Johnzon 2.0.0 download links, replace binary links with maven central
diff --git a/src/site/markdown/ b/src/site/markdown/
index 5d74ea3..d3c3498 100644
--- a/src/site/markdown/
+++ b/src/site/markdown/
@@ -36,28 +36,30 @@
 ## Johnzon-2.0.x
-Apache Johnzon 2.0.x implements the JSON-P 2.1 and JSON-B 3.0 specifications which on a level of JavaEE 10. This version is not backward compatible due to the namespace change from `javax` to `jakarta`. 
+Apache Johnzon 2.0.x implements the JSON-P 2.1 and JSON-B 3.0 specifications which are in line with the Jakarta EE Platform 10. This version is not backward compatible due to the namespace change from `javax` to `jakarta`. 
 Apache Johnzon does not implement Jakarta EE 9 per se, because there was no change in terms of APIs except the namespace change. 
 So we decided to use Apache Johnzon 1.2.x bellow and publish a Jakarta compatible version using bytecode transformation. All artifacts can be used with the classifier `jakarta`.
-#### Source
+#### Binaries
+Binaries should be obtained from [maven central](
-This version is currently only available as snapshot. 
-We are still actively working on passing the TCK but so far most of the implementation is ready.
+#### Source
+Should you want to build any of the above binaries, this source bundle is the right one and covers them all.
+* [](
+* [](
+* [](
+* [apache-johnzon-2.0.0-src.tar.gz](
+* [apache-johnzon-2.0.0-src.tar.gz.sha512](
+* [apache-johnzon-2.0.0-src.tar.gz.asc](
 ## Johnzon-1.2.x
-Apache Johnzon 1.2.x implements the JSON-P 1.1 and JSON-B 1.0 specifications which on a level of JavaEE 8.
+Apache Johnzon 1.2.x implements the JSON-P 1.1 and JSON-B 1.0 specifications which are in line with the Jakarta EE Platform 8.
 #### Binaries
-The binary distribution contains all Johnzon modules.
-* [](
-* [](
-* [](
-* [apache-johnzon-1.2.21-bin.tar.gz](
-* [apache-johnzon-1.2.21-bin.tar.gz.sha256](
-* [apache-johnzon-1.2.21-bin.tar.gz.asc](
+Binaries should be obtained from [maven central](
 #### Source