blob: 7b1f685e5e4de29b7e328045936884f1e2cc2c48 [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes
The version provide a new building system by cmake and native MS Windows support. Please be advised that the code has undergone a lot of modifications, if you are not using MS Windows, we suggest you use old 0.6.3 version until more test.
You are welcomed to help testing it and report bugs.
Thank you.
New Building System
In additional to GNU autotools, MGIZA++ now supports CMake. Use
make install
to build and install, on both Windows and Linux.
Native MS Windows support
The code has been modified to provide native Windows support. You can now generate Visual Studio solution and build it by invoking:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 10"
msbuild /p:Configuration=Release mgiza.sln
Download link
Memory optimization
Filter vocabulary / word class and eliminate duplications. Being able to train with 34M sentence pairs and keep memory below 2G.
Bug fix
When log file was specified, model 3/4/5 training will occasionally encounter racing condition and crash. The unnecessary logging information is removed, because the same message is already printed on screen.
Download link
Minor interface change to keep compatibility with Chaski 0.2.2, the script need file name to be specified instead of directly outputs to STDOUT.
Download link
Since the this release the MGIZA is separated from QMT package and therefore the dependencies are removed. Currently the only dependency is pthread library.
Scripts for force alignment / resume training is included in the package. Please refer to forcealignment
Added error tolerance functionality for hmmnorm executable, which allows ignoring a number of trunks.
Download link: