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<div class="section">
<h1 id="get_started">
1. Getting Started<a class="sectionlink" href="#get_started" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<div class="section">
<h1 id="overview">
1.0 Overview<a class="sectionlink" href="#overview" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
When using JMeter you will usually follow this process:
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="test_plan_building">
1.0.1 Test plan building<a class="sectionlink" href="#test_plan_building" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
To do that, you will <a href="get-started.html#running">run JMeter in GUI Mode.</a>
Then you can either choose to record the application from a browser, or native application.
You can use for that the menu <span class="menuchoice"><span class="guimenuitem">File</span>&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;<span class="guimenuitem">Templates...</span>&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;<span class="guimenuitem">Recording</span></span>
Note you can also manually build your plan. Ensure you read this <a href="test_plan.html">documentation</a> to understand major concepts.
You will also debug it using one of these options:
<span class="menuchoice"><span class="guimenuitem">Run</span>&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;<span class="guimenuitem">Start no pauses</span></span>
<span class="menuchoice"><span class="guimenuitem">Run</span>&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;<span class="guimenuitem">Start</span></span>
<span class="menuchoice"><span class="guimenuitem">Validate</span></span> on <a href="component_reference.html#Thread_Group">Thread Group</a>
and <a href="component_reference.html#View_Results_Tree">View Results Tree</a> renderers or Testers (CSS/JQUERY, JSON, Regexp, XPath).
Ensure you follow <a href="best-practices.html">best-practices</a> when building your Test Plan.
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="load_test_running">
1.0.2 Load Test running<a class="sectionlink" href="#load_test_running" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
Once your Test Plan is ready, you can start your Load Test.
The first step is to configure the injectors that will run JMeter, this as for any other Load Testing tool includes:
<li>Correct machine sizing in terms of CPU, memory and network</li>
<li>OS Tuning</li>
<li>Java setup: Ensure you install the latest version of Java supported by JMeter</li>
<b>Increase the Java Heap size</b>. By default JMeter runs with a heap of 1 GB, this might not be enough for your test and depends on your test plan and number of threads you want to run
Once everything is ready, you will use CLI mode (Command-line mode previously called <a href="#non_gui">Non-GUI mode</a>) to run it for the Load Test.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">Don't run load test using GUI mode !</div>
<div class="clear"></div>
Using CLI mode, you can generate a CSV (or XML) file containing results and have JMeter <a href="generating-dashboard.html">generate an HTML report</a> at end of Load Test.
JMeter will by default provide a summary of load test while it's running.
You can also have <a href="realtime-results.html">real-time results</a> during your test using <a href="component_reference.html#Backend_Listener">Backend Listener</a>.
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="load_test_analysis">
1.0.3 Load Test analysis<a class="sectionlink" href="#load_test_analysis" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
Once your Load Test is finished, you can use the HTML report to analyze your load test.
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="lets_start">
1.0.4 Let's start<a class="sectionlink" href="#lets_start" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
The easiest way to begin using JMeter is to first
<a href="">download the latest production release</a> and install it.
The release contains all of the files you need to build and run most types of tests,
e.g. Web (HTTP/HTTPS), FTP, JDBC, LDAP, Java, JUnit and more.
<p>If you want to perform JDBC testing,
then you will, of course, need the appropriate JDBC driver from your vendor. JMeter does not come with
any JDBC drivers.</p>
JMeter includes the JMS API jar, but does not include a JMS client implementation.
If you want to run JMS tests, you will need to download the appropriate jars from the JMS provider.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">
See the <a href="#classpath">JMeter Classpath</a> section for details on installing additional jars.
<div class="clear"></div>
Next, start JMeter and go through the <a href="build-test-plan.html">Building a Test Plan</a> section
of the User Guide to familiarize yourself with JMeter basics (for example, adding and removing elements).
Finally, go through the appropriate section on how to build a specific type of Test Plan.
For example, if you are interested in testing a Web application, then see the section
<a href="build-web-test-plan.html">Building a Web Test Plan</a>.
The other specific Test Plan sections are:
<a href="build-adv-web-test-plan.html">Advanced Web Test Plan</a>
<a href="build-db-test-plan.html">JDBC</a>
<a href="build-ftp-test-plan.html">FTP</a>
<a href="build-jms-point-to-point-test-plan.html">JMS Point-to-Point</a>
<a href="build-jms-topic-test-plan.html">JMS Topic</a>
<a href="build-ldap-test-plan.html">LDAP</a>
<a href="build-ldapext-test-plan.html">LDAP Extended</a>
<a href="build-ws-test-plan.html">WebServices (SOAP)</a>
<a href="build-programmatic-test-plan.html">Building Test Plan programmatically</a>
<p>Once you are comfortable with building and running JMeter Test Plans, you can look into the
various configuration elements (timers, listeners, assertions, and others) which give you more control
over your Test Plans.</p>
<div class="section">
<h1 id="requirements">
1.1 Requirements<a class="sectionlink" href="#requirements" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<p>JMeter requires that your computing environment meets some minimum requirements.</p>
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="java_versions">
1.1.1 Java Version<a class="sectionlink" href="#java_versions" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">JMeter is compatible with Java 8 or higher.
We highly advise you to install latest minor version of your major version for security and performance reasons.
<div class="clear"></div>
<p>Because JMeter uses only standard Java APIs, please do not file bug reports if your JRE fails to run
JMeter because of JRE implementation issues.</p>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">
Although you can use a JRE, it is better to install a JDK as for recording of HTTPS, JMeter needs <span class="code">keytool</span> utility from JDK.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="os">
1.1.2 Operating Systems<a class="sectionlink" href="#os" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<p>JMeter is a 100% Java application and should run correctly on any system
that has a compliant Java implementation.</p>
Operating systems tested with JMeter can be viewed on
<a href="">this page</a>
on JMeter wiki.
