| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| # **** External jars (not built as part of JMeter) and needed for build/release **** |
| |
| # N.B. |
| # When updating this file, please also update the versions in |
| # - res/maven/ApacheJMeter_parent.pom |
| # - eclipse.classpath |
| # - licenses/ - file name and contents |
| # - xdocs/changes.xml |
| # |
| # Also, please update the lib/ directory ignore list |
| # [Please don't use wild-card versions, because that makes it harder to detect obsolete jars] |
| |
| # property name conventions: |
| # |
| # xxx.jar - name of the jar as used in JMeter |
| # |
| # The following properties are used to download the jars if necessary. |
| # |
| # xxx.loc - example location where the jar or zip can be found (omit trailing /) |
| # xxx.md5 - MD5 hash of the jar (used to check downloads) |
| # |
| # xxx.zip - name of zip file (if the jar is not available as an independent download) |
| # xxx.ent - the jar entry name in Zip file |
| |
| # Note that all the jars (apart from velocity and the Geronimo API jars) |
| # are contained in the JMeter binary release. |
| |
| maven2.repo = https://repo1.maven.org/maven2 |
| |
| accessors-smart.version = 1.2 |
| accessors-smart.jar = accessors-smart-${accessors-smart.version}.jar |
| accessors-smart.loc = ${maven2.repo}/net/minidev/accessors-smart/${accessors-smart.version} |
| accessors-smart.md5 = c28b871d258b4d347559d2eb7ecec4a3 |
| |
| apache-bsf.version = 2.4.0 |
| apache-bsf.jar = bsf-${apache-bsf.version}.jar |
| apache-bsf.loc = ${maven2.repo}/bsf/bsf/${apache-bsf.version} |
| apache-bsf.md5 = 16e82d858c648962fb5c959f21959039 |
| |
| asm.version = 6.0 |
| asm.jar = asm-${asm.version}.jar |
| asm.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/ow2/asm/asm/${asm.version} |
| asm.md5 = 305b31315dbca9c3cddac687b4a0e04c |
| |
| beanshell.version = 2.0b6 |
| beanshell.jar = bsh-${beanshell.version}.jar |
| beanshell.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache-extras/beanshell/bsh/${beanshell.version} |
| beanshell.md5 = 0f27117d5b4cfeea1d0634125313fac0 |
| |
| # Bouncy Castle jars (compile and test only - not distributed) |
| # Currently only needed for SMIMEAssertion |
| # N.B. hashes should be obtained from the page: http://www.bouncycastle.org/checksums.html |
| bcmail.version = 1.49 |
| bcmail.jar = bcmail-jdk15on-${bcmail.version}.jar |
| bcmail.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/bouncycastle/bcmail-jdk15on/${bcmail.version} |
| bcmail.md5 = 25686fe5c9fc984ee7c63b8e1a3f6509 |
| |
| bcprov.version = 1.49 |
| bcprov.jar = bcprov-jdk15on-${bcprov.version}.jar |
| bcprov.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on/${bcprov.version} |
| bcprov.md5 = 20f367d41a546f2c844314da5d97ea12 |
| |
| bcpkix.version = 1.49 |
| bcpkix.jar = bcpkix-jdk15on-${bcprov.version}.jar |
| bcpkix.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk15on/${bcprov.version} |
| bcpkix.md5 = cb025ef84fb991e14fdf62f6bef7be53 |
| |
| dec.version = 0.1.2 |
| dec.jar = dec-${dec.version}.jar |
| dec.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/brotli/dec/${dec.version} |
| dec.md5 = 4b1cd14cf29733941cc536b27e6aedfa |
| |
