist(evcblist), Flist(fvcblist),
eTotalWCount(Elist.totalVocab()), fTotalWCount(Flist.totalVocab()),
noEnglishWords(Elist.size()), noFrenchWords(Flist.size()), tTable(_tTable),
evlist(Elist.getVocabList()), fvlist(Flist.getVocabList())
model1::model1 (const model1& m1, int _threadID):
void model1::initialize_table_uniformly(sentenceHandler& sHandler1){
WordIndex i, j;
cout << "Initialize tTable\n";
sentPair sent ;
Vector<WordIndex>& es = sent.eSent;
Vector<WordIndex>& fs = sent.fSent;
PROB uniform = 1.0/es.size() ;
for( i=0; i < es.size(); i++)
for(j=1; j < fs.size(); j++)
struct em_loop_t{
model1 *m1;
int it;
int nthread;
Dictionary *dict;
bool useDict;
int result;
pthread_t thread;
int valid ;
void* exe_emloop(void *arg){
em_loop_t* em =(em_loop_t *) arg;
em->result = em->m1->em_thread(em->it,em->nthread,*em->dict,em->useDict);
return arg;
int model1::em_thread(int noIterations, int nthread, /*Perplexity& perp, sentenceHandler& sHandler1, */
Dictionary& dictionary, bool useDict /*Perplexity* testPerp, sentenceHandler* testHandler,
Perplexity& trainViterbiPerp, Perplexity* testViterbiPerp */ )
double minErrors=1.0;int minIter=0;
string modelName="Model1",shortModelName="1";
char b[2];
b[1] = '\0';
b[0] = '0' + nthread;
time_t st, it_st, fn, it_fn;
string tfile, number, alignfile, test_alignfile;
int pair_no;
bool dump_files = false ;
cout << "==========================================================\n";
cout << modelName << " Training Started at: "<< my_ctime(&st) << "\n";
int it = noIterations;
pair_no = 0 ;
it_st = time(NULL);
cout << "-----------\n" << modelName << ": Iteration " << it << '\n';
dump_files = (Model1_Dump_Freq != 0) && ((it % Model1_Dump_Freq) == 0 || noIterations == it) && !NODUMPS ;
// dump_files = true;
number = "";
int n = it;
number.insert((size_t)0, 1, (char)(n % 10 + '0'));
} while((n /= 10) > 0);
alignfile = Prefix + ".A" + shortModelName + "." + number + ".part" ;
alignfile = alignfile + b;
em_loop(it,perp, sHandler1, false, dump_files, alignfile.c_str(), dictionary, useDict, trainViterbiPerp);
return minIter;
int model1::em_with_tricks(int noIterations, /*Perplexity& perp, sentenceHandler& sHandler1, */
bool seedModel1, Dictionary& dictionary, bool useDict /*Perplexity* testPerp, sentenceHandler* testHandler,
Perplexity& trainViterbiPerp, Perplexity* testViterbiPerp */
, bool dumpCount , const char* dumpCountName, bool useString) // If specified, then will dump files before last iteration
double minErrors=1.0;int minIter=0;
string modelName="Model1",shortModelName="1";
time_t st, it_st, fn, it_fn;
string tfile, number, alignfile, test_alignfile;
int pair_no;
bool dump_files = false ;
st = time(NULL);
cout << "==========================================================\n";
cout << modelName << " Training Started at: "<< my_ctime(&st) << "\n";
for(int it = 1; it <= noIterations; it++){
pair_no = 0 ;
it_st = time(NULL);
cout << "-----------\n" << modelName << ": Iteration " << it << '\n';
dump_files = (Model1_Dump_Freq != 0) && ((it % Model1_Dump_Freq) == 0 || it == noIterations) && !NODUMPS ;
//dump_files = true;
number = "";
int n = it;
number.insert((size_t)0, 1, (char)(n % 10 + '0'));
} while((n /= 10) > 0);
tfile = Prefix + ".t" + shortModelName + "." + number ;
alignfile = Prefix + ".A" + shortModelName + "." + number+".part0" ;
test_alignfile = Prefix +".tst.A" + shortModelName + "." + number ;
threadID = 0;
int th;
vector<em_loop_t> ths;
for (th=1;th<NCPUS;th++){
ths[th].it = it;
ths[th].nthread = th;
ths[th].dict = & dictionary;
ths[th].useDict = useDict;
ths[th].result = 0;
ths[th].valid = pthread_create(&(ths[th].thread),NULL,exe_emloop,&(ths[th]));
cerr << "Error starting thread " << th << endl;
em_loop(it,perp, sHandler1, seedModel1, dump_files, alignfile.c_str(), dictionary, useDict, trainViterbiPerp);
errorReportAL(cout, "IBM-1");
cerr << "Main thread done, waiting" << endl;;
for (th=1;th<NCPUS;th++){
cerr << "Thread " << th << "done" << endl;
if (testPerp && testHandler) // calculate test perplexity
em_loop(it,*testPerp, *testHandler, seedModel1, dump_files, test_alignfile.c_str(), dictionary, useDict, *testViterbiPerp, true);
if( errorsAL()<minErrors ) {
//if (dump_files){
// if( OutputInAachenFormat==1 )
// tTable.printCountTable(tfile.c_str(),Elist.getVocabList(),Flist.getVocabList(),1);
cerr << "Normalizing T " << endl;
If asked for dumping count table, just dump it.
