blob: 8468f3ecdbd52dd52f49560462e589f95945417e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.johnzon.core;
import jakarta.json.JsonException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
//This class represents either the Json tokenizer and the Json parser.
public class JsonStreamParserImpl extends JohnzonJsonParserImpl implements JsonChars {
private final boolean autoAdjust;
//the main buffer where the stream will be buffered
private final char[] buffer;
//current parser position within the buffer
//Initial MIN_VALUE will trigger buffer refill, normally bufferPos is >= -1
//-1 would cause a re-read of the first character in the buffer (which is at zero index)
private int bufferPos = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
// performance optimisation to avoid subtraction on readNextChar
private int bufferLeft = 0;
//available character in the buffer. It might be <= "buffer.length".
private int availableCharsInBuffer;
//start and end position of values in the buffer
//may cross boundaries, then value is in fallBackCopyBuffer
private int startOfValueInBuffer = -1;
private int endOfValueInBuffer = -1;
private final Reader in;
//do we read from a character stream or a byte stream
//not used at the moment but maybe relevant in future to calculate the JsonLocation offset
private final BufferStrategy.BufferProvider<char[]> bufferProvider;
private final BufferStrategy.BufferProvider<char[]> valueProvider;
//max length for strings and numbers (max count of characters)
private final int maxValueLength;
//we use a byte here, because comparing bytes
//is more efficient than comparing enums
//Additionally we handle internally two more event: COMMA_EVENT and KEY_SEPARATOR_EVENT
private byte previousEvent = -1;
//this buffer is used to store current String or Number value in case that
//within the value a buffer boundary is crossed or the string contains escaped characters
private char[] fallBackCopyBuffer;
private boolean releaseFallBackCopyBufferLength = true;
private int fallBackCopyBufferLength;
// location (line, column, offset)
// We try to calculate this efficiently so we do not just increment the values per char read
// Instead we calculate the column and offset relative to the pastBufferReadCount and/or lastLineBreakPosition.
private long currentLine = 1;
private long lastLineBreakPosition;
private long pastBufferReadCount;
//cache (if current value is a number) integral state and the number itself if its only one digit
private boolean isCurrentNumberIntegral = true;
private int currentIntegralNumber = Integer.MIN_VALUE; //for number from 0 - 9
//maybe we want also cache BigDecimals
//private BigDecimal currentBigDecimalNumber = null;
//We need a stack if we want detect bad formatted Json do determine if we are within an array or not
// Streamparser sees: ],1 <-- we look from here
//the 1 is only allowed if we are within an array
//This can only be determined by build up a stack which tracks the trail of Json objects and arrays
//This stack here is only needed for validating the above mentioned case, if we want to be lenient we can skip suing the stack.
//Stack can cause out of memory issues when the nesting depth of a Json stream is too deep.
private StructureElement currentStructureElement = null;
private int arrayDepth = 0;
private int objectDepth = 0;
private boolean closed;
//minimal stack implementation
private static final class StructureElement {
private final StructureElement previous;
private final boolean isArray;
StructureElement(final StructureElement previous, final boolean isArray) {
this.previous = previous;
this.isArray = isArray;
//detect charset according to RFC 4627
public JsonStreamParserImpl(final InputStream inputStream, final int maxStringLength,
final BufferStrategy.BufferProvider<char[]> bufferProvider, final BufferStrategy.BufferProvider<char[]> valueBuffer,
final boolean autoAdjust, final JsonProviderImpl provider) {
this(inputStream, null, null, maxStringLength, bufferProvider, valueBuffer, autoAdjust, provider);
//use charset provided
public JsonStreamParserImpl(final InputStream inputStream, final Charset encoding, final int maxStringLength,
final BufferStrategy.BufferProvider<char[]> bufferProvider, final BufferStrategy.BufferProvider<char[]> valueBuffer,
final boolean autoAdjust, final JsonProviderImpl provider) {
this(inputStream, null, encoding, maxStringLength, bufferProvider, valueBuffer, autoAdjust, provider);
