blob: 4fcc6a16e439ff9eb6e017558f30f85e57553849 [file] [log] [blame]
# Apache JMeter Property file
## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
## contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
## this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
## The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
## (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
## the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
## limitations under the License.
# This avoids having to re-apply the modifications when upgrading JMeter
# Instead only should be modified:
# 1/ copy the property you want to modify to from
# 2/ Change its value there
#Preferred GUI language. Comment out to use the JVM default locale's language.
# Additional locale(s) to add to the displayed list.
# The current default list is: en, fr, de, no, es, tr, ja, zh_CN, zh_TW, pl, pt_BR
# [see JMeterMenuBar#makeLanguageMenu()]
# The entries are a comma-separated list of language names
# Netscape HTTP Cookie file
# File format configuration for JMX and JTL files
# Properties:
# file_format - affects both JMX and JTL files
# file_format.testplan - affects JMX files only
# file_format.testlog - affects JTL files only
# Possible values are:
# 2.1 - initial format using XStream
# 2.2 - updated format using XStream, with shorter names
# N.B. format 2.0 (Avalon) is no longer supported
# XML Parser
# XML Reader(Parser) - Must implement SAX 2 specs
# Path to a Properties file containing Namespace mapping in the form
# prefix=Namespace
# Example:
# ns=
# SSL configuration
## SSL System properties are now in
# JMeter no longer converts property entries in this file into System properties.
# These must now be defined in the file or on the command-line.
# The file gives more flexibility.
# By default, SSL session contexts are now created per-thread, rather than being shared.
# The original behaviour can be enabled by setting the JMeter property:
# Default HTTPS protocol level:
# This may need to be changed here (or in to:
# List of protocols to enable. You may have to select only a subset if you find issues with target server.
# This is needed when server does not support Socket version negotiation, this can lead to:
# peer not authenticated
# Connection reset
# see
#https.socket.protocols=SSLv2Hello SSLv3 TLSv1
# Control if we allow reuse of cached SSL context between iterations
# set the value to 'false' to reset the SSL context each iteration
# Start and end index to be used with keystores with many entries
# The default is to use entry 0, i.e. the first
# Look and Feel configuration
#Classname of the Swing default UI
# The LAF classnames that are available are now displayed as ToolTip text
# when hovering over the Options/Look and Feel selection list.
# You can either use a full class name, as shown above,
# or one of the strings "System" or "CrossPlatform" which means
# JMeter will use the corresponding string returned by UIManager.get<name>LookAndFeelClassName()
# LAF can be overridden by (lowercased, spaces replaced by '_')
# Sample LAF:
# Failing that, the OS family =, but only up to first space:
# Sample OS family LAF:
# Mac apparently looks better with the System LAF
# Failing that, the JMeter default laf can be defined:
# If none of the above jmeter.laf properties are defined, JMeter uses the CrossPlatform LAF.
# This is because the CrossPlatform LAF generally looks better than the System LAF.
# See for details
# N.B. the laf can be defined in
# LoggerPanel display
# default to false
# Enable LogViewer Panel to receive log event even if closed
# Enabled since 2.12
# Note this has some impact on performances, but as GUI mode must
# not be used for Load Test it is acceptable
# Error/Fatal Log count display
# defaults to true
# Max characters kept in LoggerPanel, default to 80000 chars
# O means no limit
# Toolbar display
# default:
# Toolbar icon definitions
# Toolbar list
# Toolbar icons default size: 22x22. Available sizes are: 22x22, 32x32, 48x48
# Icon definitions
# default:
# alternate:
#Components to not display in JMeter GUI (GUI class name or static label)
# These elements are deprecated: HTML Parameter Mask,HTTP User Parameter Modifier, Webservice (SOAP) Request
not_in_menu=org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.modifier.gui.ParamModifierGui, HTTP User Parameter Modifier, org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.gui.WebServiceSamplerGui