if(dumpCount && it == noIterations){
string realTableName = dumpCountName;
realTableName += ".t.count";
tTable.normalizeTable(Elist, Flist);
//cout << tTable.getProb(2,2) << endl;
cerr << " DONE Normalizing " << endl;
cout << modelName << ": ("<<it<<") TRAIN CROSS-ENTROPY " << perp.cross_entropy()
<< " PERPLEXITY " << perp.perplexity() << '\n';
if (testPerp && testHandler)
cout << modelName << ": ("<<it<<") TEST CROSS-ENTROPY " << (*testPerp).cross_entropy()
<< " PERPLEXITY " << (*testPerp).perplexity()
<< '\n';
cout << modelName << ": ("<<it<<") VITERBI TRAIN CROSS-ENTROPY " << trainViterbiPerp.cross_entropy()
<< " PERPLEXITY " << trainViterbiPerp.perplexity() << '\n';
if (testPerp && testHandler)
cout << modelName << ": ("<<
<< (*testViterbiPerp).cross_entropy()
<< " PERPLEXITY " << (*testViterbiPerp).perplexity()
<< '\n';
if (dump_files){
if( OutputInAachenFormat==0 )
it_fn = time(NULL);
cout << "Model 1 Iteration: " << it<< " took: " << difftime(it_fn, it_st) << " seconds\n";
fn = time(NULL) ;
cout << "Entire " << modelName << " Training took: " << difftime(fn, st) << " seconds\n";
return minIter;
bool model1::load_table(const char* tname){
/* This function loads the t table from the given file; use it
when you want to load results from previous t training
without doing any new training.
NAS, 7/11/99
cout << "Model1: loading t table \n" ;
return tTable.readProbTable(tname);
void model1::em_loop(int it,Perplexity& perp, sentenceHandler& sHandler1, bool seedModel1,
bool dump_alignment, const char* alignfile, Dictionary& dict, bool useDict, Perplexity& viterbi_perp, bool test)
WordIndex i, j, l, m ;
double cross_entropy;
int pair_no=0 ;
ofstream of2;
// for each sentence pair in the corpus
if (dump_alignment||FEWDUMPS);
PROB uniform = 1.0/noFrenchWords ;
sentPair sent ;
Vector<WordIndex>& es = sent.eSent;
Vector<WordIndex>& fs = sent.fSent;
const float so = sent.getCount();
l = es.size() - 1;
m = fs.size() - 1;
cross_entropy = log(1.0);
Vector<WordIndex> viterbi_alignment(fs.size());
double viterbi_score = 1 ;
#ifdef WIN32
bool *eindict = new bool[l + 1];
bool *findict = new bool[m + 1];
bool **indict = new bool*[m + 1];
for(int _i = 0; _i < m+1; _i++)
indict[_i] = new bool[l + 1];
bool eindict[l + 1];
bool findict[m + 1];
bool indict[m + 1][l + 1];
if(it == 1 && useDict){
for(unsigned int dummy = 0; dummy <= l; dummy++) eindict[dummy] = false;
for(unsigned int dummy = 0; dummy <= m; dummy++){
findict[dummy] = false;
for(unsigned int dummy2 = 0; dummy2 <= l; dummy2++)
indict[dummy][dummy2] = false;
for(j = 0; j <= m; j++)
for(i = 0; i <= l; i++)
if(dict.indict(fs[j], es[i])){
eindict[i] = findict[j] = indict[j][i] = true;
for(j=1; j <= m; j++){
// entries that map fs to all possible ei in this sentence.
