blob: e8a7254b474f52e1573ec1e9f7210b693da3c885 [file] [log] [blame]
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<author email="dev AT">JMeter developers</author>
<section name="Changes">
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<b>This page details the changes made in the current version only.</b>
Earlier changes are detailed in the <a href="changes_history.html">History of Previous Changes</a>.
JMeter 5.6.x requires Java 8 or later for execution (Java 17 or later recommended).
<b>The next major release would require Java 17 or later.</b>
<!-- =================== 5.6.3 =================== -->
<h1>Version 5.6.3 </h1>
<li><a href="#Bug fixes">Bug fixes</a></li>
<!-- =================== Bug fixes =================== -->
<ch_section>Bug fixes</ch_section>
<li>Restored binary API compatibility with pre-5.6.2: restore public methods to non-static as they were before 5.6.2 <code>JavaSamplerContext.getJMeterVariables</code>,
<code>JavaSamplerContext.getJMeterProperties</code>, <code>BoundaryExtractor.extractAll</code>,
<code>AuthManager.setupCredentials</code>, <code>HttpRequestHdr.getMultipartConfig</code>, (regression since 5.6.2)</li>
<!-- =================== Thanks =================== -->
<p>We thank all contributors mentioned in bug and improvement sections above:
<p>We also thank bug reporters who helped us improve JMeter.</p>
Apologies if we have omitted anyone else.
<!-- =================== Known bugs or issues related to JAVA Bugs =================== -->
<ch_section>Known problems and workarounds</ch_section>
<li>The Once Only controller behaves correctly under a Thread Group or Loop Controller,
but otherwise its behaviour is not consistent (or clearly specified).</li>
The numbers that appear to the left of the green box are the number of active threads / total number of threads,
the total number of threads only applies to a locally run test, otherwise it will show <code>0</code> (see <bugzilla>55510</bugzilla>).
Note that under some windows systems you may have this WARNING:
WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0
x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(&hellip;) returned error code 5.
The fix is to run JMeter as Administrator, it will create the registry key for you, then you can restart JMeter as a normal user and you won't have the warning anymore.
You may encounter the following error:
<source> Certificates does not conform to algorithm constraints</source>
if you run a HTTPS request on a web site with a SSL certificate (itself or one of SSL certificates in its chain of trust) with a signature
algorithm using MD2 (like <code>md2WithRSAEncryption</code>) or with a SSL certificate with a size lower than 1024 bits.
This error is related to increased security in Java 8+.
To allow you to perform your HTTPS request, you can downgrade the security of your Java installation by editing
the Java <code>jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms</code> property. Remove the MD2 value or the constraint on size, depending on your case.
This property is in this file:
See <bugzilla>56357</bugzilla> for details.
Under Mac OSX Aggregate Graph will show wrong values due to mirroring effect on numbers.
This is due to a known Java bug, see Bug <a href="" >JDK-8065373</a>
The fix is to use JDK8_u45 or later.
View Results Tree may fail to display some HTML code under HTML renderer, see <bugzilla>54586</bugzilla>.
This is due to a known Java bug which fails to parse "<code>px</code>" units in row/col attributes.
See Bug <a href="" >JDK-8031109</a>
The fix is to use JDK9 b65 or later.
JTable selection with keyboard (<keycombo><keysym>SHIFT</keysym><keysym>up/down</keysym></keycombo>) is totally unusable with Java 7 on Mac OSX.
This is due to a known Java bug <a href="" >JDK-8025126</a>
The fix is to use JDK 8 b132 or later.
Since Java 11 the JavaScript implementation <a href="">Nashorn has been deprecated</a>.
Java will emit the following deprecation warnings, if you are using JavaScript based on Nashorn.
Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
To silence these warnings, add <code>-Dnashorn.args=--no-deprecation-warning</code> to your Java arguments.
That can be achieved by setting the enviroment variable <code>JVM_ARGS</code>
export JVM_ARGS="-Dnashorn.args=--no-deprecation-warning"
With Java 15 the JavaScript implementation <a href="">Nashorn has been removed</a>. To add back a JSR-223 compatible JavaScript engine you have two options:
<dt>Use Mozilla Rhino</dt>
<dd>Copy <a href="">rhino-engine-1.7.14.jar</a> into <code>$JMETER_HOME/lib/ext</code>.</dd>
<dt>Use OpenJDK Nashorn</dt>
The OpenJDK Nashorn implementation comes as a module. To use it, you will have to download it and add it to the module path. A hacky way to download the version 15.0 (or later) and its dependencies and set the module path is outlined below:
mkdir lib/modules
pushd lib/modules
export JVM_ARGS="--module-path $PWD/lib/modules"