<p>Even if your OS is not listed on the wiki page, JMeter should run on it provided that the JVM is compliant.</p>
<div class="section">
<h1 id="optional">
1.2 Optional<a class="sectionlink" href="#optional" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<p>If you plan on doing JMeter development, then you will need one or more optional packages listed below.</p>
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="opt_compiler">
1.2.1 Java Compiler<a class="sectionlink" href="#opt_compiler" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<p>If you want to build the JMeter source or develop JMeter plugins, then you will need a fully compliant JDK 8 or higher.</p>
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="opt_sax">
1.2.2 SAX XML Parser<a class="sectionlink" href="#opt_sax" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
JMeter comes with Apache's <a href="">Xerces XML parser</a>. You have the option of telling JMeter
to use a different XML parser. To do so, include the classes for the third-party parser in JMeter's <a href="#classpath">classpath</a>,
and update the <a href="#configuring_jmeter"></a> file with the full classname of the parser
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="opt_email">
1.2.3 Email Support<a class="sectionlink" href="#opt_email" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<p>JMeter has extensive Email capabilities.
It can send email based on test results, and has a POP3(S)/IMAP(S) sampler.
It also has an SMTP(S) sampler.
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="opt_ssl">
1.2.4 SSL Encryption<a class="sectionlink" href="#opt_ssl" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
To test a web server using SSL encryption (HTTPS), JMeter requires that an
implementation of SSL be provided, as is the case with Sun Java 1.4 and above.
If your version of Java does not include SSL support, then it is possible to add an external implementation.
Include the necessary encryption packages in JMeter's <a href="#classpath">classpath</a>.
Also, update <a href="#configuring_jmeter"><span class="code"></span></a> to register the SSL Provider.
JMeter HTTP defaults to protocol level TLS. This can be changed by editing the JMeter property
<span class="code">https.default.protocol</span> in <span class="code"></span> or <span class="code"></span>.
<b>The JMeter HTTP samplers are configured to accept all certificates,
whether trusted or not, regardless of validity periods, etc.</b>
This is to allow the maximum flexibility in testing servers.
<p>If the server requires a client certificate, this can be provided.</p>
There is also the <a href="../usermanual/component_reference.html#SSL_Manager">SSL Manager</a>, for greater control of certificates.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">The JMeter proxy server (see below) supports recording HTTPS (SSL)</div>
<div class="clear"></div>
The SMTP sampler can optionally use a local trust store or trust all certificates.
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="opt_jdbc">
1.2.5 JDBC Driver<a class="sectionlink" href="#opt_jdbc" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
You will need to add your database vendor's JDBC driver to the <a href="#classpath">classpath</a> if you want to do JDBC testing.
Make sure the file is a jar file, not a zip.
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="opt_jms">
1.2.6 JMS client<a class="sectionlink" href="#opt_jms" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
JMeter now includes the JMS API from Apache Geronimo, so you just need to add the appropriate JMS Client implementation
jar(s) from the JMS provider. Please refer to their documentation for details.
There may also be some information on the <a href="">JMeter Wiki</a>.
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="libraries_activemq">
1.2.7 Libraries for ActiveMQ JMS<a class="sectionlink" href="#libraries_activemq" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
You will need to add the jar <span class="code">activemq-all-X.X.X.jar</span> to your classpath, e.g. by storing it in the <span class="code">lib/</span> directory.
See <a href="">ActiveMQ initial configuration page</a>
for details.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">
See the <a href="#classpath">JMeter Classpath</a> section for more details on installing additional jars.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="section">
<h1 id="install">
1.3 Installation<a class="sectionlink" href="#install" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
We recommend that most users run the <a href="">latest release</a>.
To install a release build, simply unzip the zip/tar file into the directory
where you want JMeter to be installed. Provided that you have a JRE/JDK correctly installed
and the <span class="code">JAVA_HOME</span> environment variable set, there is nothing more for you to do.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">
There can be problems (especially with client-server mode) if the directory path contains any spaces.
<div class="clear"></div>
The installation directory structure should look something like this (where <span class="code">X.Y</span> is version number):
<pre class="source">
You can rename the parent directory (i.e. <span class="code">apache-jmeter-X.Y</span>) if you want, but do not change any of the sub-directory names.
<div class="section">
<h1 id="running">
1.4 Running JMeter<a class="sectionlink" href="#running" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
To run JMeter, run the <span class="code">jmeter.bat</span> (for Windows) or <span class="code">jmeter</span> (for Unix) file.
These files are found in the <span class="code">bin</span> directory.
After a short time, the JMeter GUI should appear.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">GUI mode should only be used for creating the test script, CLI mode (NON GUI) must be used for load testing</div>
<div class="clear"></div>
There are some additional scripts in the <span class="code">bin</span> directory that you may find useful.