Vector<LpPair<COUNT,PROB> *> sPtrCache(es.size(),0); // cache pointers to table
LpPair<COUNT,PROB> **sPtrCachePtr;
PROB denom = 0.0;
WordIndex best_i = 0 ; // i for which fj is best maped to ei
PROB word_best_score = 0 ; // score for the best mapping of fj
if (it == 1 && !seedModel1){
denom = uniform * es.size() ;
word_best_score = uniform ;
for((i=0),(sPtrCachePtr=&sPtrCache[0]); i <= l; i++,sPtrCachePtr++){
PROB e(0.0) ;
(*sPtrCachePtr) = tTable.getPtr(es[i], fs[j]) ;
if ((*sPtrCachePtr) != 0 && (*((*sPtrCachePtr))).prob > PROB_SMOOTH)
e = (*((*sPtrCachePtr))).prob;
else e = PROB_SMOOTH ;
denom += e ;
if (e > word_best_score){
word_best_score = e ;
best_i = i ;
viterbi_alignment[j] = best_i ;
viterbi_score *= word_best_score ; /// denom ;
if (denom == 0){
if (test)
cerr << "WARNING: denom is zero (TEST)\n";
cerr << "WARNING: denom is zero (TRAIN)\n";
cross_entropy += log(denom) ;
if (!test){
if(denom > 0){
COUNT val = COUNT(so) / (COUNT) double(denom) ;
/* this if loop implements a constraint on counting:
count(es[i], fs[j]) is implemented if and only if
es[i] and fs[j] occur together in the dictionary,
es[i] does not occur in the dictionary with any fs[x] and
fs[j] does not occur in the dictionary with any es[y]
if(it == 1 && useDict){
for((i=0),(sPtrCachePtr=&sPtrCache[0]); i <= l; i++,sPtrCachePtr++){
if(indict[j][i] || (!findict[j] && !eindict[i])){
PROB e(0.0) ;
if (it == 1 && !seedModel1)
e = uniform ;
else if ((*sPtrCachePtr) != 0 && (*((*sPtrCachePtr))).prob > PROB_SMOOTH)
e = (*((*sPtrCachePtr))).prob;
else e = PROB_SMOOTH ;
COUNT x=e*val;
if( (it==1 && !seedModel1)||x>MINCOUNTINCREASE )
/* if ((*sPtrCachePtr) != 0)
(*((*sPtrCachePtr))).count += x;
else */
tTable.incCount(es[i], fs[j], x);
} /* end of if */
} /* end of for i */
} /* end of it == 1 */
// Old code:
for((i=0),(sPtrCachePtr=&sPtrCache[0]); i <= l; i++,sPtrCachePtr++){
//for(i=0; i <= l; i++) {
PROB e(0.0) ;
if (it == 1 && !seedModel1)
e = uniform ;
else if ((*sPtrCachePtr) != 0 && (*((*sPtrCachePtr))).prob > PROB_SMOOTH)
e = (*((*sPtrCachePtr))).prob;
else e = PROB_SMOOTH ;
//if( !(i==0) )
//cout << "COUNT(e): " << e << " " << MINCOUNTINCREASE << endl;
COUNT x=e*val;
if( pair_no==VerboseSentence )
cout << i << "(" << evlist[es[i]].word << ")," << j << "(" << fvlist[fs[j]].word << ")=" << x << endl;
if( (it==1 && !seedModel1)||x>MINCOUNTINCREASE ){
/*if( NoEmptyWord==0 || i!=0 )
if ((*sPtrCachePtr) != 0)
(*((*sPtrCachePtr))).count += x;
else */
//cerr << i << " " << j << " (+) " << endl;
//cerr << es[i] << " " << fs[j] << " (=) "<< endl;
tTable.incCount(es[i], fs[j], x);
//cerr << es[i] << " " << fs[j] << " (-) "<< endl;
} /* end of for i */
} // end of else
} // end of if (denom > 0)
}// if (!test)
} // end of for (j) ;
//cerr << sent << "CE: " << cross_entropy << " " << so << endl;
perp.addFactor(cross_entropy-m*log(l+1.0), so, l, m,1);
viterbi_perp.addFactor(log(viterbi_score)-m*log(l+1.0), so, l, m,1);
if (dump_alignment||(FEWDUMPS&&sent.sentenceNo<1000))
printAlignToFile(es, fs, evlist, fvlist, of2, viterbi_alignment, sent.sentenceNo, viterbi_score);
#ifdef WIN32
delete[] eindict;
delete[] findict;
for(int _i = 0; _i < m+1; _i++)
delete[] indict[_i];