# Number of items in undo history
# Feature is disabled by default (0)
# Set it to a number > 0 (25 can be a good default)
# The bigger it is, the more it consumes memory
# Remote hosts and RMI configuration
# Remote Hosts - comma delimited
# RMI port to be used by the server (must start rmiregistry with same port)
# To change the port to (say) 1234:
# On the server(s)
# - set server_port=1234
# - start rmiregistry with port 1234
# On Windows this can be done by:
# On Unix:
# SERVER_PORT=1234 jmeter-server
# On the client:
# - set remote_hosts=server:1234
# Parameter that controls the RMI port used by the RemoteSampleListenerImpl (The Controler)
# Default value is 0 which means port is randomly assigned
# You may need to open Firewall port on the Controller machine
# When distributed test is starting, there may be several attempts to initialize
# remote engines. By default, only single try is made. Increase following property
# to make it retry for additional times
# If there is initialization retries, following property sets delay between attempts
# When all initialization tries was made, test will fail if some remote engines are failed
# Set following property to true to ignore failed nodes and proceed with test
# To change the default port (1099) used to access the server:
# To use a specific port for the JMeter server engine, define
# the following property before starting the server:
# From JMeter 2.3.1, the jmeter server creates the RMI registry as part of the server process.
# To stop the server creating the RMI registry:
# From JMeter 2.3.1, define the following property to cause JMeter to exit after the first test
# Prefix used by IncludeController when building file name
# Logging Configuration
# Note: JMeter uses Avalon (Excalibur) LogKit
# Logging Format
# see
# Default format:
#log_format=%{time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss} %5.5{priority} - %{category}: %{message} %{throwable}
# \n is automatically added to the end of the string
# Predefined formats in the JMeter LoggingManager:
# default is as above
# thread_prefix adds the thread name as a prefix to the category
# thread_suffix adds the thread name as a suffix to the category
# Note that thread name is not included by default, as it requires extra processing.
# To change the logging format, define either log_format_type or log_format
# If both are defined, the type takes precedence
# Note that these properties cannot be defined using the -J or -D JMeter
# command-line flags, as the format will have already been determined by then
# However, they can be defined as JVM properties
#Logging levels for the logging categories in JMeter. Correct values are FATAL_ERROR, ERROR, WARN, INFO, and DEBUG
# To set the log level for a package or individual class, use:
# log_level.[package_name].[classname]=[PRIORITY_LEVEL]
# But omit "org.apache" from the package name. The classname is optional. Further examples below.
# For CookieManager, AuthManager etc:
#Log file for log messages.