Windows script files (the .CMD files require Win2K or later):
<span class="code">jmeter.bat</span>
<dd>run JMeter (in GUI mode by default)</dd>
<span class="code">jmeterw.cmd</span>
<dd>run JMeter without the windows shell console (in GUI mode by default)</dd>
<span class="code">jmeter-n.cmd</span>
<dd>drop a JMX file on this to run a CLI mode test</dd>
<span class="code">jmeter-n-r.cmd</span>
<dd>drop a JMX file on this to run a CLI mode test remotely</dd>
<span class="code">jmeter-t.cmd</span>
<dd>drop a JMX file on this to load it in GUI mode</dd>
<span class="code">jmeter-server.bat</span>
<dd>start JMeter in server mode</dd>
<span class="code">mirror-server.cmd</span>
<dd>runs the JMeter Mirror Server in CLI mode</dd>
<span class="code">shutdown.cmd</span>
<dd>Run the Shutdown client to stop a CLI mode instance gracefully</dd>
<span class="code">stoptest.cmd</span>
<dd>Run the Shutdown client to stop a CLI mode instance abruptly</dd>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">
The special name <span class="code">LAST</span> can be used with <span class="code">jmeter-n.cmd</span>, <span class="code">jmeter-t.cmd</span> and <span class="code">jmeter-n-r.cmd</span>
and means the last test plan that was run interactively.
<div class="clear"></div>
There are a few environment variables, that can be used to customize the JVM settings for JMeter. An easy way to set those is by creating a file named <span class="code">setenv.bat</span> in the <span class="code">bin</span> directory. Such a file could look like:
<pre class="source">
rem This is the content of bin\setenv.bat,
rem it will be called by bin\jmeter.bat
set JVM_ARGS=-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -Dpropname=value
The <span class="code">JVM_ARGS</span> can be used to override JVM settings in the <span class="code">jmeter.bat</span> script and will get set when starting JMeter, e.g.:
<pre class="source">
jmeter -t test.jmx &hellip;
<p>The following environment variables can be defined:</p>
<span class="code">DDRAW</span>
JVM options to influence usage of direct draw, e.g. <span class="code">-Dsun.java2d.ddscale=true</span>. Default is empty.
<span class="code">GC_ALGO</span>
JVM garbage collector options. Defaults to <span class="code">-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=250 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20</span>
<span class="code">HEAP</span>
JVM memory settings used when starting JMeter. Defaults to <span class="code">-Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m</span>
<span class="code">JMETER_BIN</span>
JMeter bin directory (must end in <span class="code">\</span>). Value will have been guessed, when <span class="code">setenv.bat</span> is called.
<span class="code">JMETER_COMPLETE_ARGS</span>
If set indicates, that <span class="code">JVM_ARGS</span> and <span class="code">JMETER_OPTS</span> are to be used, only. All other options like <span class="code">HEAP</span> and <span class="code">GC_ALGO</span> will be ignored. Default is empty.
<span class="code">JMETER_HOME</span>
installation directory. Will be guessed from location of <span class="code">jmeter.bat</span>
<span class="code">JMETER_LANGUAGE</span>
Java runtime options to specify used language. Defaults to: <span class="code">-Duser.language="en" -Duser.region="EN"</span>
<span class="code">JM_LAUNCH</span>
Name of the java executable, like <span class="code">java.exe</span> (default) or <span class="code">javaw.exe</span>
<span class="code">JVM_ARGS</span>
<dd>Java options to be used when starting JMeter. These will be added last to the java command. Default is empty</dd>
Un*x script files; should work on most Linux/Unix systems:
<span class="code">jmeter</span>
<dd>run JMeter (in GUI mode by default). Defines some JVM settings which may not work for all JVMs.</dd>
<span class="code">jmeter-server</span>
<dd>start JMeter in server mode (calls jmeter script with appropriate parameters)</dd>
<span class="code"></span>
<dd>very basic JMeter script (You may need to adapt JVM options like memory settings).</dd>
<span class="code"></span>
<dd>runs the JMeter Mirror Server in CLI mode</dd>
<span class="code"></span>
<dd>Run the Shutdown client to stop a CLI mode instance gracefully</dd>
<span class="code"></span>
<dd>Run the Shutdown client to stop a CLI mode instance abruptly</dd>
It may be necessary to set a few environment variables to configure the JVM used by JMeter. Those variables can be either set directly in the shell starting the <span class="code">jmeter</span> script. For example setting the variable <span class="code">JVM_ARGS</span> will override most pre-defined settings, for example
<pre class="source">
JVM_ARGS="-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m" jmeter -t test.jmx [etc.]
will override the HEAP settings in the script.
To set those variables permanently, you can place them in a file called <span class="code"></span> in the <span class="code">bin</span> directory. This file will be sourced when running JMeter by calling the <span class="code">jmeter</span> script. An example for <span class="code">bin/</span> could look like:
<pre class="source">
# This is the file bin/,
# it will be sourced in by bin/jmeter
# Use a bigger heap, but a smaller metaspace, than the default
export HEAP="-Xms1G -Xmx1G -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=192m"
# Try to guess the locale from the OS. The space as value is on purpose!
<p>The following environment variables can be defined:</p>
<span class="code">GC_ALGO</span>
Java runtime options to specify JVM garbage collection algorithm. Defaults to <span class="code">-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=250 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20</span>
<span class="code">HEAP</span>
Java runtime options for memory management used when JMeter is started. Defaults to <span class="code">-Xms1g -Xmx1g -X:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m</span>
<span class="code">JAVA_HOME</span>
Must point at your Java Development Kit installation. Required to run the with the "<span class="code">debug</span>" argument. On some OSes it JMeter will try its best to guess the location of the JVM.
<span class="code">JMETER_COMPLETE_ARGS</span>
If set indicates, that <span class="code">JVM_ARGS</span> and <span class="code">JMETER_OPTS</span> are to be used, only. All other options like <span class="code">HEAP</span> and <span class="code">GC_ALGO</span> will be ignored. Default is empty.
<span class="code">JMETER_HOME</span>
May point to your JMeter install dir. If empty it will be set relative to the <span class="code">jmeter</span> script.