| caffeine.version = 2.6.1 |
| caffeine.jar = caffeine-${caffeine.version}.jar |
| caffeine.loc = ${maven2.repo}/com/github/ben-manes/caffeine/caffeine/${caffeine.version} |
| caffeine.md5 = 3a2290ae3b2975a9ec6188f69620b1ee |
| |
| commons-codec.version = 1.11 |
| commons-codec.jar = commons-codec-${commons-codec.version}.jar |
| commons-codec.loc = ${maven2.repo}/commons-codec/commons-codec/${commons-codec.version} |
| commons-codec.md5 = 567159b1ae257a43e1391a8f59d24cfe |
| |
| commons-collections.version = 3.2.2 |
| commons-collections.jar = commons-collections-${commons-collections.version}.jar |
| commons-collections.loc = ${maven2.repo}/commons-collections/commons-collections/${commons-collections.version} |
| commons-collections.md5 = f54a8510f834a1a57166970bfc982e94 |
| |
| commons-dbcp2.version = 2.2.0 |
| commons-dbcp2.jar = commons-dbcp2-${commons-dbcp2.version}.jar |
| commons-dbcp2.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/commons/commons-dbcp2/${commons-dbcp2.version} |
| commons-dbcp2.md5 = 506aa530ad4816013db02556c03fdfc7 |
| |
| commons-io.version = 2.6 |
| commons-io.jar = commons-io-${commons-io.version}.jar |
| commons-io.loc = ${maven2.repo}/commons-io/commons-io/${commons-io.version} |
| commons-io.md5 = 467c2a1f64319c99b5faf03fc78572af |
| |
| commons-jexl2.version = 2.1.1 |
| commons-jexl2.jar = commons-jexl-${commons-jexl2.version}.jar |
| commons-jexl2.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/commons/commons-jexl/${commons-jexl2.version} |
| commons-jexl2.md5 = 4ad8f5c161dd3a50e190334555675db9 |
| |
| commons-jexl3.version = 3.1 |
| commons-jexl3.jar = commons-jexl3-${commons-jexl3.version}.jar |
| commons-jexl3.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/commons/commons-jexl3/${commons-jexl3.version} |
| commons-jexl3.md5 = d59fed0ea84b84a1574b023eacd47f1a |
| |
| commons-lang3.version = 3.7 |
| commons-lang3.jar = commons-lang3-${commons-lang3.version}.jar |
| commons-lang3.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/${commons-lang3.version} |
| commons-lang3.md5 = f1df5623d78c432b7c3d58ff491e1801 |
| |
| commons-math3.version = 3.6.1 |
| commons-math3.jar = commons-math3-${commons-math3.version}.jar |
| commons-math3.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/commons/commons-math3/${commons-math3.version} |
| commons-math3.md5 = 5b730d97e4e6368069de1983937c508e |
| |
| commons-net.version = 3.6 |
| commons-net.jar = commons-net-${commons-net.version}.jar |
| commons-net.loc = ${maven2.repo}/commons-net/commons-net/${commons-net.version} |
| commons-net.md5 = b46661b01cc7aeec501f1cd3775509f1 |
| |
| commons-pool2.version = 2.5.0 |
| commons-pool2.jar = commons-pool2-${commons-pool2.version}.jar |
| commons-pool2.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/commons/commons-pool2/${commons-pool2.version} |
| commons-pool2.md5 = e1473a61278af378753ff41f177af38f |
| |
| darcula.version = e208efb96f70e4be9dc362fbb46f6e181ef501dd |
| darcula.jar = darcula.jar |
| darcula.loc = https://github.com/bulenkov/Darcula/raw/${darcula.version}/build |
| darcula.md5 = 5afdcd4e299f71fb9dfd1740937bfbea |
| |
| # dnsjava for DNSCacheManager (http://www.dnsjava.org/ BSD license) |