public JsonStreamParserImpl(final Reader reader, final int maxStringLength, final BufferStrategy.BufferProvider<char[]> bufferProvider,
final BufferStrategy.BufferProvider<char[]> valueBuffer, final boolean autoAdjust, final JsonProviderImpl provider) {
this(null, reader, null, maxStringLength, bufferProvider, valueBuffer, autoAdjust, provider);
private JsonStreamParserImpl(final InputStream inputStream, final Reader reader, final Charset encoding, final int maxStringLength,
final BufferStrategy.BufferProvider<char[]> bufferProvider, final BufferStrategy.BufferProvider<char[]> valueBuffer,
final boolean autoAdjust, final JsonProviderImpl provider) {
this.autoAdjust = autoAdjust;
this.maxValueLength = maxStringLength <= 0 ? 8192 : maxStringLength;
this.fallBackCopyBuffer = valueBuffer.newBuffer();
this.buffer = bufferProvider.newBuffer();
this.bufferProvider = bufferProvider;
this.valueProvider = valueBuffer;
if (fallBackCopyBuffer.length < maxStringLength) {
throw cust("Size of value buffer cannot be smaller than maximum string length");
if (reader != null) { = reader;
} else if (encoding != null) { // always respect it = new InputStreamReader(inputStream, encoding);
} else { // should we log the usage is unexpected? (for perf we want to avoid the pushbackinputstream) = new RFC4627AwareInputStreamReader(inputStream);
//append a single char to the value buffer
private void appendToCopyBuffer(final char c) {
if (fallBackCopyBufferLength >= fallBackCopyBuffer.length - 1) {
fallBackCopyBuffer[fallBackCopyBufferLength++] = c;
//copy content between "start" and "end" from buffer to value buffer
private void copyCurrentValue() {
final int length = endOfValueInBuffer - startOfValueInBuffer;
if (length > 0) {
if (length > maxValueLength) {
throw tmc();
if (fallBackCopyBufferLength >= fallBackCopyBuffer.length - length) { // not good at runtime but handled
} else {
System.arraycopy(buffer, startOfValueInBuffer, fallBackCopyBuffer, fallBackCopyBufferLength, length);
fallBackCopyBufferLength += length;
startOfValueInBuffer = endOfValueInBuffer = -1;
private void doAutoAdjust(final int length) {
if (!autoAdjust) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Buffer too small for such a long string");
final char[] newArray = new char[fallBackCopyBuffer.length + Math.max(getBufferExtends(fallBackCopyBuffer.length), length)];
// TODO: log to adjust size once?
System.arraycopy(fallBackCopyBuffer, 0, newArray, 0, fallBackCopyBufferLength);
if (startOfValueInBuffer != -1) {
System.arraycopy(buffer, startOfValueInBuffer, newArray, fallBackCopyBufferLength, length);
if (releaseFallBackCopyBufferLength) {
releaseFallBackCopyBufferLength = false;
fallBackCopyBuffer = newArray;
* @param currentLength length of the buffer
* @return the amount of bytes the current buffer should get extended with
protected int getBufferExtends(int currentLength) {
return currentLength / 4;
public final boolean hasNext() {
if (currentStructureElement != null || previousEvent == 0) {
return true;
if (previousEvent != END_ARRAY && previousEvent != END_OBJECT &&
previousEvent != VALUE_STRING && previousEvent != VALUE_FALSE && previousEvent != VALUE_TRUE &&
previousEvent != VALUE_NULL && previousEvent != VALUE_NUMBER) {
if (bufferPos < 0) { // check we don't have an empty string to parse
final char c = readNextChar();
return c != EOF;
return true;
//detect garbage at the end of the file after last object or array is closed
if (bufferPos < availableCharsInBuffer) {
final char c = readNextNonWhitespaceChar(readNextChar());
if (c == EOF) {
return false;
if (bufferPos < availableCharsInBuffer) {
throw uexc("EOF expected");
return false;
private static boolean isAsciiDigit(final char value) {
return value <= NINE && value >= ZERO;
//check if value is a valid hex digit and return the numeric value
private int parseHexDigit(final char value) {
if (isAsciiDigit(value)) {
return value - 48;
} else if (value <= 'f' && value >= 'a') {
return (value) - 87;
} else if ((value <= 'F' && value >= 'A')) {
return (value) - 55;
} else {
throw uexc("Invalid hex character");
private JsonLocation createLocation() {
//we start with column = 1, so column is always >= 1
//APi is not clear in this, but starting column with 1 is convenient
long column = 1;
long charOffset = 0;
if (bufferPos >= -1) {
charOffset = pastBufferReadCount + bufferPos + 1;
column = lastLineBreakPosition == 0 ? charOffset + 1 : charOffset - lastLineBreakPosition;
//For now its unclear how to calculate offset for (byte) inputsream.