<span class="code">JMETER_LANGUAGE</span>
Java runtime options to specify used language. Defaults to <span class="code">-Duser.language=en -Duser.region=EN</span>
<span class="code">JMETER_OPTS</span>
<dd>Java runtime options used when JMeter is started. Special options for operating systems might be added by JMeter.</dd>
<span class="code">JRE_HOME</span>
Must point at your Java Runtime installation. Defaults to <span class="code">JAVA_HOME</span> if empty. If <span class="code">JRE_HOME</span> and <span class="code">JAVA_HOME</span> are both empty, JMeter will try to guess <span class="code">JAVA_HOME</span>. If <span class="code">JRE_HOME</span> and <span class="code">JAVA_HOME</span> are both set, <span class="code">JAVA_HOME</span> is used.
<span class="code">JVM_ARGS</span>
Java options to be used when starting JMeter. These will be added before <span class="code">JMETER_OPTS</span> and after the other JVM options. Default is empty
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="classpath">
1.4.1 JMeter's Classpath<a class="sectionlink" href="#classpath" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<p>JMeter automatically finds classes from jars in the following directories:</p>
<span class="code">JMETER_HOME/lib</span>
<dd>used for utility jars</dd>
<span class="code">JMETER_HOME/lib/ext</span>
<dd>used for JMeter components and plugins</dd>
If you have developed new JMeter components,
then you should jar them and copy the jar into JMeter's <span class="code">lib/ext</span> directory.
JMeter will automatically find JMeter components in any jars found here.
Do not use <span class="code">lib/ext</span> for utility jars or dependency jars used by the plugins;
it is only intended for JMeter components and plugins.
If you don't want to put JMeter plugin jars in the <span class="code">lib/ext</span> directory,
then define the property <span class="code">search_paths</span> in <span class="code"></span>.
Utility and dependency jars (libraries etc) can be placed in the <span class="code">lib</span> directory.
If you don't want to put such jars in the <span class="code">lib</span> directory,
then define the property <span class="code">user.classpath</span> or <span class="code">plugin_dependency_paths</span>
in <span class="code"></span>. See below for an explanation of the differences.
Other jars (such as JDBC, JMS implementations and any other support libraries needed by the JMeter code)
should be placed in the <span class="code">lib</span> directory - not the <span class="code">lib/ext</span> directory,
or added to <span class="code">user.classpath</span>.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">
JMeter will only find <span class="code">.jar</span> files, not <span class="code">.zip</span>.
<div class="clear"></div>
You can also install utility Jar files in <span class="code">$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext</span>, or you can set the
property <span class="code">user.classpath</span> in <span class="code"></span>
Note that setting the <span class="code">CLASSPATH</span> environment variable will have no effect.
This is because JMeter is started with "<span class="code">java -jar</span>",
and the java command silently ignores the <span class="code">CLASSPATH</span> variable, and the <span class="code">-classpath</span>/<span class="code">-cp</span>
options when <span class="code">-jar</span> is used.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">This occurs with all Java programs, not just JMeter.</div>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="template">
1.4.2 Create Test Plan from Template<a class="sectionlink" href="#template" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<p>You have the ability to create a new Test Plan from existing template.</p>
To do so you use the menu
<span class="menuchoice"><span class="guimenuitem">File</span>&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;<span class="guimenuitem">Templates&hellip;</span></span> or Templates icon:
<a href="../images/screenshots/template_menu.png"><img src="../images/screenshots/template_menu.png" width="" height="" alt="Templates icon item"></a>
<figcaption>Templates icon item</figcaption>
A popup appears, you can then choose a template among the list:
<a href="../images/screenshots/template_wizard.png"><img src="../images/screenshots/template_wizard.png" width="" height="" alt="Templates popup"></a>
<figcaption>Templates popup</figcaption>
Some templates may need parameters input from the user. For theses ones, after a click on the create button,
a new window will appear as follow :
<a href="../images/screenshots/templates/template_parameters.png"><img src="../images/screenshots/templates/template_parameters.png" width="" height="" alt="Parameters window"></a>
<figcaption>Parameters window</figcaption>
When you are done with parameters, click on the <span class="code">Validate</span> button and the template will be created.
<p>A documentation for each template explains what to do once test plan is created from template.</p>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">
You can create your own templates following documentation <a href="../creating-templates.html">here</a>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="proxy_server">
1.4.3 Using JMeter behind a proxy<a class="sectionlink" href="#proxy_server" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
If you are testing from behind a firewall/proxy server, you may need to provide JMeter with
the firewall/proxy server hostname and port number. To do so, run the <span class="code">jmeter[.bat]</span> file
from a command line with the following parameters:
<span class="code">-E</span>
<dd>[proxy scheme to use - optional - for non-http]</dd>
<span class="code">-H</span>
<dd>[proxy server hostname or ip address]</dd>
<span class="code">-P</span>
<dd>[proxy server port]</dd>
<span class="code">-N</span>
[nonproxy hosts] (e.g. <span class="code">*|localhost</span>)
<span class="code">-u</span>
<dd>[username for proxy authentication - if required]</dd>
<span class="code">-a</span>
<dd>[password for proxy authentication - if required]</dd>
<pre class="source">jmeter -E https -H my.proxy.server -P 8000 -u username -a password -N localhost</pre>
You can also use <span class="code">--proxyScheme</span>, <span class="code">--proxyHost</span>, <span class="code">--proxyPort</span>, <span class="code">--username</span>, and <span class="code">--password</span> as parameter names
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">
Parameters provided on a command-line may be visible to other users on the system.