| dnsjava.version = 2.1.8 |
| dnsjava.jar = dnsjava-${dnsjava.version}.jar |
| dnsjava.loc = ${maven2.repo}/dnsjava/dnsjava/${dnsjava.version} |
| dnsjava.md5 = 540f330717bca9d29c8762cf6daca443 |
| |
| # Freemarker |
| freemarker.version = 2.3.23 |
| freemarker.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/freemarker/freemarker/${freemarker.version} |
| freemarker.jar = freemarker-${freemarker.version}.jar |
| freemarker.md5 = cbb1cec300ca98eea3c855cf395d4951 |
| |
| # Groovy |
| groovy-all.version = 2.4.13 |
| groovy-all.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/codehaus/groovy/groovy-all/${groovy-all.version} |
| groovy-all.jar = groovy-all-${groovy-all.version}.jar |
| groovy-all.md5 = a4a09cf9b728dae9a61b46f83359e78f |
| |
| # hamcrest-core |
| hamcrest-core.version = 1.3 |
| hamcrest-core.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/hamcrest/hamcrest-core/${hamcrest-core.version} |
| hamcrest-core.jar = hamcrest-core-${hamcrest-core.version}.jar |
| hamcrest-core.md5 = 6393363b47ddcbba82321110c3e07519 |
| |
| # hamcrest-date |
| hamcrest-date.version = 2.0.4 |
| hamcrest-date.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/exparity/hamcrest-date/${hamcrest-date.version} |
| hamcrest-date.jar = hamcrest-date-${hamcrest-date.version}.jar |
| hamcrest-date.md5 = e37d0c3e0a578f4da48d0e8fee6e4c44 |
| |
| # Apache HttpASyncClient 4.x |
| httpasyncclient.version = 4.1.3 |
| httpasyncclient.jar = httpasyncclient-${httpasyncclient.version}.jar |
| httpasyncclient.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpasyncclient/${httpasyncclient.version} |
| httpasyncclient.md5 = 73d4a443918f4f7124339d2161e2ae54 |
| |
| # Apache HttpClient 4.x |
| httpclient.version = 4.5.5 |
| httpclient.jar = httpclient-${httpclient.version}.jar |
| httpclient.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient/${httpclient.version} |
| httpclient.md5 = 97e7e5b135476b7d25a5ab31e1ea4922 |
| |
| # Required for HttpClient |
| httpmime.version = 4.5.5 |
| httpmime.jar = httpmime-${httpmime.version}.jar |
| httpmime.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpmime/${httpmime.version} |
| httpmime.md5 = 519a5a3902d446926764f568784adbff |
| |
| # Required for HttpClient |
| httpcore.version = 4.4.9 |
| httpcore.jar = httpcore-${httpcore.version}.jar |
| httpcore.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpcore/${httpcore.version} |
| httpcore.md5 = b89455507839c09d6119661defd2166a |
| |
| # Required for HttpASyncClient |
| httpcore-nio.version = 4.4.9 |
| httpcore-nio.jar = httpcore-nio-${httpcore-nio.version}.jar |
| httpcore-nio.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpcore-nio/${httpcore-nio.version} |
| httpcore-nio.md5 = 82f897e19f09775fa65e9631a638cb58 |
| |
| jakarta-oro.version = 2.0.8 |
| jakarta-oro.jar = oro-${jakarta-oro.version}.jar |
| jakarta-oro.loc = ${maven2.repo}/oro/oro/${jakarta-oro.version} |
| jakarta-oro.md5 = 42E940D5D2D822F4DC04C65053E630AB |
| |
| jcharts.version = 0.7.5 |
| jcharts.jar = jcharts-${jcharts.version}.jar |
| jcharts.loc = ${maven2.repo}/jcharts/jcharts/${jcharts.version} |
| jcharts.md5 = 13927D8077C991E7EBCD8CB284746A7A |
| |
| rhino.version = |