//API says count bytes but thats dependent on encoding and not efficient
//skip this for now, count always bytes and defer this until the JSR TCK arrives.
return new JsonLocationImpl(currentLine, column, charOffset);
//read the next char from the stream and set/increment the bufferPos
//will also refill buffer if necessary
//if we are currently processing a value (string or number) and buffer
//refill is necessary copy the already read value part into the value buffer
protected final char readNextChar() {
if (bufferLeft == 0) {
//copy content from old buffer to valuebuffer
//correct start end mark
if (startOfValueInBuffer > -1 && endOfValueInBuffer == -1) {
endOfValueInBuffer = availableCharsInBuffer;
startOfValueInBuffer = 0;
if (bufferPos >= -1) {
pastBufferReadCount += availableCharsInBuffer;
try {
availableCharsInBuffer =, 0, buffer.length);
if (availableCharsInBuffer <= 0) {
return EOF;
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw uexio(e);
bufferPos = 0;
bufferLeft = availableCharsInBuffer - 1;
//end fillbuffer
} else {
//since JOHNZON-18 not longer necessary
//prevent "bufferoverflow
//if(bufferPos + 1 >= availableCharsInBuffer) {
// return EOF;
return buffer[bufferPos];
//skip whitespaces
//tracks location informations (line, column)
//returns the first non whitespace character
protected final char readNextNonWhitespaceChar(char c) {
int dosCount = 0;
while (c == SPACE || c == TAB || c == CR || c == EOL) {
if (c == EOL) {
lastLineBreakPosition = pastBufferReadCount + bufferPos;
//prevent DOS (denial of service) attack
if (dosCount >= maxValueLength) {
throw tmc();
//read next character
c = readNextChar();
return c;
public Event current() {
if (previousEvent < 0 && hasNext()) {
return previousEvent >= 0 && previousEvent < Event.values().length
? Event.values()[previousEvent]
: null;
private void unreadChar() {
protected final Event internalNext() {
//main entry, make decision how to handle the current character in the stream
if (!hasNext()) {
final char c = readNextChar();
if (c != EOF) {
throw uexc("No available event");
throw new NoSuchElementException();
if (previousEvent > 0 && currentStructureElement == null) {
throw uexc("Unexpected end of structure");
final char c = readNextNonWhitespaceChar(readNextChar());
if (c == COMMA_CHAR) {
//last event must one of the following-> " ] } LITERAL
if (previousEvent == KEY_SEPARATOR_EVENT || previousEvent == START_ARRAY
|| previousEvent == START_OBJECT || previousEvent == COMMA_EVENT
|| previousEvent == KEY_NAME) {
throw uexc("Expected \" ] } LITERAL");
previousEvent = COMMA_EVENT;
return internalNext();
if (c == KEY_SEPARATOR) {
if (previousEvent != KEY_NAME) {
throw uexc("A : can only follow a key name");
previousEvent = KEY_SEPARATOR_EVENT;
return internalNext();
if (!isCurrentNumberIntegral) {
isCurrentNumberIntegral = true;
// if (currentBigDecimalNumber != null) {
// currentBigDecimalNumber = null;
// }
if (currentIntegralNumber != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
currentIntegralNumber = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
if (fallBackCopyBufferLength != 0) {
fallBackCopyBufferLength = 0;
startOfValueInBuffer = endOfValueInBuffer = -1;
switch (c) {
return handleStartObject();
return handleEndObject();
return handleStartArray();
return handleEndArray();
return handleQuote();
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
case MINUS:
case FALSE_F: // false
case TRUE_T: // true
case NULL_N: // null
return handleLiteral();
return defaultHandling(c);
protected Event defaultHandling(char c) {
if (c == EOF) {
throw uexc("End of file hit too early");
throw uexc("Expected structural character or digit or 't' or 'n' or 'f' or '-'");
