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<document prev="jmeter_proxy_step_by_step.html" next="jmeter_accesslog_sampler_step_by_step.html" id="$Id$">
<author email="">JMeter developers</author>
<title>JUnit Sampler Tutorial</title>
<section name="&sect-num;. JUnit Sampler Tutorial" anchor="junit">
This tutorial attempts to explain the basic design, functionality and usage of the new JUnit Sampler for JMeter.
The sampler was introduced in version 2.1.2 release of JMeter. Earlier releases do not have the sampler.
<subsection name="&sect-num;.1 Design" anchor="design">
The current implementation supports standard JUnit convention and extensions, like <code>oneTimeSetUp</code>
and <code>oneTimeTearDown</code>. Other features can be added on request. The sampler works like the JavaSampler
with some differences.
<li>Rather than use JMeter's test interface, it scans the jar files for classes extending JUnit's
<code>TestCase</code> class. This means any class or subclass.</li>
<li>JUnit test jar files are copied to <code>jmeter/lib/junit</code> instead of
<li>JUnit sampler does not use name/value pairs for configuration. The sampler assumes
<code>setUp</code> and <code>tearDown</code> will configure the test correctly.
<note>Note: <code>setUp</code> and <code>tearDown</code> methods must be declared <code>public</code>,
so that JMeter can use it.</note>
<li>The sampler measures the elapsed time only for the test method and does not include
<code>setUp</code> and <code>tearDown</code>.
<li>Each time the test method is called, JMeter will pass the result to the listeners.</li>
<li>Support for <code>oneTimeSetUp</code> and <code>oneTimeTearDown</code> is done as a method.
Since JMeter is multi-threaded, we cannot call <code>oneTimeSetUp</code>/<code>oneTimeTearDown</code>
the same way maven does it.</li>
<li>The sampler reports unexpected exceptions as errors.</li>
<subsection name="&sect-num;.2 Functionality" anchor="functionality">
Here is a description of the functionality.
<dt>Name</dt><dd>name for the sample. This is the same as all JMeter samplers.</dd>
<dt>Package Filter</dt><dd>provides a way to filter the classes by package name.</dd>
<dt>Classname</dt><dd>the name of the class to test. The sampler will scan the jar files in
<code>jmeter/lib/ext</code> and <code>jmeter/lib/junit</code> for classes extending
JUnit's <code>TestCase</code>.</dd>
<dt>Constructor String</dt><dd>a string to pass to the string constructor of the test class.</dd>
<dt>Test Method</dt><dd>the name of the method to test in the sampler.</dd>
<dt>Success message</dt><dd>a descriptive message indicating what success means.</dd>
<dt>Success code</dt><dd>an unique code indicating the test was successful.</dd>
<dt>Failure message</dt><dd>a descriptive message indicating what failure means.</dd>
<dt>Failure code</dt><dd>an unique code indicating the test failed</dd>
<dt>Error message</dt><dd>a description for errors</dd>
<dt>Error code</dt><dd>some code for errors. Does not need to be unique</dd>
<dt>Do not call <code>setUp</code> and <code>tearDown</code></dt><dd>set the sampler not
to call <code>setUp</code> and <code>tearDown</code>. By default, <code>setUp</code> and
<code>tearDown</code> should be called. Not calling those methods could affect the test and
make it inaccurate. This option should be used with caution.
<note>If the selected method is <code>oneTimeSetUp</code> or <code>oneTimeTearDown</code>,
this option should be checked.</note></dd>
<dt>Append assertion error</dt><dd>By default, the sampler will not append the assert failures
to the failure message. To see the message in the result tree, check the option.</dd>
<dt>Append runtime exception</dt><dd>By default, the sampler will not append the exceptions
to the failure message. To see the stacktrace, check the option</dd>
<figure width="397" height="536" image="junit_sampler.png">JUnit Request</figure>
The current implementation of the sampler will try to create an instance using the string constructor
first. If the test class does not declare a string constructor, the sampler will look for an empty
constructor. Example below:
<example title="Constructor Examples" anchor="constructor-examples">
Empty Constructor:
public class myTestCase {
public myTestCase() {}
String Constructor:
public class myTestCase {
public myTestCase(String text) {
By default, JMeter will provide some default values for the success/failure code and message.
Users should define a set of unique success and failure codes and use them uniformly across all tests.
<subsection name="&sect-num;.3 Usage" anchor="usage">
Here is a short step-by-step.
<li>Write your JUnit test and jar the classes</li>
<li>Copy and paste the jar files into <code>jmeter/lib/junit</code> directory</li>
<li>Start JMeter</li>
<li>Select <code>Test Plan</code></li>
<li>Right click
<guimenuitem>Thread Group</guimenuitem>
<li>Select <code>Thread Group</code></li>
<li>Right click
<guimenuitem>JUnit Request</guimenuitem>
<li>Enter <code>my unit test</code> in the name</li>
<li>Enter the package of your JUnit test</li>
<li>Select the class you want to test</li>
<li>Select a method to test</li>
<li>Enter <code>test successful</code> in success message</li>
<li>Enter <code>1000</code> in success code</li>
<li>Enter <code>test failed</code> in failure message</li>
<li>Enter <code>0001</code> in failure code</li>
<li>Select the Thread Group</li>
<li>Right click
<guimenuitem>View Results Tree</guimenuitem>
One benefit of the JUnit sampler is it allows the user to select any method from a variety
of unit tests to create a test plan. This should reduce the amount of code an user needs to
write to create a variety of test scenarios. From a basic set of test methods, different
sequences and tests can be created using JMeter's GUI.
For example:
Test Plan1
<subsection name="&sect-num;.4 General Guidelines" anchor="guidelines">
Here are some general guidelines for writing JUnit tests so they work well with JMeter. Since JMeter
runs multi-threaded, it is important to keep certain things in mind.
<li>Write the <code>setUp</code> and <code>tearDown</code> methods so they are thread safe. This
generally means avoid using static members.</li>
<li>Make the test methods discrete units of work and not long sequences of actions. By keeping
the test method to a discrete operation, it makes it easier to combine test methods to create
new test plans.</li>
<li>Avoid making test methods depend on each other. Since JMeter allows arbitrary sequencing of
test methods, the runtime behavior is different than the default JUnit behavior.</li>
<li>If a test method is configurable, be careful about where the properties are stored. Reading
the properties from the Jar file is recommended.</li>
<li>Each sampler creates an instance of the test class, so write your test so the setup happens
in <code>oneTimeSetUp</code> and <code>oneTimeTearDown</code>.</li>
<li>If you select a class and no methods show up, it means the sampler had a problem creating an
instance of the test class. The best way to debug this is to add some <code>System.out</code>
to your class constructor and see what is happening.</li>