# You can specify a different log file for different categories via:
# log_file.[category]=[filename]
# category is equivalent to the package/class names described above
# Combined log file (for jmeter and jorphan)
# To redirect logging to standard output, try the following:
# (it will probably report an error, but output will be to stdout)
# Or define separate logs if required:
# If the filename contains paired single-quotes, then the name is processed
# as a SimpleDateFormat format applied to the current date, for example:
# N.B. When JMeter starts, it sets the system property:
# org.apache.commons.logging.Log
# to
# org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogKitLogger
# if not already set. This causes Apache and Commons HttpClient to use the same logging as JMeter
# Further logging configuration
# Excalibur logging provides the facility to configure logging using
# configuration files written in XML. This allows for such features as
# log file rotation which are not supported directly by JMeter.
# If such a file specified, it will be applied to the current logging
# hierarchy when that has been created.
# HTTP Java configuration
# Number of connection retries performed by HTTP Java sampler before giving up
# 0 now means don't retry connection (in 2.3 and before it meant no tries at all!)
# Commons HTTPClient configuration
# define a properties file for overriding Commons HttpClient parameters
# See:
# Uncomment this line if you put anything in httpclient.parameters file
# define a properties file for overriding Apache HttpClient parameters
# See: TBA
# Uncomment this line if you put anything in hc.parameters file
# Following properties apply to both Commons and Apache HttpClient
# set the socket timeout (or use the parameter http.socket.timeout)
# for AJP Sampler and HttpClient3 implementation.
# Note for HttpClient3 implementation it is better to use GUI to set timeout
# or use http.socket.timeout in httpclient.parameters
# Value is in milliseconds
# 0 == no timeout
# Set the http version (defaults to 1.1)
#httpclient.version=1.0 (or use the parameter http.protocol.version)
# Define characters per second > 0 to emulate slow connections
#Enable loopback protocol
# Define the local host address to be used for multi-homed hosts
# AuthManager Kerberos configuration
# Name of application module used in jaas.conf
# Should ports be stripped from urls before constructing SPNs
# for spnego authentication
# Sample logging levels for Commons HttpClient
# Commons HttpClient Logging information can be found at:
# Note that full category names are used, i.e. must include the org.apache.
# Info level produces no output:
# Might be useful:
# Show headers only
# Full wire debug produces a lot of output; consider using separate file:
# Apache Commons HttpClient logging examples
# Enable header wire + context logging - Best for Debugging
# Enable full wire + context logging
# Enable context logging for connection management
# Enable context logging for connection management / request execution
# Apache HttpComponents HTTPClient configuration (HTTPClient4)
# Number of retries to attempt (default 0)
# Idle connection timeout (ms) to apply if the server does not send Keep-Alive headers
# Note: this is currently an experimental fix
# Apache HttpComponents HTTPClient configuration (HTTPClient 3.1)
# Number of retries to attempt (default 0)
# HTTP Cache Manager configuration
# Space or comma separated list of methods that can be cached
# N.B. This property is currently a temporary solution for Bug 56162
# Since 2.12, JMeter does not create anymore a Sample Result with 204 response
# code for a resource found in cache which is inline with what browser do.
# You can choose between 3 modes:
# RETURN_NO_SAMPLE (default)
# Those mode have the following behaviours:
# RETURN_NO_SAMPLE : this mode returns no Sample Result, it has no additional configuration
# RETURN_200_CACHE : this mode will return Sample Result with response code to 200 and response message to "(ex cache)", you can modify response message by setting
# RETURN_200_CACHE.message=(ex cache)
# RETURN_CUSTOM_STATUS : This mode lets you select what response code and message you want to return, if you use this mode you need to set those properties
# Results file configuration
# This section helps determine how result data will be saved.
# The commented out values are the defaults.
# legitimate values: xml, csv, db. Only xml and csv are currently supported.
# true when field should be saved; false otherwise
# assertion_results_failure_message only affects CSV output
# legitimate values: none, first, all
# response_data is not currently supported for CSV output
# Save ResponseData for failed samples
# Timestamp format - this only affects CSV output files
# legitimate values: none, ms, or a format suitable for SimpleDateFormat HH:mm:ss.SSS
# For use with Comma-separated value (CSV) files or other formats
# where the fields' values are separated by specified delimiters.
# Default:,
# For TAB, since JMeter 2.3 one can use:\t
# Only applies to CSV format files:
# Optional list of JMeter variable names whose values are to be saved in the result data files.
# Use commas to separate the names. For example:
# N.B. The current implementation saves the values in XML as attributes,
# so the names must be valid XML names.
# Versions of JMeter after 2.3.2 send the variable to all servers
# to ensure that the correct data is available at the client.
# Optional xml processing instruction for line 2 of the file:<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../extras/jmeter-results-detail-report_21.xsl"?>