| rhino.jar = rhino-${rhino.version}.jar |
| rhino.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/mozilla/rhino/${rhino.version} |
| rhino.md5 = e0e47c1fe053f70fa6feca20d8c3cb2c |
| |
| jodd-core.version = 4.1.4 |
| jodd-core.jar = jodd-core-${jodd-core.version}.jar |
| jodd-core.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/jodd/jodd-core/${jodd-core.version} |
| jodd-core.md5 = 1ab42839ca15f9df2e569f48cc1ce8bf |
| |
| jodd-lagarto.version = 4.1.4 |
| jodd-lagarto.jar = jodd-lagarto-${jodd-lagarto.version}.jar |
| jodd-lagarto.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/jodd/jodd-lagarto/${jodd-lagarto.version} |
| jodd-lagarto.md5 = 93a2318f25da86e997f56e687a61f38d |
| |
| jodd-log.version = 4.1.4 |
| jodd-log.jar = jodd-log-${jodd-log.version}.jar |
| jodd-log.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/jodd/jodd-log/${jodd-log.version} |
| jodd-log.md5 = 436605704ffa02f9aabbcd3a779e8995 |
| |
| jodd-props.version = 4.1.4 |
| jodd-props.jar = jodd-props-${jodd-props.version}.jar |
| jodd-props.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/jodd/jodd-props/${jodd-props.version} |
| jodd-props.md5 = e7a5017de253a20ce924ff4ce245d33d |
| |
| json-path.version = 2.4.0 |
| json-path.jar = json-path-${json-path.version}.jar |
| json-path.loc = ${maven2.repo}/com/jayway/jsonpath/json-path/${json-path.version} |
| json-path.md5 = 29169b4b1115bc851e5734ef35ecd42a |
| |
| json-smart.version = 2.3 |
| json-smart.jar = json-smart-${json-smart.version}.jar |
| json-smart.loc = ${maven2.repo}/net/minidev/json-smart/${json-smart.version} |
| json-smart.md5 = f2a921d4baaa7308de04eed4d8d72715 |
| |
| jsoup.version = 1.11.2 |
| jsoup.jar = jsoup-${jsoup.version}.jar |
| jsoup.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/jsoup/jsoup/${jsoup.version} |
| jsoup.md5 = 798fe34ab37709e67188cbdf6a504435 |
| |
| junit.version = 4.12 |
| junit.jar = junit-${junit.version}.jar |
| junit.loc = ${maven2.repo}/junit/junit/${junit.version} |
| junit.md5 = 5b38c40c97fbd0adee29f91e60405584 |
| |
| spock-core.version = 1.0-groovy-2.4 |
| spock-core.jar = spock-core-${spock-core.version}.jar |
| spock-core.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/spockframework/spock-core/${spock-core.version} |
| spock-core.md5 = 2fbbeaf95dd10b445c6c581c9b945075 |
| |
| cglib-nodep.version = 3.2.6 |
| cglib-nodep.jar = cglib-nodep-${cglib-nodep.version}.jar |
| cglib-nodep.loc = ${maven2.repo}/cglib/cglib-nodep/${cglib-nodep.version} |
| cglib-nodep.md5 = 20bafe0fac3edd2c0ee2366ced8871d3 |
| |
| objenesis.version = 2.6 |
| objenesis.jar = objenesis-${objenesis.version}.jar |
| objenesis.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/objenesis/objenesis/${objenesis.version} |
| objenesis.md5 = 5ffac3f51405ca9b2915970a224b3e8f |
| |
| mongo-java-driver.version = 2.11.3 |
| mongo-java-driver.jar = mongo-java-driver-${mongo-java-driver.version}.jar |
| mongo-java-driver.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/mongodb/mongo-java-driver/${mongo-java-driver.version} |
| mongo-java-driver.md5 = 90647a53231eb75715fda30759ff4ff7 |
| |
| ph-css.version = 6.0.0 |
| ph-css.jar = ph-css-${ph-css.version}.jar |
| ph-css.loc = ${maven2.repo}/com/helger/ph-css/${ph-css.version} |
