chore: exclude Semeru + tr_TR combination from tests

diff --git a/.github/workflows/matrix.js b/.github/workflows/matrix.js
index c03fdad..71bf872 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/matrix.js
+++ b/.github/workflows/matrix.js
@@ -88,7 +88,10 @@
 matrix.exclude({java_version: eaJava})
 matrix.imply({java_version: eaJava}, {java_distribution: {value: 'oracle'}})
 // TODO: Semeru does not ship Java 21 builds yet
-matrix.exclude({java_distribution: {value: 'semeru'}, java_version: '21'})
+matrix.exclude({java_distribution: {value: 'semeru'}, java_version: '21'});
+// Semeru 11 and 17 has issues with tr_TR locale:
+// It is not clear what is the source of the issues, however, we can exclude the combination
+matrix.exclude({java_distribution: {value: 'semeru'}, locale: {language: 'tr', country: 'TR'}});
 // Ensure at least one job with "same" hashcode exists
 matrix.generateRow({hash: {value: 'same'}});
 // Ensure at least one Windows and at least one Linux job is present (macOS is almost the same as Linux)