<div class="clear"></div>
If the proxy scheme is provided, then JMeter sets the following System properties:
<span class="code">http.proxyScheme</span>
If the proxy host and port are provided, then JMeter sets the following System properties:
<span class="code">http.proxyHost</span>
<span class="code">http.proxyPort</span>
<span class="code">https.proxyHost</span>
<span class="code">https.proxyPort</span>
The user and password used for a proxy can be given by the System properties <span class="code">http.proxyUser</span>
and <span class="code">http.proxyUser</span>. They will get overridden by the above arguments or values set in the
HTTP Samplers.
If a nonproxy host list is provided, then JMeter sets the following System properties:
<span class="code">http.nonProxyHosts</span>
<span class="code">https.nonProxyHosts</span>
So if you don't wish to set both http and https proxies,
you can define the relevant properties in <span class="code"></span> instead of using the command-line parameters.
Proxy Settings can also be defined in a Test Plan, using either the <a href="../usermanual/component_reference.html#HTTP_Request_Defaults">HTTP Request Defaults</a>
configuration or the <a href="../usermanual/component_reference.html#HTTP_Request">HTTP Request</a> sampler elements.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">
JMeter also has its own in-built Proxy Server, the <a href="../usermanual/component_reference.html#HTTP(S)_Test_Script_Recorder">HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder</a>.
This is only used for recording HTTP or HTTPS browser sessions.
This is not to be confused with the proxy settings described above, which are used when JMeter makes HTTP or HTTPS requests itself.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="non_gui">
1.4.4 CLI Mode (Command Line mode was called NON GUI mode)<a class="sectionlink" href="#non_gui" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<p>For load testing, you must run JMeter in this mode (Without the GUI) to get the optimal results from it. To do so, use
the following command options:</p>
<span class="code">-n</span>
<dd>This specifies JMeter is to run in cli mode</dd>
<span class="code">-t</span>
<dd>[name of JMX file that contains the Test Plan].</dd>
<span class="code">-l</span>
<dd>[name of JTL file to log sample results to].</dd>
<span class="code">-j</span>
<dd>[name of JMeter run log file].</dd>
<span class="code">-r</span>
Run the test in the servers specified by the JMeter property "<span class="code">remote_hosts</span>"
<span class="code">-R</span>
<dd>[list of remote servers] Run the test in the specified remote servers</dd>
<span class="code">-g</span>
<dd>[path to CSV file]&nbsp;generate report dashboard only</dd>
<span class="code">-e</span>
<dd>generate report dashboard after load test</dd>
<span class="code">-o</span>
<dd>output folder where to generate the report dashboard after load test. Folder must not exist or be empty</dd>
<p>The script also lets you specify the optional firewall/proxy server information:</p>
<span class="code">-H</span>
<dd>[proxy server hostname or ip address]</dd>
<span class="code">-P</span>
<dd>[proxy server port]</dd>
<pre class="source">jmeter -n -t my_test.jmx -l log.jtl -H my.proxy.server -P 8000</pre>
If the property <span class="code">jmeterengine.stopfail.system.exit</span> is set to <span class="code">true</span> (default is <span class="code">false</span>),
then JMeter will invoke <span class="code">System.exit(1)</span> if it cannot stop all threads.
Normally this is not necessary.
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="server">
1.4.5 Server Mode<a class="sectionlink" href="#server" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
For <a href="remote-test.html">distributed testing</a>, run JMeter in server mode on the remote node(s), and then control the server(s) from the GUI.
You can also use CLI mode to run remote tests.
To start the server(s), run <span class="code">jmeter-server[.bat]</span> on each server host.
<p>The script also lets you specify the optional firewall/proxy server information:</p>
<span class="code">-H</span>
<dd>[proxy server hostname or ip address]</dd>
<span class="code">-P</span>
<dd>[proxy server port]</dd>
<pre class="source">jmeter-server -H my.proxy.server -P 8000</pre>
If you want the server to exit after a single test has been run, then define the JMeter property <span class="code">server.exitaftertest=true</span>.
<p>To run the test from the client in CLI mode, use the following command:</p>
<pre class="source">
jmeter -n -t testplan.jmx -r [-Gprop=val] [] [-X]
<span class="code">-G</span>
<dd>is used to define JMeter properties to be set in the servers</dd>
<span class="code">-X</span>
<dd>means exit the servers at the end of the test</dd>
<span class="code">-Rserver1,server2</span>
can be used instead of <span class="code">-r</span> to provide a list of servers to start.
Overrides <span class="code">remote_hosts</span>, but does not define the property.
If the property <span class="code">jmeterengine.remote.system.exit</span> is set to <span class="code">true</span> (default is <span class="code">false</span>),
then JMeter will invoke <span class="code">System.exit(0)</span> after stopping RMI at the end of a test.
Normally this is not necessary.
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="override">
1.4.6 Overriding Properties Via The Command Line<a class="sectionlink" href="#override" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
Java system properties and JMeter properties can be overridden directly on the command lin
(instead of modifying <span class="code"></span>).
To do so, use the following options:
<span class="code">-D[prop_name]=[value]</span>
<dd>defines a java system property value.</dd>
<span class="code">-J[prop_name]=[value]</span>
<dd>defines a local JMeter property.</dd>
<span class="code">-G[prop_name]=[value]</span>
<dd>defines a JMeter property to be sent to all remote servers.</dd>
<span class="code">-G[propertyfile]</span>
<dd>defines a file containing JMeter properties to be sent to all remote servers.</dd>
<span class="code">-L[category]=[priority]</span>
<dd>overrides a logging setting, setting a particular category to the given priority level.</dd>
The <span class="code">-L</span> flag can also be used without the category name to set the root logging level.