| ph-css.md5 = 0af3e0539c8391aad4d41cb71c07e671 |
| |
| ph-commons.version = 9.0.0 |
| ph-commons.jar = ph-commons-${ph-commons.version}.jar |
| ph-commons.loc = ${maven2.repo}/com/helger/ph-commons/${ph-commons.version} |
| ph-commons.md5 = d1ac9fac8cce83be072b904a8b8be045 |
| |
| rsyntaxtextarea.version = 2.6.1 |
| rsyntaxtextarea.jar = rsyntaxtextarea-${rsyntaxtextarea.version}.jar |
| rsyntaxtextarea.loc = ${maven2.repo}/com/fifesoft/rsyntaxtextarea/${rsyntaxtextarea.version} |
| rsyntaxtextarea.md5 = cf5a26609efa7e834df891e54abf0634 |
| |
| slf4j-api.version = 1.7.25 |
| slf4j-api.jar = slf4j-api-${slf4j-api.version}.jar |
| slf4j-api.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/${slf4j-api.version} |
| slf4j-api.md5 = caafe376afb7086dcbee79f780394ca3 |
| |
| slf4j-ext.version = 1.7.25 |
| slf4j-ext.jar = slf4j-ext-${slf4j-ext.version}.jar |
| slf4j-ext.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/slf4j/slf4j-ext/${slf4j-ext.version} |
| slf4j-ext.md5 = e85f2c9a7adfaedbbbe97fab4a7c1d4e |
| |
| jcl-over-slf4j.version = 1.7.25 |
| jcl-over-slf4j.jar = jcl-over-slf4j-${jcl-over-slf4j.version}.jar |
| jcl-over-slf4j.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j/${jcl-over-slf4j.version} |
| jcl-over-slf4j.md5 = 56b22adc639b09b2e917f42d68b26600 |
| |
| log4j-api.version = 2.10.0 |
| log4j-api.jar = log4j-api-${log4j-api.version}.jar |
| log4j-api.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-api/${log4j-api.version} |
| log4j-api.md5 = b15b1def49daaf7e74fffcce9442ba98 |
| |
| log4j-core.version = 2.10.0 |
| log4j-core.jar = log4j-core-${log4j-core.version}.jar |
| log4j-core.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-core/${log4j-core.version} |
| log4j-core.md5 = dc99011f047e63dcc741b5ab68d116db |
| |
| log4j-1.2-api.version = 2.10.0 |
| log4j-1.2-api.jar = log4j-1.2-api-${log4j-1.2-api.version}.jar |
| log4j-1.2-api.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-1.2-api/${log4j-1.2-api.version} |
| log4j-1.2-api.md5 = 962a3d75e02357133734e64f0a6538b5 |
| |
| log4j-slf4j-impl.version = 2.10.0 |
| log4j-slf4j-impl.jar = log4j-slf4j-impl-${log4j-slf4j-impl.version}.jar |
| log4j-slf4j-impl.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-slf4j-impl/${log4j-slf4j-impl.version} |
| log4j-slf4j-impl.md5 = ddeafec01672f550eb2a0b7f30c03c5a |
| |
| sonarqube-ant-task.version = 2.5 |
| sonarqube-ant-task.jar = sonarqube-ant-task-${sonarqube-ant-task.version}.jar |
| sonarqube-ant-task.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/sonarsource/scanner/ant/sonarqube-ant-task/${sonarqube-ant-task.version} |
| sonarqube-ant-task.md5 = 0458ef676194411fcccad3bdec8b22c9 |
| |
| jtidy.version = r938 |
| jtidy.jar = jtidy-${jtidy.version}.jar |
| jtidy.loc = ${maven2.repo}/net/sf/jtidy/jtidy/${jtidy.version} |
| jtidy.md5 = 6A9121561B8F98C0A8FB9B6E57F50E6B |
| |
| # Apache Tika to extract text from various documents |
| tika-core.version = 1.17 |
| tika-core.jar = tika-core-${tika-core.version}.jar |
| tika-core.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/tika/tika-core/${tika-core.version} |
| tika-core.md5 = dc1ba32dd6647a99822cf91e9c6a249d |
| |