private Event handleStartObject() {
//last event must one of the following-> : , [
if (previousEvent > 0 && previousEvent != KEY_SEPARATOR_EVENT && previousEvent != START_ARRAY && previousEvent != COMMA_EVENT) {
throw uexc("Expected : , [");
//push upon the stack
if (currentStructureElement == null) {
currentStructureElement = new StructureElement(null, false);
} else {
if (!currentStructureElement.isArray && previousEvent != KEY_SEPARATOR_EVENT) {
throw uexc("Expected :");
final StructureElement localStructureElement = new StructureElement(currentStructureElement, false);
currentStructureElement = localStructureElement;
return EVT_MAP[previousEvent = START_OBJECT];
private Event handleEndObject() {
//last event must one of the following-> " ] { } LITERAL
if (previousEvent == START_ARRAY || previousEvent == COMMA_EVENT || previousEvent == KEY_NAME
|| previousEvent == KEY_SEPARATOR_EVENT || currentStructureElement == null) {
throw uexc("Expected \" ] { } LITERAL");
if (currentStructureElement.isArray) {
throw uexc("Expected : ]");
//pop from stack
currentStructureElement = currentStructureElement.previous;
return EVT_MAP[previousEvent = END_OBJECT];
private Event handleStartArray() {
//last event must one of the following-> : , [
if (previousEvent > 0 && previousEvent != KEY_SEPARATOR_EVENT && previousEvent != START_ARRAY && previousEvent != COMMA_EVENT) {
throw uexc("Expected : , [");
//push upon the stack
if (currentStructureElement == null) {
currentStructureElement = new StructureElement(null, true);
} else {
if (!currentStructureElement.isArray && previousEvent != KEY_SEPARATOR_EVENT) {
throw uexc("Expected \"");
final StructureElement localStructureElement = new StructureElement(currentStructureElement, true);
currentStructureElement = localStructureElement;
return EVT_MAP[previousEvent = START_ARRAY];
private Event handleEndArray() {
//last event must one of the following-> [ ] } " LITERAL
if (previousEvent == START_OBJECT || previousEvent == COMMA_EVENT || previousEvent == KEY_SEPARATOR_EVENT
|| currentStructureElement == null) {
throw uexc("Expected [ ] } \" LITERAL");
if (!currentStructureElement.isArray) {
throw uexc("Expected : }");
//pop from stack
currentStructureElement = currentStructureElement.previous;
return EVT_MAP[previousEvent = END_ARRAY];
protected boolean isInArray() {
return arrayDepth > 0;
protected boolean isInObject() {
return objectDepth > 0;
protected BufferStrategy.BufferProvider<char[]> getCharArrayProvider() {
return bufferProvider;
//read a string, gets called recursively
//Handles escape/d characters
//if string contains escape chars and/or cross buffer boundary then copy in the value buffer
//if not then denote string start and end in startOfValueInBuffer and endOfValueInBuffer and read directly from buffer
private void readString() {
do {
char n = readNextChar();
//when first called n its first char after the starting quote
//after that its the next character after the while loop below
if (n == QUOTE_CHAR) {
endOfValueInBuffer = startOfValueInBuffer = bufferPos; //->"" case
} else if (n == EOL) {
throw uexc("Unexpected linebreak");
} else if (/* n >= '\u0000' && */ n <= '\u001F') {
throw uexc("Unescaped control character");
} else if (n == ESCAPE_CHAR) {
n = readNextChar();
// \ u XXXX -> unicode char
if (n == 'u') {
n = parseUnicodeHexChars();
// \\ -> \
} else if (n == ESCAPE_CHAR) {
//another escape chars, for example \t
} else {
} else {
startOfValueInBuffer = bufferPos;
endOfValueInBuffer = -1;
while ((n = readNextChar()) > '\u001F' && n != ESCAPE_CHAR && n != EOL && n != QUOTE_CHAR) {
//read fast
endOfValueInBuffer = bufferPos;