# Prefix used to identify filenames that are relative to the current base
# AutoFlush on each line written in XML or CSV output
# Setting this to true will result in less test results data loss in case of Crash
# but with impact on performances, particularly for intensive tests (low or no pauses)
# Since JMeter 2.10, this is false by default
# Settings that affect SampleResults
# Save the start time stamp instead of the end
# This also affects the timestamp stored in result files
# Whether to use System.nanoTime() - otherwise only use System.currentTimeMillis()
# Use a background thread to calculate the nanoTime offset
# Set this to <= 0 to disable the background thread
# Upgrade property
# File that holds a record of name changes for backward compatibility issues
# JMeter Test Script recorder configuration
# N.B. The element was originally called the Proxy recorder, which is why the
# properties have the prefix "proxy".
# If the recorder detects a gap of at least 5s (default) between HTTP requests,
# it assumes that the user has clicked a new URL
# Add numeric prefix to Sampler names (default true)
# List of URL patterns that will be added to URL Patterns to exclude
# Separate multiple lines with ;
# Change the default HTTP Sampler (currently HttpClient4)
# Java:
# Apache HTTPClient:
# HttpClient4.x
# By default JMeter tries to be more lenient with RFC2616 redirects and allows
# relative paths.
# If you want to test strict conformance, set this value to true
# When the property is true, JMeter follows
# Default content-type include filter to use
# Default content-type exclude filter to use
# Default headers to remove from Header Manager elements
# (Cookie and Authorization are always removed)
# Binary content-type handling
# These content-types will be handled by saving the request in a file:
# The files will be saved in this directory:
# The files will be created with this file filesuffix:
# Test Script Recorder certificate configuration
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------<JMeter bin directory>