<pre class="source">
jmeter -Duser.dir=/home/mstover/jmeter_stuff \
-Jremote_hosts= -Ljmeter.engine=DEBUG
<pre class="source">jmeter -LDEBUG</pre>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">
The command line properties are processed early in startup, but after the logging system has been set up.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="logging">
1.4.7 Logging and error messages<a class="sectionlink" href="#logging" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">
Since 3.2, JMeter logging is not configured through properties file(s) such as <span class="code"></span> any more,
but it is configured through a <a href="" target="_blank">Apache Log4j 2</a> configuration file
(<span class="code">log4j2.xml</span> in the directory from which JMeter was launched, by default) instead.
Also, every code including JMeter and plugins MUST use <a href="" target="_blank">SLF4J</a> library
to leave logs since 3.2.
<div class="clear"></div>
Here is an example <span class="code">log4j2.xml</span> file which defines two log appenders and loggers for each category.
<pre class="source">&lt;Configuration status="WARN" packages="org.apache.jmeter.gui.logging"&gt;
&lt;!-- The main log file appender to jmeter.log in the directory from which JMeter was launched, by default. --&gt;
&lt;File name="jmeter-log" fileName="${sys:jmeter.logfile:-jmeter.log}" append="false"&gt;
&lt;pattern&gt;%d %p %c{1.}: %m%n&lt;/pattern&gt;
&lt;!-- Log appender for GUI Log Viewer. See below. --&gt;
&lt;GuiLogEvent name="gui-log-event"&gt;
&lt;pattern&gt;%d %p %c{1.}: %m%n&lt;/pattern&gt;
&lt;!-- Root logger --&gt;
&lt;Root level="info"&gt;
&lt;AppenderRef ref="jmeter-log" /&gt;
&lt;AppenderRef ref="gui-log-event" /&gt;
&lt;!-- SNIP --&gt;
# Apache HttpClient logging examples
&lt;!-- # Enable header wire + context logging - Best for Debugging --&gt;
&lt;Logger name="org.apache.http" level="debug" /&gt;
&lt;Logger name="org.apache.http.wire" level="error" /&gt;
&lt;!-- SNIP --&gt;
So, if you want to change the log level for <span class="code">org.apache.http</span> category to debug level for instance,
you can simply add (or uncomment) the following logger element in <span class="code">log4j2.xml</span> file before launching JMeter.
<pre class="source"> &lt;Loggers&gt;
&lt;!-- SNIP --&gt;
&lt;Logger name="org.apache.http" level="debug" /&gt;
&lt;!-- SNIP --&gt;
For more detail on how to configure <span class="code">log4j2.xml</span> file,
please see <a href="" target="_blank">Apache Log4j 2 Configuration</a> page.
Log level for specific categories or root logger can be overridden directly on the command line (instead of modifying <span class="code">log4j2.xml</span>) as well.
To do so, use the following options:
<span class="code">-L[category]=[priority]</span>
Overrides a logging setting, setting a particular category to the given priority level.
Since 3.2, it is recommended to use a full category name (e.g, <span class="code">org.apache.jmeter</span> or <span class="code"></span>),
but if the category name starts with either <span class="code">jmeter</span> or <span class="code">jorphan</span>, <span class="code">org.apache.</span>
will be prepended internally to the category name input to construct a full category name (i.e, <span class="code">org.apache.jmeter</span> or <span class="code">org.apache.jorphan</span>) for backward compatibility.
<pre class="source">jmeter -Ljmeter.engine=DEBUG</pre>
<pre class="source">jmeter -Lorg.apache.jmeter.engine=DEBUG</pre>
<pre class="source">jmeter</pre>
<pre class="source">jmeter -LDEBUG</pre>
<b>Differences in Logging : Old vs New Practices</b>:
As JMeter uses SLF4J as logging API and Apache Log4j 2 as a logging framework since 3.2, not every log level
used before 3.2 can match exactly with one of the new available log levels provided by SLF4J/Log4j2.
Therefore, please keep the following differences and new suggested practices in mind
if you need to migrate any existing logging configurations and logging code.
<th>Old Practices Before 3.2</th>
<th>New Practices Since 3.2</th>
Logger Reference
Logger reference through <span class="code">LoggingManager</span>:
<pre class="source">LoggingManager.getLoggerFor(String category);
Use SLF4J API with either category or explicit class:
<pre class="source">LoggerFactory.getLogger(String category);
Log Levels in Configuration or Command Line Arguments
Old Log Levels:
<span class="code">DEBUG</span>
<span class="code">INFO</span>
<span class="code">WARN</span>
<span class="code">ERROR</span>
<span class="code">FATAL_ERROR</span>
<span class="code">NONE</span>
Mapping to New Levels through SLF4J/Log4j2:
<span class="code">DEBUG</span>
<span class="code">INFO</span>
<span class="code">WARN</span>
<span class="code">ERROR</span>
<span class="code">ERROR</span>
<span class="code">OFF</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">
Since <span class="code">FATAL_ERROR</span> is not supported by SLF4J API,
it is treated as <span class="code">ERROR</span> instead for existing code not to break.
There is also the <span class="code">FATAL</span> log level option.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">
<span class="code">TRACE</span> level, which is less specific than <span class="code">DEBUG</span>, is supported additionally since 3.2.
Look up SLF4J or Apache Log4J 2 documentations for details.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">
JMeter does not generally use pop-up dialog boxes for errors, as these would interfere with
running tests. Nor does it report any error for a mis-spelt variable or function; instead the
reference is just used as is. See <a href="functions.html">Functions and Variables for more information</a>.