if (n == QUOTE_CHAR) {
if (fallBackCopyBufferLength > 0) {
} else {
if ((endOfValueInBuffer - startOfValueInBuffer) > maxValueLength) {
throw tmc();
} else if (n == EOL) {
throw uexc("Unexpected linebreak");
} else if (n >= '\u0000' && n <= '\u001F') {
throw uexc("Unescaped control character");
//current n is one of < '\u001F' -OR- ESCAPE_CHAR -OR- EOL -OR- QUOTE
unreadChar(); //unread one char
} while (true);
// before this do while(true) it was:
//recurse until string is terminated by a non escaped quote
// but recursive = can't read big strings
//read the next four chars, check them and treat them as an single unicode char
private char parseUnicodeHexChars() {
// \u08Ac etc
return (char) (((parseHexDigit(readNextChar())) * 4096) + ((parseHexDigit(readNextChar())) * 256)
+ ((parseHexDigit(readNextChar())) * 16) + ((parseHexDigit(readNextChar()))));
private Event handleQuote() {
//always the beginning quote of a key or value
//last event must one of the following-> : { [ ,
if (previousEvent != -1 &&
(previousEvent != KEY_SEPARATOR_EVENT &&
previousEvent != START_OBJECT &&
previousEvent != START_ARRAY &&
previousEvent != COMMA_EVENT)) {
throw uexc("Expected : { [ ,");
//starting quote already consumed
//end quote already consumed
//make the decision if its an key or value
if (previousEvent == KEY_SEPARATOR_EVENT) {
//must be value
if (currentStructureElement != null && currentStructureElement.isArray) {
//not in array, only allowed within array
throw uexc("Key value pair not allowed in an array");
return EVT_MAP[previousEvent = VALUE_STRING];
//must be a key if we are in an object, if not its a value
if ((currentStructureElement != null && currentStructureElement.isArray) || currentStructureElement == null) {
return EVT_MAP[previousEvent = VALUE_STRING];
return EVT_MAP[previousEvent = KEY_NAME];
//read a number
//if a number cross buffer boundary then copy in the value buffer
//if not then denote string start and end in startOfValueInBuffer and endOfValueInBuffer and read directly from buffer
private void readNumber() {
char c = buffer[bufferPos];
//start can change on any read() if we cross buffer boundary
startOfValueInBuffer = bufferPos;
endOfValueInBuffer = -1;
char y = EOF;
//sum up the digit values
int cumulatedDigitValue = 0;
while (isAsciiDigit(y = readNextChar())) {
if (c == ZERO) {
throw uexc("Leading zeros not allowed");
if (c == MINUS && cumulatedDigitValue == 48) {
throw uexc("Leading zeros after minus not allowed");
cumulatedDigitValue += y;
if (c == MINUS && cumulatedDigitValue == 0) {
throw uexc("Unexpected premature end of number");
if (y == DOT) {
isCurrentNumberIntegral = false;
cumulatedDigitValue = 0;
while (isAsciiDigit(y = readNextChar())) {
if (cumulatedDigitValue == 0) {
throw uexc("Unexpected premature end of number");
isCurrentNumberIntegral = false;
y = readNextChar(); //+ or - or digit
if (!isAsciiDigit(y) && y != MINUS && y != PLUS) {
throw uexc("Expected DIGIT or + or -");
if (y == MINUS || y == PLUS) {
y = readNextChar();
if (!isAsciiDigit(y)) {
throw uexc("Unexpected premature end of number");
while (isAsciiDigit(y = readNextChar())) {
endOfValueInBuffer = y == EOF && endOfValueInBuffer < 0 ? -1 : bufferPos;
if (y == COMMA_CHAR || y == END_ARRAY_CHAR || y == END_OBJECT_CHAR || y == EOL || y == SPACE || y == TAB || y == CR || y == EOF) {
unreadChar();//unread one char
//['-', DIGIT]
if (isCurrentNumberIntegral && c == MINUS && cumulatedDigitValue >= 48 && cumulatedDigitValue <= 57) {
currentIntegralNumber = -(cumulatedDigitValue - 48); //optimize -0 till -9
if (isCurrentNumberIntegral && c != MINUS && cumulatedDigitValue == 0) {
currentIntegralNumber = (c - 48); //optimize 0 till 9