# define this property if you wish to use your own keystore
# The default validity for certificates created by JMeter
# Use dynamic key generation (if supported by JMeter/JVM)
# If false, will revert to using a single key with no certificate
# Test Script Recorder miscellaneous configuration
# Whether to attempt disabling of samples that resulted from redirects
# where the generated samples use auto-redirection
# SSL configuration
# JMeter Proxy configuration
# use command-line flags for user-name and password
#http.proxyDomain=NTLM domain, if required by HTTPClient sampler
# HTTPSampleResponse Parser configuration
# Space-separated list of parser groups
HTTPResponse.parsers=htmlParser wmlParser
# for each parser, there should be a parser.types and a parser.className property
# HTML Parser configuration
# Define the HTML parser to be used.
# Default parser:
# This new parser (since 2.10) should perform better than all others
# see
# Other parsers:
# Default parser before 2.10
# Note that Regexp extractor may detect references that have been commented out.
# In many cases it will work OK, but you should be aware that it may generate
# additional references.
# This parser is based on JSoup, it should be the most accurate but less performant
# than LagartoBasedHtmlParser
#Used by HTTPSamplerBase to associate htmlParser with content types below
htmlParser.types=text/html application/xhtml+xml application/xml text/xml
# WML Parser configuration
#Used by HTTPSamplerBase to associate wmlParser with content types below
# Remote batching configuration
# How is Sample sender implementations configured:
# - true (default) means client configuration will be used
# - false means server configuration will be used
# Remote batching support
# Since JMeter 2.9, default is MODE_STRIPPED_BATCH, which returns samples in
# batch mode (every 100 samples or every minute by default)
# Note also that MODE_STRIPPED_BATCH strips response data from SampleResult, so if you need it change to
# another mode
# Hold retains samples until end of test (may need lots of memory)
# Batch returns samples in batches
# Statistical returns sample summary statistics
# hold_samples was originally defined as a separate property,
# but can now also be defined using mode=Hold
# mode can also be the class name of an implementation of org.apache.jmeter.samplers.SampleSender
#Set to true to key statistical samples on threadName rather than threadGroup
# Value is in milliseconds
# Asynchronous sender; uses a queue and background worker process to return the samples
# default queue size
# Same as Asynch but strips response data from SampleResult
# DiskStore: as for Hold mode, but serialises the samples to disk, rather than saving in memory
# Same as DiskStore but strips response data from SampleResult
# Note: the mode is currently resolved on the client;
# other properties (e.g. time_threshold) are resolved on the server.
# To set the Monitor Health Visualiser buffer size, enter the desired value
# monitor.buffer.size=800
# JDBC Request configuration
# Max number of PreparedStatements per Connection for PreparedStatement cache
# String used to indicate a null value
# OS Process Sampler configuration
# Polling to see if process has finished its work, used when a timeout is configured on sampler
# TCP Sampler configuration
# The default handler class
# eolByte = byte value for end of line
# set this to a value outside the range -128 to +127 to skip eol checking
# TCP Charset, used by org.apache.jmeter.protocol.tcp.sampler.TCPClientImpl
# default to Platform defaults charset as returned by Charset.defaultCharset().name()
# status.prefix and suffix = strings that enclose the status response code
# = property file to convert codes to messages
# The length prefix used by LengthPrefixedBinaryTCPClientImpl implementation
# defaults to 2 bytes.
# Summariser - Generate Summary Results - configuration (mainly applies to non-GUI mode)
# Define the following property to automatically start a summariser with that name
# (applies to non-GUI mode only)
# interval between summaries (in seconds) default 30 seconds
# Write messages to log file
# Write messages to System.out
# Aggregate Report and Aggregate Graph - configuration
# Percentiles to display in reports
# Can be float value between 0 and 100
# First percentile to display, defaults to 90%
# Second percentile to display, defaults to 95%
# Second percentile to display, defaults to 99%
# Aggregate Report and Aggregate Graph - configuration
# Backend metrics sliding window size for Percentiles, Min, Max
# BeanShell configuration
# BeanShell Server properties
# Define the port number as non-zero to start the http server on that port
# The telnet server will be started on the next port
# Define the server initialisation file
# Define a file to be processed at startup
# This is processed using its own interpreter.
# Define the intialisation files for BeanShell Sampler, Function and other BeanShell elements
# N.B. Beanshell test elements do not share interpreters.
# Each element in each thread has its own interpreter.
# This is retained between samples.
# The file BeanShellListeners.bshrc contains sample definitions
# of Test and Thread Listeners.
# MailerModel configuration
# Number of successful samples before a message is sent
# Number of failed samples before a message is sent
# CSVRead configuration
# CSVRead delimiter setting (default ",")
# Make sure that there are no trailing spaces or tabs after the delimiter
# characters, or these will be included in the list of valid delimiters
# The following line has a tab after the =
# __time() function configuration
# The properties below can be used to redefine the default formats
# CSV DataSet configuration
# String to return at EOF (if recycle not used)
# LDAP Sampler configuration
# Maximum number of search results returned by a search that will be sorted
# to guarantee a stable ordering (if more results then this limit are retruned
# then no sorting is done). Set to 0 to turn off all sorting, in which case
# "Equals" response assertions will be very likely to fail against search results.
# Number of characters to log for each of three sections (starting matching section, diff section,
# ending matching section where not all sections will appear for all diffs) diff display when an Equals
# assertion fails. So a value of 100 means a maximum of 300 characters of diff text will be displayed
# (+ a number of extra characters like "..." and "[[["/"]]]" which are used to decorate it).