delete[] indict;
} /* of while */
CTTableDiff<COUNT,PROB>* model1::one_step_em(int it, bool seedModel1,
Dictionary& dictionary, bool useDict){
CTTableDiff<COUNT,PROB> *diff = new CTTableDiff<COUNT,PROB>();
double minErrors=1.0;int minIter=0;
string modelName="Model1",shortModelName="1";
time_t st, it_st, fn, it_fn;
string tfile, number, alignfile, test_alignfile;
int pair_no;
bool dump_files = false ;
st = time(NULL);
cout << "==========================================================\n";
cout << modelName << " Training Started at: "<< my_ctime(&st) << "\n";
pair_no = 0 ;
it_st = time(NULL);
cout << "-----------\n" << modelName << ": Iteration " << it << '\n';
dump_files = (Model1_Dump_Freq != 0) && ((it % Model1_Dump_Freq) == 0) && !NODUMPS ;
number = "";
int n = it;
number.insert((size_t)0, 1, (char)(n % 10 + '0'));
} while((n /= 10) > 0);
tfile = Prefix + ".t" + shortModelName + "." + number ;
alignfile = Prefix + ".A1" ;
test_alignfile = Prefix +".tst.A" + shortModelName + "." + number ;
em_loop_1(diff,it,perp, sHandler1, seedModel1,
dump_files, alignfile.c_str(), dictionary, useDict, trainViterbiPerp);
//if (testPerp && testHandler) // calculate test perplexity
// em_loop(it,*testPerp, *testHandler, seedModel1, dump_files, test_alignfile.c_str(), dictionary, useDict, *testViterbiPerp, true);
if( errorsAL()<minErrors ){
fn = time(NULL) ;
cout << "Partial " << modelName << " Training took: " << difftime(fn, it_st) << " seconds\n";
return diff;
void model1::combine_one(CTTableDiff<COUNT,PROB>* cb){
void model1::recombine(){
tTable.normalizeTable(Elist, Flist);
void save_table(const char* tname){
/* if (dump_files){
* if( OutputInAachenFormat==0 )
* tTable.printProbTable(tfile.c_str(),Elist.getVocabList(),Flist.getVocabList(),OutputInAachenFormat);
void model1::em_loop_1(CTTableDiff<COUNT,PROB> *diff,int it,Perplexity& perp, sentenceHandler& sHandler1, bool seedModel1,
bool dump_alignment, const char* alignfile, Dictionary& dict, bool useDict, Perplexity& viterbi_perp, bool test) {
WordIndex i, j, l, m ;
double cross_entropy;
int pair_no=0 ;
ofstream of2;
// for each sentence pair in the corpus
if (dump_alignment||FEWDUMPS);
PROB uniform = 1.0/noFrenchWords ;
sentPair sent ;
Vector<WordIndex>& es = sent.eSent;
Vector<WordIndex>& fs = sent.fSent;
const float so = sent.getCount();
l = es.size() - 1;
m = fs.size() - 1;
cross_entropy = log(1.0);
Vector<WordIndex> viterbi_alignment(fs.size());
double viterbi_score = 1 ;
#ifdef WIN32
bool *eindict = new bool[l + 1];
bool *findict = new bool[m + 1];
bool **indict = new bool*[m + 1];
for(int _i = 0; _i < m+1; _i++)
indict[_i] = new bool[l + 1];
bool eindict[l + 1];
bool findict[m + 1];
bool indict[m + 1][l + 1];
if(it == 1 && useDict){
for(unsigned int dummy = 0; dummy <= l; dummy++) eindict[dummy] = false;
for(unsigned int dummy = 0; dummy <= m; dummy++){
findict[dummy] = false;
for(unsigned int dummy2 = 0; dummy2 <= l; dummy2++)
indict[dummy][dummy2] = false;
for(j = 0; j <= m; j++)
for(i = 0; i <= l; i++)
if(dict.indict(fs[j], es[i])){
eindict[i] = findict[j] = indict[j][i] = true;
for(j=1; j <= m; j++){
// entries that map fs to all possible ei in this sentence.