if (fallBackCopyBufferLength > 0) {
//we crossed a buffer boundary, use value buffer
} else {
if ((endOfValueInBuffer - startOfValueInBuffer) >= maxValueLength) {
throw tmc();
throw uexc("Unexpected premature end of number");
//handles false, true, null and numbers
private Event handleLiteral() {
//last event must one of the following-> : , [
if (previousEvent != -1 && previousEvent != KEY_SEPARATOR_EVENT && previousEvent != START_ARRAY && previousEvent != COMMA_EVENT) {
throw uexc("Expected : , [");
if (previousEvent == COMMA_EVENT && !currentStructureElement.isArray) {
//only allowed within array
throw uexc("Not in an array context");
char c = buffer[bufferPos];
// probe literals
switch (c) {
case TRUE_T:
if (readNextChar() != TRUE_R || readNextChar() != TRUE_U || readNextChar() != TRUE_E) {
throw uexc("Expected LITERAL: true");
return EVT_MAP[previousEvent = VALUE_TRUE];
case FALSE_F:
if (readNextChar() != FALSE_A || readNextChar() != FALSE_L || readNextChar() != FALSE_S || readNextChar() != FALSE_E) {
throw uexc("Expected LITERAL: false");
return EVT_MAP[previousEvent = VALUE_FALSE];
case NULL_N:
if (readNextChar() != NULL_U || readNextChar() != NULL_L || readNextChar() != NULL_L) {
throw uexc("Expected LITERAL: null");
return EVT_MAP[previousEvent = VALUE_NULL];
return EVT_MAP[previousEvent = VALUE_NUMBER];
public String getString() {
if (previousEvent == KEY_NAME || previousEvent == VALUE_STRING || previousEvent == VALUE_NUMBER) {
//if there a content in the value buffer read from them, if not use main buffer
return fallBackCopyBufferLength > 0 ? new String(fallBackCopyBuffer, 0, fallBackCopyBufferLength) : new String(buffer,
startOfValueInBuffer, endOfValueInBuffer - startOfValueInBuffer);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(EVT_MAP[previousEvent] + " doesn't support getString()");
public boolean isIntegralNumber() {
if (previousEvent != VALUE_NUMBER) {
throw new IllegalStateException(EVT_MAP[previousEvent] + " doesn't support isIntegralNumber()");
} else {
return isCurrentNumberIntegral;
public boolean isNotTooLong() {
return (endOfValueInBuffer - startOfValueInBuffer) < 19;
public int getInt() {
if (previousEvent != VALUE_NUMBER) {
throw new IllegalStateException(EVT_MAP[previousEvent] + " doesn't support getInt()");
} else if (isCurrentNumberIntegral && currentIntegralNumber != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
return currentIntegralNumber;
} else if (isCurrentNumberIntegral) {
//if there a content in the value buffer read from them, if not use main buffer
final Integer retVal = fallBackCopyBufferLength > 0 ? parseIntegerFromChars(fallBackCopyBuffer, 0, fallBackCopyBufferLength)
: parseIntegerFromChars(buffer, startOfValueInBuffer, endOfValueInBuffer);
if (retVal == null) {
return getBigDecimal().intValue();
} else {
return retVal.intValue();
} else {
return getBigDecimal().intValue();
public long getLong() {
if (previousEvent != VALUE_NUMBER) {
throw new IllegalStateException(EVT_MAP[previousEvent] + " doesn't support getLong()");
} else if (isCurrentNumberIntegral && currentIntegralNumber != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
return currentIntegralNumber;
} else if (isCurrentNumberIntegral) {
//if there a content in the value buffer read from them, if not use main buffer
final Long retVal = fallBackCopyBufferLength > 0 ? parseLongFromChars(fallBackCopyBuffer, 0, fallBackCopyBufferLength)
: parseLongFromChars(buffer, startOfValueInBuffer, endOfValueInBuffer);
if (retVal == null) {
return getBigDecimal().longValue();
} else {
return retVal.longValue();
} else {
return getBigDecimal().longValue();