<div class="clear"></div>
If JMeter detects an error during a test, a message will be written to the log file.
The log file name is defined in the <span class="code">log4j2.xml</span> file (or using the <span class="code">-j</span> option, see below).
It defaults to <span class="code">jmeter.log</span>, and will be found in the directory from which JMeter was launched.
The menu <span class="menuchoice"><span class="guimenuitem">Options</span>&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;<span class="guimenuitem">Log Viewer</span></span>
displays the log file in a bottom pane on main JMeter window.
In the GUI mode, the number of error/fatal messages logged in the log file is displayed at top-right.
<a href="../images/screenshots/log_errors_counter.png"><img src="../images/screenshots/log_errors_counter.png" width="" height="" alt="Error/fatal counter"></a>
<figcaption>Error/fatal counter</figcaption>
The command-line option <span class="code">-j jmeterlogfile</span> allow to process
after the initial properties file is read,
and before any further properties are processed.
It therefore allows the default of <span class="code">jmeter.log</span> to be overridden.
The jmeter scripts that take a test plan name as a parameter (e.g. <span class="code">jmeter-n.cmd</span>) have been updated
to define the log file using the test plan name,
e.g. for the test plan <span class="code">Test27.jmx</span> the log file is set to <span class="code">Test27.log</span>.
When running on Windows, the file may appear as just <b>jmeter</b> unless you have set Windows to show file extensions.
[Which you should do anyway, to make it easier to detect viruses and other nasties that pretend to be text files &hellip;]
As well as recording errors, the <span class="code">jmeter.log</span> file records some information about the test run. For example:
<pre class="source">
2017-03-01 12:19:20,314 INFO o.a.j.JMeter: Version 3.2.20170301
2017-03-01 12:19:45,314 INFO o.a.j.g.a.Load: Loading file: c:\mytestfiles\BSH.jmx
2017-03-01 12:19:52,328 INFO o.a.j.e.StandardJMeterEngine: Running the test!
2017-03-01 12:19:52,384 INFO o.a.j.e.StandardJMeterEngine: Starting 1 threads for group BSH. Ramp up = 1.
2017-03-01 12:19:52,485 INFO o.a.j.e.StandardJMeterEngine: Continue on error
2017-03-01 12:19:52,589 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread BSH1-1 started
2017-03-01 12:19:52,590 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread BSH1-1 is done
2017-03-01 12:19:52,691 INFO o.a.j.e.StandardJMeterEngine: Test has ended
<p>The log file can be helpful in determining the cause of an error,
as JMeter does not interrupt a test to display an error dialogue.</p>
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="options">
1.4.8 Full list of command-line options<a class="sectionlink" href="#options" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
Invoking JMeter as "<span class="code">jmeter -?</span>" will print a list of all the command-line options.
These are shown below.
<pre class="source">
print command line options and exit
-h, --help
print usage information and exit
-v, --version
print the version information and exit
-p, --propfile &lt;argument&gt;
the jmeter property file to use
-q, --addprop &lt;argument&gt;
additional JMeter property file(s)
-t, --testfile &lt;argument&gt;
the jmeter test(.jmx) file to run
-l, --logfile &lt;argument&gt;
the file to log samples to
-i, --jmeterlogconf &lt;argument&gt;
jmeter logging configuration file (log4j2.xml)
-j, --jmeterlogfile &lt;argument&gt;
jmeter run log file (jmeter.log)
-n, --nongui
run JMeter in nongui mode
-s, --server
run the JMeter server
-H, --proxyHost &lt;argument&gt;
Set a proxy server for JMeter to use
-P, --proxyPort &lt;argument&gt;
Set proxy server port for JMeter to use
-N, --nonProxyHosts &lt;argument&gt;
Set nonproxy host list (e.g. *|localhost)
-u, --username &lt;argument&gt;
Set username for proxy server that JMeter is to use
-a, --password &lt;argument&gt;
Set password for proxy server that JMeter is to use
-J, --jmeterproperty &lt;argument&gt;=&lt;value&gt;
Define additional JMeter properties
-G, --globalproperty &lt;argument&gt;=&lt;value&gt;
Define Global properties (sent to servers)
e.g. -Gport=123
-D, --systemproperty &lt;argument&gt;=&lt;value&gt;
Define additional system properties
-S, --systemPropertyFile &lt;argument&gt;
additional system property file(s)
-f, --forceDeleteResultFile
force delete existing results files and web report folder if present before starting the test
-L, --loglevel &lt;argument&gt;=&lt;value&gt;
[category=]level e.g. jorphan=INFO, jmeter.util=DEBUG or
-r, --runremote
Start remote servers (as defined in remote_hosts)
-R, --remotestart &lt;argument&gt;
Start these remote servers (overrides remote_hosts)
-d, --homedir &lt;argument&gt;
the jmeter home directory to use
-X, --remoteexit
Exit the remote servers at end of test (CLI mode)
-g, --reportonly &lt;argument&gt;
generate report dashboard only, from a test results file
-e, --reportatendofloadtests
generate report dashboard after load test
-o, --reportoutputfolder &lt;argument&gt;
output folder for report dashboard
Note: the JMeter log file name is formatted as a SimpleDateFormat (applied to the current date)
if it contains paired single-quotes, .e.g. '<span class="code">jmeter_'yyyyMMddHHmmss'.log</span>'
If the special name <span class="code">LAST</span> is used for the <span class="code">-t</span>, <span class="code">-j</span> or <span class="code">-l</span> flags,
then JMeter takes that to mean the last test plan
that was run in interactive mode.