| tika-parsers.version = 1.17 |
| tika-parsers.jar = tika-parsers-${tika-parsers.version}.jar |
| tika-parsers.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/tika/tika-parsers/${tika-parsers.version} |
| tika-parsers.md5 = 1ed1107da299a57372c21eed26cfec0d |
| |
| # XStream can be found at: http://x-stream.github.io |
| xstream.version = 1.4.10 |
| xstream.jar = xstream-${xstream.version}.jar |
| xstream.loc = ${maven2.repo}/com/thoughtworks/xstream/xstream/${xstream.version} |
| xstream.md5 = d00eec778910f95b26201395ac64cca0 |
| |
| # XMLPull is required by XStream 1.4.x |
| xmlpull.version = |
| xmlpull.jar = xmlpull-${xmlpull.version}.jar |
| xmlpull.loc = ${maven2.repo}/xmlpull/xmlpull/${xmlpull.version} |
| xmlpull.md5 = cc57dacc720eca721a50e78934b822d2 |
| |
| xpp3.version = 1.1.4c |
| xpp3.jar = xpp3_min-${xpp3.version}.jar |
| xpp3.loc = ${maven2.repo}/xpp3/xpp3_min/${xpp3.version} |
| xpp3.md5 = DCD95BCB84B09897B2B66D4684C040DA |
| |
| # Xalan can be found at: http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j/ |
| xalan.version = 2.7.2 |
| xalan.jar = xalan-${xalan.version}.jar |
| xalan.loc = ${maven2.repo}/xalan/xalan/${xalan.version} |
| xalan.md5 = 6aa6607802502c8016b676f25f8e4873 |
| |
| serializer.version = 2.7.2 |
| serializer.jar = serializer-${serializer.version}.jar |
| serializer.loc = ${maven2.repo}/xalan/serializer/${serializer.version} |
| serializer.md5 = e8325763fd4235f174ab7b72ed815db1 |
| |
| # Xerces can be found at: http://xerces.apache.org/xerces2-j/ |
| xerces.version = 2.11.0 |
| xerces.jar = xercesImpl-${xerces.version}.jar |
| xerces.loc = ${maven2.repo}/xerces/xercesImpl/${xerces.version} |
| # Checksum from binary release and Maven differ, but contents of jar are identical (apart from EOLs in text files) |
| #xerces.md5 = DA09B75B562CA9A8E9A535D2148BE8E4 |
| xerces.md5 = 43584adc1f895628055bad0aa98a1007 |
| |
| xml-apis.version = 1.4.01 |
| xml-apis.jar = xml-apis-${xml-apis.version}.jar |
| xml-apis.loc = ${maven2.repo}/xml-apis/xml-apis/${xml-apis.version} |
| xml-apis.md5 = 7eaad6fea5925cca6c36ee8b3e02ac9d |
| |
| # Codecs were previously provided by Batik |
| xmlgraphics-commons.version = 2.2 |
| xmlgraphics-commons.jar = xmlgraphics-commons-${xmlgraphics-commons.version}.jar |
| xmlgraphics-commons.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/xmlgraphics/xmlgraphics-commons/${xmlgraphics-commons.version} |
| xmlgraphics-commons.md5 = 025a1e9ec9075ee4c07a0e7eff3f21d9 |
| |
| # JavaMail jars (N.B. these are available under CDDL) |
| javamail.version = 1.5.0-b01 |
| javamail.jar = mail-${javamail.version}.jar |
| javamail.loc = ${maven2.repo}/javax/mail/mail/${javamail.version} |
| javamail.md5 = 7b56e34995f7f1cb55d7806b935f90a4 |
| |
| # Geronimo JMS jar |
| jms.version = 1.1.1 |
| jms.jar = geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-${jms.version}.jar |
| jms.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/geronimo/specs/geronimo-jms_1.1_spec/${jms.version} |
| jms.md5 = d80ce71285696d36c1add1989b94f084 |
| |
| # The following jars are only needed for source distributions |
| # They are used for building the documentation |
| velocity.version = 1.7 |
| velocity.jar = velocity-${velocity.version}.jar |