public boolean isFitLong() { // not exact but good enough for most cases
if (!isCurrentNumberIntegral) {
return false;
// no buffer overflow - assumes a buffer can hold a long
// + length <= since max long is 9223372036854775807 and min is -9223372036854775808
final int len = endOfValueInBuffer - startOfValueInBuffer;
return fallBackCopyBufferLength <= 0 && len > 0 && len <= 18;
public BigDecimal getBigDecimal() {
if (previousEvent != VALUE_NUMBER) {
throw new IllegalStateException(EVT_MAP[previousEvent] + " doesn't support getBigDecimal()");
// } else if (currentBigDecimalNumber != null) {
// return currentBigDecimalNumber;
} else if (isCurrentNumberIntegral && currentIntegralNumber != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
return new BigDecimal(currentIntegralNumber);
//if there a content in the value buffer read from them, if not use main buffer
return (/*currentBigDecimalNumber = */fallBackCopyBufferLength > 0 ? new BigDecimal(fallBackCopyBuffer, 0,
fallBackCopyBufferLength) : new BigDecimal(buffer, startOfValueInBuffer, (endOfValueInBuffer - startOfValueInBuffer)));
public JsonLocation getLocation() {
return createLocation();
public void close() {
if (closed) {
if (releaseFallBackCopyBufferLength) {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new JsonException("Unexpected IO exception " + e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
closed = true;
//parse a char[] to long while checking overflow
//if overflowed return null
//no additional checks since we are sure here that there are no non digits in the array
private static Long parseLongFromChars(final char[] chars, final int start, final int end) {
long retVal = 0;
final boolean negative = chars[start] == MINUS;
for (int i = negative ? start + 1 : start; i < end; i++) {
final long tmp = retVal * 10 + (chars[i] - ZERO);
if (tmp < retVal) { //check overflow
return null;
} else {
retVal = tmp;
return negative ? -retVal : retVal;
//parse a char[] to int while checking overflow
//if overflowed return null
//no additional checks since we are sure here that there are no non digits in the array
private static Integer parseIntegerFromChars(final char[] chars, final int start, final int end) {
int retVal = 0;
final boolean negative = chars[start] == MINUS;
for (int i = negative ? start + 1 : start; i < end; i++) {
final int tmp = retVal * 10 + (chars[i] - ZERO);
if (tmp < retVal) { //check overflow
return null;
} else {
retVal = tmp;
return negative ? -retVal : retVal;
private JsonParsingException uexc(final char c, final String message) {
final JsonLocation location = createLocation();
return new JsonParsingException("Unexpected character '" + c + "' (Codepoint: " + String.valueOf(c).codePointAt(0) + ") on "
+ location + ". Reason is [[" + message + "]]", location);
private JsonParsingException uexc(final String message) {
final char c = bufferPos < 0 ? 0 : buffer[bufferPos];
return uexc(c, message);
private JsonParsingException tmc() {
final JsonLocation location = createLocation();
return new JsonParsingException("Too many characters. Maximum string/number length of " + maxValueLength + " exceeded on "
+ location + ". Maybe increase org.apache.johnzon.max-string-length in jsonp factory properties or system properties.", location);
private JsonParsingException uexio(final IOException e) {
final JsonLocation location = createLocation();
return new JsonParsingException("Unexpected IO exception on " + location, e, location);
private JsonParsingException cust(final String message) {
final JsonLocation location = createLocation();
return new JsonParsingException("General exception on " + location + ". Reason is [[" + message + "]]", location);