<div class="subsection">
<h2 id="shutdown">
1.4.9 CLI mode shutdown<a class="sectionlink" href="#shutdown" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
Prior to version 2.5.1, JMeter invoked <span class="code">System.exit()</span> when a CLI mode test completed.
This caused problems for applications that invoke JMeter directly, so JMeter no longer invokes <span class="code">System.exit()</span>
for a normal test completion. [Some fatal errors may still invoke <span class="code">System.exit()</span>]
JMeter will exit all the non-daemon threads it starts, but it is possible that some non-daemon threads
may still remain; these will prevent the JVM from exiting.
To detect this situation, JMeter starts a new daemon thread just before it exits.
This daemon thread waits a short while; if it returns from the wait, then clearly the
JVM has not been able to exit, and the thread prints a message to say why.
The property <span class="code">jmeter.exit.check.pause</span> can be used to configure the delay before printing non-daemon threads.
If set to <span class="code">0</span> (default value), then JMeter does not print non-terminated threads at the end of the test.
<div class="section">
<h1 id="configuring_jmeter">
1.5 Configuring JMeter<a class="sectionlink" href="#configuring_jmeter" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
If you wish to modify the properties with which JMeter runs you need to
either modify the <span class="code"></span> in the <span class="code">/bin</span> directory or create
your own copy of the <span class="code"></span> and specify it in the command line.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="note">
Note: You can define additional JMeter properties in the file defined by the
JMeter property <span class="code"></span> which has the default value <span class="code"></span>.
The file will be automatically loaded if it is found in the current directory
or if it is found in the JMeter bin directory.
Similarly, <span class="code"></span> is used to update system properties.
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="properties">
<div class="property title">
<div class="name title">Attribute</div>
<div class="description title">Description</div>
<div class="required title">Required</div>
<div class="property">
<div class="name req-true">ssl.provider</div>
<div class="description req-true">You can specify the class for your SSL
implementation if you don't want to use the built-in Java implementation.
<div class="required req-true">
<div class="property">
<div class="name req-true">xml.parser</div>
<div class="description req-true">
You can specify an implementation as your XML
parser. The default value is: <span class="code">org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser</span>
<div class="required req-true">
<div class="property">
<div class="name req-true">remote_hosts</div>
<div class="description req-true">
Comma-delimited list of remote JMeter hosts (or <span class="code">host:port</span> if required).
If you are running JMeter in a distributed environment, list the machines where
you have JMeter remote servers running. This will allow you to control those
servers from this machine's GUI
<div class="required req-true">
<div class="property">
<div class="name req-true">not_in_menu</div>
<div class="description req-true">A list of components you do not want to see in
JMeter's menus. As JMeter has more and more components added, you may wish to
customize your JMeter to show only those components you are interested in.
You may list their classname or their class label (the string that appears
in JMeter's UI) here, and they will no longer appear in the menus.</div>
<div class="required req-true">
<div class="property">
<div class="name req-true">search_paths</div>
<div class="description req-true">
List of paths (separated by <span class="code">;</span>) that JMeter will search for JMeter plugin classes,
for example additional samplers. A path item can either be a jar file or a directory.
Any jar file in such a directory will be automatically included in <span class="code">search_paths</span>,
jar files in sub directories are ignored.
The given value is in addition to any jars found in the <span class="code">lib/ext</span> directory.
<div class="required req-true">
<div class="property">
<div class="name req-true">user.classpath</div>
<div class="description req-true">
List of paths that JMeter will search for utility and plugin dependency classes.
Use your platform path separator to separate multiple paths.
A path item can either be a jar file or a directory.
Any jar file in such a directory will be automatically included in <span class="code">user.classpath</span>,
jar files in sub directories are ignored.
The given value is in addition to any jars found in the lib directory.
All entries will be added to the class path of the system class loader
and also to the path of the JMeter internal loader.
<div class="required req-true">
<div class="property">
<div class="name req-true">plugin_dependency_paths</div>
<div class="description req-true">
List of paths (separated by <span class="code">;</span>) that JMeter will search for utility
and plugin dependency classes.
A path item can either be a jar file or a directory.
Any jar file in such a directory will be automatically included in <span class="code">plugin_dependency_paths</span>,
jar files in sub directories are ignored.
The given value is in addition to any jars found in the <span class="code">lib</span> directory
or given by the <span class="code">user.classpath</span> property.
All entries will be added to the path of the JMeter internal loader only.
For plugin dependencies using <span class="code">plugin_dependency_paths</span> should be preferred over
<span class="code">user.classpath</span>.
<div class="required req-true">
<div class="property">
<div class="name req-true"></div>
<div class="description req-true">
Name of file containing additional JMeter properties.
These are added after the initial property file, but before the <span class="code">-q</span> and <span class="code">-J</span> options are processed.
<div class="required req-true">
<div class="property">
<div class="name req-true"></div>
<div class="description req-true">
Name of file containing additional system properties.
These are added before the <span class="code">-S</span> and <span class="code">-D</span> options are processed.
<div class="required req-true">
The command line options and properties files are processed in the following order:
<span class="code">-p propfile</span>
<span class="code"></span> (or the file from the <span class="code">-p</span> option) is then loaded
<span class="code">-j logfile</span>
<li>Logging is initialised</li>
<span class="code"></span> is loaded
<span class="code"></span> is loaded
<li>all other command-line options are processed</li>
See also the comments in the <span class="code"></span>, <span class="code"></span> and <span class="code"></span> files for further information on other settings you can change.
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