| velocity.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/velocity/velocity/${velocity.version} |
| velocity.md5 = 3692dd72f8367cb35fb6280dc2916725 |
| |
| # required by Velocity |
| commons-lang.version = 2.6 |
| commons-lang.jar = commons-lang-${commons-lang.version}.jar |
| commons-lang.loc = ${maven2.repo}/commons-lang/commons-lang/${commons-lang.version} |
| commons-lang.md5 = 4d5c1693079575b362edf41500630bbd |
| |
| # required by anakia |
| jdom.version = 1.1.3 |
| jdom.jar = jdom-${jdom.version}.jar |
| jdom.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/jdom/jdom/${jdom.version} |
| jdom.md5 = 140bfed13341fe2039eee0f26a16d705 |
| |
| # Optional for use by checkstyle |
| checkstyle-all.version = 8.5 |
| checkstyle-all.jar = checkstyle-${checkstyle-all.version}-all.jar |
| checkstyle-all.loc = http://downloads.sourceforge.net/checkstyle/checkstyle/${checkstyle-all.version}/checkstyle-${checkstyle-all.version}-all.jar?ts=${EPOCHSECONDS}&use_mirror=autoselect |
| checkstyle-all.md5 = 6e7d8b1e9a750be769037cc7e3bada40 |
| |
| # Optional for use by rat |
| rat.version = 0.12 |
| rat.jar = apache-rat-${rat.version}.jar |
| rat.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/rat/apache-rat/${rat.version} |
| rat.md5 = f4cc7b4de337e9f250a949467c5e1b42 |
| |
| rat-tasks.jar = apache-rat-tasks-${rat.version}.jar |
| rat-tasks.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/rat/apache-rat-tasks/${rat.version} |
| rat-tasks.md5 = 96b699581b4475ed5756a0c24af745e8 |
| |
| # Optional for use by JaCoCo |
| jacocoant.version = 0.8.0 |
| jacocoant.jar = org.jacoco.ant-${jacocoant.version}-nodeps.jar |
| jacocoant.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.ant/${jacocoant.version} |
| jacocoant.md5 = 32c7ef273edc5c3928b76b2dfc1b590e |
| |
| # Optional for use by JDBC_TESTS.jmx |
| hsqldb.version = 2.4.0 |
| hsqldb.jar = hsqldb-${hsqldb.version}.jar |
| hsqldb.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/hsqldb/hsqldb/${hsqldb.version} |
| hsqldb.md5 = 72cae1d3ef411edc74bc3ff4d12bd47c |
| |
| # Optional for use by JMS_TESTS.jmx |
| activemq-all.version = 5.15.2 |
| activemq-all.jar = activemq-all-${activemq-all.version}.jar |
| activemq-all.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/activemq/activemq-all/${activemq-all.version} |
| activemq-all.md5 = bd24ae082be11dc969a6e5bc45515ab7 |
| |
| # Optional for use by FTP_TESTS.jmx |
| mina-core.version = 2.0.16 |
| mina-core.jar = mina-core-${mina-core.version}.jar |
| mina-core.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/mina/mina-core/${mina-core.version} |
| mina-core.md5 = fd86528fa9d9ba8fb8c37e3ac28fa45f |
| |
| ftplet-api.version = 1.1.1 |
| ftplet-api.jar = ftplet-api-${ftplet-api.version}.jar |
| ftplet-api.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/ftpserver/ftplet-api/${ftplet-api.version} |
| ftplet-api.md5 = a17a7513f5a7e2cd717f7b0fbd15241a |
| |
| ftpserver-core.version = 1.1.1 |
| ftpserver-core.jar = ftpserver-core-${ftpserver-core.version}.jar |
| ftpserver-core.loc = ${maven2.repo}/org/apache/ftpserver/ftpserver-core/${ftpserver-core.version} |
| ftpserver-core.md5 = 62b0a623ff211013d3056dbdf26139b2 |