# test written out to log to signify start/end of diff delta
# Miscellaneous configuration
# If defined, then start the mirror server on the port
# ORO PatternCacheLRU size
# Turn expert mode on/off: expert mode will show expert-mode beans and properties
# Maximum redirects to follow in a single sequence (default 5)
# Maximum frame/iframe nesting depth (default 5)
# Maximum await termination timeout (secs) when concurrent download embedded resources (default 60)
# Revert to BUG 51939 behaviour (no separate container for embedded resources) by setting the following false:
# If embedded resources download fails due to missing resources or other reasons, if this property is true
# Parent sample will not be marked as failed
# The encoding to be used if none is provided (default ISO-8859-1)
# Network response size calculation method
# Use real size: number of bytes for response body return by webserver
# (i.e. the network bytes received for response)
# if set to false, the (uncompressed) response data size will used (default before 2.5)
# Include headers: add the headers size in real size
# CookieManager behaviour - should cookies with null/empty values be deleted?
# Default is true. Use false to revert to original behaviour
# CookieManager behaviour - should variable cookies be allowed?
# Default is true. Use false to revert to original behaviour
# CookieManager behaviour - should Cookies be stored as variables?
# Default is false
# CookieManager behaviour - prefix to add to cookie name before storing it as a variable
# Default is COOKIE_; to remove the prefix, define it as one or more spaces
# CookieManager behaviour - check received cookies are valid before storing them?
# Default is true. Use false to revert to previous behaviour
# (2.0.3) JMeterThread behaviour has been changed to set the started flag before
# the controllers are initialised. This is so controllers can access variables earlier.
# In case this causes problems, the previous behaviour can be restored by uncommenting
# the following line.
# (2.2.1) JMeterThread behaviour has changed so that PostProcessors are run in forward order
# (as they appear in the test plan) rather than reverse order as previously.
# Uncomment the following line to revert to the original behaviour
# (2.2) StandardJMeterEngine behaviour has been changed to notify the listeners after
# the running version is enabled. This is so they can access variables.
# In case this causes problems, the previous behaviour can be restored by uncommenting
# the following line.
# Number of milliseconds to wait for a thread to stop
#Whether to invoke System.exit(0) in server exit code after stopping RMI
# Whether to call System.exit(1) on failure to stop threads in non-GUI mode.
# This only takes effect if the test was explictly requested to stop.
# If this is disabled, it may be necessary to kill the JVM externally
# Whether to force call System.exit(0) at end of test in non-GUI mode, even if
# there were no failures and the test was not explicitly asked to stop.
# Without this, the JVM may never exit if there are other threads spawned by
# the test which never exit.
# How long to pause (in ms) in the daemon thread before reporting that the JVM has failed to exit.
# If the value is <= 0, the JMeter does not start the daemon thread
# If running non-GUI, then JMeter listens on the following port for a shutdown message.
# To disable, set the port to 1000 or less.
# If the initial port is busy, keep trying until this port is reached
# (to disable searching, set the value less than or equal to the .port property)
# How often to check for shutdown during ramp-up (milliseconds)
#Should JMeter expand the tree when loading a test plan?
# default value is false since JMeter 2.7
#JSyntaxTextArea configuration
# Set 0 to disable undo feature in JSyntaxTextArea
# Set this to false to disable the use of JSyntaxTextArea for the Console Logger panel
# Maximum size of HTML page that can be displayed; default=200 * 1024
# Set to 0 to disable the size check and display the whole response
# Order of Renderers in View Results Tree
# Note full class names should be used for non jmeter core renderers
# For JMeter core renderers, class names start with . and are automatically
# prefixed with org.apache.jmeter.visualizers
# Maximum size of Document that can be parsed by Tika engine; defaut=10 * 1024 * 1024 (10MB)
# Set to 0 to disable the size check
#JMS options
# Enable the following property to stop JMS Point-to-Point Sampler from using
# the properties[principal|credentials] when creating the queue connection
# Set the following value to true in order to skip the delete confirmation dialogue
# Used by Webservice Sampler (SOAP)
# Size of Document Cache
# Used by JSR223 elements
# Size of compiled scripts cache
# Classpath configuration
# List of paths (separated by ;) to search for additional JMeter plugin classes,
# for example new GUI elements and samplers.
# A path item can either be a jar file or a directory.
# Any jar file in such a directory will be automatically included,
# jar files in sub directories are ignored.
# The given value is in addition to any jars found in the lib/ext directory.
# Do not use this for utility or plugin dependency jars.
# List of paths that JMeter will search for utility and plugin dependency classes.
# Use your platform path separator to separate multiple paths.
# A path item can either be a jar file or a directory.
# Any jar file in such a directory will be automatically included,
# jar files in sub directories are ignored.
# The given value is in addition to any jars found in the lib directory.
# All entries will be added to the class path of the system class loader
# and also to the path of the JMeter internal loader.
# Paths with spaces may cause problems for the JVM
# List of paths (separated by ;) that JMeter will search for utility
# and plugin dependency classes.
# A path item can either be a jar file or a directory.
# Any jar file in such a directory will be automatically included,
# jar files in sub directories are ignored.
# The given value is in addition to any jars found in the lib directory
# or given by the user.classpath property.
# All entries will be added to the path of the JMeter internal loader only.
# For plugin dependencies using plugin_dependency_paths should be preferred over
# user.classpath.
# Classpath finder
# ================
# The classpath finder currently needs to load every single JMeter class to find
# the classes it needs.
# For non-GUI mode, it's only necessary to scan for Function classes, but all classes
# are still loaded.
# All current Function classes include ".function." in their name,
# and none include ".gui." in the name, so the number of unwanted classes loaded can be
# reduced by checking for these. However, if a valid function class name does not match
# these restrictions, it will not be loaded. If problems are encountered, then comment
# or change the following properties:
# Additional property files to load
# Should JMeter automatically load additional JMeter properties?
# File name to look for (comment to disable)
# Should JMeter automatically load additional system properties?
# File name to look for (comment to disable)
# Comma separated list of files that contain reference to templates and their description
# Path must be relative to jmeter root folder