Vector<LpPair<COUNT,PROB> *> sPtrCache(es.size(),0); // cache pointers to table
//Vector<COUNT *> sPtrCacheDif(es.size(),0); // cache pointers to table
LpPair<COUNT,PROB> **sPtrCachePtr;
//COUNT **sPtrCachePtrDif;
PROB denom = 0.0;
WordIndex best_i = 0 ; // i for which fj is best maped to ei
PROB word_best_score = 0 ; // score for the best mapping of fj
if (it == 1 && !seedModel1){
denom = uniform * es.size() ;
word_best_score = uniform ;
else {
for((i=0),(sPtrCachePtr=&sPtrCache[0]); i <= l; i++,sPtrCachePtr++){
PROB e(0.0) ;
(*sPtrCachePtr) = tTable.getPtr(es[i], fs[j]) ;
//(*sPtrCachePtrDif) = diff->GetPtr(es[i], fs[j]) ;
if ((*sPtrCachePtr) != 0 && (*((*sPtrCachePtr))).prob > PROB_SMOOTH)
e = (*((*sPtrCachePtr))).prob;
else e = PROB_SMOOTH ;
denom += e ;
if (e > word_best_score){
word_best_score = e ;
best_i = i ;
viterbi_alignment[j] = best_i ;
viterbi_score *= word_best_score ; /// denom ;
if (denom == 0){
if (test)
cerr << "WARNING: denom is zero (TEST)\n";
cerr << "WARNING: denom is zero (TRAIN)\n";
cross_entropy += log(denom) ;
if (!test){
if(denom > 0){
COUNT val = COUNT(so) / (COUNT) double(denom) ;
/* this if loop implements a constraint on counting:
count(es[i], fs[j]) is implemented if and only if
es[i] and fs[j] occur together in the dictionary,
es[i] does not occur in the dictionary with any fs[x] and
fs[j] does not occur in the dictionary with any es[y]
if(it == 1 && useDict){
i <= l; i++,sPtrCachePtr++){
if(indict[j][i] || (!findict[j] && !eindict[i])){
PROB e(0.0) ;
if (it == 1 && !seedModel1)
e = uniform ;
else if ((*sPtrCachePtr) != 0 && (*((*sPtrCachePtr))).prob > PROB_SMOOTH)
e = (*((*sPtrCachePtr))).prob;
else e = PROB_SMOOTH ;
COUNT x=e*val;
if( it==1||x>MINCOUNTINCREASE ){
/*if ((*sPtrCachePtr) != 0){
(*((*sPtrCachePtr))).count += x;
} else {*/
tTable.incCount(es[i], fs[j], x);
diff->incCount(es[i], fs[j], x);
} /* end of if */
} /* end of for i */
} /* end of it == 1 */
// Old code:
for((i=0),(sPtrCachePtr=&sPtrCache[0]); i <= l; i++,sPtrCachePtr++){
//for(i=0; i <= l; i++) {
PROB e(0.0) ;
if (it == 1 && !seedModel1)
e = uniform ;
else if ((*sPtrCachePtr) != 0 && (*((*sPtrCachePtr))).prob > PROB_SMOOTH)
e = (*((*sPtrCachePtr))).prob;
else e = PROB_SMOOTH ;
//if( !(i==0) )
//cout << "COUNT(e): " << e << " " << MINCOUNTINCREASE << endl;
COUNT x=e*val;
if( pair_no==VerboseSentence )
cout << i << "(" << evlist[es[i]].word << "),"
<< j << "(" << fvlist[fs[j]].word << ")=" << x << endl;
if( NoEmptyWord==0 || ( NoEmptyWord==0 || i!=0 )){
/*if ((*sPtrCachePtr) != 0){
(*((*sPtrCachePtr))).count += x;
} else */
tTable.incCount(es[i], fs[j], x);
diff->incCount(es[i], fs[j], x);
} /* end of for i */
} // end of else
} // end of if (denom > 0)
}// if (!test)
} // end of for (j) ;
//cerr << sent << "CE: " << cross_entropy << " " << so << endl;
perp.addFactor(cross_entropy-m*log(l+1.0), so, l, m,1);
viterbi_perp.addFactor(log(viterbi_score)-m*log(l+1.0), so, l, m,1);
if (dump_alignment||(FEWDUMPS&&sent.sentenceNo<1000))
printAlignToFile(es, fs, evlist, fvlist, of2, viterbi_alignment, sent.sentenceNo, viterbi_score);
#ifdef WIN32
delete[] eindict;
delete[] findict;
for(int _i = 0; _i < m+1; _i++)
delete[] indict[_i];
delete[] indict;
} /* of while */
errorReportAL(cout, "IBM-1");