blob: 2643102412f8ec0403a04e5db4be840e7a864afa [file] [log] [blame]
// HMM Normalization executable
#include <iostream>
#include <strstream>
#include <string>
#include "hmm.h"
#include "Parameter.h"
#define ITER_M2 0
#define ITER_MH 5
GLOBAL_PARAMETER3(int,Model1_Iterations,"Model1_Iterations","NO. ITERATIONS MODEL 1","m1","number of iterations for Model 1",PARLEV_ITER,5);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER3(int,Model2_Iterations,"Model2_Iterations","NO. ITERATIONS MODEL 2","m2","number of iterations for Model 2",PARLEV_ITER,ITER_M2);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER3(int,HMM_Iterations,"HMM_Iterations","mh","number of iterations for HMM alignment model","mh", PARLEV_ITER,ITER_MH);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER3(int,Model3_Iterations,"Model3_Iterations","NO. ITERATIONS MODEL 3","m3","number of iterations for Model 3",PARLEV_ITER,5);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER3(int,Model4_Iterations,"Model4_Iterations","NO. ITERATIONS MODEL 4","m4","number of iterations for Model 4",PARLEV_ITER,5);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER3(int,Model5_Iterations,"Model5_Iterations","NO. ITERATIONS MODEL 5","m5","number of iterations for Model 5",PARLEV_ITER,0);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER3(int,Model6_Iterations,"Model6_Iterations","NO. ITERATIONS MODEL 6","m6","number of iterations for Model 6",PARLEV_ITER,0);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER(float, PROB_SMOOTH,"probSmooth","probability smoothing (floor) value ",PARLEV_OPTHEUR,1e-7);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER(float, MINCOUNTINCREASE,"minCountIncrease","minimal count increase",PARLEV_OPTHEUR,1e-7);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER2(int,Transfer_Dump_Freq,"TRANSFER DUMP FREQUENCY","t2to3","output: dump of transfer from Model 2 to 3",PARLEV_OUTPUT,0);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER2(bool,Verbose,"verbose","v","0: not verbose; 1: verbose",PARLEV_OUTPUT,0);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER(bool,Log,"log","0: no logfile; 1: logfile",PARLEV_OUTPUT,0);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER(double,P0,"p0","fixed value for parameter p_0 in IBM-3/4 (if negative then it is determined in training)",PARLEV_EM,-1.0);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER(double,M5P0,"m5p0","fixed value for parameter p_0 in IBM-5 (if negative then it is determined in training)",PARLEV_EM,-1.0);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER3(bool,Peg,"pegging","p","DO PEGGING? (Y/N)","0: no pegging; 1: do pegging",PARLEV_EM,0);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER(short, DeficientDistortionForEmptyWord,"DeficientDistortionForEmptyWord","0: IBM-3/IBM-4 as described in (Brown et al. 1993); 1: distortion model of empty word is deficient; 2: distoriton model of empty word is deficient (differently); setting this parameter also helps to avoid that during IBM-3 and IBM-4 training too many words are aligned with the empty word",PARLEV_MODELS,0);
Here are parameters to support Load models and dump models
GLOBAL_PARAMETER(int,restart,"restart","Restart training from a level,0: Normal restart, from model 1, 1: Model 1, 2: Model 2 Init (Using Model 1 model input and train model 2), 3: Model 2, (using model 2 input and train model 2), 4 : HMM Init (Using Model 1 model and train HMM), 5: HMM (Using Model 2 model and train HMM) 6 : HMM (Using HMM Model and train HMM), 7: Model 3 Init (Use HMM model and train model 3) 8: Model 3 Init (Use Model 2 model and train model 3) 9: Model 3, 10: Model 4 Init (Use Model 3 model and train Model 4) 11: Model 4 and on, ",PARLEV_INPUT,0);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER(bool,dumpCount,"dumpcount","Whether we are going to dump count (in addition to) final output?",PARLEV_OUTPUT,false);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER(bool,dumpCountUsingWordString,"dumpcountusingwordstring","In count table, should actual word appears or just the id? default is id",PARLEV_OUTPUT,false);
/// END
short OutputInAachenFormat=0;
bool Transfer=TRANSFER;
bool Transfer2to3=0;
short NoEmptyWord=0;
bool FEWDUMPS=0;
GLOBAL_PARAMETER(short,CompactAlignmentFormat,"CompactAlignmentFormat","0: detailled alignment format, 1: compact alignment format ",PARLEV_OUTPUT,0);
GLOBAL_PARAMETER2(bool,NODUMPS,"NODUMPS","NO FILE DUMPS? (Y/N)","1: do not write any files",PARLEV_OUTPUT,0);
"maximal fertility for fertility models", PARLEV_EM, 10);
using namespace std;
string Prefix, LogFilename, OPath, Usage, SourceVocabFilename,
TargetVocabFilename, CorpusFilename, TestCorpusFilename, t_Filename,
SourceVocabClassesFilename, TargetVocabClassesFilename,
a_Filename, p0_Filename, d_Filename, n_Filename, dictionary_Filename;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
if(argc < 5){
cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " vcb1 vcb2 outputFile baseFile [additional1 ]..." << endl;
return 1;
Vector<WordEntry> evlist,fvlist;
vcbList eTrainVcbList(evlist), fTrainVcbList(fvlist);
TargetVocabFilename = argv[2];
SourceVocabFilename = argv[1];
Perplexity trainPerp, testPerp, trainViterbiPerp, testViterbiPerp;
tmodel<float, float> tTable;
sentenceHandler *corpus = new sentenceHandler();
model1 m1(CorpusFilename.c_str(), eTrainVcbList, fTrainVcbList, tTable,
trainPerp, *corpus, &testPerp, corpus, trainViterbiPerp,
amodel<float> aTable(false);
amodel<float> aCountTable(false);
model2 m2(m1, aTable, aCountTable);
WordClasses french,english;
hmm h(m2,english,french);
SourceVocabClassesFilename = argv[1];
TargetVocabClassesFilename = argv[2];
SourceVocabClassesFilename += ".classes";
TargetVocabClassesFilename += ".classes";
h.makeWordClasses(m1.Elist, m1.Flist, SourceVocabClassesFilename.c_str(), TargetVocabClassesFilename.c_str());
string base = argv[4];
string baseA = base+".alpha";
string baseB = base+".beta";
string output = argv[3];
string outputA = output+".alpha";
string outputB = output+".beta";
h.probs.readJumps(base.c_str(),NULL,baseA.c_str(), baseB.c_str());
// Start iteration:
for(int i = 5; i< argc ; i++){
string name = argv[i];
string nameA = name + ".alpha";
string nameB = name + ".beta";
if(h.counts.readJumps(name.c_str(),NULL,nameA.c_str(), nameB.c_str()))
cerr << "Error, cannot load name.c_str()";
h.probs.writeJumps(output.c_str(),NULL,outputA.c_str(), outputB.c_str());
delete corpus;
// Some utility functions to get it compile..
ofstream logmsg;
const string str2Num(int n) {
string number = "";
do {
number.insert((size_t)0, 1, (char)(n % 10 + '0'));
} while ((n /= 10) > 0);
return (number);
double LAMBDA=1.09;
Vector<map< pair<int,int>,char > > ReferenceAlignment;
double ErrorsInAlignment(const map< pair<int,int>,char >&reference,
const Vector<WordIndex>&test, int l, int&missing, int&toomuch,
int&eventsMissing, int&eventsToomuch, int pair_no){
return 0;
void printGIZAPars(ostream&out){